Second Chances

Chapter 5



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TITLE: Shannon


DISCLAIMER: Applies to the whole fic, so don’t complain that I don’t repeat it. I just don’t like doing headers every chapter. Kim Possible, and all related characters are property of Disney. Kigo and the premise of belongs to the person who created the idea. I don’t own either one, but I do own the ideas I put into my stories, regardless of how abstract they maybe. Unless they are based off of other people’s ideas, then I’m just being a hack.

Ango Anne/Shego and Anon Anne/Shanon OC who is my idea of what Shego’s mother may have been like are property of me, but feel free to write them if you want. Even if they are creepy ideas.

SUMMARY: Thanks to an accident Shego thinks she's fifteen. Things seem to be taking on a new level of complexity because of it, but is it really the only problem she has?

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 2080

Kim sat on one end of the couch facing Sara, who was seated on the other end.

“Sara…we seriously need to talk…”

Sara’s eyes grew wide. There was only one thing something like that could mean.

“Sara, it’s not-”

The sound of a door bell cut Kim short though, and the teenager got up to answer it with a frown.

She was expecting something to interrupt her; it was the way things worked when she had something important to say.

Behind the door was something she hadn’t expected though.

Or rather someone.

“Hello…Are you Kim Possible? I’m Shannon Conner.”

Sara stared at the woman she knew has her mother. The woman’s dark chocolate brown hair hung in a loose ponytail held by a ribbon that was tied into a neat bow, white roots sprinkled throughout. Over the woman’s left eye was an eye patch with a thin scar running from the inside of her eyebrow to her cheek.

She wore a jean shirt that was unbuttoned, with a dark t shirt underneath. Slightly torn jeans and a pair of worn combat boots completed the ensemble. But even the woman’s dress and appearance didn’t make it impossible to notice the sword that had been stuck through the back of her belt. It was reminiscent of a wakizashi, but there was no blade guard, instead it looked as if the handle and the sheath had used to be one piece of smooth white ash, the only break in the smooth polish was a small dragonfly etched into the sheath. It was now leaned up against the chair she was sitting in, the handle in her finger tips.

“Mommy?” Sara’s voice was a squeak. Even knowing that she was missing years couldn’t prepare her for how much her mother had changed.

“So you can recognize your own mother.” The woman smiled, “I was a little worried when you walked by me in the mall without noticing I was there. I’m sorry it’s been so long Sara…I had some problems to work out. But I’m here again.”

Kim’s mind buzzed as she looked at the woman in front of her, “Do…Do you have a glow like Sara?”

The woman’s smile didn’t falter as her lone eye flicked, “Something like one…it’s rather complicated to get into actually…side effects of that damned comet you see are different for pretty much everyone you see. To put it simply…I’m half-dead. Just dead enough not to exist, alive enough not to be dead.” Her voice trailed off and she looked at the two on the couch, “Anymore questions?”

Sara’s innocent gaze was unbroken as she stared in awe, “Why do you need a sword? You were never violent before…” Her voice trailed off as her mind tried to fit the pieces that it knew, and knew it was supposed to know, together. The puzzle simply wasn’t making sense, and started to give her a headache.

“Demon hunting. Rather dangerous actually…but one has to do something to pay for things, even if you are half-dead. I can’t do normal work thanks to my…condition, so I went with the first thing I could find that helped people, and let me earn cash. That line of work, by the way, is how I got the eye patch if you’re wondering.” She looked over at the teenager as she said the last part.

Kim looked away, pretending she had never been staring at the woman, or the eye patch.

Something in her voice told the girls listening that they weren’t going to get a better explanation, much less any more answers, so it meant it was their turn to answer some questions. Or at least provide some sort of explanation to everything.

“Um…Mrs.…Conner?” Kim paused and felt relief as the woman nodded, “Sara…is well….a bit out of it….there was a screw-up and she can’t remember anything that happened past her fifteenth birthday, save for this last week.”

Shannon looked over at Sara who shyly looked away, “I see….so…Kim…” She turned back to the red headed teenager with interest, “Are you taking good care of my daughter? I can tell she likes you, and that you are trying not to like her, but I can’t tell how you’re treating her.” A finger rubbed the sword hilt as the woman spoke.

Kim gulped, “I…err…that is…”

The woman leaned back with a grin, “Relax…you really are Anne’s daughter…you look just like she did when she was nervous. Very cute that is.” The woman’s cheeks were a little flushed as she spoke of the red headed woman that regularly lived in her dreams. “She leading a good life?”

Kim nodded weakly, “She still misses you...I think she can’t let go of what…you two had”

Shannon sighed, “Twenty years is a long time to hang onto someone she knew for one night though.” Even though I’m extremely guilty of it…I was hoping she would be alright.

Kim and Sara nodded weakly.

Shannon smiled again, “So who wants to play a game of Scrabble?”

Anne was having a hard time believing what she was seeing as she walked in. Three figures where hunched over the coffee table playing a vicious game of Scrabble.

It was easy to see which two were Kim and Sara, but it was hard to tell right away who the other woman was.

The woman glanced up and smiled, “Oh….Hello Anne, long time no see, eh?”

Anne was never a fainter before in life, but it seemed like a good time to make an exception to that. So she did.

