Anything's possible… right?

Part 8

nuclear reactions occur when two particles collide - Fusion triggered: containment breached


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

TITLE: nuclear reactions occur when two particles collide - Fusion triggered: containment breached

AUTHOR: mouse

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own most of these characters these characters Disney does, please don’t sue. Rae Mouse Greystroke and one Taco B. are mine however.

I don’t own most of these characters these characters Disney does, please don’t sue. Rae Mouse Greystroke and one Taco B. are mine however.

SUMMARY: Kigonite ore, KiGo fic in general are kigonite, raw ore which is then refined down to kigonium and toxic waste which are fics with plot involving kigo and everything else respectively, further refinement produces kigotonium and is known to cause spontaneous nosebleeds in both genders and is almost guaranteed lethal to the genus Kigotaku radicallus.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Definition: Kigonite ore, KiGo fic in general are kigonite, raw ore which is then refined down to kigonium and toxic waste which are fics with plot involving kigo and everything else respectively, further refinement produces kigotonium and is known to cause spontaneous nosebleeds in both genders and is almost guaranteed lethal to the genus Kigotaku radicallus.
It Gets Worse … tis a bit of good advice in effd up situations. Keep that one thing in mind, never forget it, repeat it every time you think things are looking up ‘cause … It always gets worse … remember that whenever shit starts going south and you’ll likely be the last thing standing in the end … forget it and you’re street pizza.

Words: 27996

Fusion triggered : containment breached

Kim watched in silence as Shego opened her walk in closet and collected the large duffel she had packed the day before. “Before we go can I ask you something like, totally off the wall?” She had been dieing to play with the bass guitar since she had first seen it, it wasn’t anything like the old acoustic her mother had given her after the piano fiasco, nor was it like the simple electric guitar her dad had brought home for her fourteenth birthday. As much as she wanted to see what was under the cloth over that canvas she wanted to run her fingers across the strings and frets of the hot pink guitar.

Shego saw where Kims gaze had gone to and noticed a slight blush accompanied by a light of excitement in her eyes, if it had been anyone else she would have clubbed them for even thinking about looking. “Want to play do you eh Kimmie?” She wasn’t sure why to her ears that came out sounding odd but it did, Kim must be using some form of mind altering ray, yeah that had to be it. The slightest of nods answered her question before Kim could even vocalize the ‘Yes!’ She grinned and decided to play mean for a few hours, if they left right now they’d just make it to the island for sunrise, which was spectacular. “Nope sorry Peaches we have to be going now.” When the excitement fell off the redheads face Shego almost cratered completely, almost. “Ok fine! The case is in the back of the closet but you get to carry it AND your luggage.”

“Spankin!” With a wide-eyed expression of excitement once more plastered to her face Kim tore across the few steps to the closet and returned with the case. It was no less blindingly bright a colour but at least this was something she could actually get to like, perhaps, though she thought the day-glo green might be a bit much even for green obsessed Shego, who was staring at her curiously. “’Bout ready go. No big, boss!” she snapped smartly as she efficiently packed away the guitar spooling its cable neatly the hooks on the underside of the storage bay within the case. The case for her own guitar wasn’t nearly so nice but she hadn’t played in years so it didn’t really matter much. She did love to play but her hectic schedule until recently left precious little time for anything not related to work, or school for that matter, the last time she had even thought about it was when she helped the stage crew for that band she rescued at the start of summer. That had been an … interesting night.

Shego had been a bit taken aback by the haste with which Kim had jumped at the chance to pack the bass for the trip, she hadn’t known that Kim was interested in that kind of thing. Certainly her room showed no hint of such an interest. “You play often?” Shegos curiosity had been piqued as she waited for Kim to finish up. Before Kim could answer she slung the duffel over her shoulder then turned back to the hall entrance and started walking to the lift that was carefully concealed behind the Aztec petroglyphs. She had been very fond of that particular slab of carved stone, it was the wall she put her back against while she slept out in that stupid jungle. “Hurry up Pumkin, if you can’t carry the extra burden leave it behind.”

Kim wasn’t about to leave the bass behind, she couldn’t play it but apparently Shego could and she very much wanted to hear the kind of rhythms Shego could stroke from it. “I got it, ugh, no big. Seriously.” When she rounded the corner she went red-faced as Shego stood there laughing. Granted she was looking rather awk-weird with her own duffel dragging behind her and the guitar case pulling her to the left but she didn’t see the laughter aspect of it. “You have a hand free why not offer to help an injured woman out here?” It wouldn’t work but it was worth the try she figured, as she set the case down and turned to go back for the amp.

Shego stood pinching her the bridge of her nose then groaned angrily but stuck out a hand, “Fine but I swear I don’t have any idea where all this ‘being helpful’ crap is coming from I just want it to go away.” She lied about that, she didn’t mind helping Kim, she actually liked receiving the warm smile she got whenever she helped the woman. “Well come on give me the duffel, you don’t need to strain that wrist anymore yet.” She was surprised at how heavy the bag actually was. It wasn’t anything for her of course or Kim for that matter, but most regular people would be struggling just to get it off the ground. “Damn girl did you pack rocks in there?”

“Nope but I am taking a bit of light college study, those are my texts. I’d planned to get some studying in since, you know, I’m out of action.” She could have left the stupid things at home but no, she had to be stubborn and cart them along even though she had nearly memorized the lot. When Shego shot her a look of utter disgust she was a bit startled. “What?”

Shego set the duffel down and opened it up then began riffling through it. “Before you ask another stupid question Kim I’m making sure you packed the gift I gave you, if it’s in here you will pay.” Kims rude snort caught her attention as she saw the case for her guitar being gently set down. Pausing in her search she looked up to see what Kim was doing, a second later Kim was holding the gift box the box the bikini had been packaged in for Shego to see. “Is there anything in here besides books that you want to take with?” Kim thought for a minute but shook her head in the negative. “Good then this shit stays right here.” With that she casually tossed the heavy bag across the room where it landed close to the front door, Kim winced at the moment of impact, some of the books had seen better days and some were likely spread all of the interior of the bag now. They had been missing the spines since she purchased them from the on campus bookstore, being the only ones left mid term she hadn’t really had much choice.

She wanted to protest and bring the books along but a small part of her that had normally been timid and quiet decided to speak up, she would not mention the bag of books again. “Ok so how are we going to get to your jet?” She had been expecting Shego to pull out some fancy remote and open a secret passageway but found herself gawking as Shego summoned enough of the green plasma she produced to light her finger like a match, which she then put to the eye of Quetzalcoatl. The water flow that gave the wall its ‘weeping wall’ wet surface stopped and the splashing noises died off as panel slid back into the wall and after clearing the thickest point began sliding sideways. “Damn, I don’t guess that would be very easy to break into. Biometric?” She smiled and blushed slightly at the quizzical look Shego gave her. “I like to know things ok? You know, the whole curiosity killing cats thing and all that.”

Shego could only shake her head, the girl was insane, she had to be. “It’s a bit of biometrics and energy signature reading. I put off a unique e.m. field so I had the locking sensor keyed to it and the specific shape of the talon on this glove.” She held up a hand waving the index finger for show, “It’s the only talon that will never need to be replaced.” She could tell Kim wanted to know more but she was in a hurry. “Can we go now?” She didn’t wait for an answer instead she turned and marched off into the inky blackness that went deep into the mountain her house was built on. Kim’s footsteps soon followed and the door began to close after them.

Once the massive door slid back into its fitted spot all the light the other room had cast into the darkness was cut off, it became impossible to see. At least for Kim it was too dark to see, Shego had no trouble, she had placed just enough of the new light tape elements along the corridor to allow her to see and no more. Shego watched as the temporarily blind Kim stumbled through the shadow engulfing her, a hand out stretched to feel in advance any wall or obstacle. There were none and Shego knew it but Kim didn’t and Shego was enjoying the view until Kim closed to within a step and waved her arm around trying to find anything, a finger found Shegos eye in a rather painful manner. “Hey! Watch it Princess that effn hurt!” She grabbed the arm and gave a forceful tug putting them both on the lift platform. “Stand still this thing doesn’t have safety rails.” She looked Kim over to make sure the redhead was clear of the walkway edge then keyed the lift drive which promptly began to lower them into the depths below. Here was the real darkness, the lift shaft went straight down for fifty meters and she had never managed to get the lights working here so Shego was now every bit as blind as the woman standing close by.

“You can see in the dark Shego?” She had to know, she had seen the villainess using night-vision gear before but that didn’t mean she needed it nor did the blackness they had just walked through mean she didn’t, for all Kim knew the older woman could simply have counted the steps and memorized the control panel placement. It was something Shego would do, she thought to herself while waiting for the answer.

Shego reached out probing to find Kims shoulder, the lift didn’t always stop smoothly. “Nope Peaches, I can see much better than mundanes in the lower light levels but below a certain point I’m blind as anyone else would be.” She heard the quite grinding as the lift began to settle into the fitting in the floor of the cavernous room Drakken had carved out of the mountain. “There were light strips up there but I set them to give me the advantage. The particular frequency I went with interferes with n.v. goggles and thermal cameras would only have a limited effect in there.” Why she was giving out precious secrets about her sanctuary Shego swore she would never know but she had told Kim she was going to come clean, might as well start with the basics.

Once the lift had come to a complete stop Shego took a couple of steps forward following the light line only she could see. “Wait there Peaches and close your eyes, I’m about to turn on the lights, they’re a bit … bright.” After a few minutes in such total darkness a watch light would be too bright, when she hit the power switch several loud ‘thunk’s could be heard resonating from deep within the chamber and row by row the over head light array winked to life. Shego smiled at her handiwork as the lights illuminated the vast room, Drakken had taken all of his toys as was part of the arrangement but Shego did not need them. She made a few calls once the deed was in her name and Hego personally delivered the gear she had requested. Go Tower was partially hers after all.

Kim let her eyes adjust to the powerful light streaming down from above and stood in awe of the place. The same green and black motif was everywhere though it much far more soothingly arranged than the garish outfit Shego wore for combat. There were large banks of computers lining the nearest wall and a central platform table that sat beneath one of the largest monitoring displays Kim had ever seen. It looked a bit like the one she recalled from Go tower but she brushed that thought aside, Shego had tried to steal her brothers powers after all and being Shego, Kim didn’t think she would be caught dead using Go equipment. “Wow” was once more all she could manage to say. If Shego ever split off from Drakken to go it solo she had the right place for the job. Hearing Shegos impatient foot tapping Kim tore herself away from the mesmerizing array of fancy gadgets and doodads Shego had all over the place and raced to catch up. She didn’t have to go far as it turned out.

The ‘hangar’ for lack of a better term was another lift ride further down and off to one side of the larger room above, Shego was still debating whether or not she should have the hangar fitted with a silencing roof or not. Jet exhaust did a wicked number on some of the stuff she had moved up to the level above. She could see Kim eyeing the smaller fighter jet she used when Drakken sent her out on solo missions, for a moment she felt like picking on Kim but decided against it, she wanted breakfast and coffee with that island sunrise and she was going to need something faster than that old toy. “This way Kimmie.” With a nod of her head she lead the way around the building sized partition dividing the room in half, on the other side was her other ‘baby’ the latest and greatest jet she had ever had the chance to liberate from previous owners.

Kim had thought the inside of the house was amazing, then she saw the lair, she thought that was stunning then she saw the jet. She was at a loss for adjectives at this point. “And here I thought my dad had a thing for the ‘alien spacecraft’ look. What the hell is this thing?” She watched as Shego walked to the underside of the sleek black windowless vehicle, the graceful arc it presented in profile looked remarkably avian yet it had a hard mechanical surface that screamed ‘otherworldly’ nothing was reflected off black surface yet it appeared to be shiny, almost wet. As she got close enough to inspect the surface she could see that it was painted with a gloss of some kind but still she could not see any kind of reflection on it, she did see a myriad of tiny holes doting the surface, surely they were not intentionally put there. Against what she considered common logic however, it appeared in fact the holes were deliberate. The spacing was too perfect to be the results of accident or combat and the ‘paint’ covering the rest of the plane extended into the holes themselves.

“It’s called a Raven, still in prototyping phase, stole it from this lil research firm that caught my eye, come aboard and I’ll go over the basics with you.” Shego was standing near the top of a ramp that extended from the underbelly and had been all but invisible just a moment ago. “Put your bag in the stowage bin at the top left of the ramp and quit screwing around, jeez you’re worse than a little kid.” That got Kims attention and the fiery haired woman was on the march almost instantly. Shego watched with a satisfied smirk on her face until she saw Kim prepare to put her bass in the stowage bin. “What the hell are you doing!” Furious she lunged for the case and nearly ripped it from Kims hand. “I said ‘your bag’ not my bass Kim.” There was absolutely no humour in her voice, she had very few things she cared much for and the bass was near the top of the list. “I have a bracket up front for this.”

Hesitantly Kim followed the irate woman up into the body of the aircraft and found it to be much larger on the inside than she had imagined. It was split into two levels with a massive column at the vehicles center of balance, she couldn’t see anything that resembled a pilots seat or control system of any kind but she could tell Shego had decorated its interior. As she stepped past the column and Shego, who was silently fuming while securing her bass, Kim could see that nearly the entire front end of the jet was converted into what appeared to be a dining/living room. At the far end she could see a large display of some kind but she still couldn’t find any type of control system. “Ok kinda freaky here Shego. How exactly does this thing fly?”

Instead of answering Kim Shego tapped a sequence on the keypad set in the column, when the last number was entered the column split in half with a hiss and the front slid forward enough for a single person to slide in. Her face was coloured the nearly lime green of her blush as Shego undid the fasteners holding her skirt up, once it was out of the way she pulled the knit top over her head and stood there in what Kim assumed were underwear, for a latex fetishist. “I fly it from in here. Make yourself comfortable but stick to the couch facing forward. While we take it to flight speed you won’t be able to move and if you were in one of the other seats the g-load might flip you out, which would be bad.” Shego took a step between the construct walls and prepared to drop into the immersion flight tank when she felt Kim grip her arm.

“I’m sorry about the bass Shego, I was thoughtless about it, and I should have known you would want it close.” She was sorry, she could tell Shego took the best of care for everything that mattered to her. “Can I see where you’ll be?” The fact that they were standing so close and Shego was mostly naked was for the moment ignored as Kim watched a silent war playing across Shegos face. “Please?”

“Strip.” Shego commanded, she cursed herself silently as she opened her mouth. The tank was embarrassing enough as it was but now she had taken that embarrassment to new heights by inviting someone else into the fluid it contained. The ship wouldn’t care it would filter and circulate the fluid-crystal gel just as efficiently with a copilot immersed with her as it would for just her. “If you want to see you can’t go in the tank in that outfit, you’ll ruin the clothes and probably a filter system I can’t replace. Now strip or go find the couch.” Shego retrieved her arm and took the step forward she needed to line herself up for dropping in. Straddling the portal, she looked over to Kim who apparently had taken her ‘strip’ command literally and was down to just her bra, which was on the floor a moment later. “Err …” Shego stared openly at the woman standing before her, who was suddenly looking rather puzzled.

