Pelennor: Kim/Shego Crossosver Trilogy Story III

Part 5 - ACT ONE


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TITLE: Pelennor: Kim/Shego Crossosver Trilogy Story III

AUTHOR: RavenStar

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: The four villains have the world in a vice grip. Can Team Possible and the Titans escape The Cage and stop them?

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Romance, Slash, Crossover

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 2364

Kim Possible’s house was a pile of rubble. She stared at it.

My name is Kim.

“Kim Possible.”

Like a dream, Kim was standing in room with Slade, who was looking right at her. Furious flames of fire completely surrounded them.

Then Kim was back at her rubble-reduced house, collapsing into the arms of Shego – who was standing by her.

That's Shego, the woman whom I love.

Standing behind the women were Ron Stoppable and Rufus - Ron's pet naked mole rat; the Teen Titans - Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven; and also standing there was Red X.

That's Ron and Rufus, the Teen Titans, and Red X - who's actually SeƱor Senior Jr. - but as for right now, he's Red X. We all have one major thing in common: Slade's ruined all our lives - forever.

Then Kim was in another dream – only this time it was a flashback to the times the nightmare had reared its ugly face. She watched again, feeling just as helpless and shocked as she was the first time as her former best friend and helpful ten-year old computer genius Wade bowed to Slade. “Yes, Master.”

He turned our friend Wade against us. Wade helped trap Shego and I, Ron, the Titans in The Cage - and made us watch as he killed everyone we knew.

The Cage. Oh, god, The Cage. She could never forget what she’d seen there. It all came back to her in a flood of memories she tried to stop, but couldn’t:

Bonnie, in a Slade Apprentice outfit, protested something with Wade - and Wade stabbed her in the chest with a sword.

Behind Wade were Shego’s brothers in Team Go - Hego, Mego, and Wego 1 and Wego 2; Kim’s family - Mrs. Possible, Mr. Possible, her brothers Tim and Jim, Grandma Possible, Slim Possible, Joss Possible, and Larry Possible; Mr. Stoppable, Mrs. Stoppable - even Ron's young cousin Shawn Stoppable - and every other member of the Stoppable family. Also, there was Monique, Brick Flagg, Dr. Director, the school principal Mr. Barkin, Josh Mankey, Tara from the cheer squad, Kim’s partner on her last science project ever, Justin Flanner - even Wade’s mother. And all of them were forced to lean over and put their heads in chopping blocks - chopping blocks that had sharp guillotine blades gleaming above them.

Wade sighed at Bonnie’s dead body – pooling blood as it was – made a makeshift ladder, and released the blades.


Kim, Shego, and Ron, inside The Cage, looked away, all three of them hugging each other as they sobbed the same tears of sadness - the ones of those who were now the last of their families left on the Earth.

Then it was the Titans’ turn to stare in horror from The Cage as a new batch of people were brought to the guillotines. The Tamaranean officers Kai and Cron were the first to enter the room Thunder, Lightning, Aqualad, Tramm, Sammy, Cash, Soto and the alien dog, Spike the mechanic, Speedy, Hotspot, Wildebeest, Larry the Titan, Bumblebee, Mas y Menos, Sarasim, and the old woman Robin only knew as The True Master followed. The new prisoners were all forced to put their heads in the chopping blocks.

Wade again climbed the ladder and released the blades once again.


All of the Titans, inside The Cage, looked away. Even Raven was sobbing at the loss of so many people they had known. Overcome with grief, she cried into the first shoulder that came within her range – which so happened to be Beast Boy’s.

Then one of the three monitors outside The Cage switches to a video feed of the planet Tameran - Starfire's home planet. Starfire was still sobbing at the beheadings when Robin noticed the change in the video feed and tapped on her arm. Starfire looked up at the monitor - as the monitor right next to it changed to a video feed of her sister Blackfire – who was sitting at a huge gun. Starfire screamed and tried to punch the walls of The Cage - but was sent flying backwards by a powerful combination blast of a Taser-level electrical shock and white-hot flames. Robin helped Starfire up as she recovered - but only just in time for them to see Blackfire fire the huge gun with the nastiest of sneers. The video feed of Tameran showed the planet there - then not there when the blast from the gun destroyed it completely. Starfire screamed in pure, terrified horror inside The Cage whilst Blackfire cackled outside The Cage on the monitor.

