Second Chances

Chapter 4

Assertive Personalities


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TITLE: Assertive Personalities


DISCLAIMER: Applies to the whole fic, so don’t complain that I don’t repeat it. I just don’t like doing headers every chapter. Kim Possible, and all related characters are property of Disney. Kigo and the premise of belongs to the person who created the idea. I don’t own either one, but I do own the ideas I put into my stories, regardless of how abstract they maybe. Unless they are based off of other people’s ideas, then I’m just being a hack.

Ango Anne/Shego and Anon Anne/Shanon OC who is my idea of what Shego’s mother may have been like are property of me, but feel free to write them if you want. Even if they are creepy ideas.

SUMMARY: Thanks to an accident Shego thinks she's fifteen. Things seem to be taking on a new level of complexity because of it, but is it really the only problem she has?

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 2838

Sara was lying in Kim’s bed, trying to understand what she had seen. The teenager’s scent was wafting into her nostrils with each breath, tormenting her. Taunting her. She crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. Life was taunting her, and it wasn’t fair.

Kim…why? Why do you have to be taken? You’re the nicest girl I’ve ever met…and you’re taken! It’s not fair!

The thought made her think of her mother for some reason. She felt herself sigh as her mind traveled back to two weeks before she had run away. As her mind traveled back to a conversation she had shared with her mother. Granted the conversation was really almost seven years ago, but to the girl it wasn’t that long ago, it was just a scant fourteen days.

“Sara…you can’t be a lesbian,” The older woman sighed. “Trust me…not a place you want to go. Even with how ‘accepting’ people are now in today's world, a lot are still rather…unforgiving about not being what they think is normal. Being different isn’t a blessing in today’s world.”

Sara looked at her mother, “Mom…I didn’t choose my sexual preference. But I can live with not being normal. I mean come on; I’m a social reject as it is. Nobody cares about bookworms, much less who they find attractive.”

The older woman shook her head sadly, “Alright Sara...if you’re sure you want to live that kind of life….I…I can live with it. But understand…I wish you wouldn’t.”

“Mom…” Shego’s voice reflected her annoyance.

“I know…you’re not my little girl anymore. That’s what makes it so hard to see you grown up, and making choices and taking risks all on your own. Just promise that….that if you find someone that you fall in love with…you grab a hold of them and don’t let go.” The woman’s voice was sad, and a little distant has she spoke. The tone made the hairs on Sara’s neck stand on end.

“Mom…if I ever get that lucky, I’m not letting go if God himself tells me to let go.”

The woman smiled and hugged her daughter, “That’s my stubborn little Princess.”

Alright Mom…I said I’d never let go…and I won’t. No one is going to keep me from making sure Kim doesn’t escape.

I just wish I knew how I’m going to manage to hang on…

Kim hugged the couch pillow in her sleep. It was cute to look at, and drove the poor girl nuts to know she had a sleeping problem.

Or rather it kept her from sleeping. Wrapping her arms around something made her feel less alone in the world, made her feel loved.

Her face didn’t have the same peaceful look that usually graced it while she slept though. It was hauntingly sad, her bottom lip jutting out in a pout to some unseen person.

To the casual observer she was pouting in her sleep.

To Anne though, as she pulled a blanket over her sleeping daughter, the girl looked like her soul was missing something.

“Honey….good luck with Sara…you two have something there I can’t begin to explain to you…If you just let yourself see it, then you’d understand,” the woman whispered softly to the sleeping teenager before going back to bed.

The teenager moaned softly as the woman walked away and squirmed a little, the pillow slipping out of her grasp and dropping onto the floor.

Sara found herself racing through a long corridor. Everything was a shade of green. Except It. It was a black creature lumbering after her.

Somewhere inside of her she knew she could take it. Knew she could fight it.

Green fire burst from her fists as she turned and lunged at the creature.

It swatted her into one of the green walls, a black spot forming where she hit, small tendrils snaking out of it.

She lunged again, and it slammed her into the ground, crushing her, black tendrils snacking from her pinned body.

Everything was growing darker now.

And then there was nothing but the darkness.

Sara sat up with a start, sweat dripping off her forehead. Very strange nightmare… She sighed and got out of the bed. A glass of water would help; yes it would help a lot.

She rubbed her forehead, and walked down the stairs silently. The last time she had a nightmare was when she was four. And she had solved that by crawling into her mother’s bed.

She fished a cup out of the cupboard and filled it. The cool water felt good as it washed down her throat.

Sleeping in her mother’s bed was most definitely out. As was sleeping in Kim’s mother’s bed.

She eyed the red head on the couch from where she stood in the kitchen. Well…I wanted to be more assertive…no time like the present.

I just hope Kim is an understanding person in the mornings.

Sara set the cup down in the sink and started to slink into the living room.

She lifted the blanket slowly before sliding between the teenager and the couch, wrapping her arms around the red head.

A soft sigh telling her it was alright to be there brought a smile to her face before she fell asleep.