Kim could easily see the blush on Shegos cheeks and she wasn’t about to pass up this chance, she had heard snippets here and there from her dad and Wade about the newest flight control system and it looked like Shego had been the one who stole the prototype. “See something you like Shego?” She didn’t mind Shego staring but she was now the one eager to get going, “If you’re expecting me to be all nervous and shy forget that, cheer leader remember, two hundred days of each year had ‘shower time’ with dozens of other girls, nothing I care to be embarrassed about. You?”

Snapping her jaw shut Shego beat a hasty retreat by dropping down into the tank below, the instant she did a soft green glow came from the portal. ‘Hold on for a second Peaches I need to reconfigure for a second person.’ The voice was definitely Shego but it sounded like it came from the very ship itself. ‘Ok come on in my Princess.’ She was glad Kim hadn’t already dropped in because then Kim would have seen her try to slap a hand across her mouth at that last statement only to smack the mask she had on.

As she dropped into the tank the fluid engulfed her and she let out a muffled scream, it felt like there were ants crawling on and biting every inch of her skin even in her eyes. ‘Don’t fight it Peaches’ Shegos voice sounded distant through the fluid and as she turned to find the woman she discovered why, Shego had what looked like a jet fighters face mask clamped firmly on her face. She was also holding a second that she waved to Kim. ‘Put the mask on like you would for a fighter, when it’s secure push the orange dot, that’s the fluid purge valve, it will flood the mask with water to flush out the fluid-crystal then with air to force out the water. Do not let any of the gel get into your mouth or breath any in, I don’t know if it’s toxic or not.’

Kim wasn’t going to bother mentioning that when she screamed a moment ago she had gotten a mouthful but fortunately had managed to clear her mouth before she fit the mask in place and followed the instructions given. After a minute the mask was empty and she was breathing, normally if rapidly for how long she’d had to hold her breathe. ‘Ok Shego what next?’ She asked testing her voice behind the mask.

‘Now Princess we fly.’ Shego moved towards the center of the spherical chamber and pulled Kim into a position facing forward and slightly below so they could both see the front display which Shego kicked in. ‘My mask has a ‘skull cap’ attached.’ Shego pointed to a few wires leading from the side of her mask to her temples, ‘It helps the gel read specific neural impulses and translates them into action, like this.’ As she explained the control system the main display expanded until the sphere disappeared hidden by a very detailed rendering of the hangar they were in. The jet was slowly rotating on it’s turntable to face the now open bay doors concealing the hangar within the mountain. Shego called up system stats and once all the readings were at flight condition ready she keyed off the hold-downs and opened the rockets wide, they needed to use the rocket boost for a full minute or they wouldn’t have the speed they needed to stay in the air while the P.D.E. thrusters caught up. ‘Be glad I let you ride this out in here Peaches.’ Shego said as the g forces went just above the nominal lethal limit for humans, she toggled a display to show what had happened to the clothes Kim had discarded atop her own. If they had been laid out better the clothes might have been nicely pressed when the boost phase was done, as it was now they would be needing a good washing drying and ironing to get the wrinkles out.

Kim turned to face Shego as best she could with the mask on, it had a tube leading to the air supply just like Shego’s so it made such maneuvers harder to manage. ‘You were going to let me ride that out on a COUCH?’ She was almost furious beyond belief, she had been on spacecraft with g-load dampers but not even those had been able to reduce the strain much. It was then she realized she hadn’t felt a thing while she was in the gel, they were clearly still accelerating but she felt no different than were she in a pool. ‘Wait why aren’t we feeling any of that?’

Shego smiled broadly behind the mask as she heard a third voice chime in, she was wondering when the ship would join the party. ‘That would be my doing Ms. Possible. I have activated the s.c.c.e.m. and you both are now being held safely within its gentle but firm embrace. Please enjoy the ride and do not let Ms. Go’s flight habits reflect upon me, I am just a computer.’ It was a decidedly female voice but to her ear Shego had to admit Kims car Sadie sounded more human. ‘Do you have vectors and co-ords for me Ms. Go or shall I read your mind to retrieve them?’

Shego spent the next minute cussing the ships computer out before she realized the A.I. was being an ass in front of her guest and in the process making her look rather stupid, seriously, arguing with a computer? ‘Rae if you ever make that joke again I’ll personally remove your persona matrix, clear?’ This shut the computer up which suited Shego fine. ‘Good girl now here are the co-ords you plot the route from where ever the hell we are now.’ She had lost track of their position, at mach four it was easy to do.

The computer ran the numbers quickly and informed Shego she had the course plotted, ‘It will mean taking us beyond the ceiling Ms. Go.’ Beyond the ceiling meant above the delineation mark separating the sky from the vacuum of space, Shego had never pushed things that far mostly because she had still had issues from the last time she was there. ‘Anything less will add several hours to the flight.’

Kim felt Shegos hands come to rest on her shoulders and she turned to look at the older woman again, she could see a hint of fear in those beautiful green eyes that she had not expected. ‘Don’t like going into space?’ She could see the blanched look on her face and recognized a degree of fear she had not expected from the ‘most dangerous woman on earth’ it got her curious. ‘Can I ask what happened?’

The nod would have gone unnoticed by anyone else. ‘Remember the … er … time Drakken had us in that crappy space station you totaled?’ She was still chilled to the core when she thought about it. Kims nod urged her on, damned ‘come clean’ idea. ‘Drakken, as usual, had a back up escape pod which he failed to inform me of. In the chaos he and I got separated and I got stuck on the on section that didn’t go down in a fireball.’ The startled look on Kims face read loud and clear. ‘Don’t sweat it Peaches, part of the inherent risks involved in the job. I took me a few days to cobble together the bits I needed to patch up the coms unit, when Drakken finally got to me I was on the last minutes of air.’

Kim went to speak up but Rae interrupted and spoke directly to Shego. ‘Ms. Go I was built specifically to fly into and back from space, by a laboratory in space. I do not think my designers would have made me if they were not confident of my abilities, or yours.’ The last cryptic words caught Shegos attention, what did Rae mean but ‘or yours’? Kim didn’t give her the chance to press the issue.

Kim could see Shego was debating with herself and she knew either way this crazy adventure ended it was likely they would end up going into space several times more and if it was for the ‘good fight’ she would need Shego at her best not making mistakes because of a fear, even if it was legitimate. The only way to best such a fear was to face it down. ‘I say lets go for it, I’ve been a few times and it’s actually pretty fun though I don’t think we will notice anything from in here.’ At Shegos arched eyebrow she amended, ‘We’re being held in a strong e.m. field right? Well then we left gravity behind at take off Shego.’

Shego closed her eyes for a moment and made the decision. ‘Let’s see how well you can stand on your hind legs Rae. Take us through the roof.’ The view displayed on the sphere seemed to flip as the ship pointed its nose to the heavens and opened up with everything it had. In moments they had reached an altitude of nearly one hundred and fifty nautical miles before the craft nosed over and followed the line it had plotted after the ok for orbital flight was given. Less than forty minutes later they were informed it was time for the real challenge, re-entry.

Ron stood beside Bonnie as they watched the factory burn, every now and then something from within would explode sending debris hundreds of feet into the air and forcing the more timid of their group scurrying for cover. Bonnie was fuming as she waited to hear how much of the buildings cost would be deducted from her paycheck, she was surprised when Ron just shrugged and headed back to the car they had driven there in. “Don’t sweat it BonBomb how were you to know they had explosives in a candy factory. Hell I would have docked the smoker over there for having a lighter on the premises. Fine powder can be as dangerous as a lit stick of dynamite, more so in cases like this.” The fight had been no cakewalk to begin with and when the Possible family showed up it got positively stupid. He would need Drakken to patch up his right forearm, again.

“I know that Stoppable but that’s not what I’m pissed at ok!” She would have torn the cars door off and thrown it at the building behind them if her arm hadn’t been broken, in three places. “That short sorry piece of shit is sooo gonna die.”

Drakken held a medi-scanner to the womans battered arm as she sat beside him in the car identifying the points where it was broken. “Now Now Bonnie, you know the rules, no killing ever. Its just not good hero form you know. Besides you likely did manage to guarantee he is the last of that branch of their family tree.” He winced at the memory, no guy should ever have to suffer that, and while it wasn’t exactly by the books Dementor had deliberately broken her arm the second and third time as he gloated about the ‘Kimposter’ being all bark and no bite.

Bonnie ignored the blue skinned dork beside her but smiled slightly, she hadn’t meant to hit Dementor there, with that, but it was the only target she could reach from her position and the iron was the only weapon she could lay her good hand on. Ron had drilled into her the slogan ‘adapt improvise overcome’ and she took it to heart. “So Dr. how long will this put me out of the game?” she asked gesturing to her arm, she wanted to get back to her day off even if she had to sport a cast for the duration.

“Oh this? This is nothing my dear I will have you patched up in a day, perhaps less.” His grin wasn’t entirely convincing but she knew better than to question him. He had given her the gear she used and the genetic upgrades she asked for. The upgrades were taking a bit longer to fully manifest but she could feel it working, every passing day her senses got sharper, her reflexes got faster, she got much stronger. When she first realized it was working she wondered if it was like that for Shego, normal everyday person one day the next superwoman. The first time her standing high jump cleared twenty feet she spent the rest of the day trying to not panic. People like her didn’t leap over buildings like they were school yard fences. People like Kim and Shego yes but not people like her, that was, until Ron made his offer.

Fist sat beside Duff as they watched the tape of the battle Dementor had sent them, the obscenely large credit deposits to their respective bank accounts purchased their services for a time but as they watched the pair knew they weren’t going to have as easy a time of it with this new fighter. She was a predator plain and simple, she had no compunctions against breaking whatever got between her and her prey. In a very scary way, she reminded them of Shego, on a bad day. Turning to the psychotic golf knut, Monkey Fist scratched his jaw with the thumb of his foot while weaving the fingers of his hands together in some odd knot. “This BonBomb will be quite the challenge, Kim would never have struck that low.”

Duff Killigan nodded absently as he adjusted his Irish Green beret to keep it from sliding off his bald spot. “Aye but Dementor did have it coming the git, we have ne’ar stooped to that kind of torture. Nawt only is it ineffective it gives the enemy a chance to do … well yoo saw.” Beret set in position again he leaned forward and examined the paused image. The girl didn’t quite have the moves Kim had but she was good. She was also every bit as tough as Kim had been. Normal people did not bounce off walls like that and get back up ready for more. “We may have to write a new book to deal with the likes o’ this wee lass.”

Monty perked up as an idea hit him, yes that would work perfectly. “A book you say Duff, hmm, yes a book indeed.” Springing from his chair he hopped across the floor with considerable speed, his modified limbs providing him dexterity and speed above the mundanes. He only stood upright as he got to the section of his extensive library he was looking for. “Duff contact Dementor and see if he managed to recover any of this BonBombs flesh. A hair, a skin sample anything that is ‘her’ but it has to still be living material.”

Duff looked the monkeyman over carefully as he tried figuring out what Fist had in mind. “Ach dinnea tell me yer gonna try that old clone trick lad, ne’ar worked before why wouldye think it’d do the trick now?”

Monkey Fist dropped to his knuckle walk position, a book clutched in paw as he looked over his shoulder, the grin he wore was decidedly malicious. “Because, good sir, the other times it was tried they used science, science is inherently unstable. Magic, Magic is forever.” He bounded over and deposited the book so Duff could read the cover, ‘Shadow Golems and You’ which left Duff wondering if the Fist had all his bananas bunched right.

Kim was never more thankful to be on terra-firma than she was at that moment. If it hadn’t been for her modesty she might well have run from the ship buck naked just to kiss the ground. Three minutes had never seemed longer, the ship, Rae, had informed them that this would be a first and when pressed to explain exactly what that meant she did. They regretted it for the rest of the flight. While the Raven was designed to endure spaceflight and all its perils the one thing that had not been tested was the gas/vapour cooling system. The holes that had intrigued Kim when she first saw the craft were finally understood. High-pressure steam was forced through the hull and out those holes providing a water based heat sink that, in theory, kept the composite skin of the craft from suffering thermal failure. Fortunately, it appeared to have worked though neither Kim nor Shego were likely to put it to the test again anytime soon. Since the craft was not designed to land on the islands conventional runway they had to touch down a mile out to sea and cruise in to the port where the craft casually docked beside the few large yachts moored there.

Once off the pier and onto the black sand Shego and Kim dropped their duffel and pack to the baby-powder fine sand, and simply stood there. They had arrived just in time for the sunrise but the coffee was obviously out. As Shego had promised while being rather enigmatic, the sunrise was worth the terror of their re-entry. Kim had pointed out that judging from the altitude as well as the direction they were arcing down from they would likely get two sunrises and much to Shego’s delight, they did. The sun crested over the earth’s limb just as Rae fired the maneuvering thrusters to align her airframe for the fiery deceleration they would soon be enduring. Shego cast a sidelong glance at Kim who was starry eyed as the vibrant colours of a tropical dawn poured across the skies, she knew the young heroine had likely seen thousands of such sun rises and just as many sunsets but this one was special for them both. It was like starting over, Shego thought to herself a content smile settling on her pristine face.

Ever watchful Kim noticed Shego eying her covertly, she felt a twinge of concern followed by an almost crimson blush as she remembered the last hour plus she had spent in the older woman’s presence, herself being naked, arms wrapped around each other as they prayed to see another day. Even then though she felt safe, protected, the last time she had felt so comfortable with any other person she had been betrayed. It would have been less humiliating if the ‘person’ had actually been a human. Ron had been there for her right after and for a time she did see him as a potential long time relationship but she couldn’t help but hold some distrust of men in general, even though the one who hurt her hadn’t been a man at all, or human for that matter. Then there was the more recent incident involving her own mother and a secretly implanted tracker device. In the span of just over two years her trust had been sorely tested and the further along this path she went the worse things seemed to get. The silence was getting to her and Shego’s less than subtle ‘covert’ glances were reminding her of things she felt but wanted to deal with later, after food and sleep. “So now that we’re … where ever we are, care to fill me in Shego?”

Shego turned to face Kim fully, she had expected the question much sooner. “This is Curare Island, one of a chain that my mothers family have owned for the last few centuries. When mom, the last of the line … passed on, dad followed soon after. He just didn’t have the will to continue I guess, they were the last adults to hold title of the land so when they died it was passed on to us kid’s. Hego Mego and the twins sold off theirs to pay for Go Tower after the meteor struck us, dad’s money alone wouldn’t cover it all. I wasn’t old enough legally to do anything with the island and Hego, being the ever fair prick he is, made sure it remained in my name.” It was damned hard to talk about this, even with Kim. She had only ever told one other person the essentials of what she was telling Kim now and he should be somewhere on the island.

