Insanity, Obsession, Love and Possession

Part III


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TITLE: Insanity, Obsession, Love and Possession

AUTHOR: kitokosune

DISCLAIMER: Yes, I do own Kim Possible, I bought it with my thousands and thousands of dollars worth of Sailormoon merchandise…No, no I didn’t, woops. Nevermind.

SUMMARY: A tale of revenge from The Supreme One's point of view. What does one do build themselves up from the ruins of an empire?

TYPE: Unknown

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: Thanks for the reviews guys. Here ya go, hope you like it and review some more, ja?

Words: 4864

It was just after dawn and I was still on the floor working on this damnable piece of crap I had called a machine. Yes, I know, leave the machine building to the engineers and real mechanics, but there was no way in hell I was going back to Dr. Drakken’s lab, which had probably relocated anyway and there was no way in hell I was tracking down Motor Ed.

Goodness, just thinking about that pervert made me shiver.

Good thing I had him locked away for eternity in the future. I couldn’t have small fry and idiots getting in my way of world domination, now could I?

My bum was handing me tools whenever I asked for them, which was all fine and dandy, but he was also distracting. My genius could not blossom with this constant ‘scratch scratch’ noise he kept generating with his dirty hands and his filthy beard.

“Whatcha buildin’ dere, girly?” He asked, gruff as always and causing me to shiver from the…rawness of his tone.

“You know,” I began, snatching a small strange looking laser from his grimy grasp. “We do have running water now.”

“Running water?”

“Yes, water. You bathe with it? You drink it? Water. Say it with me, w-a-t-e-r.”

“I know what water is girly,” He muttered, though the red flush on his thin cheeks told me he was embarrassed enough about it.

“Yes, then I also hope you know what soap is. Soap and water go together you know, to create suds. Suds create cleanness, and all that added together creates a wonderful thing called a bath…so go take one, dammit!”

“I also know what a bath is,” He muttered, “How’d ya get it girly?” He asked, giving me a vaugly curious look about the entire thing.

“Stole it,” I replied, “I’m a woman after all, I need these sorts of things.”

Mr. Bum sighed, gesturing to the massive collection I’d gathered over my short two day period of being here. Already this place was beginning to look like the ideal palace for my plans. Soon, very soon I’d have my throne back and she’d be gone for good. “Dun cha think ya dun stole enough, girly? Whatever happened to dat Kim Possible kid you were hidin’ out from? Dat girls some kinda super hero, I hear. She’s dun bound to find out about cha from all dis free shoppin’ yee been up too.”

I gave my bum a thin smile, peeling my lips back to give him a flash of all my pearly teeth. Laughing, I lifted the laser from the thin strip of metal I’d been working on, balancing the dangerous tool between my fingertips with thought.

“I want her to,” I whispered, sighing with a strange longing I hadn’t known I had, “I want her to find me…and fight me…and loose to me. Then, I want her to beg for me…”

And a lot of other things I couldn’t come to terms with right then and there. It didn’t matter, what I had said held it’s desirable affect and the bum gave me a look as if to say I was insane.

“Well…I’m gonna go take dat bath now, girly.” He stuttered, slowly backing away from me and my work station with his hands held up in a ‘I’m unarmed’ manner.

I nodded, whispering as I lowered my head and returned back to the task at hand. “You do that…”

The bum ran from the room shortly after that, leaving me to the silence of my working space. Of course, now I couldn’t work. There was just to much on my mind.

I set the laser down beside the metal piece, pushing in the stool I’d been stationed at for about half the night and made my way across the plush green carpet decorating my lair floor. If the bum was good for something it was strangely interior design. He’d managed to somehow even do the paint job I asked him to do, the green and black stripes across the walls and windows, even the curtains, gave the room just the right sort of tone I needed for plotting my revenge. The large green colored lazy boy in the center of the room just made it glow, the perfect throne for the perfect ruler and with nothing but a sigh I collapsed into it.

