
Chapter 2

Caught in the Act


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TITLE: Caught in the Act

AUTHOR: whitemountain

DISCLAIMER: Kim Possible and canon characters property of Disney. Being used without permission. This story, and additional characters copyright me under the current revision of the Berne Convention. Any use of this work allowed as long as credit is given to the originating author(s) where applicable.

SUMMARY: Kim's missions haven't always ended happy. Kim's been living on borrowed time and her luck ran out a very long time ago.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Romance, Slash

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 1392

earlier that year

Do you remember the time I got lost in the Andes for nearly a month? Well, that's not the only time I was lost for a long time. It happened exactly one other time and I heavily edited it and literally washed it out of everyone's memory.

Ron and I parachuted into a remote European mountain valley…as close as we could get to Drakken's latest lair without being detected.

Everything was going fine. Ron was being quiet for once…he even managed to keep his pants on this time. It took us about twenty minutes to penetrate the lair and get into position. We were right on time.

“Shego…behold my greatest invention yet!…uh Shego?”

Shego tossed her head and shrugged. “Doy Dr. D. All of your inventions are your greatest. Blah blah blah…”

Drakken paused and thought better than to push it. Shego had been fussy lately and he was not going to take another beating telling her that. He was very surprised when she stood up and stretched.

“Uh Shego, I didn't say anything to upset you did I?” It came out in a quaver.

“No. I'm just getting ready for Kim to jump out and foil your little scheme. She usually pops out right when you say you are finished. You hear that, Pumpkin?”

Kim rolled her eyes. Shego was looking directly at the ventilation grate where she and Ron were hiding. Chuckling softly, she hit the cover with both feet, sending it spinning into a computer bank showering the room with sparks as she jumped onto the table below.

“How long did you know, Shego?”

“Since you parachuted in if you must know Princess” she smiled.

Drakken was wringing his hands nervously. “Why didn't you say something!”

Shego shrugged again. “Kim is my problem Dr. D, not yours. Why don't you start running from the sidekick right now and I'll be nice to you later.”

With that, Drakken pressed a button on the console and vanished as a trapdoor slid open under his feet.

Ron goggled. “Bondiggity! Ready for a ride Rufus?”

“Yep, ride!”

Ron walked over and punched the same button. “Booya!”

kim, does Ron leave you alone like that a lot?

mom, it's his job when we fight Drakken…let me keep going

Shego circled around the table, Kim matching every step. Shego smiled, the side of her mouth lifting in almost a sneer.

“Looking better than ever Pumpkin.”

“What's it to you, huh? I'm taking you down this time.”

“That a promise Peaches? ‘Cause you know how I am about keeping promises” She smirked and launched.

Kim saw her twitch and somersaulted over her, catching her in the back with both feet sending her flying into the same equipment where she earlier sent the grate…sending up an even more impressive display.

“You're making this too easy Shego”

Shego, stood up and smiled at Kim, sending a shiver through her frame. That's one I haven't seen before…

Tossing her head, Shego started slowly stalking towards her, navigating the small debris in the floor effortlessly.

Kim started moving left, but Shego shifted left. She tried right, but was blocked. No choice then

Kim lunged in with a front kick, trying to take Shego in the solar plexus. Shego smiled inwardly as she saw the decision flash in Kim's green eyes and easily let the kick slide under her arm as she grabbed Kim by the leg and slammed her back into the wall, knocking the breath out of her. Shego did it four more times before she let go, finishing with a wicked triphammer series to both sides of her head and ending with a shot just missing her solar plexus.

Kim was seeing stars. Groggy, she tried another kick, trying for Shego's legs as she slid down the wall. She was rewarded with a foot smashing her leading ankle into the floor. She yelped and collapsed again, rolling to her left to try to get away from the wall.

Shego guessed wrong and missed with her knee as Kim rolled under her and away. She growled and turned around.

“No use running away Pumpkin. You are so going to lose this time!”

Kim shook her head, the stars not going away. She staggered drunkenly over to the only remaining control panel and began slapping switches and buttons in a last ditch effort to kill Drakken's latest device before Shego finished pummeling her into the ground. I hope Ron chases Drakken back here soon.

Shego screamed and finally lit up her plasma and jumped across the room, taking Kim low in the back. Kim never saw it coming and even if she did, she couldn't move out of the way fast enough. Her head hit the edge of the console as she slid bonelessly to the floor in an unorganized heap.

this is where I'm taking the story on faith because not even Ron was there so no questions

Shego immediately powered down and dropped to her knees next to the fallen girl. Taking off her right glove, she placed her fingers on Kim's cartoroid artery and waiting. Her pulse was there, but weak.

Shego carefully cradled Kim in her arms as she started walking towards the main entrance. She was completely ignoring the chaos going on around her as the dork chasing Dr. D. finally tripped over the base self-destruct. Drakken had immediately headed for a saucer.

“Come, Shego, time to go…”

Shego looked back over her shoulder, plasma leaking from her eye sockets and shimmering around her entire body (except where Kim was nestled in her arms). She raised one arm, lighting up her fist as it came in line with the saucer.

Whatever Drakken saw in that moment made him do two things he'd never done before. He rammed the saucer to full emergency speed.

He also wet himself.

bwa ahahahah…are you sure honey? Drew pissed himself?

yes Mom…he admitted it quite freely when Shego asked him about it. it didn't hurt that she threatened to start burning off appendages starting with his least important one if he didn't talk

Shego watched Drakken's pants turn a different shade of gray and the the nearly-incandescent plasma ball that was building went out. She turned and continued carrying Kim towards the front entrance.

She never made it. One of the auxiliary systems blew up prematurely collapsing the roof of the hangar on both Kim and Shego.

Ron told me that he got lost on some lower levels and ended up tripping into a pre-programmed escape capsule that shot him and Rufus halfway across the planet to another Drakken island lair (empty). It took him three days to get the main power on and figure out how to get the communications gear to work. By that time he assumed that I was happily home.

Too bad I had to erase his memory, otherwise he would've stumbled across the fact I was missing.

I know I know, what about Wade? Well, he's under strict orders to fake it for up to five days before sounding the alarm after the Andes thing. It's not as if he didn't know where I was. The Kimmunicator was still working at that point. He told me later that he assumed that I was still trying to find my way out of the base. Boy was he wrong. But by the time he figured it out, it was already too late.

Picking up where I regained consciousness…I woke up in darkness with a very soft weight covering me from head to toe. Shego. We were trapped in a small pocket underneath part of the collapsed lair. It was almost dome shaped, with smooth sides, but there was rubble along the bottom edges. I got out the Kimmunicator and tried to get a directional fix. Couldn't. I looked at the direction we must've been going during the collapse and started digging. I couldn't take Shego, she was bathed in a sheath of green flame. So I left a voice memo on the Kimmunicator telling her which way I dug out and left it next to her head.

I dug for several hours and I was in pretty bad shape when I heard voices. I yelled, but that was a mistake because the part I was digging suddenly collapsed on me and I blacked out again.

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