No Thief Like My Thief: Another Kim Possible Oneshot Sequel

Another Epilogue That Should Not Exist


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TITLE: No Thief Like My Thief: Another Kim Possible Oneshot Sequel

AUTHOR: RavenStar

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: Sharing a jail cell: Bad enough. Sharing a jail cell with the mother you've hated for 21 and a half years: Priceless.

TYPE: Kim/Ron, Shego, No Slash, Romance, Undefinable

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: She Goes With Me sequel.

Words: 309


“Heyyy!” Ron kneeled down and threw his arms out wide to greet his daughter as Kamie came flying out of the Stoppable house and plastered him with a huge hug. “Sorry I was a bit late, sweetie. Traffic’s a nightmare today.”

“Iz ohkay,” reassured Kamie. “Whuht storwee do yew goht vor me zoonite, Dahdee?”

“What story do I have for you tonight? I don’t know, I was thinkin’ first you could tell me what you did today.”

“Noht much, Dahdee.”

“"Not much?” How can a big girl like you with so much energy end up doing “not much” all day? Is Grandma Stoppable not taking you to the park like she said she would?” he asked, mockingly looking at Mrs. Stoppable.

Mrs. Stoppable, standing in the doorway, rolled her eyes.

“No, Dahdee!” Kamie giggled. “Gwandma took me zoo the pahrk! I juzt hahd a nap errweeuhr, iz all.”

“Ohh, you had a nap earlier?” he asked, Kamie enthusiastically nodding in response. “A big nap, or a small one?”

“Uhhh…A meedeyum one,” grinned Kamie, smiling.

“A medium one? Well, let’s get you home for dinner, you special medium-nap taking girl!” declared Ron, picking her up as he stood up. “Oof! My, you’re just growing up bigger every day!”

“Canned Peas?”

“Yeh! I wike 'em!”


“Thay're not ew!”

“Icky! Icky!” Ron stuck his tounge out in teasing disgust.

“Dahdee! Thay are not icky!”

“If you say so…”

Author's Note: These scenes above are two scenes from the 3rd story in the Kamie series, tentatively titled A Day With Daddy, since all you people have just demanded I do another Kamie story This story will be a little one-off, so it probably won't be as long as She Goes With Me or this story, but who knows? It just might be.

Stay tuned for this story, which is coming soon!


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