
Chapter 3

Code Names


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TITLE: Code Names


DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: Last part of the Imperfect Balance Trilogy. Things are falling apart, and with Drakken's vow of revenge can they ever be alright again?

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 2107

One was taken care of. At least as long as they didn’t discover the way to remove the bracer that was. That left the women of green and red.

The one of tactic and the other of glow.

Yes, he would conquer them as well. That much was sure.

Then he’d break their souls for what they did.

Ron groaned as he reclined in the hospital bed. He honestly didn’t believe he belonged there, but he found himself sitting there all the same wondering at what had happened.

Drakken had disabled his Mystic Monkey Powers. Not to mention proceeded to beat the life out of him.

The man had stopped after the ribs snapped though, and left. He didn’t gloat, or even give a wise-crack. He just left.

That made Ron confused. Drakken was all about the grand schemes, the gloating and the glory.

But he wasn’t like himself. In fact he seemed less like himself than he had the previous time they had met.

It seemed after Shego had left the man, his sanity had as well.

Could it be that Shego was an emotional ballast for Drakken as Ron had used to be for Kim?

The blonde scratched his head, and winced as he brushed the stitches on the back. He was going to need to think about this a lot more carefully. And with a lot less rubbing of his wounds.

It was stressful to have to wait to see Ron. Shego found herself bouncing her foot up and down in anticipation, the beat matching Kim’s footsteps as the girl doubled back in her groove that she was wearing in the floor as she paced. Josh was coming as soon as he got off of work as well, which was still a few hours form then.

A nurse approached the two cautiously. Both had been frequent visitors at various points since their becoming a couple, and the nurse knew all too well the damage they could produce.

Or rather the damage that Shego would produce if she was in enough pain. The woman had needed stitches, and had gotten them. Unfortunately she had destroyed a few things from the flaming hands clenching objects, at least until Kim had the woman crush her hands instead.

The doctors were still baffled why the energy that could wreck steel didn’t even do as much as singe the red head.

“Ummm…Miss…Possible and Miss Go…?”

Kim stopped in mid-step, and turned, as Shego looked over, foot bouncing paused in mid bounce.

“Yes?” The answer was instant, and came from both women at once.

“You…you can visit your friend now.”

It was hard to tell who had moved quicker, but both women raced past the nurse. They had been waiting to see him for a while now, and they weren’t going to let a few ‘No Running’ signs stop them.

The nurse nearly fainted in relief.

Shego beat Kim to the door by a fraction of a second. The two stood there panting heavily as they tried to catch their breathe. Then they went in.

Ron was reading a magazine when they came in, or rather was pretending to as he tried to think. He found the tactic kept the nurses from checking to see if he had passed out as often.

“Alright Stoppable, how in the hell did you get your ass kicked?”

Ron raised his right arm weakly, showing off the intricate design that looked almost like a tattoo, “Drakken had my number. Granted I still got dumb skills, but those can’t beat off Monkey Kung Fu.”

“Wait,” Kim interrupted, “Since when does Drakken know Monkey Kung Fu?”

“Since he apparently had roomed with Monkey Fist. He’s not great at it, but he has enough down to kick my ass.” He sighed and looked at his blanket covered feet, “Face it…I fucked up. I deserve it after all the crap I gave him…”

He heard it before he felt the sting from the slap. Shego stood over him trembling.

“I deserved that too…”

“Damn it Ron! You don’t deserve to be horribly beaten. That’s just ridiculous!”

Ron looked at the red head, sorrow in his eyes, “The man and I used to have a pretty good bond, despite the opposite sides of the law. Creepy right? Well you have to remember that Christmas we where both of us had ended up stranded up in the frozen north. That’s not the first time he and I made a truce for Christmas’ sake…and I completely dishonored that fact when I had last ran into him.”

Shego ground her teeth as she tried not to smack the boy, “The man was trying to KILL us. It’s not a big deal to consider that he might have, I don’t know, deserved it?”

Ron avoided her stare, “I don’t know…I really don’t.”

Silence fell over the room, and Kim knew it was time to go, and led Shego outside.

“Damn that idiot!” Shego put a glowing fist through the wall immediately outside. “Drakken doesn’t deserve to breathe anymore….”

Kim pulled her lover along with her, “Come on; let’s find some place private so we can talk.”

Some place private ended up being their home.

Shego flopped on the couched with a scowl and tried to avoid the problem, but couldn’t as Kim sat down next to her.

“Drakken promised never to tamper with anything that had to do with my genes, powers, or me in general. Now counting off hand here, he copied my powers, made Synthdrones that stole as well as I can, not to mention the who kidnapping you the first time. I don’t think he deserves the electrical charge in his brain anymore, much less life.”

Kim hugged Shego, “That was the creepiest, but in a way, sweetest thing you’ve said about me. Though I want to agree with you, we can’t kill him.”

“Pumpkin, he even looks at you funny and there is going to be blue goo where that man used to be.”

“Awwwww…” Kim nuzzled the woman gently.

Drakken scratched his chin as he stared at his white board. He had made a list of everything that had failed to work on Kim Possible.