Two things were wrong when Kim woke up.

The first was someone was sleeping on the couch with her. Someone with green skin from the looks of the arms around her middle.

The second was one of the hands was under her shirt, just below her bra.

Breathe Kim…Breathe...You can handle this. Just think…you went to bed after Shego did…and she was sleeping in the bedroom…

She can’t possibly be sleeping behind me…with her hand up my shirt….

Kim’s face was turning red now. Very red.

“Mmmm…Morning Princess,” The voice was soft, almost seductive.

Kim’s heart skipped a beat, stumbled and skipped another, “Sara…?”

“The one and only…So how’re you doing sexy?”

“G-good,” Kim stuttered. This was too much. Too soon. Sara was attractive… she had Kim’s senses overload now. The intruding hand rubbed her stomach gently.

“That’s good. So what would you like to do? Stay here on the couch? Do a little creative cooking? Invent a new strip game?”

Come on Wade! Give me a mission!...Please? Luck was against her as she was forced to answer the question thanks to the lack of the ringing of her Kimmunicator. “I….uh….” She blushed as she remembered how warm Shego was compared to the rest of the house. How good it felt to be snuggled up to the woman on the couch.

“Coo…Cooking sounds good.”

Sara smiled, “So do you want to be to one wearing the whipped cream or shall I?”

Kim choked on her own breath, “I….I was thinking of a pie…I’ve always wanted to make one.”

Sara felt a little crushed on the inside, but undaunted. Easy girl, you’re going for the capture of her heart, not trying to scare her off. This is a good thing. You were getting carried away anyways. Timing is everything, especially in trying to win her away from Monique.

No offense to the girl, but I’m not going to lose. It’s a little obsessive…but I get one chance at this, and I’m not going to lose Kim to that other girl. Or any other girl.

“We can make a pie later…right now can we just cuddle and watch television?” Sara’s voice was distant, with a hint of sadness.

“Sara…You keep shifting moods so fast…I can’t understand you….You want to talk about it?”

The woman shook her head, “Not yet Princess…”

“Can you tell me where you got Princess from?” Kim twisted so she could look at the woman. She was surprised to hear the nickname from the woman.

“It’s just a term of endearment. Don’t think too much about it…okay?” Sara pecked the girl’s forehead and smiled softly, “I’m sorry I’m such a pain…blame teenage hormones…okay?”

Kim nodded, To bad you just think you’re a teenager, or else I would. There is something more there…isn’t there? Are you attracted to me, like I am you?

Do you want that same forbidden relationship I’ve been obsessing over?

A small part of her died with that thought.

I’m sorry I have to hurt us both. We can’t do it…we can’t fall in love…It wouldn’t be right.

I’m sorry…

Kim sat in the bathroom with the door locked. She had abandoned Sara and the baking to talk to Wade in private.

It was cruel and low to avoid the woman with such a tactic, but it was the only way she could be sure she could talk to the techno-genius in private.

“Wade…please tell me that Drakken has figured out how to reverse it,” Kim wasn’t asking…she was begging…pleading…for the news that the blue scientist had found a solution.

The boy shook his head, “Sorry Kim….no dice.”


Wade flinched, “That bad?”

“Worse…much worse…” Kim held her face in her free hand, “I don’t even know how to start.”

Wade shrugged, “Just do your best?”

“Alright….I’m crushing on Sara….she’s crushing on me…my mother thinks I should pursue it because apparently she had her heart broken by a missed opportunity, coincidently by a woman who looks like a pale version of Shego with brown hair. We are not touching that coincidence because of personal sanity reasons. The thing is I can’t be in a relationship with her!”

Wade tilted his head ignoring the fact Shego was pale herself, “Why not? Granted you two are rivals in work situations, but I’ve seen those fights. You two are more out there to prove who has the better skills than who can hurt who. Not to mention you two seem happier working on the same side.”

“Great…so I’ve always been crushing on her?”

Wade nodded, “Pretty much. Hate to say it Kim, but I saw this coming for a long time now. I’m just surprised that you didn’t.”

“Thanks Wade…” Kim disconnected the line and sighed. How pathetic is that? I’ve always been crushing on her…since…well we met…

Great….I’m more screwed up than I thought.

It’s not right to love your enemy though! We’re enemies for crying out loud! We’re on opposite sides for a reason!

Even if we can kick some serious ass as a tea, we’re enemies. Kim sighed again. Love…sucks.

She slapped her forehead, No not love…Lust…You’re just another horny teenager nothing more…

A desperate horny teenager.

Kim moped at the kitchen table while the pie was in the oven. She wasn’t in the mood to cook, much less help.

The woman stooped down across from the moping teenager and put her chin on the table, looking the girl in the eyes.

Kim wanted to look away, but the worry in the woman’s eyes drew her in.


“Shhh…I’m enjoying how cute you look, even while you’re moping.”

“Sara…” Kim swallowed. “We need ….need to talk…”

Sara sat at the table while Kim was out of the room, collecting what the teenager was calling ‘visual aides’.