I idly felt around for the remote control to the huge big screen TV against the wall across from the chair while I pushed around the jumbled thoughts within my mind. I hate her, but I want her. I want to kill her, but I needed her. I needed her to hate, to destroy, to suffer. It was the only thing that would cease the harsh pain of failure in my chest. To destroy her pride and everything she held dear, that is what would break her, and once broken I would have her.

I needed to have her.

I hadn’t even noticed when the bum had returned with a fresh pair of the clothes I’d stolen for him, looking clean and shaven. I also hadn’t noticed when I had burned two identical holes into the arms of my new throne.


What was wrong with me?

“Hey, Mistress…,” The bum said, gaining my attention. “Yer sweatin’ dere, you feelin’ okay?”

Was I feeling okay? Of course not. I was in a strange timeline and I was obsessing over a teenage red head. I was insane, I really was.

“I’m fine,” I muttered, reaching over to pick up the remote that had fallen onto the floor during my thinking session and using the sleeve of my blouse to dab at the sweat on my forhead.

“Wow, dat was some hard thinkin’ dere. You were mutterin’ and cursin’ for about an hour.”

An hour? It couldn’t have been an entire hour. I hadn’t even thought about that much, just about her.

“Don’t ever let me blank out like that again, do you understand?” I said, leaning over in the chair to lounge.

“You got it.”

I stopped flipping when I came upon the news station, glaring toward the bright screen at the site of an area I’d borrowed a few things from the night before.

“‘Ey! Yer on TV.”

I smirked, “You don’t say…”

There was a thin male reporter in blue clothing standing out in the rain at the scene of my crime, his umbrella twisting up against the harsh winds that were blowing. “Thanks a lot, Mark, when I said I wanted to be close to the action I didn’t mean–Oh shit, we’re on? Oh! Thanks Mark! This is reporter Dane here and I am at the scene of a Middleton robbery. Looks like someone broke into this technology research lab and took several advanced computers. As you all can see, there doesn’t seem to be any clue as to who has committed the crime itself, just a long pair of claw marks stretching from the ceiling to the floor. Police officials are suspecting some sort of beast to have done the damage, but then that leaves the mystery of where the computers are.”

Oh, I knew where they were…right here, where they belonged. After all, if everything was going to belong to me anyway I might as well begin to collect what was due.

“Claw marks?” Bum asked, rubbing his chin in thought. I pulled out my trusted and ever so much loved pair of gloves from within my back pocket, grinning all the while and flashing my teeth in the process.

“That’s what he said, claw marks.”

Soon the reporter began to speak once more after showing several scenes of the crime scene where there were burn marks and craters. The bum gave me another look and I only shrugged.

“There was a lot of security, don’t whine, I didn’t kill any.”

Not that I would have cared if I had. The needs of The Supreme One outweigh the needs of the few. That meant that I’d do whatever I had to do to complete my destiny.

“It seems this case is going to be taken over by Global Justice officials.”

My bum whistled then, and I only grinned. My plans were going quite well, and soon my princess would be right in my grasp.

“Dat dere Global Justice, who controls dat? Ain’t it da purdy lady wit da eyepatch?”

“‘Purdy lady wit da eyepatch’? Do I need to teach you proper English as well?” I hissed, “Yes, I suppose…I can’t really remember.”

It had been so long ago since I’d terminated that little weak department of the government. Whatever did I do with that woman…?

“There has been a similar chain of robberies, all left behind with the vicious claw marks.” The reporter continued to drone on.

“With Global Justice looking out for me, I may have to stay low for awhile. Sooner or later, they’ll call in Kim Possible. She’s their trump card, you see.” I said, slowly, so that my new henchman’s slow brain could grasp the situation firmly.

The bum only grumbled and nodded, “Yeah yeah.”

“–So be sure to lock your doors and close up your business establishments tightly until the Thieving Beast can be captured. Back to you Mark–you son of a-”

I turned the TV off, pondering the newest turn of events. I excepted them to find out sooner or later that I’d been robbing from Middleton’s most famous business establishments. I’d even purposely left the claw marks. But geez, all they could think of was the Thieving Beast? That wasn’t a very glorifying criminal name.