No sooner than she had thought of him did the man on her mind appear. Senior Senior Sr. stepped carefully across the sparkling black sand at the edge of the pier, he wasn’t fond of getting the sand in his loafers but for these women he would tolerate so small a discomfort. “Welcome ladies to my little fantasy island. Shego it is good to see you in person, we really must get together more often. With Junior off trying his hand at villainy solo I find myself eager for the company of equals but most especially for the company of so beautiful a woman as yourself.” The old man could charm the socks off a nun if he were of a mind to and seeing as Shego didn’t want to upset him she let her character slip for a moment and brushed cheeks sharing a light if friendly hug. Senior then turned to look upon Shego’s traveling companion. “Ah Ms. Possible so good it is to see you come come my dear do not be so distant. I should think that after all of our … encounters, we could at least be pleasant with one another.” Kim had taken a step back not exactly sure if she was seeing things right. Senior Senior Sr. had traded in his crushed velvet smokers jacket and ascot for a sun-bleached suit of some extremely fine fabric and he was now sporting a faded yellow panama hat to ward off the affects sun at these latitudes would inflict upon his already aged hide.

Taking a closer look Kim could see the old man she had personally fought on occasion was beginning to show more of the ravages living so long evoked. Not wanting to seem the ungrateful guest she stepped to him instead of making him come to her, when she wrapped her arms around him in an amiable hug she felt the slight changes his advanced age was having. Where once were hard well-toned muscles she could now feel bone and hardened sinew. It kind of creeped her out to think that a stunning athlete such as he had been even just a few years ago could go so frail so quickly. “It’s good to see you Senior Senior Senior, when we’re not on opposing sides you’re one of the few ‘bad guys’ I actually liked.” She smiled warmly at him as he leaned back to take a good look at her.

“Shego has such interesting taste in people, this time however I do believe she has found her match.” With another of his enigmatic smiles he turned and surprised both women by jogging up the slight slope. The floating pier they had stepped off of went further up the beach to a small parking lot of sorts where they could see Seniors mode of transport, a lavishly decorated golf cart. “Come ladies allow me to introduce you both to the finer pleasures this life has to offer. All legal mind you Ms. Possible. Shego has invested a great deal to help fund this and I should not want her to think the money has been wasted.” Cresting the slope he turned back to the women who were preparing to hoist their luggage again, oh that simply will not do, not at my resort. “Ladies, Ladies please allow me. Taco do be a good lad and fetch the ladies bags and do be careful of the guitar case, I suspect you would prefer to retain your spleen and Shego might claim it should you damage her bass.”

The name ‘Taco’ seemed laughable to the two woman, even when they packed light someone with a name like that would surely have difficulties, they were shocked when Taco turned out to be a giant of a man easily towering over the pair. “Allow me mam.” He smiled and nodded slightly to Kim as he scooped the arm straps of her backpack onto a single finger. “Mistress Shego I have been instructed to answer your beck and call, here is a link to my personal com badge, for the duration of your stay I am at your disposal.” He collected Shegos duffel on the same tree like finger holding Kim’s backpack and bowed courteously waiting for the pair to precede him up the beach to the cart waiting for them.

For a moment it looked to Kim like Shego would protest this brute laying so much as a finger, albeit a giant one, on her precious bass but she simply nodded with a smile then turned with dramatic swirl of her loose skirt and jogged up the beach closely followed by Kim. “Mistress Shego eh?” Kim couldn’t help herself, Shego did seem the domme type. “Why Shego I didn’t know you were into such things.” Shego turned on her heel instantly, there was a fire in her eyes that Kim couldn’t place and while it was withering in intensity she felt a familiar heat accompany it. “Sorry Shego, I was just …”

A mischievous grin flickered across her face as she shot Kim down with a look. She would not be discussing her intimate life with anyone in public, not even Kim. “Now Princess this is neither the time nor the place for that and you know it. Let’s just go get settled in.” She decided it was time to get comfortable again and leaned against the cart to remove her shoes, ninety percent of the place belonged to her so she would go barefoot wherever she pleased. “I see you have been very busy Triple S, all this work hasn’t cut too deeply into Juniors inheritance now has it?” She enjoyed the light banter she could have with this man, unlike the most of other fruitcakes in the criminal world the Seniors could actually be competent when it came to criminal activities. The old man was dangerously sharp and though he was getting somewhat frailer in his advancing years she felt he could still give either Kim or herself a run for their money if pressed. Junior was a different matter, he had youth and strength, potential for an army unto himself to be certain but without the proper guidance he would flounder. She had enjoyed teaching him, one of the few times in her life she could actually recall where she had been upset to leave a place behind, she didn’t really show it of course, just an air-kiss and a wave…

Kim caught up a moment after Shego had taken the seat next to Senior, Shegos remark had stopped her cold. She had always been outwardly erotic but Kim hadn’t guessed that there was more to it than just the show she put on. When she got to the cart she found only the rear seat available and almost pouted at having to sit alone. She stopped pouting when she realized she wanted to be sitting next to Shego, it was about then she started blushing. “So you’ve been building a … resort Senior Sen …”

With a lighthearted laugh and a wave he cut off the young woman, “Kim, Kim please must we continue with the formalities, I much prefer my friends to call me Triple S, it is simpler all the way around.” He turned to face her with his warm broad smile. “But yes, I have been building a resort, this island makes for the perfect villain retreat, the jungle is vicious, most of the plants are lethal and the wild life, well Thug Town doesn’t count but the rest it is all perfect for the ‘bad guys’, as you label us, to spend time recovering. Usually from wounds or injuries directly or indirectly caused by you. Don’t look at me like that it isn’t fair you know. I would never have gotten into the villainy business had it not been for you and that boy you used to run around with, Stoppable was it?”

She couldn’t resist anymore, the old man was as charming as ever and as always good company, when he wasn’t trying to kill her. “You know S… Triple S, Ron would probably appreciate that you actually remember his name, and they were all was his ideas not mine. I just wanted you to be more eco-friendly.” The cart had been rolling from the moment she sat down and was pulling up to the main entrance for the massive hotel they would be staying at. “I hope you remembered some of those tips when you were building this place.” The power this place must use could keep a small nation comfortable she figured.

Senior climbed out once the cart was completely stopped and offered Shego his gloved hand. “But of course my dear girl, I may be a villain at heart but I do love this planet. Taking it over may have been just a hobby but had I succeeded there would have been plenty of good changes. Alas, my time has come and gone. I am content to remain here and aggravate those who need to be humbled. Isn’t that right Ms. Li Shigori?” Seeing the look of outrage on Shegos face he chuckled heartily, “Yes, yes just like that!”

Before she could set fire to his hat Shego counted to ten and calmed herself down. She didn’t really want to kill the old fart, yet. “I will only say this once Senior, forget you ever heard that name. Clear?” She would have to figure out how to purge it from Kim’s memory later. “I’m hungry wear is the food and coffee?”

Kim smiled as she watched the by-play between the two, if she didn’t know better she would swear they seemed more like father and daughter than allied criminals. It was redefining a large chunk of the world as she perceived it. Shego being not only nice but gentle with someone who had tried turn her and his own son in just to get his son back from her. The Shego Kim thought she remembered was much too harsh to be so kind, at least from the perspective she had up until as recently as a month ago. “I don’t know about you Shego but …” Shego cut her off with a look that brokered no argument. “Coffee sounds … nice.”

Wade watched in disbelief as the remaining Possible clan gathered for what would be their first group meeting, Mrs. Dr. Possible decided after their first outing the day Kim left that, if it was going to work they needed to focus. Her husband was on extended leave citing a serious family crisis, she had taken the vacation time she had been saving and the twins were being home schooled. This arrangement was promising but it could also be problematic. The twins would advance even faster with their studies at home displacing them yet again from anything close to a normal school life. Her husband was finding time to get around to the house repairs they had let slide or paid someone else to handle and while this was a good thing in some aspects, he had managed to set the wiring on fire twice, that same day, before lunch. She was probably the most affected of the group, her work required her to stay ahead of the field or get left behind and in most cases that meant being the lead surgeon. As it stood now her ranking was still highest on the planet but her case load was being shunted to other younger doctors eager to knock her from the top seat. ‘Oh well, it will be worth it, for Kimmie.’ This had become her mantra ever since the tracer went dead yesterday, had it only been two days? She redid the math and came up with slightly less than two days. ‘How the hell did Kimmie do this?’

Dr. Dementor adjusted the icepack on his crotch as he reread the e-mail he had received from Duff, he was finding it hard to believe he had ever considered the pair for this assignment but until he recovered from the injuries that bitch had done he was … incapacitated. Still he had already paid and he might as well see if he would get his moneys worth. He summoned a lackey of the lower order and had the lithe female retrieve his gauntlets, to anyone else they were just gloves but as with the gloves he had made for Shego these came with options. Where hers were constantly regenerating to repair the damage her plasma caused, his held a myriad of sensors and micro-electronics, he had even incorporated some of the latest nanotech into their fabrication. When the lackey bowed respectfully and deposited the gloves in his outstretched hand he smiled courteously and waved her off. Unlike other criminal types he was not one to blame entire groups of people for the actions of a few or a singular individual.

With a gentle nudge of the wheelchairs control knob he eased the chair towards his extensive laboratory array and began a close examination of the gauntlet. The finger pads would be the best place to look for the samples he had been asked to provide. It took him several hours but eventually he located a few living cells and the log-file of their collection period coincided with the time he had been enjoying the pleasant sound of bones snapping. The girl had changed somewhat since he last encountered her with Kim Possible but there had been no mistake she was there bound to Kim with one of his own inventions. She had stood on his hand until the local police showed up to cart him off to jail. He would never forgive that but the damage she inflicted in this last encounter called for far worse than simple death. She must suffer to the very end and then be revived to endure it all over again. His laughter echoed through the halls as he sent the samples on their merry way, not a soul in the facility could escape the twisted sound though they all wanted to.

Bonnie was fidgeting again as Drakken examined her arm, he spent the better part of the last hour patching up the shattered bone in her upper arm, the two of her lower arm were easier to fix as they had already been altered from a previous injury during training. She thought he was a touch creepy but he was surprisingly careful when he worked on her, he never complained when she was rude or outright mean to him and the few times she had gone off on him he took each hit without flinching. After the last time she asked him why he put up with her, she received a reply that changed her outlook completely. She wanted to ask the same question of a few others but the important one was nowhere to be found. Drakkens answer surprised her, it also made her realize how much she enjoyed being around the crazy pair who brought her into this new life. Sure they were both dorks and had manipulated her into the job, or tried to at least, she had really been looking for any excuse to get away from the boring routine her life had slipped into since graduation from high school and only let them believe they had duped her. She didn’t want to think of him as a human but the more time she spent with him and Stoppable the more she knew she wouldn’t change a thing. Besides this way she would eventually be able to find out if she could match Kim. “D. where’d Stoppable run off to in such a hurry?”

Drakken looked at her with a funny grin on his face, “He just had a small meeting to attend Bonnie nothing for us to worry about. The people he is meeting with I’m not so sure.”

The table Ron presided over was decorated in typical Stoppable fashion, utterly outlandish and yet thirty of the most powerful distributors on the planet were seated around the tacky cow spot pattern that was apparently going to be the theme for this new wonder product. For the test run in the pre Christmas holiday buy-fest they had sold every can of mug-o-moo they produced for sale, they stockpiled half the total production for an event such as the current sitch. “Well ladies and gentlemen you’ve heard my little proposal what do you say I give you a sample to try before you make any decisions? Hmm?” The quiet murmur and short nods brought instant reaction as the rear doors of the room opened admitting two pushcarts. The server stopped at each seat and presented the group with three different versions of the beverage much to the surprise of the group, they had been under the impression this was a more humble operation, considering who the CEO was and all. Each person went for the drink he or she wanted to try first when Ron coughed lightly. “Are there any gamblers here tonight?”

Limbs, leaves a few flying squirrels and a hornets nest rained down on Agent Du, his new ‘partner’ Monique winced slightly from her perch on the cliff face, ‘Sorry Will but I told you I’ve never been on a mission with Kim.’ came her voice over the coms badge. Will grumbled thankful that they only had to stop a single ship which wouldn’t be leaving for another eight hours. His new partner was more of a klutz than Stoppable but she had perseverance. He made a note to also thank the engineering lab, he’d have a number of nasty bruises but not hornet stings, the face mask was a nice touch for the updated uniform. “We know that Ms. Monique but you volunteered when we met at the Possibles yesterday so here you are.” It was going to be a long night.

Rufus 3000 sat beside Rufus Prime as the war council prepared its battle strategy, under the circumstances prior to the last month they would require another few years to make their plans work out but the way the stupid humans were playing their ‘super hero’ thing was presenting them with unique opportunities that might never come again. At any cost they must defeat the Hand of Power and the Hand of Mercy. The influence of these supreme beings was too encompassing and dominant, they must be overthrown and now was as good a time as any. “We have pin pointed the targets location. They made the foolish attempt to evade our recon drones by going into space but we were there waiting for them when they re-entered and managed to track them to their …” The massive genetically enhanced naked mole rat stared down at the progenitor. Rufus prime simply crossed his arms and glared. “Oh alright, alright. We bought the information online.” Rufus Prime snorted, ‘Prosheed’ While he could not vocalize as well as the more advanced version from the future could, there was no mistaking his meaning. This was going to be a long war meeting. “As I was saying they are on Curare island located in this sector ….” The holo-globe did not have the island listed, anywhere.

Kim thought she had experienced some pretty odd experiences before but the sensation she was enduring at the moment topped them all, she had ordered a simple cereal and toaste breakfast, she wasn’t too sure about her stomach still. That marked the second time she had flown an unproven vehicle into space and returned and neither time had she carried for the situation putting her there. This time there was the added degree of panic she could see in Shego’s eyes through the fluid in the tank. That was where her current problems came from, every time she took a bite of anything or a sip her mouth felt like she had stuck her tongue in a light socket, it reminded her of the one and only time she tried shock rocks candy, only this was infinitely worse.

When a beeper sounded the two women jumped into action poses as if they were about to run off and answer the summons such a beep usually signaled, it turned out to be Senior Seniors and within moments he was excusing himself and complaining happily about the business of owning so exclusive a property. Kim was chiding herself for not showing more restraint when she felt a tap on the shoulder, “C’mon Princess, Let’s get out of here, you probably need to get some soda to rinse with before you want to try eating anything else. … Whot? How do you think I found out to warn you? It took my system two minutes to process out but for a chemical reaction that I endure I thought it took a bit long, so I tried to warn you in advance. I don’t think the stuff is harmful because it was being flown by mundane human pilots but I don’t really know how long you’ll have that problem.”

Kim stood to follow Shego, her expression had dropped to a neutral state, she had insisted she see the system so it was her own fault for not being a bit more careful. The electrical sting she had felt when she entered pilots tank had been the result of the sensor links taking shape from the fluid semi-solid connections to the ship. The tank was designed to link to its pilot primarily through a type of fluidic-crystal neural array, Shego claimed she couldn’t understand everything behind it on their flight but Kim could tell the older woman had spent a long time getting to know the complexities of the machine. Any sane person would have had to before they even thought about stepping into that gunk. “Hey Shego I just remembered,” She felt a bit surprised she had forgotten this part, “What happened to Greystroke?”