He also had a list of the things that worked against the girl. Ideas that had her cut off from support double backed, or even triple backed on themselves. Ideas that were too complex to just react to. Yes, he had discovered her weakness.

He would exploit in this time for sure. The girl had a strong spirit, but a weak heart. And that was what he was going use to break her. Yes, he wouldn’t fail this time.

And he smiled as he set to work.

Kim hadn’t been able to sleep for three days.

Three nerve straining days.

“Damn it Pumpkin, you need to sleep.” Shego wrapped her arms around the girl gently, “Come on…bed…now.”

Kim knew the last part was more of a command, than a request, but she ignored it. “I can’t Shego. Drakken is up to something…he was the one who stole those artifacts until he found the one he was looking for. Twenty-seven different artifacts in a month. Even Monty Fiske wasn’t that bad. And now…I don’t know what he’s up to, but I’m going to find out…and I’m going to stop him.”

Shego sighed, “You haven’t left this computer for more than five minutes. Hell, you’ve only eaten two meals, I should know, I’m the one putting away the plates I’ve been making you.”

“I can eat later.”

Shego grabbed her own wrists and hoisted the girl out of the chair by her armpits, “No, you’re going to eat now, and then you’re getting some sleep. I can look for weird thefts and anything else while you’re sleeping.”


“No buts. That’s final, or I’m telling your mother on you.”

Kim pouted, “That’s pretty low.”

“And desperate on my part. She’ll skin me alive if I let anything happen to you, and you know it. So you better cooperate, or you’re going to be short on me.”

Kim sighed and went limp, “Alright. But you got to promise me you’ll wake me up the minute you find something.”

“Only if you don’t complain next time I refuse to buy beef.”

Kim pouted. She honestly couldn’t understand the woman’s issue with red meat, but she caved. “Fine. But you can’t cop out on chicken.”

“Fair enough.”

Shego set the girl down in the kitchen and watched to make sure she picked out an actual meal out of the leftovers. She only left after she was sure Kim ate all of it. Even though the girl tried to escape the broccoli, by acting like she was choking on it. The ruse didn’t work on Shego though.

Shego sat down in front of the computer after spending twenty minutes tucking Kim in, and reassuring the girl that she would wake her if anything came up.

Three hours of not finding anything despite how she searched had Shego exhausted. She couldn’t understand how Kim had done it for three days. She was struggling to keep her eyes open over the short amount of time as it was.

Which meant she needed to try something a little more…unorthodox.

It meant firing it up again.

It took a few minutes of digging in the closet to find it. It was smooth and black, and the keys inside where a gentle green. It had been unintentional, but the color pattern had pleased Shego.

She dragged the old laptop back into the living room and turned it on. She had promised herself that she wasn’t going to use it again, that it was just a keep sake of her old days. That had changed though. Just like they always did.

The system came up with an apple logo. It wasn’t really a product of the famous company, and the loading animation quickly showed that as a cobra came out of the fruit, and wrapped around it.

Shego shook her head with a grim smile, the animation always annoyed her.

Once it had loaded she set to work, opening a simple applet, and typing away.

Username: Green Eyes




Identification confirmed.



--Connection Established--

Green Eyes: Anyone online?

Villainous Code: Ahhh…yes…long time no see. What brings you back?

Green Eyes: Well I need some information.

Villainous Code: But I heard you were out of the game.

Green Eyes: This is more important than the game. More important the code, more important than your life itself.

Villainous Code: I beg your pardon, but I happen to value my life very much.

Green Eyes: Blue Man Group is up to something that breaks the rules. I have a feeling he wants to kill the Flame.

Villainous Code: But that goes against the code itself! A villain is only supposed to be life threatening, not murderous.

Green Eyes: He’s already taken out Sidekick.

Villainous Code: Really now?

Green Eyes: Don’t even think of planning anything. I will personally blow your heart out myself.

Villainous Code: That my dear is completely unethical.

Green Eyes: Ethics aren’t the point right now. I need to know what Blue Man Group is up to…where he’s hiding.

Villainous Code: I’ll do some looking into it, but I can’t promise anything. I’ll email you as soon as I have anything.

Green Eyes: Thanks old timer.

--Connection Terminated—

Shego sighed as she stared at the window. The old guy would be useful, with his resources, but she wasn’t sure how well she could trust Senor Senior Sr. Granted the man was more about the code than about actually being evil and the latest news would have upset him…But it didn’t mean he wouldn’t act on it.

Or spread it. Shego chewed on her lip nervously. This whole thing was turning into one giant problem.

She would just have to cross her fingers and wait for news from the old man. Hopefully without any surprises from any of the other problem children out there.

Author’s Notes: And thus we end Chapter Three! I personally enjoy the chat room touch, and may bring that back later or at least use it in another storyline.

On a side note, I'd really love it if you folks reading this would kick back some feedback. There are a pretty good number of you out there, and it's sad to think that I can't get a single review from any of you. Pretty much any input is good, even if you don't like the story. Then I know people actually have opinions about my work of something. :P

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