She watched the girl of her desires walk back in with a shoe box, and three large scrap books.

“Oooo…cool…scrap books. What are they for?” Sara eyed the books with interest as Kim set them down with a heavy thump.

“Like I said…visual aides.” She handed the top on to the woman sitting across from her.

Sara opened the cover with interest, and looked over the photographs with interest. The woman in them looked like her, in a black and green jump suit, but her face was angry.

“I’ve seen this kind of jump suit before…it was in the closet back at Dr. D’s place.”

Kim nodded, “Naturally, that was your closet, and those where your jump suits, Shego.”

Something about the name caused the woman to stiffen a bit. It caused something to stir in the back of her mind. “But…this woman is so angry looking…”

Kim sighed, “You remember Drakken?”

The woman nodded slowly.

“He did something crazy, well crazier than usual at least…he was trying to figure out what had made you such an irritable person, and tried some kind of ray that made you think you’re fifteen.”

“But I am fifteen.” The woman was confused.

Kim shook her head, “You’re twenty-four. You’re an international super-thief and general body guard to Drakken. An incident when you were seventeen left you with the ability to produce green energy from your hands that you can manipulate at will. You’re not Sara, you’re Shego.”

The woman’s mouth moved, but no sound came out. Her body felt like it was being probed all over with pins and needles.

“No….I’m not her! I’m Sara Conner! I…I….I’m not some kind of villain!” Her body responded to her distress and her hands ignited as she slammed her fists into the table. “Oh my god…”

Kim nodded weakly, “You…and me….we’re enemies of sorts…We’ve had some good fights on the same side…but I save the world and you work for someone who wants to take it over…”

Sara slumped in her chair, her hands having flickered out. No….I…I can’t be that woman in the pictures…I’m Sara Conner…

The level of awkward was hard to explain as they shifted in their seats and avoided each other’s stares.

It was Sara who broke the silence, “I’m not that woman though. I may have been…but I’m Sara, not…She…go…” The name was foreign to her mouth. “Don’t you see…I don’t have to be…that angry woman any more. This…accident…is a blessing! I can live a life that doesn’t involve…that.” She waved her hand over the scrap book in front of her.

Kim swallowed, “It’s not that easy….”

Defiant eyes met hers, “Only because you say it won’t be. I don’t want to have to do anything that makes us have to fight….I want to make you happy…I want to be happy…and fighting doesn’t do it for either of us.”

Kim forced herself not to cry. The woman was right, but it wasn’t right for her to hold the woman from her real life. Damn it Shego…why do you have to be so stubborn?

The eyes across from her didn’t break their gaze as the woman slid forward over the table, her nose now next to Kim’s. “You and I both enjoy being on the same side…I can tell by how you said it.” She paused and forced herself to be stronger than she felt. Braver than she felt. “Kim…I want to be yours forever…and I’m not going back to that if it means I can’t be yours.”

Kim wanted to run, wanted to push the woman away, wanted to escape her feelings, the woman, everything. DAMN IT! Shego! PLEASE! Please…quit making this so hard…

Kim didn’t get to escape though, and swallowed with a lot of effort. “I…That is…”

She didn’t get to finish as Sara leaned that last inch, now lying on the table, one of the scrap books sliding onto the floor with a thud.

Time was a crawl now as they rode the wave of passion. Their tongues gently pushed against each other, stroking against each other tenderly as they lost themselves.

Sara leaned forward a little more, pushing towards Kim a little more. The teenager’s balance was lost and she fell backwards, on the kitchen floor, still in her chair.

They stared at each other, their faces red.

The moment had been broken, but it was impossible to ignore how it had felt.

Kim rolled and pushed herself onto her feet and sprinted to her room, slamming the door shut.

Sara sighed as she heard the lock click. It had been a gamble, one that paid off for a moment. A brief moment that was worth every last second that lingered on her lips.

She sighed and slumped, letting her arms dangle off the table as she lay on top of it.

Kim held her Pandaroo tight. It was wrong. The whole thing had been so wrong.

But it felt so right. The tingling that linger told her it had been real, and not a dream.

She wished it could have been a dream though. A dream would have been easy to deal with, but reality was harder to handle.

Kim’s lips parted into a small smile as she gently touched them. Yes…it was real.

Damn it…Forbidden fruit must be the sweetest because that is the best kiss I’ve ever gotten.

Granted it’s the only one I’ve ever had with a woman…discounting that spin the bottle incident involving Bonnie…Her body shivered as she pushed away the memory.

God…I…I want her lips against mine again…to be in that kind of embrace felt so right…

Why does loving her have to be so wrong?

A/N: So they –finally- kiss, and Sara doesn’t want anything to do with her –old- life. Will Kim just break down and let herself care about Sara like she wants too? Will Drakken find a solution to the memory suppression? Will it matter?

Will ever I stop leaving you readers with so many questions? Well maybe if you review…a lot. XD

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