Now Slade's got the world in his hands.

Kim couldn’t tell whether her dream was changing or if her memories were merging together. Whatever the case, the monitors outside The Cage switched to a feed of Berlin, Germany – where citizens were running terrified down the streets as Atlas, Mammoth, Cinderblock, and Overload all tromped on through the city.

Then the monitors changed to a feed of Tokyo, Japan – where Katarou and Lord Monkey Fist pointed and screamed orders to Fist’s army of monkey ninjas - who were utterly trashing the city.

The monitors changed to Sydney, Australia - where Killer Moth and DNAmy watched with delightful glee on their faces as a swarm of moths and a few of Amy’s mutant Cuddle turned the Sydney Opera House into a pile of rubble.

The monitors changed again, to Buenos Aires, Argentina – where Billy Numerous and Trident's copies looted, fought soldiers, and just destroyed in general - with Kardiak doing all of the major mop-up jobs.

But lucky for us, Red X broke us out.

The monitors melted away in Kim’s dream, and the memory of being in Red X’s car under the ocean as a door opened in the cliff ahead reappeared. Above the water bats swarmed out of a cave and flew over a mansion. Smoke from distant burning cities was so thick; there were no stars in the sky – just darkness.

Then a more recent memory reached Kim’s mind:

Kim was wearing Shego's clawed gloves and green-and-black jumpsuit - and had black hair and pale skin like Shego.

Shego was wearing Kim's tan cargo pants and black long-sleeved shirt - and had red hair and normal skin like Kim.

Shego and I disguised ourselves as each other to fool Aviarius and get Shego's superpowers back. Aviarius is dead now. Shego took care of him. And so far, Shego and I, Ron, the Titans, and X have wasted three massive armies Slade's tried to throw down at us. Now this is where it fucking ends. Slade's reign of terror is coming to an end - tonight.

Kim’s memory flooded back to almost-reality:

Kim and Shego stood in a blood-spattered room. All around them were bloodied dead bodies of many clones of themselves. Slade stood just above them, on a hidden balcony platform. The two women glared at him with an enraged fire in their eyes.

Kim’s mind snapped out of the daydream and into the present - where a three-pointed wall separated out Ron, Shego, and her; Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven; and Red X, Robin, and Starfire.

Slade, Dr. Drakken, and Brother Blood looked down upon the separated heroes. From their vantage point, with the cavern being of circular shape, the addition of the three-pointed wall made it appear that the three groups of heroes were trapped in a giant peace sign.

“Ironic fate, isn't it?” Slade asked them.

Drakken grinned a nasty grin. “Yes, most.”

Slade sighed. “Well, I suppose we best get to it.”

Blood nodded. “Yes, we should.”

Slade looked at the heroes below them. “I hope you saved your energy.”

“So, we just fought for nothin’. He was just wearin’ us down with all that…” Cyborg sighed.

“That surprises you…how much?” asked Raven.

Cyborg charged up his sonic cannon. “Not in the least.” He aimed for Slade.

“Ah ah ah, Cyborg…” Slade produced a button trigger. “You forget your little computer virus. I can give you all cancer at any time.”

“So why don't you just do it already?” Cyborg provoked.

“Because then we wouldn't have any fun!” With that, Blood leapt all the way from the balcony down into the division of the cavern with Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven.

Slade leapt from the balcony down into the division of the cavern with Red X, Robin, and Starfire.

Drakken leapt from the balcony down into the division of the cavern that had Shego, Kim, and Ron in it.

Brother Blood walked over to the side of the three-pointed wall that separated everybody out, pressing a hidden button.

Slade walked over to his side of the three-pointed wall and pressed another hidden button on it as well.

Drakken walked over to the side of the three-pointed wall, pressing another hidden button on it.

In each division of the cavern, an energy shield sprang up between each villain and their three hero counterparts before nary a fight could begin, and the floors lowered into the ground like elevators, covered up by doors of faux rock once they dipped below the surface of the cavern.

The elevator with Brother Blood, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven stopped. It opened, and the energy shield extended out across the entire room as the four of them exited the elevator.