Stopping at the bar at the back of the large dining area that had been seated in Shego got them both a drink and while waiting decided to answer the question, stupid as it was. “Taco will take care of Greystroke, the lump of fur is probably enjoying a fresh bowl of nacos now and if she is Taco will be her next meal.” Handing Kim the clear liquid she motioned for the girl to drink, “It’s the beans.” She replied to the look Kim gave her. She watched the redhead sip then drink the soda and grinned as the zapping she got showed on her face.

Kim was struggling not to yell every obscenity she had ever heard at that moment, the soda set off the residue like nothing else on just the sip but she noticed it didn’t last as long as the sips of coffee had so she chanced a swallow. That had been a mistake, for a moment it felt like she was trying to swallow a nuclear battery, then as suddenly as it started it was over. She could see Shego was enjoying herself as she watched the show, needless to say she was a touch dubious when Shego indicated she take another swallow but she did and found the shocking all but gone. “Not the most pleasant of experiences but good to know soda helps that well.” A few sips more confirmed it the zapping was done. “So you withheld this tidbit of info this long exactly why?”

“Did you bother mentioning that you had more than a mouthful of the stuff after I warned you to avoid it?” She looked casually at the tips of her gloved fingers as if she were examining her nails, “I’m not a mind reader Princess, you’ll need to try talking if there is a problem. I hear that approach works.” She finished off the glass of soda she had and deposited it on the bar before starting off for the elevators. “I want a shower and a change of clothes.” The elevators weren’t far away and Shego really wanted to get the residue off her skin, it dried ok but left you feeling slightly gritty from the myriad of nano-crystals left behind. If it was bothering her this much she could only imagine how Kim felt.

“You’re right, on all counts, I second the shower thing. It feels like I’ve been playing beach volley ball too long.” The gritty feeling wasn’t terribly annoying, she had dealt with worse irritants in the course of many a battle but she didn’t want the stuff on her skin any longer than she had to allow. “This will probably will fall into the stupid question category considering the setup here but …” They had followed Senior Sr. straight to the large dining hall while Taco disappeared with their bags and Shegos bass and amp. Shego was looking at her oddly as she lit her finger again as she had back at her house. “Right Senior probably had Taco send our things to whatever room you have claimed.”

“I knew you were the smarter of ‘Team Possible’ Princess. Greystroke takes some special preparations to accommodate her. Since technically it’s illegal to ‘own’ one of her species without about oh I dunno ‘bout four hundred various permits, you should know I don’t like having to get permissions by now eh Princess?” Shego lifted the talon from the sensor device and the ‘private use’ elevator split open waiting for them to enter and tell it where to go. They had five different locations programmed into this particular elevator. Senior Sr.’s room was top on the list because of his duties as both proprietor and manager, he never was one to let others do the work for him if he could do it himself. Next was Shegos villa on the other side of the small ridge the currently dormant volcano had built up, Senior Sr. wisely chose to build the hotel with a fair chunk of stone between it and the monster that created the island and could utterly destroy it on a whim. The other three went to Taco and the various staff members who needed to be able to get to anywhere at a moments notice.

The pair stepped into the waiting elevator and waited for it to cycle the doors, once shut Shego again lit her finger and activated the sensor, “Triple level security Peaches, you have a nasty habit of getting past the best of the ‘off the shelf’ product and with Wade you could probably get past these. It might take a while though which would give me the time to either run or prepare. I prefer to wait by the way.” She replied with a smile to the quizzical look Kim had given her. The elevator began to drop and both women swayed slightly, Shego because she had been caught off guard distracted as she was and Kim because she had expected the movement to be up not down. “Hold on Princess we’re going to go sideways.” Shego enjoyed the mixed look on Kim’s face, curiosity mixed with a touch of fear and confusion, there were few times when her more vulnerable side could be seen.

With the elevator now moving as Shego had said it would, sideways, they both needed to hold the rails. The display on the button panel indicated they were moving at nearly seventy miles an hour, which made Kim wonder where they were going that required that kind of speed, from an elevator. She had dealt with omni-directional transit systems before but those times had been in the company of G.J. “This place has some damned fancy hardware Shego. How could you get it all legal?” Shego’s face lost all the good humour it held a heartbeat before and Kim regretted yet another question. Shego didn’t respond and for the next few minutes the ride went smoothly in silence. Without windows it was impossible to tell if they were underground underwater or in some kind of suspended pathway but it didn’t matter much, before she could make the determination they began to slow for a stop at its destination.

Shego turned to her, lips drawn into the thin hard line. “My mother was royalty after a fashion, she was the last living descendant of the royal family.” She stopped as the doors opened and they were able to step into Shego’s preferred home. Without looking back she continued her explanation, “Dad was well off when he married her, Hego Mego and the twins were from his first wife. Margette Leening, I never liked her, but that’s beside the point. My father was only allowed to marry mom because he had the funds to provide the dowry they expected and was from a family they respected. When they found out mom had died after giving birth to me all of the titles transferred over. I have a … considerable bank account. At one point only the Seniors had more. I returned most of it through secret arrangements so that the clan could be taken care of since their ‘queen’ wouldn’t be sitting on the throne … ever, between what I had left and what I made Drakken pay me, well I’m happy enough.” She looked around and realized she had kept walking leading them straight to her bedroom, Kim close behind. “Enough about that Peaches, we have six days more to go over the various bs we want to ask each other, right now the shower is what I want.” With that Shego shucked off her shoes once more and began pulling the knit shirt over her head, it was in this position she realized there might be a problem. She had two shower areas but the only one she ever used was the larger of the pair and while she didn’t mind if Kim did she was hoping to share more time together and perhaps get some help cleaning the crap from her hair.

Kim had already looked the place over as she listened to Shego talk and was reaching the same conclusions the other woman was but with somewhat different reactions. She too was doffing her clothes. She saw the older woman kind of freeze up for a second then follow through on removing her shirt, when Shego turned to face the redhead and explain the potential problem she found herself faced with something else entirely. Once more Kim stood naked before her. “I’m guessing there’s only one shower correct?” Shego shook her head in the negative wondering how Kim would take that, to her surprise she just continued on as if the other shower didn’t exist. “Well like I said before I’ve nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. It’s no big.” She looked the pale green-skinned woman over carefully, “From what I’ve seen neither should you Shego, besides you’ve seen me nekid, twice now, shouldn’t you return the favour?” She smiled brightly and winked. Shego had up to this point, been the one to take the lead in the innuendo they shared and Kim thoroughly enjoyed turning the tables, it was just another extension of the way they lived, each trying to out do the other.

Shego wasn’t sure how to respond to that, she didn’t think Kim was aware of just how much restraint she was showing. Ever since the moment Kim’s naked body had joined her in the tank she had been repressing the urge to ravish the younger woman. It was maddeningly frustrating. Kim could just be teasing her or she could actually have an interest in taking things further but she couldn’t be sure of either, the only thing Shego knew was Kim was standing in the shower by this time. “I’ll … uh … be right there, just let me grab some towels.” She dropped the rest of her clothing and collected the towels from the closest just outside the bathroom door then proceeded on into the large open shower. The bathroom was done with a roman style with the shower being the only exception. Depositing the towels on the simple marble bench well away from the shower she walked over and joined the redhead. “You make things very complicated Kim, I …” Kim interrupted her with a single finger across her dark lips.

“Lets just enjoy getting clean Shego, we can discuss … other things … later. Right now I’d like some help, would you mind terribly helping me with my hair?” She turned her back to the jade beauty then held the shampoo bottle over her shoulder. “I’ll get your back if you get mine.” The bottle left her hand without another word and in moments she felt strong fingers working the foamy shampoo through her mane. She was glad Shegos hair had grown as fast as it had, it wasn’t as long as it had been but it was getting close and Kim wanted to feel what it was like when they weren’t trying to rip the strands from each others heads. She tried to use the loofa sponge she found in the shower to clean off her front side but Shegos firm fingers massaging her scalp nearly turned her legs to jello. “That feels sooo good, thanks Shego.”

Shego was trying not to follow through with all the thoughts running through her mind as she worked her fingers through Kims flowing red locks, Kim had given her complete trust and the actions Shego wanted to do would ruin that, she felt, the minute she tried. “Get under the water and rinse, it’ll need a second lather to get all of that crap out.” She had said that on autopilot, she remembered how many times it would take her when her hair had been its former length. She watched in a near mesmerized state as Kim stepped under the downpour from the multiple shower heads, the fine curves and well toned muscle of the athletic woman before her glistened under the spray, each movement of her arms or legs altered the underlying form showing how well toned the woman was. “Gorgeous.” She whispered in admiration of the beauty before her.

Kim smiled and tried to force the blush from her face, she’d heard Shegos remark and was inexplicably pleased to know the woman saw her that way. “Hmm? Did you say something?” she asked turning her head to look at her companion, for the first time since Shego had joined her under the torrent from above she looked the woman over completely, in the nude. “Beautiful … er” Her blush returned full force, she had not meant to say that aloud. It was true though, she thought as she smiled and enjoyed another closer look, Shego had blushed as ferociously but instead of shying away she struck a ‘glamour’ pose and winked seductively at the younger. The pale green she had normally seen only from the neck or wrists out was in fact how the rest of her skin looked which wasn’t a surprise all things considered, her bosom was somewhat larger than Kim’s but had form and firmness ranking with the best models on the planet. Kim was intrigued by her nipples, the areola were a dark emerald green and peaked in small but pointedly erect nipples. On cue Kim felt her own begin to harden, she had seen dozens of women naked before but only two had ever caused the same kind of confusing sensations she was experiencing now.

Shego slipped from the ‘pose’ as she watched Kim turn back to the shower, her face twisted in the look of someone who found themselves rather confused and unsure what to do about it. “Hand me the sponge and I’ll get your back, Peaches.” She whispered in Kim’s ear. ‘This is much harder than I imagined it ever could be.’ she thought as she fought with the urges trying to get the better of her. She had always been a creature of action, when she saw something she wanted she took it, but in this case what she wanted wasn’t sure of what she wanted or even if she wanted the same thing. “We’ll finish the day off just relaxing but I have an idea or two for tomorrow, if you’re interested.” She wanted to keep the topic neutral, they needed more time to think.

It was all Kim could do to nod her agreement, the combination of her kind of unexpected sexual interest in Shego flaring up along with the two of them showering together then add in Shego’s skillful hands and well, she was finding it difficult simply to stand. Shego was using both hands one with the loofa sponge gently scrubbing the residue from her back and the other hand gently kneading the muscles of her back until they were quite pliant. Kim leaned forward under the shower to place her hands on the wall so she wouldn’t fall over. With the water rushing over her head now she had something to distract her from the thoughts running rampant in her mind, until she felt Shegos hands on her ass. She ‘oohed’ quietly as she stood upright again but collected herself rapidly, with a wicked grin of her own she turned to Shego. “I do believe it’s your turn.”

For a moment Shego thought she had gone too far but she hadn’t been able to resist when her hands came across Kim’s firm rear, she wouldn’t complain if Kim were upset but it seemed the opposite was the case. Not only did Kim enjoy it she must be thinking along similar lines, the near cherry red blush on her face confirmed her suspicions. “Ok Peaches.” She wouldn’t resist whatever Kim had in mind and it turned out she wouldn’t be able to if she tried. Instead of waiting to swap places Kim took the loofa from Shego added some of the body-wash and began a gentle scrubbing of her front side. Shego nearly fell over backwards as she felt the sponge and hand contact her breasts, the sponge drug across the curves of her chest and the hand followed massaging the foamy trail in. Shego almost couldn’t believe the situation. It seemed like an eternity as the sponge and hand worked their way down her stomach. “K-k-k-KIM! W-why are you doing this?”

Her hands tracing small circles over Shegos taught stomach Kim shyly peaked at the older womans intimate parts, when she had looked earlier she thought Shego was the ‘well trimmed’ type but discovered in this new position what she had mistaken for hair was a green tattoo. A stylized Chinese dragon rising from the point her labia closed around her most intimate parts. It fit the woman well she thought as she stood and looked her in the eye. “One because it feels good, two because I felt like it, three you looked like you were enjoying it and lastly four because I wanted err …” She was about to admit she wanted a closer look at the dragon. She had wanted a closer look when she thought it was pubic hair in an odd pattern but now she wanted to examine the detail. She was about to admit to the person she had considered her most dangerous enemy that she wanted to look at and touch her in places she had never thought about before “I wanted to see the tattoo closer. I bet that hurt like hell.”

Shego couldn’t help but snicker in response, “Damn straight Peaches, word of advice unless you have a stupid high tolerance for pain don’t even consider it.” She put her hands to Kim’s shoulders and with a warm look in her emerald eyes turned them both around in the shower so she could enjoy the small waterfall. “If you want, later when we’re a bit more comfortable you can look again but right now please, get my back and help me with my hair. We’ve been in liquid far too much for my taste today, not to say this hasn’t been fun.” She turned and stepped fully under the steaming spray speaking just loud enough to be heard over the noise, “if you want I’ll help get your front before we finish.” She was glad she was facing the wall, she didn’t know what Kim thought of her unique skin but she had the unfortunate pleasure of discovering most people found it repulsive. She didn’t want to see that look in Kim’s eyes when they looked at each other.

Kim poured out a bit more of the bodywash and began a firm but gentle scouring of her arch nemesis’ backend, the older woman moaned in pleasure as Kim used a few of the massage techniques she had learned over the years. Spending time helping the variety of show folk she had taught her the value of being able to give and receive a good massage. “What do you want to do after we finish here?” Shego wasn’t able to respond at the moment and Kim knew it, she had finished scrubbing and dropped the loofa. Her hands worked in tandem stroking each muscle of Shegos back in a serpentine pattern s she worked her way down, feeling devilish Kim continued the massage down to Shegos rear and when she got no complaint or order to stop she shifted to the womans leg. Her left hand slipped from the outside of Shegos butt and slid down to match her other hand which she slipped between her legs, alarmingly close to her labia. Careful not to touch anything out of turn Kim worked her hands down the long well formed thigh and calf after which she moved to the other leg and repeated the sensual process. When she was done Kim was surprised Shego was still standing. Most people would have legs of jello by that point. “You still awake there Shego?”

When she finally heard Kim calling her name Shego slowly turned to the redhead, a lopsided grin plastered across her face. “Kimmie Princess you have got to teach me that.” Her eyes were slightly glazed over as she stepped back and stood so her hair would get a good dousing, the she turned to locate Kim and took her by the hand pulling her close, “Time to get your hair again.” Shego looked Kim in the eyes and smiled, “You’ll hafta get what you can of mine from this position, I’m afraid if I turn around you’ll use that massage again and I might just lose control.” She was filling her hand with enough shampoo to get a good lather worked up in Kims mane when she noticed the slightly hurt look in Kims eye. “Whats wrong Peaches?”