“I’ll show them a damn beast.” I mumbled, rising from my chair.

“What now, boss?”


“What now…Mistress?”

“We wait,” I replied, “and we sleep. Tomorrow I have to finish my current project and then I have some work to do…”

Well, if the Director of this timeline was as fun as mine was…I should really enjoy this next adventure.

“Oh…Mr. Bum, we need a name for you.” I’d almost forgotten, after all, refereeing to him as Bum all the time was becoming an annoyance.

“Eh, dey used ta call me Erik.”

I just about tripped over my own two feet.

“E-e-erik you say?”

Erik, Erik, that name…it was familiar, and yet…

“Whatever. Erik? I’m going to need to test out a few things on you…so prepare yourself for tomorrow morning!”


I sighed, waving my hand in frustration,“Yes, test…Now, begone!”

There was, after all, much preparation to be had if this was to go well like I wanted. I didn’t need any sort of interruptions on the idiotic scale. I glanced at the watch hung up slanted on the far wall and frowned. There were so many hours between now and dawn, and I hated to wait but I’d need my strength for the activities to come.

I was satisfied with my progress, I didn’t want to screw it up on a lack of patience. Reaching over I clicked off the tall lamp beside the throne chair.

Sleep now, work later.

Yes, and dream of her.

“Oh man, you shouldn’t move so fast, really, you might end up passing a snail!” I shouted, yanking ‘Erik’ along the long winding trail that lead up toward the newest headquarters of WEE. It shouldn’t have taken so long to reach the top of this damn mountain, but Erik was dragging along like he was injured or something. “I mean, really, could you move it? We don’t have all damn day.”

Erik grunted his displeasure, hauling the huge bulk in the large backpack on his back. After all, I was the Supreme One, you couldn’t have expected me to carry all that heavy equipment. This is what slaves are for, you know. “Sorry Mistress, I’m still alittle sore from those ‘tests’.”

“Your going to be more then sore if you don’t hurry the hell up.” Though perhaps I should have shown him abit of compassion. He’d taken a few prototype lasers right to the chest and was still functional to carry the very laser that had shot him. He got points for that, at least, but you start showing mercy once and people walk all over you. I mumbled.

Erik picked up the pace, panting as he did so, swaying to the sides from the weight of the device on his back, “Why are we here again?” He asked, “I thought we were going to Global Justice’s home base?”

“Now Erik,” I began, wagging my finger toward him slyly, spotting the large metal doors of WEE’s headquarters in the distance. It wouldn’t be long now. “Never rush these things. It’s good to have friends in high places, don’t you know? If we just went in there blindly, not even I, though I’m sure I wouldn’t have much trouble if it came to this, would be able to take it ALL the way over. We need a decoy, cannon folder, something for those idiots to focus on while we– that’s myself and you–take out the head honcho. Thus, this.”

I raised my hand to knock on the heavy metal doors of the huge castle like building. “Wow, medieval much?” I mumbled.

“He’s got good taste in castles,” Erik mumbled.

Even so, no one was answering the door. “I guess this means we just waltz right on in, eh? Stand back, Erik.”

Doing as he was told Erik took a few steps back, allowing me the space I needed. Pulling back a black gloved hand I slammed it in the form of a fist against the metal thick door, the force of the strength behind the movement causing the metal to vibrate and hum loudly. Slowly, I opened my palm, feeling the familiar heat of my power pouring from the pit of my stomach to my open hand before exploding in a powerful force of heat and plasma flame. The door flew inward, crashing into the back wall within WEE’s headquarters and most certainly setting off the alarm with the loud boom it made from the impact.

“Well…” I whispered, cracking my knuckles and stepping carefully over the threshold of the entrance I’d made in my dark green designer boots. “We’re here! We decided to just…let ourselves in, you know…”

Erik stumbled in after me, shaking in his ruff looking t-shirt and jeans. “Mistress!”