Cyborg still had his sonic cannon charged. He aimed at Blood. “So when are you actually gonna fight?”

Blood seemed incredibly taken aback. “Cyborg…I remember you learning a great deal about patience while you were a student at the HIVE Academy…”

“Yeah, well, you used the wrong textbooks,” Beast Boy sniped. “New ones say patience was lost when our friends and families died.”

Brother Blood’s tone was possibly the furthest one could get from seriousness without risking becoming…Drakkenesque. “Beast Boy, that hurts. I wasn't the one who actually killed them, if you’ll recall - it was Wade.”

“It doesn't matter,” Raven snapped. “You helped find everybody and turn them over to Wade. You're just as guilty in this as he is.”

The elevator with Slade, Robin, Red X, and Starfire stopped. Its doors opened, and the energy shield extended out across the entire room as the four of them stepped out of the elevator.

Robin kept his bloodstained batarang sword at the ready. “You know, Slade - with all this extra time you're giving us, we're getting our energy back - even if bit by bit.”

“I'm well aware of that, Robin. And I am quite glad that I won't be fighting you while you're in the middle of being so tired and weak that you can't fight back.”

So lower that weak shield, get over here, and fight us already, you ass,” X said, growing impatient.

“Didn't your father ever teach you to treat your elders with respect, Junior?” Slade asked him. X glowered at him, and produced sharp X-shaped shurikens from the suit. Slade seemed to sneer at him under that unmoving mask. “Have patience. The time will come soon.”

Starfire glared. “The adults who raised us taught us to respect our elders, yes - but we were also taught that those who kill and torture others deserve punishment.”

“Quite so, Starfire. It would appear Tameraneans knew more than I thought.”

Starfire growled angrily at the comment. Robin just glowered more than he usually did. “So while you're bragging, Slade – what was with your massive change of plans?”


He means why'd you go all Hitler on us?” X cut in.

Slade looked like he was going to answer - but then, didn't.

The elevator with Dr. Drakken, Kim, Shego, and Ron stopped. The doors opened, and the energy shield extended out across the entire room as the four of them stepped out of the elevator. As soon as Drakken was completely out of the elevator, he took out a bo staff and got in a pre-fight stance.

“Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me…” Shego was having a hard time trying very hard not to fall into howls of uproarious guffawing. “You?” she laughed at Drakken. “Fighting us? Oh, puhlee-hee-heeze!”

“I'm afraid you're very much mistaken, Shego. I'm changed. I'm different now.”

“Yeah, you're different - different as in stupider than you were ever before!” Ron shot back.

“Oh, really?” countered Drakken. In a flash, the energy shield disappeared, he fired a shot from the ray gun hidden on his belt at Ron, and the energy shield reappeared – all before Shego and Kim could even realise what had just happened.

“RON!” Kim ran to her floored friend – who was frozen.

Drakken waved her off. “He's just stunned. Be fine in five minutes.” He broke a wide evil grin. “My days as a bragging villain are over.”

“So how's this virus thing we’ve got work?” Kim asked nonchalantly.

“HAH! Wouldn't you like to know how Slade lied to your faces, straight up?” Drakken snickered.

“He did?” asked Shego.

“YES!” laughed Drakken. “You can't ever get rid of the virus - but drinking a teaspoon of pure liquid Xinothium ore will immediately counteract with the cancer-stimulating chemical for up to a thousand years!”

Kim and Shego grinned at each other. “Really?” asked Kim.

“Yes!” Drakken cackled. “And you fools will never learn how - aw, DAH! GODDAMMIT!” he roared, extremely angry at his falling for the women’s bait. “Oh, you are going to pay for that one, Kim Possible!”

Brother Blood threw up his hands. “Now I would like to take the time to say to you all: Welcome to Fifth Area!”

The energy shield disappeared.

Slade dipped his head a little bit. “Now I would like to take the time to say to you all: Welcome to Sixth Area.”

The energy shield disappeared.

“Welcome to the Area between Sixth and Seventh Area!” Drakken gloated.

“Uh, why not just Area Six-point-Five?” asked an awoken Ron as he stood up.

“Because “Welcome to Six-point-Five Area” just doesn't flow well at all!” Drakken complained as the energy shield disappeared and he suddenly charged at them with a Banzai yell.


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