Future Eyes: Kim/Shego Crossosver Trilogy Story II



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TITLE: Future Eyes: Kim/Shego Crossosver Trilogy Story II

AUTHOR: RavenStar

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: Warp reappears in Middleton. Team Possible, now with Shego, teams with the Titans again – but Warp traps and brings them to New New York in the year 3000.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Romance, Slash, Crossover

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: I just wanted to tell you, for those who are wondering how this all ends: The finale to this story is called “Pelennor,” and already I have all of Part 1 up. Thing is, the story falls down a much darker route now, so “Pelennor” is rated M. So just change the ratings search in the Kim Possible section to “Ratings: All” and it’ll pop up. Either that, or just go to my main page to find it. Sorry that the finale’s rated M, it’s just the way I felt the story going. Anyways, just wanted to let you all know! Thanks a lot!

Words: 1662

Night. Brick Flagg’s backyard. A crowd of people, most of them with beers in their hands, were gathered around an area, cheering the way drunken high school seniors will cheer at anything.

Kim Possible planted her feet. “Ready to finish our fight, Shego?”

Shego grinned, and fired up her green energy. “Bring it on, sister.HRRAAHH!” She lunged at Kim, tackling the redhead - and the two of them splashed down into the mud pit they were fighting in while the crowd gave a rowdy, disassembled, and utterly drunken cheer.

Brick Flagg, the quarterback for Middleton High and host of the party, drunkenly thrust his beer can in the air at the sight of the two women thrashing around in the mud. “WHOOOOOOO!”

Kim and Shego traded kicks and punches, dive tackled each other, and wrestled with each other furiously, rolling around in the mud pit, splashing mud everywhere – upon anyone within range, and all over themselves. “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” the crowd edged them on. Finally, Shego pinned Kim. The pale-skinned woman raised a hand glowing with green energy like she was going to finish Kim off….then planted her lips on Kim's in a highly passionate kiss.

Completely wasted, all Josh Mankey could do was yell a garbled “YEAAHHH!” before he promptly learned the full effects of drinking too much and passed out face-first on the grass.

Shego picked Kim up, their clothes and skin caked in mud. They kept kissing as they stood up. When they finished kissing, Shego wrapped her arm around Kim's chest. The pair turned, looked at the crowd with utterly smug faces - and the crowd responded with yet another drunken cheer.

Bonnie Rockwaller was so plastered she’d completely forgotten she was Kim’s nemesis on the cheer squad. “Kim, that was – hic - soooooooo HOT!” she cried, stumbling around in her stupor.

A loud, distinctive deep-voiced yell of “YEAAH!” made Bonnie’s head turn like a socket. Standing almost right next to her was the principal of Middleton High School, Mr. Barkin – cheering, beer in hand. Bonnie stared. Then Mr. Barkin noticed the eyes upon him and turned. “You never saw me, Rockwaller. Say anything and it’s detention for the rest of the year, got it?” He slipped away. Bonnie was left staring, completely slack-jawed. She looked down at her beer.

Ron Stoppable quickly ran in front of the two Amazon warriors in the mud pit, his hands outstretched. “Alright, everybody, pay your bets!” he barked. “C’mon, don't be shy! Pay up! Pay up!” Everyone in the crowd practically threw their money at him. Rufus, Ron’s pet naked mole rat, appeared out of his pocket, dashing around everywhere to help Ron collect all the dough.

While the crowd cheered on, Kim & Shego – their faces covered in mud - smiled at each other.

“Yeah! Look at all that sweet moolah!”

Back at Kim’s house, Shego and Kim – still caked in mud – sat across the table from Ron – who was rubbing his hands at the three bundles of 75 dollars in cold-hard cash that was sitting there in front of him. “$225 even! Perfect three-way split for my lovely fellow accomplices!” he said as he doled out two of the bundles to the women. Rufus appeared and rubbed his hands gleefully at the sight of the wad of greenbacks, chittering the equivalent of “Ho ho, moneymoneymoney!”

Then Mrs. Possible entered the room and saw Kim’s mud-splattered face. “Ugh – Kimmie, not again,” she groaned – though it was really more her concern for the furniture than her daughter.

“Oh, c’mon, Mom – we’ve already made $500 after only three times doing this!” pleaded Kim.

“We’re not questioning your proclivity for success, young lady,” said Mr. Possible as he entered the room. “Your mother and I just feel you should be going the more…responsible route, y’see?”

“Aw, chill, Mr. Possible – we just had a little bit of fun on a Friday night!” Shego cut in. “Kimmie’s a high school senior! Give her a break!” She smiled at Kim after saying it.

“Hmm…” Mr. Possible thought. “Well, I can’t argue with that. I certainly had my share of bold acts during my high school tenure. I’ll never forget the time when we switched the paint chips in Janitor Bigby’s supply closet…ah….I wonder if he’s still mad at us for doing that?” he rambled.