“Oh don’t be so scared…” I mumbled, hearing the ‘thrump thrump’ of booted feet thunder down the hallway ahead of us. “Look, the welcoming party has arrived!”

More then a dozen of WEE agents spilled out from that tiny hallway, I was surprised at how many could fit in there. Soon enough, a lone figure squeezed to the front, cursing and howling in frustration.

“Out of my way! Damn you, move out of my way!”

It was followed closely by the sound of an annoying high pitched barking.

“Well well well, who could that possibly be? Could it be…oh what was his name again?” I tapped my chin, deliberately playing out this moment, “Oh yes! Sheldon Director. How nice it is of you to greet us personally…with your entire entourage.”

“It’s Gemini!” Sheldon growled, holding that hideous looking poor excuse for a creature of his. I always thought those damn dirty rat looking dogs were ugly, but this one was just darn sickly looking, “And who dares to…explode in here in such a fashion!” He whined, stroking the head of his shivering dog.

I grinned, hip tilted as I rested my hand against it. “What? Don’t recognize a goddess when you see one?”

“Shego?” Sheldon asked, bewildered. “My what have you done with your hair? You look…”

“No, not Shego…” I interrupted, growling and showing teeth as I did so. “You will address me as, The Supreme One.”

“I will do no such thing!” Sheldon roared, “Might of fact, you owe me a door you crazy hoot!”

“Did he just call me crazy?” I snarled, lifting a plasma covered hand.

“Hmph. Fire doesn’t scare me, why are you here anyway?” The leader of WEE motioned his followers to advance forward, “Nevermind, I can get it from you later. Men! Capture her!”

“Now this is where it gets fun,” I whispered, mostly to my cowering bum who was halfway behind me, “Release the cannon!” I yelled, throwing everyone in the room off with my sudden outburst.

Erik set the pack on the floor, using the short time of confusion to pull the cord and release the contraption within.

“What is the meaning of this?” Sheldon growled, his little puny dog barking at me loudly.

I held my plasma covered hand up, pointing it toward the general direction of him and his men, smiling wickedly as the device immediately unfolded itself, lifted up as if it were a picture in a pop-up book. “This my dear friend, is your chance at victory in your pathetic attempts for world domination.”

I suppose my sadistic smile and the crazy look in my eye caused him to pause because he called back his men at the site of my handmade laser cannon.

It was a beauty, I had to admit, as it towered to it’s full height of 11 feet and extended like a moveable arm. Three rings rotated around the muzzle, it’s gaping mouth sparking with unleashed power as it warmed up, the control panel nonexistent. I’d learned my lessons about control panels from Dr. Drakken, nuh-uh baby, this little sweet heart was powered by a remote which I then pulled from the back pocket of my black jeans to show to Sheldon.

“I’m just here to make you an offer, Gemini. One of power…”

“You don’t say?” Sheldon rubbed his chin, motioning his men to backdown. “Then please, Shego…I mean, Supreme One, please indulge me.”

“I was only thinking of you when I made this bad boy, Gemini.” I rested my hand against the body of the laser cannon, “Takes less then 10 seconds to warm up, then just press this button…” Which I did, the big obvious red one too, and out from the cannon came a bright yellow glare which shoot out like a bullet, piercing the chest of one of WEE’s agents. He dropped, knocked out cold. “And walla! I only had it set to stun though, he isn’t dead.” I noticed the nervous looks of the other agents because of this. “But he could have been, had I set it higher.”

Gemini allowed two of his men to pick up the fallen and drag him away, “And what exactly, is the cost of this device?”

I was glad he seemed impressed with the gun like qualities of the cannon, I figured shooting long thick laser beams would take way to much time to reach a target, short bullet like shots were harder to dodge when shot at multiple times and way faster to hit the target.

Not even she could have dodged this baby.

“All you have to do for me, my sweet little Sheldon, is destroy Global Justice with it. That’s all I ask.”

Immediatly the sharp shrill barking of Sheldon’s dog started up and I snarled it’s way. It shut up after that.

“Hah! Is that all?”

