Fairy Tale Endings

Chapter 2

Free Like a Bird


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TITLE: Free Like a Bird


DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: Now a retired villianess, Shego is desperately trying to get a handle on her new life. Second in the Imperfect Balance Trilogy.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

NOTE: As previously mentioned Shego chapters will be common. Just live with it. XP

Words: 3019

Shego felt numb as she turned the knob on the front door. Love was supposed to be easy. Cut and dry. But she found herself feeling like a contortionist to make Kimmie happy. Because that’s all that really mattered to her, Kimmie’s happiness.

She stumbled up the stairs and collapsed on the bed, not even noticing several things were amiss.

A sharp prod in her side caused her to groan.

“Shego? Are you okay?”

“Esh.” She didn’t even bother lifting her head out of the covers to answer.

More prodding. “Come one Shego talk to me. It’s three in the morning, and I’ve been up worrying about you.”

The older woman felt a sharp twinge of guilt Kim had been up worrying about her. “As a Won’s.”

Kim felt a little better. Ron. Ron was good. Ron meant that Shego hadn’t been in danger.

“Anything in particular you want to share with me?”

Shego fought it, but couldn’t help it. “M a irty ervert.”

Kim couldn’t figure that one out, even after carefully replaying it in her mind. “A what?”

“A irty ervert!” Shego refused to lift her head and say it out loud. To make it audible for virgin ears.

Kim bit her lip. Shego was being difficult. It kind of reminded her of a baby sitting job she had before the whole super hero business started. She sighed and gently rubbed the base of the other woman’s neck in small circles with her finger. That’s alright, she could be difficult too.

The teasing was almost too much. ‘Almost’ meaning that Shego still had enough control to force herself to not tackle the other girl. “Im. Op. Ease.”



“That’s not an answer Shego.”

“Is oo.”

Kim switched directions, and then started doodling imaginary lines over the little tender spot.

Shego shivered. It was so tempting. All she would do is pounce her…and have some hot lesbian sex. Bad Shego. No hot lesbian sex. Just tell Kim. She loves you, she’ll understand.

Or hate me for being a horny bitch.

She inwardly groaned at the second thought, “Im. Op. O easing. Ot ice.” She was getting tired of talking into the bed, but it was better than looking up and seeing that innocent face looking back. The guilt would be too much if she did that.

Think unsexy thoughts. Like Stoppable kissing that boy. She stopped….Maybe not -that- unsexy.

Kim snuggled up the obviously grumpy woman, trying to break her stubborn streak.

Shego could feel herself melt at the warm touch. She rolled so she was looking away from Kim. Her pale green skin was a vibrant shade of pink, and the teasing Kim had given her had really not helped her at all. She wanted to be pure for her Princess. She wanted to be everything the girl wanted. Why couldn’t she do it?

“Shego…what’s wrong?”

Shego chewed on her lip for a moment, trying to think of the best way to say it. She couldn’t live up the embarrassment if she let herself have another outburst like she had trying to talk to Stoppable.

“I’m a filthy pervert.”

“Where’d you get an idea like that?”


“And why do you think you’re a filthy pervert?”

“I can’t stop thinking dirty thoughts. ESPECIALLY when you’re around.”

Kim giggled, “Shego, you might be a pervert, but you’re not a filthy one. Think about it…whose idea was it to have you dress up like a maid?”


“And who teases you night and day when we’re together?”

“You do?”

“So who’s the pervert?”

“I am.”

Kim sighed, “You never had Sex Ed as a kid did you?”

Shego turned red.

“I take that as a no.” Kim managed to roll the now very shocked female onto her back. “I didn’t bring up sex, because I was afraid I’d lose you. I’ll be honest; I’ve wanted to get inside of your pants since that first night.”

Shego snickered, “Explains why I keep waking up with your head on my breasts.”

Kim blushed. She had made her Kimmie blush. And it wasn’t a bad feeling to see the girl’s red face. And the color matched the hair very well.

“Maybe. If I had known you had wanted me that badly we would have been doing it right then and there.”

It was Shego’s turn to blush. Lust was an emotion she was still getting used too. And now Kimmie was treating it like it was nothing. The girl obviously hid her skeletons very deep in the closet.

“So hot lesbian sex is open for discussion?”

Kim snickered, “So you’re exclusive to women now? I know a few guys at school who’ll be crushed to hear that after the stunt you pulled.”

Shego smiled, “I’m not homosexual silly. I’m Kim-sexual.” It was sweet, it was corny, hell it was true. No one really got her motor running. And a look was all it took to drive Shego nearly over the edge.

Kim blushed. She kissed the woman under her gently.

Sadly though the alarm clock went off. They had been talking, and avoiding talking for three hours.

Shego pouted, “I really hate that thing.”

Kim smiled sadly, “Don’t worry; I’ll be home early pending any attempts to take over the world. No cheerleading practice today, which is thankful. Bonnie has been on my nerves lately.”

Shego grinned. This was something she knew how to handle. “I can fix that.”