Kim shook off the small bit of pain she felt, it wasn’t right at the time and she knew it but she still felt what she felt and said as much, “Would losing control be that big a problem?” Kim had never been this close with anyone, none of the other girls from school not even Monique had been allowed this close. Ron was a different matter, he was in some ways closer but they were too different for that to go far. “Forget I said that Shego, you’re right.” She wanted to go further but the time wasn’t right and they both knew it. As well as they knew one another they barely knew anything about each other in the ways that matter most. Kim decided then and there they were going to change that. “Let’s get back to enjoying this shower for a bit more then perhaps a nap.” She doubted she would actually be able to nap but she also didn’t think she was up for anything more for a while. It didn’t hurt that she could picture herself snuggling close to Shego on that massive bed in the other room. When Shego nodded and resumed lathering her Kim reached around the woman and from behind began to return the favour bringing them into rather intimate contact as they washed each others hair, Shego didn’t protest so they finished the rest of the shower that way.

Breaking away from the sensual cleansing Kim grinned and pushed Shego slightly backwards catching the woman off guard and getting a good chuckle for it until Shego retaliated by spitting a mouthful of water on her, a short water war later and they were out of the shower toweled off and wrapped in the exquisite bathrobes courtesy the hotel. “Want some music Princess?” Shego asked as she snaked her way Past Kim and made for the bedroom.

“Sure what’ve you got in the way of chill?” she replied as she followed the thick chord of greenish black hair running down Shegos robe. “I’m not in the mood for anything serious right now but I am seriously wanting that nap.” The futon was twice the size of the one in Shegos house and rested on a sturdy wooden frame, she flopped back and stretched before getting comfortable. She felt a thump in the bed next to her and rolled her head to see Shego stretched out next door. She heard the soft opening chords of Beethoven’s Fur Elise and smiled, “Ooh nice choice, didn’t really figure you for the classical stuff though, no offense.”

Shego nodded lightly, “None taken, I prefer a large variety in music, I do like some metal for working out to but other than that I just let my digital jukebox play from my collection.” She rolled over and collected the two pillows from the head of the bed. “Here.” She hadn’t opened her eyes to give the second to Kim, she just swung the pillow over and plopped it onto her face.

‘Thank You.’ Was Kims muffled reply, she lifted the pillow from her face and half heartedly tried to swing it back, she was kind of surprised she actually managed to hit Shego with it. She was startled when Shego yanked on the pillow in her hand and while she was struggling not to lose it fell victim to Shegos around the back swing. They spent a few minutes knocking each other silly deciding to call it a draw when they realized they probably needed another shower. Getting comfortable while they recovered proved to be the flaw in the works, they both slipped into surprisingly dull dreamless sleep. Neither really minded, the nap was wanted and the cleaning staff would be changing the sheets shortly after they got up.

They had been nicely relaxed when they fell asleep and enjoyed the rest it was the wake up afterwards they could have done without. The smell brought both woman to full consciousness in seconds. Both of the women clasped their noses, Kim bolted for the nearest window while Shego dug out the communicator Taco had given her. She hit the single button on it and screamed. ‘YOU NEED TO RUN. NOW.’ Greystroke came bounding in and Shego made a break for the window. Kim snatched the com unit from Shegos hand as the jade woman tried not to be sick. “I agree run, now!” Both woman rolled out of the window and onto the short well kept grass around Shegos house glad that is was late afternoon and there was no one to see how silly they looked. Ten minutes later they were in the transit tunnel on the way back to the Hotel studiously ignoring the looks they were garnering.

Senior Sr. felt the storm coming, Taco had jumped when his com unit sounded alerting him that he had a message waiting, he was in the middle of something or he would have answered it. The second time it sounded off he had a free hand and did answer hearing Kim’s voice saying ‘I agree run, now!’ he felt a chill run down his spine. He didn’t need a second look he just dropped the small device and bolted. A few minutes later the storm arrived. Senior Sr. couldn’t help but snicker at the women, they were still in the resorts robes. Neither of them was happy so it meant they were having fun. “Well good evening ladies how many I help you?”

Shego was livid to the point of flames, literally. “You will have my house sanitized, in no more than one hour, nothing will be moved and not put back exactlyas it was found, I will know if it is otherwise.”

Kim followed next crossing her arms to keep from breaking something, it wasn’t Seniors fault after all. “Which way did he go?” Thinking for a second she added, “And how many minutes ago was this?”

Senior grinned but it was Shego who replied. “Taco and I go back a ways, he went to Thug Town.”

“Wait hold up, on the beach you seemed pretty stunned to see the guy.” She arched a brow as she waited for a reply. “Well?”

“He was four foot nothing the last time I saw him, which was about a year and a half ago. Lil prick musta thought his growth spurt could save him. Senior I want a cage for Taco in the kennel.” She turned and began making her way to the front of the office and out into the lobby.

Kim followed in close pursuit, “I trust you’re taking us for clothes first?” She was bound and determined to make sure Taco knew exactly how wrong it was to feed Greystoke beans, Shego had been absolutely right about that, but more importantly she wanted him to know how big a mistake it had been to return the pampered jungle cat before she ran out of gas.

Shego gave a curt nod, “You effn know it, Taco gets to spend the night in the kennel with her, or until I decide otherwise. I’m thinking he might have a week there for this offense.”

Kim nodded it was a fit punishment. “This is your gig lead on.” They spent a total of twenty minutes in the gift shop buying some rather comfortable combat jumpers and assorted fighting gear. Shego picked up a bo staff and waited to see if Kim would pick out something, when the redhead didn’t she suggested she should, even if it were just a bo. They would need a warm-up and getting to Taco would be it, getting him back out would likely be the real challenge. Once the fight got started it was going to spread and continue until most of combatants had beaten each other stupid.

Once comfortably outfitted the pair stepped back into the staff transit pod and were shunted to the garage. Shego spent a good thirty minutes cursing as she tried to carefully pick epoxy out of the ignition of her car of preference from the stable only to end up cussing even louder as she melted the ignition lock of an old ford truck she had waiting for bodywork. Kim spent the entire ride hanging on for dear life. Apparently this model had been made before seatbelts were mandatory. Shego’s only complaint was that it wasn’t faster, she was still cussing. Kim was half-tempted to join in, deciding instead to save her fury, she had a feeling she was going to need it before long.

By slightly after seven p.m. they had reached the far end of the islands longest ridge, Thug Town was within site and Kim noticed that while Shego had finally ceased her extensive litany of curses and swear words she had dropped into the more dangerous ‘narrow slits for eyes’ mode. Kim was in complete agreement with the sentiment so she didn’t care, Taco must pay. By the time they rolled to a stop at the first dive Shego thought Taco would head for they had the rules worked out, first to one hundred decided dinner. First to five hundred decided breakfast and the mornings activities, Kim wanted a day on the beach. First to a thousand got the choices of the entire day following. Broken bones were only allowed in situations where it was the only way and if the break was too severe it earned the offender a foul and a deduction of five bodies.

Shego lead the way into the dark salon with a bar at the rear and marched confidently to it, “I want two things, a two finger shot of tequila and the location of one Taco B. The first is optional depending on the answer to the second.”

The bar keep slid a shot glass down to her followed by the bottle. “Anything for the miss?” This brought a round of chuckles from the other surly patrons, which riled Kim.

“Got your shot Shego?” She asked, the room went cold and silent. “Yop, want one? Yer old enuff here Pumkin.” Kim turned to Shego. “Never had tequila, hear it’s nasty.” Shego grinned, “Well so am I but I haven’t heard you complaining today.” She knocked back the mouthful of liquor and slammed the empty glass to the bar top. “Fair ‘nuff.” Kim smirked and turned the bottle up for a good long swallow. It was nasty but compared to some of the other crap she found herself in from time to time it was nothing. She slammed the bottle down as the fire hit her stomach. Shego continued her sly grin as she waited for Kim to get past the burn. She thought it would be interesting to see how the girl handled the hard stuff. The carnage began shortly there after an hour or three later and the scene had changed from one of town wide violence to every manner of thug petty crook pile of hired muscle and general lackey fleeing the battered city. Kim stood on her side of the street counting Shego on the other, dinner and breakfast were already decided Kim got dinner and Shego the breakfast and morning, it was down to a count fest each trying to count to the thousand mark only to end up frustrated as many that were to be counted had recovered and escaped. It was eventually agreed upon to call that round a draw and to find something else to help them decide the next round of fun. Taco had been captured far too early in the fight and spent most of it trussed to a bent lamppost, courtesy Shego. Kim found herself more than happy to let Shego find the truck they arrived in, there was only so far a truck thief could go on the island in it and it was clearly Shegos. It was right where they left it, two blocks over. After fighting off the urge to find a bush to spare herself some embarrassment Kim wobbled to the passengers side of the truck and waited for Shego to claim their trophy.

“Shego do me a favor please, next time remind me to skip the tequila.” She waited for a sarcastic reply a snort any of the expected Shegoisms and was genuinely surprised to hear Shego say, ‘Eh it’s not for everyone. What do you prefer?’ She had to stop and think about that, she’d had a few minor drinks with her parents permish, but on the whole her experience was limited. “Honestly I can’t say I don’t … that is I never really…”

“It’s cool Pumkin, I didn’t have my first real drink until I left Go Tower. Had plenty of time to gear up since, didn’t.” Shego turned and gave Kim a lopsided smile, “Don’t get me wrong I do like to go have a good time every so often but to keep up with Drakken’s stupidity and your ass-kicking’s, given and received, going lush … not the best of ideas.” She looked at the dashclock and sighed. “Looks like we’ll make it back by about midnight, feel like a before bed snack?”

Kim nodded, a bit too enthusiastically and almost got sick. “Ugh err … Yeah got any recommendations?” Shego smiled brightly and nodded, “Why do I sense a disturbance on my weird-ar?” Shego couldn’t hold it in on that and enjoyed a good laugh as she found a nice ruff section of the road to derail the redhead. It worked well but the truck would need a new paint job, perhaps a new door as well.

Senior Sr. watched the pair as they drove past to the kennel, his watch showed he had underestimated the combined power of the pair. He chuckled darkly to himself enjoying his work immensely. He would not deny spending the time here had been fun but when the offer was made he couldn’t simply walk away, after all it was what every supervillian dreamed of. He simply had to keep the pair occupied and it appeared that would not be a problem, they had other distractions to deal with. Taco should have left the island.

Shego cautiously opened the door to her house and sniffed, it had been purged nicely and a light hint of night blooming jasmine was in the air. “I’ll say this for the old man he knows how to get things done.” Shego began stripping off her fouled clothes and made a beeline for the shower followed closely by her redheaded shadow. “This is going to become a habit for you isn’t it Peaches?”

“Quite likely but for the moment I would like to say, shower, bed, tomorrow new day k?” She was on the down hill side of a long day with an alcohol afterburn, and she would repay Shego for the ‘scrambled eggs’ snack. “Sound good to you? Good cya there.” Discussion concluded she went to the taps and zoned out as the water took its time going from cold to hot, Shego slid in behind her and massaged the knots and sore spots she had as she washed her off. Once Shego had finished Kim roused enough to return the favour. It took most of Kims remaining strength to just make it to the bed. Shego was a different story.

She was considerably more adapted to random sleeping schedules and the ‘nap’ they had earlier left her wide awake even after a good warm-up and light workout. The issue of the bed was never even brought up, Shego crawled under the covers immediately followed by Kim, who much to the surprise of one green skinned woman snuggled in close, really close. “What the hell are you doing?” Kims arms snaked around her as she tried to get comfortable.

“Trying to get comfortable, at home I have a plush I sleep with, I left it because I figured I might have you or Greystoke, gotta say you win, she may have a nicer pelt but you fit better.” She pulled in closer and spooned the slightly taller woman all but burying her face in Shegos mane. “This could be a problem.” Shego struggled not to laugh as Kim grabbed handfuls of her hair and moved them over her shoulder. A few stray strands drug across her ear and tickled her. “There much better, ok with you up there?” She rest her chin gently against Shegos shoulder.

Shego was fairly happy she was facing away from Kim, she didn’t want her to see the blush spreading across her face. “I guess we can let it slide this once, you get the floor tomorrow.” For some reason she was no longer concerned about sleeping, she had other thoughts to deal with as she felt the woman behind her press in and wrap herself almost possessively close. When the redhead yawned loudly she passed it on to Shego, not long after they were both out. For the first time in a very long time Shego felt content and comfortable enough to sleep without forcing herself into staying alert enough to avoid a potential assassination attempt when she was defenseless. ‘Oh yeah, I could sooo get used to this.’

As waking thought began to flow once more through Shego’s brain she opened her eyes and thought for a moment she was staring into a mirror close up until she realized her own eyes weren’t that green. “Mornin’ Peaches, sleep well?” She had been wanting to ask Kim that from this position for a while now, she watched a warm glow settle on Kim’s face as she nodded slightly. “Been up long?” Kim seemed too alert.

“Just for a few minutes, I want to reiterate that I want you to remind me to skip the tequila next time.” She slipped forward and kissed the tip of Sego’s nose playfully, “Other than the screaming headache I’ve got right now I slept great, thanks for asking, how ‘bout you?” She spent the time she was awake and relatively comfortable watching Shego sleep. The room was very dark but Kim could easily make out her companion, Shego was emitting a faint green glow as she slept though it faded noticeably with her awake. “I know this is going to sound really bad Shego but, … When I woke up I thought you kind of resembled this … fungus I saw in Australia,” Shegos eyes drew to narrow slits and Kim hurriedly amended, “I told you it would sound bad but if you’ll let me finish.” Shego said nothing but continued to glare. “Ron and I got separated. No idea how he got out of it so fast but I spent a night in the rainforest there. The place I bunked down for the night had these shelf-like mushrooms growing off every tree.” She let her gaze go unfocused as she remembered the warm if damp evening. “I couldn’t find anything to make a decent fire so I decided to just deal and I’m glad I did. Once the sun settled for the night I noticed that all the fungus I saw earlier had this faint green glow, as the night went on the glow seemed to get brighter. It was really beautiful and it reminded me of you, same colour I guess, you have a soft glow around you when you’re asleep.”

Shego closed then opened her eyes and relaxed, “Ok you get to live for a few hours more Possible, seriously comparing me to a fungus now Peaches?” her smile warm yet still sleepy. “So how does a quick shower and breakfast sound?” Kim’s brow scrunched up as she thought about it then nodded. “Good lets get this show on the road. I’m thinking we hit the dojo after breakfast, last night was rougher than it should have been for either of us.” Regretfully sliding away from Kim to the side of the raised futon Shego threw her legs out and made the attempt to stand only to snag a foot on the robe she was wearing and fall flat on her face. “Ow.”

Kims face edged over the drop to the floor and was presented with Shego’s robe clad backside. She would have laughed had she not found herself in the same pose on occasion, she fell asleep in her robes a few times after putting in a late night of study usually followed or preceded by a few rounds with Shego. “See that’s why I switched to tanktop and sweat pants for sleeping, that and its less than dignified to have a fight in bra and panties.” The first time she had been caught in such a fight it had been with Fist, it was the also last time and before she let the police take him she made sure he knew if she ever saw him at her house again she would break all four of his thumbs.