“Y - yeah, Dad, okay…” Kim got up. “Shego and I gotta go get ready for bed. See you tomorrow morning if nothing happens!” she said cheerily, pecking a goodnight kiss on her father’s cheek. She knew he knew “If nothing happens” meant “If I don’t have to save the world in 2 minutes.”

“Goodnight, hon.” Mrs. Possible accepted a similar peck on the cheek as Kim & Shego departed.

“Welp, that’s my cue. See ya later, Mr. and Mrs. P!” Ron waved as he walked out of the door. Rufus turned and waved, gleefully chittering out the equivalent of “Yeah, later, ho hee hee!”

“Ah, kids.” Mr. Possible sighed. “Don’t know what you’ve missed till they’re gone…”

Mrs. Possible leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder. “Well, we still have Jimmy and Timmy for a few more years. That should be more than enough to handle for a while…”

“Mmm” was all Mr. Possible replied with.

The sound of water running stopped when a pale-skinned hand turned off the shower valve.

In Kim's room, Kim was on her bed reading, herself and her hair wrapped in a towel.

“Oh, Kimmie…” came a seductive voice behind her. Kim turned around.

Shego was standing there, holding a towel over her soaking wet body. She’d already shut the entrance to Kim's room. Kim smiled an incredibly dirty smile. She still had trouble believing this woman she was so in love with now had not long ago been her archenemy, determined to kill her. She walked over to Shego. Both of them had been waiting for this moment practically all day since the two had woken up. Kim wrapped her arms around the woman's dripping wet neck--

--and her communicator went off.

“Dammit!” Shego cringed.

Kim sighed in disgust, and went over to answer the communicator. “What's up, Wade?”

“The Titans say they're headed your way,” said Wade over the communicator. Wade was the 10-year old computer whiz who helped Kim save the world. “They're chasing an old foe of theirs.”

Shego’s ears perked up at the mention of the Teen Titans. “Slade?” she asked. It had been Slade, the Titans’ arch foe, who had started the whole ordeal that had led to Shego realising she was sick of committing crime as Dr. Drakken’s sidekick and wanted to be with Kim.

“Nah. Some guy named Warp,” replied Slade.

“Damn!” Shego cursed a bit more to herself. She so wanted retribution for what Slade had done.

“I’m tracking him from the signal Cyborg sent over. Looks like you can intercept em in front of the old warehouse on the intersection of 100 and Third street in the middle of downtown Middleton,” continued Wade. “I’ll give Ron a buzz, tell him to meet up with you two.”

“Thanks a bunch, Wade!” replied Kim. When the communicator went silent, she looked at Shego. “I guess we got somethin’ else we gotta finish up later, don't we, Shegee?” As all new lovers did, Kim had decided she needed to counter Shego’s purrs of “Kimmie,” “Pumpkin,” and “Sugar” with a cute nickname of her own for the woman. Finished talking, she winked at Shego.

Shego just grumbled and looked for her clothes.

The Teen Titans – Robin, Starfire, Raven. Beast Boy, and Cyborg – raced down the streets of downtown Middleton, chasing their foe Warp – who had oddly returned, seeing as he had turned into a baby the last time they had come in contact with the villain from 100 years ahead in time.

Warp, however, didn’t seem to recall being a baby. He stopped at an intersection and pressed a button on his suit. A time portal opened in front of him. “Sorry, but I must return to my time.”

“TITANS!” Robin yelled. “GET HIM!”

All the Titans lunged for Warp - but at the last possible second, Shego, Kim, and Ron came flying out of nowhere. “What?” exclaimed Warp. Shego grabbed the Vortex Modulator on his suit. “NO! STOP!” cried Warp. But Shego turned it clockwise - and by now, nobody could stop their forward momentum - everyone tumbled into the time portal – which then closed.

In New New York City in the year 3000, a hovercar drove by a building marked “Planet Express,” while a distinct voice was heard inside.

“Good news, everyone!” said the 160-year old Professor Farnsworth to his ruffian crew of package deliverers – or so he thought. He was actually talking to the wall in front of them.

The real crew – Fry, the refugee from the 20th century and Farnsworth’s god-knows-how-many-times great –uncle; Leela, the woman who was a mutant with one eye; Amy, the intern from Mars who looked very much like the people of ancient Earth’s Asia; Hermes, the Jamaican Bureaucrat; Dr. Zoidberg, the poor and starving alien - who wasn’t much of a good doctor either; and Bender, the loveable rascal of a robot. All of them were pretty much used to Farnsworth’s blubbering, so they let him carry on without saying anything.

“This next delivery is so incredibly dangerous, I've hired an extra crew to help! They should be arriving here any moment!”

Right as Farnsworth finished speaking, the time portal opened to his left - and Warp, the Titans, Kim, Shego, Ron, Rufus - and Dr. Drakken and Brother Blood, the latter another old foe of the Titans’- spilled out in a heap on the cold floor of the office.

There was an awkward silence where everyone just looked at each other.

Then Bender stood up, pointing to the sky. “To the ship!”

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