“Of course it has to be done now, while they won’t expect it, and quickly…I don’t want Kim Possible catching on.”

Sheldon seemed to consider this before turning to his army behind him. “You heard the gal, my men! Let us prepare for an invasion! This time we shall have what belongs to us!”

The men cheered, lifting their hands to the sky and calling out with masculine pride, I thought I was going to be sick.

“What’s going on?” Erik asked, moving to stand back at my side.

“Nothing, just fueling some sibling rivalry.” I grinned, flashing it Erik’s way, who shied away.

“Now, my dear little slave, we just sit back…and watch the fireworks.”

I watched Sheldon burn down the entrance to Global Justice headquarters from beside my bum in a secure hiding place through a pair of binoculars.

“These damn bushes are itchy!”

I rolled my eyes, moving a hand to smack Erik in the mouth. “Shh!” I didn’t want their stupid cameras to pick up on us, dammit.

Erik grunted, in pain, and covered his mouth, shrinking in the brush beside me and looking hurt.

Damn bum.

“Look!” I hissed, excitement burning through me, already they were using the device, I could tell by the amount of smoke filtering out from the entrance and the large explosive sounds within. “They’re making progress.” I could barely control myself. Things were getting accomplished and anticipation pushed me forward. I snatched Erik by the neck and dug into the pocket at my leg. I had slipped back into my Supreme One outfit before we left. I had to be free, to be flexible, not tripping over blouse sleeves and expensive high heeled boots. Pulling out a small device much like the time watch that had brought me here I grinned, chest heaving.

“Listen up,” I hissed again, making sure my frightened slave heard me nice and clear. “I’m taking you with me, for backup, and if you screw this up for me, I will make sure you experience the worst sort of pain imaginable. You’ll wish you were still back in that alley, because I know things worse then death and I’ll make you experience so much pain I won’t stop till I taste your tears.”

Erik only stared at me in complete and total fear.

With a cheerful smile I giggled. “Okay! All set to go?”

Erik nodded his head numbly, eyes wide. I could almost taste his emotion, hm, fancy that.

Lifting the small orb I allowed my thumb to slam down on the button, the world blacking out for a split second before it returned in bright blues and reds.


Something whispered in the back of my mind and I grinned in response. “Man I do love my job.”

Erik stumbled out of my grasp once I let him go, shivering and all. Maybe I had scared him too hard. He’d be useless that way. “Go find Gemini and steal the device from him, hurry it up, we’ll be leaving in five minutes.”

Making sure Eric left the room I turned once he was gone, looking at the empty hallway as walls shook and rumbled around me.

Now just where was my prey hiding?

Walking calmly toward the wall of the hallway I removed a flat rectangle shaped slap of metal from my pocket, sticking it to the wall and flicking a switch on it’s side. A timer appeared, holographic and counting down from 5:00. Five minutes exactly.

That was all the time I’d need.

I had a hunch the doorway at the end of the hall would lead to a big open space, a conference room of sorts. Not sure how I knew, but I figured it was one of my memories.

Or it might have been the golden colored plate that read ‘Conference Room’ on the door.

I blasted it inward, startling the occupants within. A tall male who was screaming orders into a headset and one present stressed looking Dr. Director.

“Sheldon!” Dr. Director yelled, looking confused when I turned out not to be her older brother.

“Not quite, Director.” I said, forgoing the whole doctor thing. I mean, what was she a doctor of anyway?

“Shego?” She whispered instead, clearly baffled as the other agent in the room.

“Stand back!” He yelled, holding out his wrist and pointing it toward me like it was some type of weapon.

I laughed, of course. “And who are you suppose to be?”

“Agent, Will Du! Global Justice number 1# agent! You stand right where you are!”

“Agent Will Du!” Director yelled, rising from her seat with her arm outstretched as if she could have stopped him in time.

Of course she hadn’t.

Du rushed right on toward me, as if he was running at the speed of light and I was as slow as a turtle, which I wasn’t. I easily side stepped his movements and stuck out my foot, causing him to trip and tumble right along head first into the opposite wall of the hallway. He landed with a meaty thud and groaned shortly afterwards.