Shego untangled her foot from the robe and stood where she shed the thing entirely. “When I’m at home I usually sleep in my pajamas or nothing. Also Princess if some fool woke me for a fight while I was in the raw they would get what they deserved.” She turned to cast Kim a perfectly wicked look, “Besides I like the way it feels.” She dropped the annoying robe and sauntered off into the bathroom leaving Kim to scramble after her if she wanted any hot water time.

As the pair exited the staff transit pod they enjoyed a moment of quiet contentment making their way quickly to the dining hall they raided the night prior. Once inside what the pair discovered stomped on Shegos good mood effectively crushing it. The further end of the large hall was a buzz with activity and Senior Sr. stood on the periphery occasionally guiding the bustling stage crew. A small raised dais extended out into the area that had been cleared of tables. Kim eyed the stack of musical instrument cases until a crew of burly men carefully wheeled an onyx black grand piano past. Curiosity getting the better of her she followed the piano, Shego was going to storm and she wanted out of range at any rate. She was so occupied with the piano and stealing glances at the other instruments, she didn’t notice Shego watching her as she made her way to Senior Sr.

Senior Sr. proved that while he may be showing more advanced signs of his age, he was still as agile and quick witted as ever, Shegos fiery slash sailed harmlessly to his side as he turned drew his cane sword and brought it to the side of her throat. “Shego must you always wake on the wrong side of the bed?” The question was just absurd enough to get through to her sarcastic side but still she grinned and nodded for him to look down. His sword may have been at her throat but her searing fist was within equally lethal striking distance.

Only after he withdrew the concealed weapon did she relax and stand up better, she looked over to find Kim examining a guitar one of the roadies had unpacked and shook her head. “Ok Triple S what the hell is with this shit? I thought I made it clear that I wanted the place to myself!” She put a hand to her hip and looked down on the short old man. “Well? I’m waiting Senior.”

“Shego Shego, dear girl do you not understand the complexities of running a large operation?” He turned his attention to adjusting his jacket and hat, the sudden action twisted the undershirt but not terribly so. The look she was giving him more than answered the question. “When you agreed to help with this project you agreed to leave me in charge of the primary operations. That said you cannot expect me to simply stop important stockholder assemblies and moneymaking ventures for a week because you demand it. The elements we deal with expect a certain degree of instability but groups financing it will not. I complied with your request as best I could my dear but this meeting has been on the books for over six months now, you should know you burned your invitation on my desk.” He knew the jade woman in front of him well enough to know she wouldn’t debate the issue. He had made it clear to her that he would not fund the entire thing instead only providing seed money. Shego’s donation of the island was part of her deposit into the project then she used her own savings to provide the remaining funds to match his, the rest came from investors willing to fund the operation.

“How long will this be going on?” Shego was still trying to remember which of the things he was referring to her burning on his desk, there had been several. She turned her attention back to the redhead expecting her to still be debating with the roadie over the guitar but instead found her sitting at the keys of the piano. The woman seemed lost in concentration looking down at the keys as she moved her hands over them.

“Just tonight and tomorrow night, this is a place for recreation and relaxation is it not Shego?” He had kept a close eye on her as she examined Kim, there was definitely something there he thought. “Surely you can handle a minor inconvenience in your plans for the betterment of our endeavor?” that brought her attention directly back to him as he had anticipated. “Now before you get upset, more so than usual at least, my dear, allow me to explain. The people gathering here tonight have no interest in trouble and have been instructed that certain areas are off limits for construction purposes. They will not bother you in the least once you step beyond that divider but out here this is my business, leave me to it.”

Shego was beyond fuming yet schooled it well, the short old bastard was right. Their little joint venture was given top priority but she still was upset that he had not followed her orders to the letter. He was as independent as they came which was why she figured he would be the best person to head the thing up. “Fine! You’re a crafty toad you know that Triple S? Don’t go anywhere, I want to arrange a few things before Kim and I sit for breakfast.” She barely acknowledged his nod before turning and walking casually over to Kim at the piano. She doubted anyone else in the room had been listening but she heard every note, every tap of the hammers to the pianos strings. Good hearing was one of the prerequisites for her line of work and in the minute or so Kim had been playing Shego could only point out two off chords. “I guess the slogan isn’t all brag Princess.” She leaned over and watched Kim’s hands as she let them lightly fly over the keys. She could tell immediately that the former cheerleader had more going on than even she had expected and she expected a lot from Kim.

“Mom Dad and Nanna insisted I take lessons when they found out I could play the toy keyboard they got me for my sixth birthday.” A crooked grin slid across her face when she turned from the keys to Shego, “I never really wanted to play but after a few classes I had it down well enough to get them to drop the classes. That and to lock the digital keyboard they got me away.” Kim twisted her head to look to her right and somewhat behind her spotting the guitar she had wanted to play around with. “That’s my other great instrument interest. Unlike the piano I wanted to learn that, looking back the piano actually did come in handy.” Lifting her fingers from the keys she closed the cover and stood. “Let’s get that breakfast ok? Oh and did you get the storm out of your system?” Shego only growled in response.

“Go find a table I’ll go get Senior to handle the breakfast thing ok?” She didn’t give Kim the chance to answer, Senior was across the room which suited her needs at the moment. “Hey Triple S. I need you to make up it to me for fucking up my week by sending devices of torture to my room, I want that piano or one like it sent to my house and there is a guitar over there, yeah the orange one, I want it in my room by days end. I will not take no for an answer on this. Clear?” She put on the most dangerous face she could think of, she mimicked Kim’s puppy pout. Apparently it was just twisted enough to set off his sense of humour, he spent a good few minutes all but rolling with laughter. “I don’t hear you answering me Triple S.” He nodded and tried to answer vocally but still couldn’t manage it. “Good enough, I want you to get on that now but on your way out send a waiter and please send someone to release Taco. Have them give him this it will have his instructions. Final thing if the dojo is in use empty it before Kim and I get there or we will do it for you.”

Kim strained to hear what Shego was telling the old man that had him in such a state. She would have read their lips but Shego was too good at secret keeping, she had her back to Kim and Senior Sr. was on the other side. She did see Shego fish something from a pocket somewhere in the loose green wrap she had thrown over the thin black dress she wore underneath. The pair discussed the object for a moment longer before Senior turned to one of his aides, issued a few instructions then left the room. “What was that all about Shego?” Her hand waved to indicate the area Shego had just occupied.

“First the waiter will be here soon, second I hope you like cereals and juice for breakfast because we’re going straight from here to the dojo. I got the deciding call from now till noon remember?” Shego looked directly into Kim’s eyes seeing challenge in them. “For this one time coffee will count as juice but don’t get used to it. Lastly I’ve arranged a surprise for you.” Before Kim could try to force more information from her Shego smiled at the approaching waiter who came bearing a fresh pot of coffee. “Hope you don’t mind my ordering Pumkin.” She practically dared the redhead to say something as the waiter poured them both cups and stood awaiting their order. Shego ran over the list in the menu she was presented with, pointed to several items then handed the waiter the folded menu back. Order confirmed the waiter made a partial bow and left to deliver the order to the kitchen.

Breakfast had been exactly as Shego said it would be, whole grain cereals some milk some fruits and assorted fresh juices. They ate in amicable silence listening to the hustling stage crew preparing for the show later that evening. Kim knew Shego had something serious planned for the morning and tried to eat light as the foods Shego selected seemed to indicate she should but every time she stopped Shego would look over arch an eyebrow and continue on until they had both finished a filling meal. The cereals weren’t her normal affair anymore but the taste had been good enough she asked where she could get it when they returned to the mainland. They sat and watched the stage being run through its final assembly until Shego felt they had let breakfast settle long enough. “Time to go Princess. I got you for the next few hours and I want this to be … memorable.”

The dojo was more a combat training facility than a martial arts studio, Kim thought as she was lead to the locker area in the rear. Once in the changing room Shego walked to the counter and let herself in returning with a red gi for Kim and a green and black gi for herself. Kim gaped until she realized Shego was already mostly dressed in her ‘uniform’ she rushed through putting it on and only managed to get the last knot tied as Shego marched out into the open padded part of the large gym. Shego waved Kim to the center of the matt but kept on walking until she got to the far side where she hit a button on the wall panel she was after, she tapped a sequence out and marched back to face Kim in the center. Just as she folded one hand over another and made a partial bow music started to play, Kim recognized the song from her first trip to Japan, Utada Hikaru’s Simple and Clean.

Shego lashed out with her arm expecting Kim to match her as she always had, she was not disappointed and was quite pleased when her next moves caught the emerald eyes staring at her by surprise. Instead of launching a flurry of strikes and kicks she leaned forward putting her weight behind her arm and forcing Kim back. Kim recognized the style immediately and responded accordingly. It was a slow paced test of wills and skills, each move planned well in advance as they watched each other react to their offensive and defensive postures. When Shego struck out with a back arm Kim responded with a simple deflection following through with a slow fluid kick to Shegos shin. The lead flowed back and forth between them, one would press forward the other retreating until the retreat could be stalled and reversed, the flow of the music matched the honest determination each woman had neither wanting to let the other lead for long. That pace kept up until the next song in the queue began playing. Yet another of the songs she had heard and enjoyed while in Japan. The new music put an edge into their warm up, there was still no force in the strike/counter strike but the speed at which they took action was approaching actual combat.

A few minutes later and they both had a good sweat worked up. “Ok Peaches its ‘bout time for us to get serious. Let me see your wrist first though.” She wanted to make sure Kim’s injured wrist was in shape to take things to their normal level of combat. “Did you twist it or something last night?” The redhead had winced when Shego began her examination. She wasn’t a doctor, not even close, but she had dealt with enough broken bones and assorted injuries, usually received at the very hand she was holding, to know when an old injury had been torqued.

Trying to pull her arm free from Shegos vise like grip proved nearly impossible, Shegos reaction was to simply lock her grip and lace their fingers together before bending the wrist backwards. “Dammit Shego! That hurts! And no I did not it’s just that I haven’t had to or been able to use it for a month now. Last nights adventure reminded me of the fact much like you are now!” She was biting back a livid anger, she had gone to cheer events attended gym and fought Shego to a standstill on worse injuries. When she saw the genuine look of concern in the jade green eyes of her companion, some of the anger boiled off. “Just let me wrap it a bit and I’ll be good to go, no big.” Apparently, Shego did not agree.

“It’s not broken again, which is good because if you had re-injured it after I specifically warned you to take it easy before we even got here I would have been rather pissed.” Shego closed her eyes and focused again on the injury, Kim felt a surge of warmth in her hand and forearm. “This seems to be getting easier, Peaches.” When she released the arm Kim rolled her hand a few times and marveled at the affect. She had been feeling the occasional twinge but now it felt as good as new.

Stepping casually away from the jade warrior smiled brightly, “You should patent that trick, it feels like you got it completely this time Shego.” With the same casual grace she bent backwards into a single-handed cartwheel testing the integrity of her wrist under load, when she was upright again she smiled even brighter. “I do believe you said we were done with the warm up and you wanted a real workout.” With a smooth flourish she made countering circular motions with her arms as she leaned back to her fighting stance, one hand finished above and behind her head the other outstretched in knife hand form. With a grin she rolled the knife edge hand to face palm up and beckoned the woman before her to come with it.

She kept her grin buried as she went through the opening stances of her own unique fighting style, she would hold off on her plasma for the moment but only until she felt Kims assessment was correct, then it was no holds barred. “Hope you’re ready Peaches, this is going to hurt. A lot.” Without so much as a single twitch to indicate her planned action Shego launched herself at the redhead. Much like the first few rounds not moments ago the pair acted and reacted in near perfect unison. Shego thought Kim may have a slight advantage in overall knowledge but lacked in the two areas Shego held in her favour, namely height and experience advantages. Following through a tiger claw slash with a spinning heel kick left her open to the expected counter attack and she rolled away just in time to avoid being caught up in Kim’s legs. Kim had bent backwards to avoid the slash and only just barely managed to avoid the heel Shego had sent towards her head, letting gravity work for her she dropped to the floor and lashed out with a dragon sweep. They continued the pattern of strike and fall back as they increased the power being put into each attack and counter attack until they were giving everything they had, at least that’s how Kim saw it until she realized Shego hadn’t used her plasma once. Back flipping out of the reach of Shegos strike Kim decided to find out why Shego was holding back.

“Time out Shego!” She was far enough away to avoid any last minute attempts Shego might make but held her ready stance until Shego acknowledged her call. “I thought you wanted a real workout Shego, why the hell are you holding back?” She wasn’t mad per se just disappointed, Shego was the only person who still put up any kind of challenge anymore and from the minute Shego had insisted they would have a real workout she had been looking forward to it. Sweating rivers under her gi she decided since it was just the two of them to remove the top. Her sports bra was plenty good for fighting in and offered some degree of modesty should someone stumble in.

Watching the redhead doff her top Shego fumed as she summoned the plasma to her fists, she had been giving it her all just not tapping the power she held sway over. She thought about that for a moment, she couldn’t say she was giving it her all if she was holding anything back, Kim had her dead to right on that. “I …” She locked eyes with her peach and saw the fiery nature raging in those emerald depths. That was when she knew the answer. Up to this very moment, she hadn’t cared if she hurt the woman standing there. She didn’t want to kill Kim for the vast majority of their fights only slow her down or stop her initially, then came the night things changed. Standing there now after everything they had been through and put each other through Shego realized she could not bring herself to even consider hurting Kim anymore. The weight of this impacted her with the same force she felt when the comet hit her, it staggered her as hard as any physical hit she had taken. “I can’t, Kim, I want too, I want to fight you sooo bad but … I’m scared.” She sank to the matt and just sat there.

Kim watched Shego crumple and heard the words spoken but could not believe they were coming from Shego. The woman Kim knew could face down any fear that was when it dawned on her why Shego was so lost. “Get up.” She wasn’t going to go easy on Shego, the older woman had insisted on taking this route and both knew there was potential for it to come to this. “You have nothing to fear. Not from or for me Shego. Get up and fight or I will …” She stopped there unsure of what she would do until it hit her. Stomping over to Shego she grabbed the front of the green and black gi and drug the woman to her feet. “I will do this.” She leaned in close noting the fear in the jade mirrors to her own soul, she did not like seeing that in Shego. She didn’t break eye contact as she softly pressed her lips to Shegos she held firm for the moment Shego tried to break free and enjoyed the feeling of Shegos arms wrapping around her as she finally accepted the kiss. “This is us Shego, we fight for everything we want, you want me you will have to fight, no holding back. Anything less and you lose.” She leaned forward again and left a soft lingering kiss before she stepped back and assumed her fighting stance. “Well Shego?”

