a few new tricks

Chapter 26

Xaio Qing Returns!


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TITLE: Xaio Qing Returns!

AUTHOR: immo

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Kim Possible and its characters nor do I make money off of what I'm doing, though I wished I did. This is purely for my own and others’ enjoyment, I have no money, please don't sue me! This disclaimer also applies to all chapters after this :D have a nice day!

SUMMARY: Wherein Shego comes back after disappearing for 3 years. Where did she go? And what did she do during that time?

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Slash

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

NOTE: Yo, happy holidays. A little gift for y'all… Ahahah. Here's chapter 26. What's funny is that I'm done chapter 27 already and chapter 28 is started. :D I'm just not posting them any time soon! BWAHAHA! Sorry if everything's getting squished together, feedback is nice on this chapter. Its like a change in pace.

Words: 3470

Kim hugged the pillow close to her and sighed. Shego. She knew things were going to change once Xaio Qing came back. But that didn't mean she had to like it. Two week before Xaio Qing even stirred, Shego had moved back to her own room. Kim took a deep breath of the pillow she held, hoping that it hid some of Shego's scent. But Shego had made sure she washed everywhere from top to bottom, replaced sheets and pillows, obsessively looked for any trace of their relationship that she had failed to erase.

“Just a break, princess. Just this little break until Xaio Qing sleeps again.” Shego had promised.

She was jealous and she was lonely. Kim had to bite her tongue from asking Shego.

Are you cheating?

Do you love her more than me?

Why don't we just tell her?

So many questions. And she had absolutely no answers.

“No matter what happens when she's here, Kimmie. You have to remember this: Never ever even HINT at a relationship between the two of us. I know its unfair, I know its hard. But you have to.” Shego had kissed those frowns off of Kim's face. “Be obedient. When you're obedient, she's more predictable. Don't get angry when she's too comfortable with me, its just her nature and being jealous would just arouse her suspicion. Please, Kim. I know it's going to be hard for you. Don't ever doubt that it's hard for me too.”

Things had changed from last year. There was a sense of urgency in the air. And Shego and Xaio Qing seemed to be… disagreeing. Kim had thought there was some tension between the usually obedient first disciple of Xaio Qing and the loving snake demoness master as soon as Xaio Qing had quit her hibernation. The redhead had confirmed that when she accidentally came upon the two arguing the morning Shego left unexpectedly.

“You are changing your mind all the time, Shego.” Xaio Qing hissed. It was early in the morning. Kim had woken up earlier than she had planned to and was going to help Shego make breakfast, to try and steal some precious few moments alone with her. It had only been a day since Xaio Qing had arrived. Master and disciple were on the small bridge, arguing with each other.

“I was wrong. I want to be with you.”

“I… Shego…” Xaio Qing faltered, lips trembling like she was on the brink of tears. One moment disapproving adult. The next moment, a confused child. But she quickly shook out of it. A hand shot out, holding Shego's arm in a vice-like grip that made Shego wince and cry out slightly. “You're always like this, Shego. You always make me feel so… so… confused.” Her voice went from angry to pained.

“Xaio Qing,” Shego's voice was firm and she put a steadying hand on her master's shoulder. “Let go. You're hurting me…”

Shego was immediately released.

“Xaio Qing--”

“Why do you have to make this harder than it already is?” Xaio Qing asked miserably. “I have offered you everything, Shego. I have tried my best to make you happy. I have finally gotten to deal with the fact that you might--” The Chinese demoness shook her head again, like an animal shaking off water. “I have to draw the line somewhere, Shego. You can not just keep asking things of me. Changing your mind. Expect me to comply.”

Shego looked torn. She glanced away and caught sight of Kim, peeking at them from her doorway. “Kim!”

Too late to hide, Kim opened the door to her room and smiled at the two, trying to play it as if she hadn't heard their argument. “Good morning, Xaio Qing. Shego. You guys are up early!”

“Why waste the day, right?” Xaio Qing smiled benevolently at Kim, and from her vantage point, the redhead could see Shego's jaw clench in an unconscious show of displeasure. “Shego needs to get a head start if she is to start out to She Cun.”


“Yes.” Xaio Qing said with a small smile. “She will go. She is distracting, is she not?” Xaio Qing trailed a knuckle down the side of Shego's smooth face. Kim tried her best to keep a straight face at this show of affection. This show of… ownership. Xaio Qing's hold over Shego. Kim's insides churned with jealousy, even with Shego's reassurances in mind.

