Type 00: Blood Bullet Faust

Chapter 23


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TITLE: Type 00: Blood Bullet Faust

AUTHOR: milleniumenjimon

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: The eve of the final attack against the oganization Kim and Shego share a small moment of peace.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 709

He had been near the street, his sons were taken to the safety place by the neighbors. They've been through this situation, although in practice, several times; the neighbors agreed to take the twins in an emergency to a place far until they (ether, Kim, him or Trishta) came for them.
He changed the location on the spot and told them not to trust Trishta, they were confused but said nothing.

He was angry, he thought that Kim's hero carer would endanger them (though in the beginning he did try to put his foot down, he saw she did much good for the world) but he never thought that his own wife, mother of his kids, would be that villain. That villain that would attack his family, that villain that changed everything.
He looked around the darken street, he could see a silhouette against the street lights coming towards him.

Kim staggered over, she stopped before her father.

His face was stern, he looked about to start screaming and yelling. But instead he just embraced his daughter in a hug, he noticed how badly his daughter was shaking.

Maybe, he was shaking too.

Ron slowly stirred with a feeling of unusualness, there was just his sleeping pet naked mole rat and the darkness. He turn over under the sheets a bit, his window was open a little and wind blowing in.
Closing his eyes he tried to go back to sleep, opening his eyes again while slowly pulling off the cover. He was chilled, right down to the bone but it was just something from within.

I'm now up, he thought as he slowly crawled out of bed. Creeping across the soft carpeted floor, he took in a deep breath before going into the dark hall. The destination was the kitchen, he could set off a bomb down her and no one would hear it.
Setting up the basics to make a light snack (or at least what he calls a light snack.)

Taking a seat after cooking he sighed, what was wrong with him?

“Ron?” He looked up to see his mother, “What are you doing up?”

“I couldn't sleep.” He divided his food in half and placed it on a different plate, “here.”

“My, something is wrong.” Mrs. Stoppable took a seat, “what's bothering you?”

Ron closed his eyes and silently chewed. “I don't know.”

“Something has to be bothering you, lately I noticed you've been more distant lately.” Mrs. Stoppable lean back, the words were dying in her throat. She has been meaning to ask him since she had accidentally came across a stack of magazines, “son, are you… Homosexual?”

Ron almost choked, he dropped his food onto the plate. He shifted, his mother was waiting for an answer. How does he answer this?
“A little.”

“A little?” Mrs. Possible's voice became a touch shrill, making Ron flinch. “How can anyone be a little gay?” She took a second after realizing what he was talking about, “you are… Are you seeing anyone?”

That was a depressing thought. “Not really, but I got my eye on a few people,” Ron said in his good natured tone. “No one yet, just friends.”

“I see.”

There was a moment of unnerving silence between in the kitchen, Ron didn't know what else to say. He wonder, was his mother, and maybe his father, were angry with him?
“Are you upset?”

“No, we're, your father and I, just… Are just taken a little surprise.” She fell silent, in reality they were disappointed. But they still loved their son.

There was another moment of silence that Ron broke.
“I'm not feeling well,” Ron pushed away the empty plate. “If you don't mind I'm going to try and get some sleep.”

“Ron,” Mrs. Stoppable said. “If you're still feeling ill in the morning, I'll call the school.”

“Thanks,” Ron continued up to his room. He couldn't shake this feeling, even as he crawled into bed with what his mother said. This feeling was pushed it's way through, it felt familiar. Like when he was on that mission, which one he couldn't remember.

But there was a power, a power he felt like this.

What's happening to me?

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