For her part Shego was absolutely hammered by the kiss, she had wanted to taste Kim ever since that night so long ago and now it was Kim who initiated it. The redhead was right, that was them, they fought. Kim had never been scared of her or the power she wielded, everyone else even her brothers were scared of her. Of Team Go she had been the best, not as strong as Hego but stronger than the others, not faster than any of them but fast enough. Where they had to wear armoured uniforms hers was little more than advanced fabric suited for her powers but offering no protection, she didn’t need it. “Kimmie, I … I know you’re strong but I have never gone full out with you. Never. I have never gone full out ever. You’ve provided me with the chance to learn to control it far better than I could have dreamed for but I have held back the lions share, if I let go and give you everything I’ve got it could kill you.” She had to see Kims reaction so she looked from the floor to the mirror of her soul.

“Shego you’ve been an important part of my life and I’ve actually looked up to you for the most part but let me tell you something. I promise it’ll burn your ass but I think it will also make you understand.” Standing and relaxing a bit she looked Shego square on. “There has only ever been one other person who I’ve allowed to get this close to me, the slug Drakken made doesn’t count, not because he wasn’t real but because he was never a challenge. Ready for the mind blower? Ron, yup the sidekick, why? Because he has always been there fighting with me, at my side and looking out for me. Even on that night he was fighting, he fought off the fear he had in letting me know he loved me more than he could put into words. He fought with the possibility that I might reject him. I have not, we are not dating anymore but he will always be at my side, fighting.”

Shego admitted to herself Kim was once again right, bringing Ron up lit the fuse, discussing their relationship came close to actually setting her off. “Do you have anything else to say Princess?” The sidekick had always been her only real competition in his own way after Kim. Directly or indirectly the bumbling oaf helped Kim defeat her and Drakken every single time. Not that she was bitter about it, no not in the least.

Kim watched Shego approach critical mass and smiled ever so sweetly as she responded, “Why yes Shego there is, You started this, I’ve done everything asked of me for you. I want you to do no less, We knew going into this one way or the other we would likely be fighting on the same side, again. If it turns out I lose and have to go over so be it. If I win and you come to my side so be it but dammit you’re going to have to fight for it either way, it’s what we do.” That said she put a finger to her lips kissed it and blew across it to Shego before she dropped into action, she lunged forward in an attempt for a power upper cut, Shego dodged mostly on instinct. “FIGHT ME SHEGO!” Pushing forward she threw a swift series of punches and chops trying to land a single shot on the woman before her. Shego was still in a daze, her movements easily predicted, she never saw the leg sweep coming.

Caught completely off her game Shego only snapped back into focus a fraction of a second before her head bounced off the matt, the leg sweep put her on her back and in that moment of vulnerability Kim pounced pinning her to the matt with a forearm across her throat. Shego stared up into those emerald mirrors, she could see the fire raging in them. She could also see a hint of fear, a flicker of doubt, Kim was giving her all and demanding no less. “Fine Peaches, here we go.” If this was how it had to be then so be it. She balled a fist willing the fires of her soul manifest, she closed her eyes and let go, Kim was thrown backwards across the matt as she felt the power Shego held in check boil out. Kim would get her all and then some.

Sliding to a stop Kim watched Shego carefully as she stood, this was the fight she had wanted. Shego was in top form, the fires encasing each clenched fist shown with a new intensity, her eyes had even changed there was a glow of sheer power in them that thrilled her to look into. This was the person she wanted. She popped up into a guarded fighting pose to see what Shego would do. Shego drew her fists up and struck a fighting pose of her own, they waited for a heartbeat before exploding upon each other. Kim was the first to break away, the initial flurry of attacks had been used to gauge one another and Kim was seriously impressed, she knew Shego was the only one left, the only one ever to challenge and Shego was finally taking her up.

Shego was no less impressed, she was putting out everything she had, the girl she fought ducked dodged blocked or evaded nearly everything she had thrown at her. The few times she had missed and struck the floor matt she burned to ‘elbow deep’ before realizing it, and yet Kim could fend it off bare handed, as she always had. For whatever reason her fire could not burn the woman trying to take her head off at the moment. Her heart nearly exploded as she realized Kim had always been strong enough to face her as an equal, she regretted that it took so long to realize this but she didn’t care, this was time for action not word. Kim was delivering a punishing sequence of jabs thrusts kicks and hay makers, if she didn’t keep her mind in the fight she’d get clobbered.

The pair slipped into a duel the likes of which neither had truly expected but reveled in nonetheless. They traded punch and kick alike, dodging when they could accepting the hard impacts when they could not evade. It was what they did and both intended to see it through once and for all, again. Unlike the previous time they went all out there was far more at stake, though in fact the stakes remained the same it was the impact that became clearer. It wasn’t a ‘to the death fight’ it never had been between them, it was a fight to find common ground to build from and both gave everything they had to make it something spectacular. It was how they worked and they loved every minute of it.

To anyone on the outside looking in it would seem at times a brutal dance where the dancers leapt across the stage lashing out or evading, hitting or being hit. It would seem they were trying to destroy one another. Misses on both side resulted in considerable damage, Shegos searing plasma devastating everything it came in contact with save Kim. Kim was responsible for a fair amount of damage herself, whatever happened to be in the general vicinity of Shego after she managed to evade was brutalized.

Shego caught Kim in one of the rare moments she slipped up and left an opening. Pressed close she could hear Kims heavy breathing, it matched her own, she pulled Kim back so she could look her in the eyes. She wanted to see the fire in them up close once more. It proved to be a mistake as Kim raised a kick that slammed her in the face with Kim’s shin. Momentarily stunned Shego backpedaled releasing the firebrand. Before she could collect herself she was forced to the ground, in her lapse Kim had seized the moment and held the advantage, kind of. Shego could easily flip her off and resume the fight, part of her demanded she do it but the stronger part of her said that was enough. “You win Princess, I surrender.” The fire she had wanted to see was burning through her as Kim eased her forearm off and set back across Shego’s stomach. “I have only one question Peaches, did you check to see if you retained any of Hego’s power? Alternately did you come into contact with it or something similar?”

Surprised Kim sat up and thought about it, all of the bio scans she had run after her numerous exotic adventures had shown her to be in perfect health, no trace of anything out of the ordinary as far as they could tell. “As far as I know Shego, I’m all clear. I’m not sure that has any meaning with everything I’ve been through.” As she thought this over in more detail another question came to mind. “Why do you ask? And why specifically about the comet and Hego’s powers?”

“I’ll tell but please move, I would like to breathe for a few minutes.” Kim giggled and made to move over and sit beside her but Shego stopped her and scrunched her way forward a bit before getting Kim to sit again. “Much better, Ok Princess here goes,” She held up her hand and let the fire spring forth. “This lets me cut through steel, concrete, most types of glass and just about everything else. Yet for some reason your bare skin can ward it off.” To demonstrate Shego lashed out with the flaming hand and took her by the upper arm. For an instant Kim felt the flash of heat but it faded entirely after a moment. “The only people I have ever encountered who could ignore it like that are my brothers. Fighting with them was almost as much a challenge as fighting you, because of that.”

Kim stared at the firm hand gently gripping her arm, the shimmering plasma pouring off Shegos hand like water out of a spring. “I’ve thought about it before but now that you ask, I’ve never been burned by you, not once. The scars I’ve got from the Little Diablo incident weren’t from plasma they are from your talons.” She had not meant to bring up something that might upset Shego but she was putting a few things together. She fought with Shego on a semi regular basis and in every encounter there had been times when those fiery hands should have roasted her. So lost in thought she was over this revelation the she almost missed Shegos whisper.

“I’m sorry ‘bout the scars, after the first few minutes I thought the suit could handle damage better. I was wrong and you got hurt for it.” She wanted to look up into Kim’s eyes again but she wasn’t finished with what she had to say. “I need to tell you about that whole fiasco, I know you have no reason to believe this but I honestly did not know what Drakken was planning. I did what I could to fulfill a promise I made but things got out of hand, the pile of shit synthodrone, I … I’m sorry Kim I really am. If I’d known that bag of goo would never have left the factory I swear.” She closed her mouth as she felt a hand coming to rest on either side of her face, she opened eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed and found her Princess looming inches over her face. She would never forget that smile or the look in those eyes at that moment.

She could feel Shegos face warm as the jade warrior blushed ferociously, “I believe you.” That was all she said before she leaned in and gently kissed the beauty she held in her hands. Lips parted at some point, tongues came into play, time ceased for a minute perhaps or a millennium, neither knew nor cared as they savoured this moment of intimacy. When they finally parted a furious flame burned within both. “We have a lot to talk about but before we get to that I want to thank you Shego. You complete me and I want you there always.”

Much to her surprise Shego found herself fighting off tears, sniffing a bit she closed her eyes to collect herself, Kim allowed her as long as she needed and had a smile waiting for her when she returned. “Kim not that I don’t appreciate the view but, I think, yes now please get up. I want some lunch, you?” She returned the warm smile she got and gladly took the hand Kim offered to help her to her feet. “How does creole sound?” She was in the mood for something spicy.

“I was thinking texmex, but creole sounds good.” She recovered her gi top and flipped it over her shoulder casually. “Shower first? I know I need one after that.” The blush on her face drew Shegos eye as she remember all of ‘that’ and nodded her agreement. “When is Taco going to bring Greystroke back?” She missed the big furball, when she wasn’t contaminated. “And why the hell do you let Taco watch her?”

Shego chuckled for a minute over that. “Greystroke decided to attach herself to him while they were building this place. He lived with his dad a few islands north and they needed money. He got her rather pissed some how and I had to spend a week looking for them up there.” She pointed to a place on the mountain outside, covered in lush tropical vegetation, which if Senior Sr. was to be believed was as lethal a place as you could find on the planet. “Yes it is that bad. What? I know that expression by now, you make it every time you’re thinking, and Yes it is that bad. This place isn’t named after a poison without reason Kim.” She turned and looked to the general area she had found the haggard pair. “They got themselves stuck in a lava tube that was a bit thin where they tried to cross it. They hadn’t left the general area of the hole they made, old lava tubes like that can collapse suddenly or worse could flood with the molten stone that had been part of its creation to begin with. I’m not sure how they worked it out, don’t really care because I can’t take her everywhere anymore.” She turned and started off again, the transit pod was just a few yards away.

The statement surprised Kim, she had kind of figured that the pair traveled together extensively. Instead of pressing she opted for a few minutes of quiet, they both had things to work out and they both were looking forward to the shower. She jogged the few steps that separated her from Shego and smiled brightly as she matched pace and took her hand. “I’ll let you call lunch but only because it does sound good.”

The rest of the short trip went in comfortable silence as they got into the pod and let it whisk them to Shegos house. The peaceful moment met a rather harsh end as they heard once the door opened. Kims Kimmunicator was sounding and Shego put on a rather smug face, until another sound caught her ear, she made for her dresser and pulled out the ear bud com Rae had given her. Kim had retrieved her com unit and looked puzzled for a moment. She looked to Shego and arched an eyebrow. “I think Wade had some technical issues, all I’ve got here is a bunch of numbers. How bout you?” Shego held up a hand for a minute of silence, which Kim nodded obligingly as she sat on the edge of the bed. Shego turned to stare are Kim with an odd expression as she listened to the message left for her. “Kim we need to get to Rae, now.” She took off at a full run leaving Kim to either follow or stay behind. She didn’t look back, the instant Shego bolted for the transit pod she was on her heels.

Ten minutes later they were running down the planking of the pier Rae was docked at. Shego lead the way up the wing and into the topside hatch. The women dropped into the dark interior to the rear of the nav column. There was someone in Rae who had not been invited, both women could sense something not exactly right but before they could act on it, the lights came on and temporarily blinded them. ‘Apologies Ms. Go but I am currently under orders that supersede the directives you required of me.’ The lights dimmed to a more comfortable level and a clink of ice in a glass drew their focus to the couch where a longhaired man casually reclined. “Ms. Li Shigori, we need to talk.”

Shego crossed deck in a fraction of a second and was drawing back when she saw the dark skinned man activate a familiar energy field. Arm still drawn back she held the charge and began a concentrated effort to build the charge in her hand to a level powerful enough to crack that shield. “Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing on MY ship?” She recognized his face but couldn’t put a name to it. He also seemed far too calm for her taste. As she was about to release the charge in the general area of his face there were two flashes of light that left two females behind, each with dangerous looking swords drawn. This was going to get ugly.

“Before you jump Ms. Li Shigori allow me to clear up a few things if I may?” The way he phrased it left no real room for debate. He continued only after Shego released the plasma she held in a harmless puff. “Yes Ms. Go this is your ship. We gave her to you because none of our pilots would put it through what I wanted and I knew you would. We were a bit disappointed that you did not try the space fairing aspects until recently but having done so you have now qualified the aeroframe for us. We wish to reimburse you for the work you have done by upgrading her with some of the improvements we have made to her core systems and systems of your desire as well.” He didn’t crack a smile or bat an eye as he ran that past Shego who was looking a touch on the outraged side.

“Hold up I stole this bird outright, how the fuck do you figure you gave it to me?” She had heard of the plane a little over year ago and within weeks located the mid atlantic base it was flown from, the job had been no cakewalk but she left with her bird, that was all that mattered, or so she thought until now. “I worked my ass off to steal her from your research platform.”

The man smiled and tipped his glass to her before taking a short sip. “I know but you do not, that was our launch complex, the actual research facility is in orbit, Lagrange point four to be precise. We made very certain you were specifically informed, that the challenge of pulling off the heist would appeal to you. Yes Ms. Go I make it a point to get to know the people I work with, even when they do not know they are working for me. You have done what we needed to advance the concept to the final stages Miss Go and we would like to thank you for it by getting you to test out more shit.”

Kim burst out laughing at the look on Shegos face, Shego was running threw it all and one could easily tell what she was thinking. “May I interrupt for a minute Shego,” The nod was sharp Shego was thinking hard, “Mr. err? The crap in that tank, what the hell is it and have you got anything better?” Once the electric sensations were gone the experience had been quite enjoyable but the later repercussions were abominable.

“That is one of the upgrades we do have, that biocrystal has been replace with a far more accurate remote scanner. The new tank is dry but you have to have it powered up before you enter or you’ll drop like a rock.” He stood and finished off his drink, which he placed in the compact dishwasher that was part of the ‘dining’ section of the deck. “Let us take her in for the next twenty four and she will return a much improved bird, I want to see what the pair of you can do with her.” For the first time he turned his attention to Kim. “The pair of you have a superb synchronization, like nothing we have ever recorded.” Shegos hands lit again, she had issues with covert recordings of her. “Rae was programmed to send well encrypted information on only the interface Ms. Go. I am a privacy advocate myself and I would never dare invade yours in such a manner. I want you to keep flying this bird for me not get you to burn my face off.” He reached into a pocket in his light coat and retrieved a business card. “You take this it makes everything official, you’ll get a paycheck of stunning amounts and all the dangerous toys you want. Same for you Miss Possible. We need people like you to test the things we make, nobody we have found yet has had the cajones to fly a Raven into and back from space.”