“Bad Shego. No sex if you hurt her. Besides it’s no big. I just need the occasional break away from her.”

Shego pouted. No sex, especially now that the option was there, was a very bad thing. “Not even a noogie?”

“If she even smells like ozone at this week, no sex.”

She sighed. Even things she knew how to fix where complicated. Intimidation was a great factor to know how to wield, but if her Princess said no, she’d listen. Besides, she got sex out of the deal, which what she had been craving very badly.

She let that thought sink in. She was still a dirty pervert.

Kim shook her head at the sight of Shego curled up in the bed. Cats slept in less mind boggling positions. Then again, Shego was special. Even if she was on a fixation about being a dirty pervert. Kim hadn’t meant to stay up all night. It wasn’t the first time she had done an all-nighter, and she was thankful for the practice of doing so. She just needed a small pick-me-up at lunch and she’d live.

Caffeine was a guilty pleasure of hers. Much like Shego in the maid’s outfit, or Panda-roo, she didn’t broadcast it, and tried to make sure she didn’t as few people knew about it as possible.

The redhead stifled a yawn and headed downstairs to leave for the school. At least she was getting home a little early. It meant she could –finally- release some of that pent-up energy that was only good for one thing, and get a couple hours of sleep. That was, of course, as long as no one tried to take over the world. And may the higher powers have mercy on the idiot that keeps me from getting to use that free time.

She spotted Ron and jogged to catch up with him. After all, if Ron couldn’t help her stay awake, who could?

Shego woke up at noon again. It was clock work really. Even when she traveled she always slept until noon, and then got up, though sometimes that was the next day thanks to the joys of jet lag. She crawled out of the bed and grumbled at the cold air. Why did everyone insist that seventy degrees was a good temperature to keep the house? She preferred eighty a lot better.

She managed to stumble her way down the stairs, and into the kitchen. The coffee was in there somewhere.

“Shego. So you are living with Kim Possible now.”

That voice. She hated that voice.

“Don’t worry. I’m here on business. Or rather, this little video feed is.”

Shego managed to open her eyes and focus well enough to see the screen that was floating in front of her.

“Don’t worry about moving your things anymore. I’ve…disposed of it all. Except that –adorable- little Kim Possible doll I found. That I’m keeping for a voodoo doll.”

She could keep calm. Don’t show any emotion. Just like usual.

“Fuck off.”

“Oh…touchy Shego? It’s alright. I understand. I’ve hurt your girlfriend, destroyed your things, and am acting like a general all round jerk.”

Damn right you little blue freak. She didn’t say it though, “Exactly Dr. D. That’s why I need to hang up now.”

Plastic burns very well when superheated plasma is introduced. Unfortunately it also sticks to linoleum. Shego sighed as she scraped the pieces of plastic off of the floor. She hadn’t meant to lose her temper, but then again it didn’t matter. As long as Drakken left her the hell alone she’d be fine. But if she got –one- more contact from that man…..ooo….the coroner would be scraping blue flesh off of everything.

She plopped down on the chair next to her. Luck had never really been on her side before, and it seemed like every positive was being countered by a bigger negative.

Firstly she finally starts to have a happy life since before the meteorite had hit. Then she nearly loses the source of joy that she had gained. Then after getting that said source back, she loses everything she owns to Drakken. At least she still could get sex right?

So what if all the money she had saved was now lost forever because she no longer had the account numbers? So what if that information had the pass code to her safe house?

And even her prized jet was gone now.

Yup…that was a hefty prize to pay for the joys of sex.

Shego sighed. Happily Ever After. The stuff of fairy tales. The stuff that she wanted in life. She wanted to cry…but she still had Kimmie. Her Princess, and her Knight in Shining Armor in one sexy package.

She felt a smile creep onto her face. She had what really mattered. Why worry about anything else?

Exhaustion was kicking back in though, and she was too tired to get up and get the coffee, so she let her head drop, and she nodded of back to sleep.

“Is she dead?”

“I don’t think so…she just twitched.”

“She’s still weird. I mean who sleeps on the kitchen floor.”

Some of that information pierced the fogginess of her sleepy mind. She was sleeping at the table…did she fall out of the chair in her sleep.

The thought wouldn’t be too surprising. She had a tendency to squirm a lot in her sleep, and apparently had nearly killed Drakken a few times by sleeping in the passenger seat, which meant she wasn’t allowed to ride in the front seat of any vehicle and sleep at the same time. The only time she didn’t squirm was when Kim was there. It was like her body refused to move in the night. Which was good. People had gotten bruised severely by Shego’s squirming.

Something was prodding her. She was definitely awake now. And grumpy. Mostly grumpy.

“See, told you she’s alive.”

“I still say we should have tried the Zapatron over a kitchen spoon.”

“Zap me and there’ll be little bits of misted twin all over this house.” Shego sat up and cracked her neck. A dull pain in her arm confirmed she had fallen out of the chair. “Now where’s the coffee?”

