A Brand New Cycle

Chapter 1

Change Of Perspective


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TITLE: Change Of Perspective

AUTHOR: S-Chrome

DISCLAIMER: They are all properties of Disney. Even if we don't want to face facts, we are all properties of Disney.

SUMMARY: Two new roommates, two new perspectives. Of course, the same ol' cycle. Meanwhile, Kim & Shego try to elevate themselves and break the trend. Sequel to The Perpetual Cycle.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Bonnie, Monique, Romance, Slash

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Chrome Warning Label: Remember “The Perpetual Cycle?” No… Well… OK. This is a sequel to The Perpetual Cycle, which I think may excite exactly four people. But anyway, back to the warning… This fic contains dangerous amounts of Yuri activity (Although not in this first chapter). Please also note that Kigo is just the secondary pairing here. The primary? You will know… and whatnot. So please, whilst reading, I beg of you to heed this warning before you dive in. It could save your vision.

Ready? Let's go…

Words: 1629

A transfer? Heck why not?

Who exactly knew that only after one year or so, she would come to miss her old surroundings? The small-town vibes. Bueno Nacho. Club Banana. She thought that after senior year, it was going to be college life in the bustling metropolis of Central City. But apparently, it wasn't to be. It was known that homesickness was something that college students had to go through, but fortunately, this transfer wasn't going to put a dent in her pockets. She knew that she didn't save all that money from working for nothing. Extra money was kept for a rainy day…

Heck today was a fairly sunny day, and it was only going to get brighter.

The young woman continued her drive until she spotted the exit she was looking for. Upperton University - Exit ½ mile. Just a half a mile until a brand spankin’ new college life… Well, at least, a remastered college life.

It was unbelievable. She couldn't believe it! For the past six months, Bonnie Rockwaller was enjoying the beautifully exclusive life of having no roommate. No annoying space cadet. No pathetic nerd. Just her, alone with her thoughts.

But that was beginning to change. Within about two hours, a new hussy was going to move on in and take half of the space of what Bonnie thought was rightfully hers. Obviously, she couldn't complain about it. All of a sudden, the brunette wished that her best friend, Tara didn't go so far away to Pacific Tech. Admitting things was quite hard for Rockwaller, heck, it took her about five years to admit that she was jealous of Possible. But in this case, she conceded that she missed the bubbly blonde. Her youthfu energy… Her ditzy demeanor, among other things.

There were a lot of things about Tara that the tanned beauty found endearing. Unfortunately, she never had a chance to tell her that. Sure, they talked on the phone from time to time, but there were definitely some things she never got a chance to say to the blonde's face.

For one thing, Tara would probably be the only one worthy of being her roommate.

But now wasn't the time for shoulda's and coulda's. She had to welcome her new roomie soon.

Yeah, Right…

On one side, stood a former teen heroine. Well, she wasn't a teen anymore. But that wasn't the point.

On other side, stood a former evil reprobate.

And in between, of course, a wrecked living room. Was it the return of old times for these lovers? The uprooted furniture, the busted-out television, the broken lamps, and the bumps and bruises that were apparent on both of them suggsted that old habits were indeed hard to break.

Very Hard.

Extremely Hard.

“You just don't know when to quit, do you?” A salty and frustrated Kim Possible asked.

“Hey, Princess, are you forgetting who's place this is?” Shego answered with a question of her own.

“What did I tell you about those stupid pet names?” Kim asked, returning the fire.

“Oh, I am so sorry, Kimmie, but this happens to be my place, and therefore my rules,” The raven-haired woman answered angrily.

The drew the ire of the redhead. The older woman purposely did this… every single question led back to who's place this was. How dare she pull rank on her and change the damn subject. The sheer arrogance of the pale young woman peeved the heroine to no end. So, taking a threatening step toward her, she was going to discuss some further arguments.

“OK, this is your place,” She admitted. “So, what are your rules then?”

Shego responded by taking a half-step toward the younger woman as well. It was a good thing that this establisment was located on the boundary between Middleton and Upperton, because another fight of this magnitude happened at the old apartment would've got them yelled at, screamed on, and of course, evicted.

But then again, that happened already.

“You wanna know my rules?” Shego asked in a low tone. When the younger redhead nodded firmly, the older woman took another step toward her. You could almost hear the clangingof the bell of a heavyweight championship fight. As soon as the imaginary referee let these two women loose, they were going to tear each other apart.