“You and I, we will have some time alone.” Xaio Qing's eyes caught Kim's, and she froze in the intensity of the gaze. “And we will finally see what you are made of.”

“Say thank you, Kim.” Shego swung her backpack onto her shoulder. “I'll be back in two months.”

“Two months?!” That tore Kim's attention away from Xaio Qing. “That's a long time!”

“You'll need that time. Maybe more than that.” Shego shrugged nonchalently. Her brushing aside of Kim's obvious agitation hurt the redhead. “I'll see you in two months.”

Kim's hand shot out to try and catch Shego's arm, but Shego was faster than that and quickly side-stepped the furtive swipe, glowering at Kim in warning. “I'll see you around.” Then more politely, she bowed to Xaio Qing. “I'll be back in two months.”

Xaio Qing was frowning at Shego. “Two months… that is too long. We won't be able to remove all the--”

“I know.” Shego snapped irritably. Xaio Qing looked decidedly wounded at the tone Shego used before her face took on an impassive air.



Kim wasn't sure, but she had a vague feeling that this conversation had to do with her in one way or another.

“You will go?”

“And come back.” Shego stuck out her chin confidently.

Xaio Qing threw back her head and let out a long, hearty laugh until tears appeared at the corner of her eyes. “Dearest Shego. I shall wait for you then. And I shall not shirk in training this very promising young woman.”

“What's going on?” Kim hated the feeling that Shego had just bet something on her behalf. In fact, she had a sinking suspicion that that was exactly what happened as Shego held out her hand to Xaio Qing.

“Deal.” Before Kim could stop them, Xaio Qing and Shego had shaken hands.

“What's going on?” Kim demanded.

“Don't worry your pretty red head about it.” Shego replied with a cocky smile. She pecked a kiss on Xaio Qing's cheek, Kim tried not to flinch as Xaio Qing drew the dark-haired woman back and hugged her delightedly, dropping a kiss on Shego's brow in return. Hefting her bag, Shego turned, offering Kim a nonchalent wave. “See you around, Kim.”

Barely able to keep her anger in check, she forced a smile on to her lips. Xaio Qing was watching. Control. Control her emotions. “See you later, Shego.”

A new schedule was put into place. her physical training, which she had kept at almost everyday, was cut down to a woeful two days a week.

“Any brute can learn to beat another to a pulp, young pupil.” Xaio Qing had explained the change of plans. “But not many have the skills or the talent to pursue the magical arts. With the crutch I have given you, you shall learn to bend the elements to your will. Where, with fists and feet, you once could beat opponents one at a time in close combat; now I shall give you the means to destroy an army with a wave of your hand from a mile away.

“You will learn the guzheng with me. That is one thing that I think you will surpass Shego in. She has never wanted to learn to play the guzheng, while you showed interest.” Xaio Qing's smile made Kim wonder if she had damned herself to music lessons for two months just because she was so entranced with it the first time she heard it. And she didn't understand how practising the guzheng would help with ‘magic’. But she didn't complain and did as she was told, practising with Xaio Qing until her fingers blistered. Xaio Qing was surprisingly an excellent teacher. She was patient, she was kind, and she pushed Kim to do her best. But Xaio Qing always remembered to give Kim a break.

“We should go play hide and seek today!” Xaio Qing grinned. “It is a very nice day!”

“Hide and seek?” Kim grinned at her childish teacher. Kim remembered tag. Back in elementary school, when kids would run around screaming like crazy. Kim had played the guzheng all afternoon. A little break wouldn't hurt.

“Lets go!” Kim agreed readily to the game, caught up in the excitement that bubbled over.

“Okay, okay… count to ten!”

“Want more time?” Kim smirked.

Xaio Qing let out a peal of delighted laughter, and as she was want to, she pounced on Kim and hugged her in delight. “You are just so darling!”

“Okay,” Kim gave a confused smile.

“Just like Shego,” Xaio Qing laughed again. “So confident! No, I do not need more time, Kim Possible. I will ask for you to count to five, so it will be easier for you. Ready?”

Before Kim could protest, Xaio Qing had already started running to the front doors, giggling hysterically and almost tripping over her flowing robes.

“One,” Kim started counting. So the snake demoness thought five seconds was enough to get away from Kim? Kim grinned, totally into the game, her competitive nature thriving on challenges like this.

‘Well,’ Kim thought smugly as she reached four, ‘This is gonna be fast.’