“That’s Global Justice’s best?” I mumbled, clearly having expected something more…challenging to say the least. Ignoring Du’s stumbling motions I turned back to Director, whose eye had narrowed as she gave me a look that could have froze a grown man in its tracks.

“What is it you want, Shego…” She whispered, her eye widened in recognition of something. I frowned, wait a second…

The shock hit me like a ton of bricks and I repressed the urge to scream, instead I roared when I felt a small hook digging into my backside. I turned, still getting the crap shocked out of me and grabbed onto the string connected to the fallen Will Du’s watch. I yanked, hard, and in the process sent down a tumbling twister of plasma flame that spiraled into the yanked forward Will Du. It exploded on contact with him, blasting him back into the rubble like a rag doll. The string fell lifelessly then, no longer connected to its source.

I yanked the hook out, turning back around to face a shocked looking Director.

“Damn sidekicks, they’re every where…”

The Director came around her desk then, stance loose. I knew she was about to try some martial arts on me. “You aren’t quite Ms. Shego are you? Your files have no new collected data on a stronger version of the powers you already possess.”

“I’m the Supreme One, Director.” I answered her, smoking from the earlier electrical shock but by no way out for the count. I had to finish this quickly, five minutes didn’t last forever like it did in cartoons.

Where the hell was that bum?

“Well, Supreme One is it?” She spoke, crisp and professional, “Are you in connection with WEE forces?”

I decided to humor her at the most, maneuvering myself so that I’d have her right where I wanted her. “No. That idiot is much to brass for my tastes, I can do so much better in the partner department…He was the distraction.”

A loud explosion coming from the west of us caused Director to hiss. “I see…”

“Then you know what’s about to happen? We have to hurry, we have other engagements.”

“We?” She asked before she charged, swinging out her first as I moved to intercept it, plasma fire gone.

“Yes, we.” I caught her hand, clutching it hard as I swing my other one in for a punch to her gut, but she brought up her knee, efficiently blocking the hit from connecting. “Oh!” I said, surprised for the most part as she twisted her captured fist and yanked it out from my grasp, dancing back a few steps. “My, someone is skilled!”

“Hm, you seemed to have a knowledge in this field as well, Supreme One.”

Another explosion rocked the structure, reminding me of my short time limit.

No more playing around.

“But you aren’t skilled enough.”

Director opened her mouth as if to say something before I removed the orb from my pocket once more, my handy dandy teleportation device still very much functional. I saw black before I reappeared again and saw the back of Director’s head, her expression still blank and calm as she looked around for me.

Ahah, I am the sneaky devil, I am.

I almost didn’t catch her elbow when it drove back, using both my hands to stop the impact before allowing one to grip it. Swinging my other arm beneath her neck and held her inplace, puffing out a breath of relief as I immobilized her.

“My, you are skilled huh?”

Erik stumbled forward, clutching the backpack in his grasp and wabbling into the room. “I was lookin’ all over for ya, this place is falling ta pieces!” He yelled, clearly paniced, “And–Oh my gawd! What da hell is dis!”

“Just get your ass over here!” I yelled, struggling to hold onto a growling and huffing Dr. Director.

Erik wobbled over, carefully stepping over the unconscious and limp Du still incased in the rubble of the fallen wall, sweating and panting. “They’re chasing me.” He said, standing close and heaving.

“You really need to get out and get some exercise…” I mumbled, keeping the woman held with my one arm and moving to touch the orb. I leaned over, then, sneering in the struggling woman’s ear, “Stand the hell still will ya? I just need you for some bait is all, to capture a princess…” Just then, three things seemed to happen at once.

Gemini and his men stumbled into the room, the bomb I had set exploded with the force of hell, and I pushed the red button on my orb as my bum clung to me and screamed with the strap of our laser held tightly in his other hand.

I saw black then, once more.

Damn what a hell of a day!

To be continued…

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