Yep, just like old times.

“There are no rules,” Shego answered with a seductive smile. At a moment's notice, the former henchwoman enveloped Kim in a blistering kiss. The redhead was surprised at this turn, but very much pleasantly surpised. She had no other choice but to return the kiss with equal passion. This added to the younger woman's peace of mind. Maybe this, in fact, was something new. A new Kim n’ Shego for the new year.

Well, a girl could dream, couldn't she?

It was a foregone conclusion that he got rooked into doing this. With this girl barking out orders to him time and time again. Lift this, lift that, don't drop that. Ron Stoppable knew that she was back in town, but for goodness sake! Did he have to be the sacrificial lamb that had to carry briefcase after briefcase of beyond heavy luggage? She was oh so lucky that she was still Kim's friend, and he was so unlucky that he himself uttered a phrase some time ago that got him into this mess in the first place.

“Well, any friend of Kim is a friend of mine,” A fourteen-year old Ron Stoppable vowed. Little did he realize that no sooner than five years later, he would be paying for it… With a bad back anyway.

“Come on, Ronnie-boy. I thought you were so big and strong,” She teased.

“Come on, Monique! I thought you were off to enjoy the big city life!” Ron sarcastically said.

“What was that?” Monique quickly asked in a dangerous tone.

Ron, obviously not brave enough to formulate a sentient reply, began to mutter underneath his breath. Just three more freakin’ floors to go. Just three more floors until he could check in with his chiropractor. He thought he could get a head start on the hospital visit, so with using his patented Stoppable Strength, he advanced the two suitcases he was carrying ahead of the bossy Monique.

The dark-skinned young woman had finally made it to the Upperton University campus. This place was awesome. Heck, it was better than that other university she had attended that was like, two billion miles away. She knew who her roommate was going to be, some girl with the initials “B.R.” With luck, she'd be a nice chick. Heck, whoever it was, it was great to be close to home and she was going to have a great time.

Her thoughts shifted to Kim. Her best friend of almost half a decade. She was so glad that the redhead lured her into coming back her. Sure, she definitely missed her family and friends… even Ron, but when it came to Kim, it was for certain that Monique had missed her the most. There was just something her, maybe more so than her “Puppy Dog Pout” that made Monique not want to say no to her.

At first, she dismissed the notion, but the longer her separation from the redhead, the more she embraced the fact that she had a slight crush on her.

It certainly explained why she was kind of disappointed to hear that Kim and Shego had become an item… Well, an item that would do battle almost daily, but an item nevertheless. But the African-American woman wasn't tweaked that badly. She didn't have one of those obsessive psychotic crushes on her, but she did like former teen heroine enough to put a new perspective on her sexual preference.

Normal. Shmormal. If she liked guys and girls, it was her business.

The brunette was patientily wating… Well, not really. She was simply counting off the minutes before Ms. Roomie stepped in the door. Perhaps the girl wasn't going to be too annoying, heck, maybe she would grow to like this new girl. Maybe…

“Uh, is this Dormatory 5-N?”

Oh, dear God. Was Bonnie Rockwaller believing her eyes? Perhaps she was hallucinating, because she did not just see that loser, Ron Stoppable, with a suitcase in each hand, standing in her doorway.

“S-Stoppable? You're the new roommate?” The tanned girl asked in a mess of panic and incredulousness. The blond thought about it for a moment, then almost turned green.

“W-Whoa! Not I!” He exclaimed, his hands gesturing that no was the answer. This provided Bonnie with some relief.

“Your roommate is down the hall…,” He continued. As he waited, an idea sparkd into his mind. Monique… and Bonnie? Roommates? This is going to be a bon-diggity disaster! This was almost going to be as bad as Kim & Shego. Well, maybe with the exception of the activity that always follows the…

“You!” A shocked Bonnie exclaimed, pointing to the girl in question.

“You!” Monique repeated, pointing right back.

Ron dropped both suitcases and quickly scurried out of the dorm.

“Later, ladies… I just know you two are gonna have a spankin' good time together!”

Well… This just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

End of Chapter One

Other Stuff: You bet'cha! A brand new ‘Cycle’ for the new year. Hah! You think I wasn't going to continue this story? I guess you would know what the primary pairing is going to be now, eh? Thing is, I have never seen that pairing ever before, thus, I will try my hand at it. :D

Whilst I work on chapter the second, you guys can drop a review or two, tell me what you think or whatnot.


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