Xaio Qing, meanwhile, upon exit from the house, was sitting on a tree limp comfortably a good kilometer away. Teleportation. Cheapest, easiest and most comfortable way to travel. But she had left enough of a trail for Kim to follow. If the red head could sense the trail. Snapping her fingers, the air shimmered and parted to reveal a bewildered Kim looking around the huge clearing in front of the household.

“Thought I would use my feet?” Xaio Qing chuckled. The clearing was big enough that five seconds wouldn't be enough to run away from someone watching from the front doors. Even if they reached the edge of the forest, the trees were so sparse at first, it would be easy to spot someone. “Can you sense my trail, young one? Was Shego right about you?”

The figure of Kim darted one way, stopped. Then started out another way. Then stopped again. Suddenly, she turned around, determined, heading the right way.

Xaio Qing let out a peal of delighted laughter. Kim was different! Cut from the same material Shego was made of. Excellent. She had a natural affinity to this sort of thing. Kim didn't know it, of course. Didn't know she was unconsciously tapping into Xaio Qing's gift. Watering her own growing gift with this training.

“Oh, this is going to be so much fun!” Xaio Qing clapped her hands together in pleasure. Suddenly, she whipped around, eyes narrowed. A slim forked tongue darted out to taste the air quickly. Nothing. She had sworn she felt something watching her--Xaio Qing's attention was quickly brought back to the present as the sound of someone crashing through the brush alerted her to Kim's quick approach. Giggling hysterically at the fun she was having, she lightly kicked off from the tree, her eagerness to put distance between herself and Kim and all thoughts of an intruder in her domain were dashed from her mind.

Meanwhile, golden eyes watched the snake and the young human girl. Tilting its head to one side, the fiery golden bird regarded the interaction curiously as it preened its sun-kissed feathers.

Shego picked some lint from her tank top. Stepping out of the airport, she was greeted by a rush of hot tropical air. The sun beat down oppressively on Shego's head. It was spring in Hong Kong, but it felt like the dog days of summer. Not bothered by the heat at all, she stepped out with her small carry-on and flagged down a taxi. The red car pulled up quickly to pick up its fare.

“Where you want to go?” The taxi driver asked in passable English.

“Tsim Sha Tsui, please. The InterContinential Hong Kong Hotel.” Shego replied in perfect Cantonese.

“Oh, you know Cantonese?” The taxi driver stated the obvious, while pulling away from the curb.

“Yeah,” Shego's noncommital answer prompted the driver to leave Shego alone. The drive was a peaceful one The dark-haired woman looked up at the sky, tinted a rich brown-gold by the gucci sunglasses she was wearing. She missed being back in this urban setting. She missed the comfortable baggy jeans she was wearing. She missed Kim.

The man stopped in front of the five-star hotel. Shego gave him a handful of HK dollars, easily five times what the fare was, and left the cool confines of the taxi. Two months was a long time to be gone. Of course, she could always go back to She Cun… But she needed distance. She needed to steel herself and she needed to get away from everything…

Her suite smelled faintly of the orchids, the flowers of choice, that decorated the room. Tasteful and elegeant, with a beautiful view of the Hong Kong harbour. The night view would be spectacular… Opening up her only piece of luggage, she dug into it until she came out with a thick bundle of papers, hastily folded together. Shego finally smiled and backed up to sit in one of the chairs in the room. Kim had written this to her. In Chinese. Kim's penmanship was actually alright. Neat rows of characters, all raging at Shego for being stubborn, dumb, violent, mean, etc. But if read carefully, there were tiny notes of love hidden between the angry words. It was that time Shego had kissed her suddenly in the pagoda. And after dinner, Kim had stormed to her room and written it. Shego had noticed it the day after and palmed the long letter without Kim noticing.

The letter was ten insulting pages long, but Shego chuckled as she flipped through it. Insulting, but amusing. Amusing and endearing. Shego tucked the letter away carefully back into her luggage. There was no use pining over the redhead right now. She was going to go out and wander. Have a good time, look up friends, drink, eat the amazing food and not think about She Cun, Er Mei or Xaio Qing.

Despite being determined to have fun, the next thought that popped up in her head made her remember everything.

‘Too bad Kimmie's not here. She'd love Hong Kong.’

Wade and Jim had had an argument and currently were not talking to each other. Jim and Ron had an argument so they were also not talking to each other, which meant Rufus was also giving Jim the cold shoulder. Jim would ignore Drakken most of the time. So the only ones who talked to Jim was Monique and Tim. And right now, Jim was alienating another person with his attitude. Monique silently watched the twins shouting at each other from the doorway of the Team Possible conference room. Jim had been doing this more often. Lashing out at everyone and everybody as Tigger kept coming back to his master with no news at all. Patience was wearing thin and the group bickered amongst each other. It happened so often lately that Monique just let them duke it out. It was easier that way.