“Anne….I’m sorry I left…I actually had no choice…I flunked out of being a nurse…” Rambling to an unconscious woman…apparently you really have no spine Shannon…

“You…you could have told me…” Anne’s eyes met the other woman’s saddened gaze as she came too. “I worried about you, hell I even had a private investegator look for you!”

Shannon sighed as she looked away, ignoring the bite of Anne's words as best as possible, “Looks like we both moved on though…”

A soft hand met the pale woman’s. “Only so much though…Damn it…I still love you…but we can’t be together again. I love my family too much to just give them up for something else….even something as wondrous as you are Shannon.”

Shannon nodded weakly, “I…I know…I have a family too...Or rather what’s left of my family. I lost Troy when the comet hit.” She paused and calmed herself down, “Though you got to admit our daughters growing up with the same taste in women as we did is very sweet.”

Anne smirked, “I loved the glow your skin gives off in the dim light, but Kim apparently likes that glow to be greener.”

Shannon smiled, “And my daughter is just as stubborn as I…though it’s cuter to have her obsessing over someone rather than me.”

Anne sat up in her bed, “I know the feeling…It’s actually rather funny how much alike, yet different they are from us.”

The two were nose to nose now, gentle smiles on their faces. They knew what they wanted, but they weren’t the same hormonal woman they had been when they were younger. Their love had a chance, and still strived, and that more than enough reason for both of them, but they denied their lusting bodies the sex that they craved. Things had changed since they had last encountered each other.

It hurt to think that they could no longer pick up where they had left off, but it felt good to know that they were at least together again.

Kim and Shego were sleeping on the couch, having dozed off in each other’s arms during a movie.

Shannon smiled and closed the front door behind her as she left. Anne knew the woman was leaving this time, so it didn’t hurt to go this time. Besides she planned to be back.

There was a lot of catching up still to do. A lot of time to make up for.

And one daughter she needed to reconnect with again. Her sons had been important to her, but Sara was special. The two of them connected in a way only a mother and daughter could ever, and often the two spent time together just because they could.

And Shannon planned to spend at least a little time with her daughter before everything could unravel.


“Yes Pumpkin…?”

“I don’t want to lose you….please don’t make me lose you…” The teenager was talking in her sleep, much to the woman’s surprise.

“Alright Pumpkin…but only if I can love you all I want…”

The teenage twisted a little in her sleeping state, “Only if I can love you too…”

The confessions of the sleep talkers may not be the most romantic, but they were the most honest confessions that a person could ever hear.

Nuzzling was a good way to wake Kim.

Nuzzling her and being Sara was even a better way to do it.

Kim moaned and tried to roll away from the girl who was holding her.

That in turn resulted in her rolling off the couch, and landing with a painful reminder that a couch was not roomy enough to roll away from anything.

Much less a pouting woman who had been sharing the couch with her.

Damn it…everyone keeps telling to just let myself go…to let my heart win out.

It’s temping now…more so than it needs to be.

Screw it…consequences can come later. She pulled herself back up on the couch, and pulled the woman close to her, nuzzling into a happily shocked snuggle buddy.

I’m probably going to hate myself later when Drakken fixes what he did…but I can deal with it when the time comes. Because right now is so totally worth it to just have her.

Mmmmm….what….Oh…it’s Kim. Sara smiled as she nuzzled the top of the teenager’s head tenderly. See Kim…? It’s not that bad is it?

I just wish you’d understand this when you’re awake.

The body in her arms twisted to that they were nose to nose. Neither of them was having an easy time as they lay there, hearts pounding like that of a pair of humming bird’s.


Kim smiled, “Completely…”

Their lips met sweetly as the teenager pushed her mouth into the surprised woman’s.

Kim held then lingered a bit as she pulled away slowly. “Understand now?”

Sara nodded weakly.

“Good.” The teenager smiled softly as she looked at the woman next to her. “You…You made me realize something….when we were in the kitchen. You made me realize that I wasn’t just being a horny teenager lusting after a beautiful woman…that I’m ….I’m a person who has been in love with the very person I thought I hated.”

Kim paused for a moment and thought about it, “But…I was obsessed not just because that I wanted to win…wanted to prove I could live without you…that I didn’t need you there for me to feel happy…I was wrong…and I’m sorry.”

The pale green woman smiled, “Princess…no need to apologize…I’m not that woman anymore, nor will I ever let anything change that. I’m Sara, now and forever. Okay?”

Kim nodded slowly, her heart wishing it could be true. Yearning for it to be true.

“Good…now can you get your hand out of my pants? Cause your fingers are cold.”

It’s good to see you’re doing alright Sara. I was worried when you did the whole ‘rouge superhero going evil’ bit. But it looks like you’re finally settling down.

The woman smiled and slid the sword through a special loop on her belt so that her hands where free as she crouched, then pushed off, her body throwing itself into the air. Her fingers curled as her palms connected with a branch over head, and she twisted in mid-air, her legs swinging upward now.

She let go as her body twisted, landing on the branch with a crouch.

I’ll be back later to check-up on you Sara…don’t worry…I just have some work to do.

A/N: Short chapter…I know, but I refuse to put more into a chapter than what I am using the chapter for.

Naturally, leave it to me to screw with things by making them…complicated. Kim and Sara are an item now, but now we have Shannon floating about not literally of course who has some kind of work to do in Middleton.

And will Drakken ever come up with a solution for his blunder? Perhaps…..But don’t quote me on that.

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