Drabble Challenge

See You Quiver With Anticipation

Lex 'Spork' Tenou

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TITLE: Drabble Challenge

AUTHOR: Lex 'Spork' Tenou

DISCLAIMER: Just a reminder, all of my stories are always published under the CreativeCommons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike license. This means that so long as you credit me and don't make any money offa it, you can appropriate my ideas. Oh, and I'd really appreciate it, if you DO want to appropriate any of these ideas, if you'd license your story in the same way.

SUMMARY: Drabble Challenge. Drabble is a story either 100 words long or a maximum of 500 words.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: To begin - for Mag's pic ‘Lunch‘ for the Kigo100 because it was the first to pop up when I looked at my DA favorites.

Mouse requested: I go whereever Shego

Words: 278

“This is not what it looks like.”

“I'd believe you a lot more if you weren't holding her hand!”

“Ron, I can explain.”

Perched on the desk at the back of the classroom, Ron pointed wildly at the calm woman who walked in with his best friend. “Less talky, more hurty!”


“Princess, you wanna let me handle this?” Shego sneered at the quivering boy huddled at the back of the classroom.

Kim sighed heavily. “Fine, go ahead.”

“It works like this, boy wonder. Drakken? He's an idiot. He decided to test his new stolen ray crap in the middle of an incursion by Kimmie here. So anytime she and I try to stop touching?” Shego pulled her hand from Kim's with some effort. Ron watched as their hands twitched, their brows furrowed in concentration. They each held their respective wrists, their fingers scrabbling in the air in an attempt to return to one another.

“Whoa.” The soft word acted as the breaking point, and their hands shot through the air to entwine together, closer than they were before. “What the heck was he going to use the ray for, anyway?”

Shego shrugged. “He was babbling about something having to do with embarrassing either the Royal Family or Hollywood. I tuned him out.”

“Besides, Ron, it got blown up.”

“So now what? You're the Wonder Twins?”

“So not the drama. Wade's working on a cure.”

“And in the meantime?”

Shego grinned, a glint of evil amusement twinkling in her eyes. “In the meantime, I'm her new best friend.”

Ron nodded. “Cool, cool. So this means that you two are gonna go to the bathroom together?”


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