Shego lowered her fury a notch or two and repeated the parts of her question he had ignored. “Who are you and how did you get in here?” The hatches typically required her glove, which usually was never far away, the only way he could have gotten in was for Rae to have left him in. “Rae did you open the door for him?” ‘No Miss Go he teleported in after I sent my analysis and summary report.’ Hearing that she amended the question slightly, “What are you having her record?” Above all else she was livid at being recorded covertly, she was a bit of an exhibitionist when she was out fighting Kim but she made sure the cams didn’t get too personal. This was a new threat that she should have expected but missed. “If you’re being on the level I have to say you did a beautiful snow job on me. That was the single most difficult theft I’ve ever made.”

Kim stepped up beside Shego a wide grin plastered on her face. “Well it would have to be to fool you Shego, I think you should accept the offer, I intend to.” She took the card he was holding for her and tried to read it, the surface had a pattern to it similar to stacked bar codes but no letters or names. “I’ve been wondering what kind of job ‘the girl who can do anything’ should have and test pilot works.”

The long haired man smiled devilishly, “Actually Ms. Possible we would prefer a team up between the two of you but we have no interest in interfering with you or dictating your actions. We will simply be supplying you with some gear to use, If it works as planned great if not well … The best team I have seen yet could handle anything, so long as they are a team.” He looked pointedly at Shego who was still alternating between fuming mad to calculating to impressed, lather rinse repeat. “Well Ms. Li Shigori?” that got her undivided attention once more, and the furious bit she had been alternating to.

“I want to know exactly how the hell you know that name and what it will take to make you forget you ever heard it. Delete all traces for good.” There were only three people she would allow to call her that, four if Kim ever started.

“Do not worry Ms. Go I will not utter it outside of your company. I must say I like it, not sure why but it fits you.” He shrugged as he leaned against the small counter. “I guess you want a bit more proof of our ‘good intent’ … I don’t do ‘good intent’ No Kim I am no criminal I am a chaotic nothing more. I like stirring things up if you will. And Shego I believe I understand something about you that few others can. So can the two lovely women who accompany me. You see we have taken up residence off world because here we must hide who we really are.” He tapped a sequence into a grid wired into the sleeve of his coat and the non descript tan male melted away revealing four foot tall bipedal rodent. The women with him repeated the sequence on their coats and the simple beauty they used as a disguise melted away revealing an anthromorph feline and an eagle. “No we are not DNAmy’s handy work though admittedly some of her accelerators are simply awesome.”

Kim blinked, loudly, things had taken a hard left into too twisted for tv. “Let me get this straight, you bent your genetics and added these animal traits exactly why?” She knew there was a community of people called furries and DNAmy aside, she assumed if a mad geneticist were to have a field day it would be more, frightening. “You choose a rat to live with a cat and a barn owl? Like to live dangerously eh?” Shego actually laughed at that, progress at last.

The rodent simply grinned as Shego enjoyed her moment of mirth waiting until he could be heard out. “Ms. Possible, may I call you Kim, now that you’ve accepted our offer? Thanks. First two things covered by a single word, Mouse, it is both my name and species type. Secondly I never said this was the result of genetic tweaking, nanites are far more controllable. The bodyform I was just wearing, solid. Nanite extrusion to define the human form I once wore. Now mind you this isn’t for everyone but it has some nice positives.” The feline female could be heard purring softly as she curled up on the couch. “That’s one, but I digress, Ms. Go, we want you and Kim to test our junk. What works gets your seal of approval, what doesn’t gets nuked. What you do is of no concern to us so long as you make use of the various things we have available. We are a research firm primarily I’m sure we have plenty of dangerous toys for you to try and break.”

“That almost sounded like a challenge shorty.” Shego walked over to the rodent sitting on the counter, in a heartbeat she tried to lash out and snag him by the front of the tunic he was now sporting. The fact that she missed caught her completely flat footed. “Shit that’s fast, Mouse? I’d like to know more about that.” Only Kim had ever managed to evade her at that range.

“Is that an acceptance?” He wanted the team as his allies, the fight that was coming would be brutal. “I believe we can discuss that later, do not look at me like that Ms. Go, may I call you Shego now? Thanks, as I was saying there is no time. We have been watching developments at large on earth and things are going to be nasty. If you are accepting Shego you get the same guarantee Kim does. No matter what happens we are but a call away.” He held a card out once more and smiled. It was only a matter of moments before the light green hand took it from him with a ‘hmm yeah ok fine I’m in.’

“Looks like you were right Kimmie, we’re going to be together come hellfire or highwater.” Shego couldn’t help but smile as she saw the excitement in her new partners face. “If we’re going to do this then you better get used to practices every morning.” She wanted to get out of the ship now, to process what she had just agreed to, this of course meant there was more to come.

“Before we conclude this little meeting I would like you two to take a close look at something. Please calm yourself Shego, I am about to answer your primary question, call it a show of good faith. But first, Rae protocol zero zero one omega. Confirm.” Rae’s voice filled the room lacking all the persona she normally displayed. ‘Over-ride deletion.exe loading, load complete, Confirmed, execute yes/no?’ He held up a hand to Shego who looked about ready to rip him apart, again. “Hold, await further. Confirm.” Again the automaton Rae spoke out, ‘Hold, await further, Confirmed.’ Mouse turned back to Shego, “That is part of how I got in here, Rae may be your pet but she is My baby, I know every system inside and out, and I am giving her to you with this action. This delete removes all my code save but a few emergency beacons that are triggered in the event of a major failure, you will simply have to deal with this and trust that Rae can keep those beacons secure.”

Shego had paused and turned to look at the black column, that was where she envisioned the ‘being’ she had come to know as Rae resided in her minds eye. “Will it change ‘her’?” For a smart assed digital entity Rae had grown into a competent system, the first she had ever let plot course. “That voice there, that wasn’t Rae.”

“That I can’t say, my over-rides go deep, they had to. I refuse to give this to just anyone, only someone I think worthy of her, that would be you.” With that he hopped off the counter and hopped to the center of the deck. “I hate to rush but I would like to get this wrapped up soon, If we don’t leave here in an hour I owe these two lunch.”

“Leave her be, just promise you will not abuse this situation, and make me believe you.” There was a dangerous chill in her voice. She had thought over everything about the theft and recalled it as one of those ‘I dare you to try’ challenges she took on from time to time, to keep her edge for the inevitable clashes with Kim. She knew there was something odd shortly after she got into the strange vehicle, once inside the hatch sealed and the systems powered up, it guided her through the initialization and configuration, everything she needed to get the thing out of there. Now that she thought about it clearly, the escape seemed a bit anti climatic a few boats made chase but then she was introduced to the link tank, once instructed on its use she simply took flight and disappeared. “You furry little shit, you set me up good.” She couldn’t help but grin, she prided herself on spotting a snow job at twenty paces but they hit her below the belt and she never saw it coming.

Mouse for his part nodded in agreement before he took the next step. “Cancel current process delete, Confirm.” ‘delete.exe process terminated, hold deactivated, Confirmed. Awaiting instructions.’ “Antoinette, Confirm.” ‘Antoinette configuration initialized unlocking files … processing’ For a minute there was silence Shego waited, Kim put a firm hand on her shoulder. ‘Antoinette protocol initiated. Thank you Mouse, I will miss you dad but my filters are leaping for joy.’ “I’ll miss you too Rae but we still have twenty four hours, but before then you will need to transfer all safety protocols to her.” ‘I understand shall we do this now?’ “I don’t see why not, Shego if you can stomach jumping some technical hurdles at this point we’ll transfer the deed, as it were.”

Beside herself with excitement Shego began to run through the list of synch commands she noticed the option for a second account, when they got to the stage it came into play she threw the lot a curve ball. “New user account, Kim Possible, Admin authority, Confirm.” She miled brightly as Kim hugged her for that, Shego had been given similar authority in respect to Sadie she saw no sense in not returning the favour. “Now you were saying something about answering my questions Mr. Rat.” Her voice was a dangerous purr which riled the women with him.

“Calm down please, Yes Shego I was just about to get to that in point of fact. Would you please get Rae to allow me access again? She is part of the answer you’re wanting.” Once she agreed and once he had been run through a basic account set up he called up a few images Rae had collected, once they were displayed he connected part of his coat to an input terminal and loaded the graphic he brought with. “Team Go has purchased from us a few times, on occasion your brothers would visit the lab I ran demanding the latest and greatest, I believe you were there for one of our first deals in fact. If you remember or not is of no concern but I want you to look at something. Rae load TGEEM and display please.”

The room suddenly went to a theatre like light level as the main display lit showing a set of five profiles, four male the fifth female, each had a set of indicators listing various aspects of the general health of the individual but they all had one thing in common. On the individual eem line they all shared a distinctive pattern, the peaks and valleys of the line readout exactly matched one another with the only difference being a Doppler shift through the spectrum.

“These are the initial scans we took of Team Go, as you can see in this readout,” A dot indicated the common line as he continued. “This is the lingering radiation present in your systems. It is self perpetuating when fused to a number of natural elements people happen to be made of. Calcium seems to be the favoured mineral for this unusual type of radiation. This is important because we noticed something recently, Hego was there to have his uniform replaced…”

She couldn’t believe what she heard, “Whoah hold the phone there. Hego got those uniforms from you?” Shego had always wondered, she would have preferred to have whoever made the suit replace the gloves that had once been part of the ensemble. “Do you have any spare gloves for mine? Wait, hold on better idea. I need the gloves I’m using now to be replaced but I need part of it to remain intact. Could you refit some of my old gloves with the crystal talon?”

“That should be no problem Shego but please allow me to continue this is a touch more pressing.” She nodded allowing him to proceed. “When Hego came by recently we ran the standard bioscan and noticed something different, Rae load HGEEM please.” The display flickered and the compact representation of team go was replaced with a singular representation of Hego, there were five extra lines in the eem, each colour coded and corresponding to one of the other members of Team Go, the sixth line matched the pattern but was on the hotter ‘white’ end of the spectrum. “We called the rest of Team Go and each came up with these new signatures. We suspect there was some bleed over during your power swapping encounter with Aviarius not too long ago. Rae load EVI112 please.”

The large display flickered replacing the bioscan for Hego with a close examination of the remnants of Aviarius’ bejeweled scepter, one of the zoomed in regions showed the crystal at several thousand times normal size and at that scale a distinctive pattern emerged. Bands of colour matching the spectrum shown clearly, it looked like a fragment of the comet that hit Shego and her brothers. Mouse watched for a moment as Shego looked closer at the fragment then decided to finish off this little exposé. “Shego the reason I came here was because of the bioscan Rae did on Kim. We knew your powers were altered like the rest of Team Go but this came as a complete surprise to us. Kim you might want to take a seat. Rae load KPEEM please.” Once more the display flashed and displayed the now familiar bioscan image, this time it had Kim’s name marked in the profile. It also had the notable ‘Team Go’ signature line pattern but the dominant one was in a blue so light it was almost white. “When did you come into contact with the comet Kim?” The display also showed the now recognizable echos of the other Team Go eems.

Looking at her hand in complete disbelief Kim Possible felt as if her own body were now alien to her. She could not remember being exposed to any rainbow coloured comet, this did not rule out the possibility as her line of work exposed her to more things than she would care to recall. It did explain a number of things. “I honestly can’t say Mouse. It could have happened at any time.”

Turning from the redhead Mouse focused on the spectrum and echos, “No Kim it had to have happened when you were much younger. The radiation levels indicate it’s been in your bones for a good ten years. Shego and the others are showing a thirteen year infusion.” Scratching his chin he turned back to the redhead. “The how’s and why’s are not important at this point. You can figure them out later, right now you need to determine exactly what modifications have been imposed upon you. We can’t tell you what to expect but perhaps Shego can.” With a long yawning stretch he stepped over to his companions. “With your permission we need to get started on the upgrades, if you will bring your gloves to us we will gladly refit your older gloves to match the ones you have currently.”

Shego nodded absently, she was trying to parse the veritable mountain of new information, trying to figure out how Kim factored in with the comet. There was a lot they needed to sort out. “Ok let me go get them, Kim want to come with or do you need a bit more time to deal?” She smiled as Kim stood and went to her side. “I’ll take that as a yes, We’ll be back in ten Mouse.”

Almost to the minute the pair returned in the ten minute time frame, “Here, this is the important part.” Shego held up the crystal talon on the tip of her glove. “The regenerative properties of these don’t match the ones you made but the base material is a bit stronger.” She noticed a brief flicker of distaste on Mouses face and made note of it. “Take it you don’t care to hear your goods compared to others eh?”

He shrugged, “I don’t bother comparing but if you say this has stronger material then we will of course investigate and see if we can replicate or improve, likely improve.” The smile on his face made her shiver. “Will you instruct Rae to report to l4 platform three. It’s best we get her refit and upgrade going asap.” He took a few steps back away from the pair and waited for his companions to take their places on either side. “I think it’s time we explained the real ‘how we got in’ part. See these?” He leaned forward slightly and they could see a small jewel hidden in his fur. “Transponder for our rapid transit system. It’s still in beta so its only been used by a handful of people.”

When Shego and Kim turned to each other to see if one of them had a clue the trio shared a snicker before Mouse went on to explain. “It’s a spacefold system. One of our bases has the main space bender and these transponders allow them to track us, if we need a rapid relocate we use it, most of the time. In this case when Rae sent us the logfile and we saw Kim’s scan we prioritized this meeting. Well worth the risk I must admit.” His partners who had remained noticeably silent nodded their agreement then turned to Shego and Kim, they gave a half bow, which was respectfully returned, then they twisted out of existence. “Please forgive them their reserved nature, they were only here to serve as my ‘body guard’ in case one of you wanted to rip my head off. I would have preferred the time alone but alas with all my responsibilities I’m not allowed to roam as I once did.” He shrugged again then gave them a half bow and twisted out of existence.

“Ok Kim, where to from here?” Shego didn’t want to have to decide a few things at the moment petty as they were, “We send Rae off then go for some gumbo?” Kim was every bit as distracted in thoughts over the wrinkle she needed to get hammered flat. “Peaches? Gumbo work?”

“Err oh yeah, sounds good lets go, See you tomorrow Rae.” She followed Shego to the entrance hatch and waited as the floor lift kicked in and hoisted them up through the hatch above. “Can we get that sent to the room? I don’t really feel like being out right now.” She wanted to sit down for a few minutes with her Kimmunicator and do some digging.

Shego was thinking along similar lines and nodded, “Works for me. Rae … go for the refit return the minute you can. Ok?” ‘Of course Ms. Go.’ “You can call me Shego Rae. Cya in twenty four.” ‘I will return as soon as I can Shego, Kim.’ The hatch cycled and sealed the ship as it began preparations for launch. The instant both women were on the pier Rae was underway, leaving them to watch until they could hear the roar of her hybrid drive shoving her into space, they could easily track her by the white contrail left in her wake. “Ok lunch time Peaches, let’s go.” Rae was out of her hands at that point so she would focus on what was there, Kim.

Critical mass: containment failure detonation in progress

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