The twins were missing though. “And who says fear isn’t a motivator?” She got up and stretched. Sleeping on a floor had always made her stiff when she woke up. Though it was comfortable. After all, if you’re on the floor there’s nothing to roll off of in your sleep.

It took a couple minutes, but she found a cup and poured herself some coffee. She had to thank who ever made this particular pot, because it was good. And had a hint of nutmeg in it.

“You were sleeping on the floor?”

Shego blushed at the voice and tried to feign innocence, “Look more inviting than your parent’s bed, so I figured why not.”

“That was creepy to hear you say.”

“Meh… I’ve been up for….five minutes today. Give me a bit to get snippy and sarcastic again. Besides it wasn’t half as creepy as that Barkin guy saying that he didn’t care if you were dating a fence post.”

Kim nodded numbly. That had been creepy. And brought unusually funny imagery to her mind.

“Kim….you’re giggle fitting again….what’s it about this time?”

“Me snuggled up to a fence post up on a hill during a star lit night.”

“Okay…you win. That was romantic -and- disturbing. Good coffee today.”

“Mom must have made it then. The nutmeg thing?”

Shego nodded, “I want to have her children.”

Kim raised an eyebrow.

“Well outside of you I mean in a non-romantic child bearing sort of way.”

“And risk having Tweebs with super powers?”

Shego thought about Wego and nodded, the girl had made an excellent point.

The two spent some time enjoy what they both agreed was very good coffee for a little bit, and ignored the Tweebs staring from kitchen doorway. After all, no one had filled them in why Shego was living in Kim’s room.

That left them very shocked, and disgusted when Shego, with a flint of mischief in her eyes leaned over and kissed the red head. It was one of those romantic kisses that were made popular in the old movies. Shego found herself wanting more after it broke. It had been simple, pure, and perfect. The taste of Kim and nutmeg on her lips was driving her over the edge.

The twins had disappeared already, so a repeat performance wasn’t really necessary, but Shego knew she needed more, and leaned forward again. She was surprised when she was pulled in. The pull hadn’t been forceful; it hadn’t been anything but a relaying of an honest need for the other woman. They split apart. Usually it had been a contest to try and make the other one melt beneath the passion, but that wasn’t important right now. It was important that they had just admitted to honestly needing each other.

It hadn’t taken a single word, just a simple kiss, but it was enough to know that even if they had a dirty pervert moment, there was more there than physical needs, and attractions. They honestly had a pure feeling in their souls for each other, and it was a little embarrassing to both of them. But at the same time it had brought an important detail to light.

Shego was the first to break the awkwardness that followed, “God…I love the look on their faces. Horrified and curious all at once.”

Kim nodded, a small, ‘I know you’re just embarrassed’ smile on her face, “That was pretty nice to see. Usually they try to scare me, not the other way around.”

Shego sipped her coffee, the nutmeg bringing it back to her. Kim was something she needed just as bad Kim needed her. It made her feel warm inside for once to feel needed. To feel truly wanted. Even her own family hadn’t really needed her.

Shego had used to want sex. She had wanted that physical connection, but she didn’t need it. Not anymore.

Though it had been wonderful. She wasn’t going to confess to it being her first time ever doing anything with another person naked, but she had a feeling that Kim knew.

They had left love bites and small hickies all over each other in the process. Something that made Shego glad it was cold enough to cover it all up without arousing suspicion.

Kim had fallen asleep nuzzled up against the older woman, who cradled the redhead tenderly. She knew that Happily Ever After was still a long way off, but at least she had gotten an intermission from the darkness.

Author’s Notes:

Still chugging alone. I refuse to burn through this storyline as quickly as hidden because there is a lot more ground to cover and so many things that can be missed in a mad dash. This is an attempt at a masterpiece! Or a sign of insanity. And I apologize for having a second chapter already, I just couldn’t help it. I am seriously a text pushing whore it seems.

One that writes a lot of fluff. Don’t worry…darkness is coming….maybe by Chapter Twenty or so? dodges bricks

Failte200: Sorry for being an idea whore. It wasn’t intentional, I actually thought about it AFTER I had typed it out, and it just seemed to fit so well. After all, Ron in the closet would explain why he’s always trying to prove his masculinity by hitting on all of the females. I need to stop seeing so many ‘in the closet’ hints in my head. What’s next? DrakkenxMonty Fiske? Let’s pray not. On a slightly different note: Italics are actually for thoughts characters have that nag them. If it creates emotional strife, or just causes them to think too much on it, or it’s them attacking themselves verbally, it’s usually in italics. Very nice suggestion though.

On another note all together: Powerman 5000, great non-romantic music to listen to when writing romantic-y fluffy scenes. Don’t ask how that works, just smile and nod. Good.

Anyways I’ve got to try and work out a lot of details for the next chapter though those are usually done on the fly before writing it. Why? Because it’s a complicated Gordian Knot great bit of info to look up if you like trivia, and have no idea what a Gordian Knot is right now, and I need to fix that.

What to expect in the future? My eyes bleeding from writing too much in a dark room, because my room mate is trying to sleep.

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