“You need to get over yourself!” Tim snarled. “What the hell is wrong with you, you asshole?! The only person who's still talking to you right now is Monique and I, and I don't even know why I bother!”

“I don't have to explain shit to you!” Jim said sullenly.

“You need to apologize to everyone! You're so fucking rude!”

“Fuck you!” Jim shot back. Tim's face grew red with anger.

“Fine! You can stay here by yourself for all I care!” Tim spun around on his heels and stormed past Monique.

Silence reigned in the room.



Monique frowned at the tone of voice he used. “Don't give me that attitude, Jim.”

“Sorry,” Jim relented under Monique's disapproving eye.

“Well, Jimmy, you've managed to insult Wade, isolate Ron and Rufus and kick Drakken while he's down.” Monique listed off his various offenses. “Now you've managed to piss off the one person who was on your side the entire way through. Good job.”

Jim took the reprimands without batting an eye, even managing to summon up a bored look on his face. “Are you done?”

“No, I'm not.” Monique snapped. “Boy, I told you about that attitude. You need to apologize to everyone.”

“Hah!” Jim let out a sharp bark of laughter. “Who's gonna make me?”

“Fine. Have it your way. I hope you think about what you've done while you're being suspended for two weeks.” Monique crossed her arms.

“You can't do that,” Jim said tersely.

“I can. This is a team, Jim. And if one member isn't working well with the others, they need to shape up or ship out.” Monique sat down on the edge of the round conference table. The large screen on one of the walls of the room was cold and blank. “Wade is an integral part of Team Possible. He's the man who makes sure we're hooked up with all the tech and information. He calls in rides for us. He MADE the Kimmunicator. Ron and Rufus are founding members of Team Possible. That deserves respect right there. No matter how many missions you've gone on these past two years, he still has more field experience than you. There's a lot of times when we were in a bind and he managed to get us out of it.”

Jim was trying to keep that indignant look on his face, but he was failing.

“Drakken, even though he's a criminal, is trying to help us. Granted, he has his own reasons, but he's offered up his resources for us. Plus,” Monique said thoughtfully, “He makes a mean cup of cocoa-moo-moo. You and Tim are the Possibles that make this Team Possible--”

“So corny.”

“Shut up.” Monique snapped. “You've been going on with your little broody thing, but that doesn't fly here. Pack your bags. I called Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Possible. They're coming to pick you up.”

“You can't do this!” Jim stood up so suddenly he knocked his chair onto the floor. He grasped Monique by the shoulders, panicky and pale. “Monique, fine, you win! I'm sorry, okay! Just, you can't kick me off!”

“I'm not kicking you off, Jim. You're on suspension.” Monique said softly. She remembered that young teenager that had followed her and Ron to meet Duff Killigan right after his sister disappeared.

“I've been doing EVERYTHING I can to find Kim! Everything! Just… please…” Jim was actually pleading. “You can't suspend me when I'm so close--”

“We, Jim. ‘We’. We've been trying every bit as hard as you have. Wade's our info and our rides. Ron, Rufus, Tim and I all contributed in our own ways. And I admit, your Tigger has been an immense help. He can get in and out of the village--”

“He still hasn't brought back word from Kim.” Jim's posture slumped into one of defeat. Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes, and he suddenly found himself engulfed in Monique's arms. Jim tried to keep the tears in courageously, but he was fighting a losing battle. When he had been depressed, the only thing that made it better was pouring his efforts into training Tigger to effectively find Kim Possible. He had been jubilant when Tigger could get into the village. But the taste of that victory was a memory that was slowly growing bitter. Tigger could get in, but he didn't bring Kim out. Back to square one.

“You're doing fine… you need a break, hun.” Monique stroked her fingers through the boy's hair in a comforting gesture. “She'd be so proud of you if she saw what you've been doing for her! You know that!”

A sob broke through the wall he had put up so long ago. “I c-can't find her, man. I'm sorry. I-I'm trying so hard!”

“Its alright, Jims.” Monique held the boy close. She had actually been waiting for this little release from Jim for some time. “You just need to take a break for a while. We'll take care of everything, k?”

end: I'm actually glad its getting near the end. i don't think i can milk this any more. Answers will be forthcoming in the next few chapters. The end is set tentatively for chapter 30. Cross your fingers everyone!

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