Behind Enemy Arms

Chapter 6

Other Problems


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TITLE: Other Problems

AUTHOR: Nightelemental

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: Ron is killed during a mission and Kim turns to an enemy to find solace when she realizes that she can't get what she needs from her friends and family.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Slash

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: Okay, I’ve decided to end this. I’ll be going a few more chapters, this one included, before I end it, though. I’m only doing that because I’m running out of ideas of where I could have this go. So, sorry if you wanted it to last longer, but I’m just not sure if I’d be able to keep going like that. And I ‘m sorry that I didn’t update this yesterday like I had planned. I just had some things that kept me from getting it done. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this next chapter! And also, thanks to everyone who’s been reviewing. I’ve really appreciated all the reviews.

Words: 7255

Days passed and things started to settle into a normal routine for Kim. Or as normal as it ever got. Monique had accepted to be her sidekick and they’d gone on a couple missions already. Even though Monique wasn’t as good as Ron as a sidekick, Kim felt that she might eventually get to where Ron had been. At least Kim hoped that she’d last that long. Outside of the missions, school, and other things that Kim had currently occupying her time, she often wondered if Shego would show up at her graduation. She couldn’t think of any other reason why Shego would have asked about that. At least Kim hoped for that. A little over a week had passed since Kim had let her parents know that they were friends. However, she hadn’t yet told her other friends about that development. Although, it was more that Kim wasn’t sure how to bring it up in the first place. That and when Kim had taken Monique over to Shego’s last Saturday, Shego wasn’t there for the whole two hours they spent there.

Kim sighed as her thoughts turned to Shego. She wondered what Shego was up to. Although, it didn’t really matter, she still wondered. Finally, Kim decided to get up. It was Monday, and she was sure that it was nearing ten. Even though she no longer had to go to school, she was starting to feel restless. Even though she knew that GJ would probably be trying to recruit her before long, she still planned on going to college.

Kim paused for a moment while she was changing out of the clothes that she usually wore as pajamas and into some clean clothes for the day. College. She sighed. The college that she had decided to go to was not the one she had put as her first choice. However, it was the closest to the top that had accepted Ron. She had even turned down scholarships from even better colleges, just so that they would be able to stay together. Not that it helped much now. Ron was excited that she had been accepted to the same college, even though she never let him know all the details of that because of he’d get all emotional about how much she cared, and more importantly, because he’d want her to change her mind. He might even try to do something else other than going to college. She knew that she wouldn’t have been able to put that past him.

Thinking about Ron still hurt, but somehow, it had died out. Kim couldn’t think of any other way to put it. Somehow the pain that she thought would always accompany any thoughts and memories she had of Ron would always be there, just as strong. Was this what Shego meant by me getting over him? Kim wondered, not really sure if she wanted to take the chance to find out.

When Kim was ready, she made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and all the other hygenical things she did in the morning. After she was done there, she headed downstairs so she could get something to eat. Breakfast time had already past, but technically, Kim still could have it now. She’d just then need to have a late lunch.

Finally, finished, she quickly headed out. Monique was supposed to meet her at the mall and divulge all the juicy details of her date all day Saturday with Felix. Kim felt really relaxed as she walked down the sidewalk. The day was sunny and bright, it wasn’t too hot out yet, and there didn’t seem to be a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect day so far. Even though it seemed like nothing could ruin it, Kim knew all too well that with past experience that it could happen very easily. She just hoped that it wouldn’t happen today.

The one piece that seemed to have also made her life so much better was that her brothers hadn’t been able to hack into her diary. She still didn’t understand how Shego was able to figure out that having the password as ‘bubble butt’ would keep them out. After all, it was humiliating enough knowing that’s what the password was. It just seemed sorta strange.

Kim sighed as she continued on her way to the mall. As she passed Bueno Nacho, she suddenly realized that she didn’t eat there as much as she used to anymore. Another sigh escaped her as she realized that the only reason that she had practically lived there was because Ron enjoyed it so much. Yet another thing that reminded her of her oldest friend who wouldn’t be able to share some special moments with her anymore.

Shego really had no idea why Drakken wanted her here, but it was still on her contract to follow his orders. Even if she didn’t really understand why he gave them in the first place, which was usually the case. So, here she was, sitting around a bunch of other people, waiting to see who wanted all of them together. The one thing that Shego was certain of was that this wasn’t going to be something legitimate. Too many of these people had records that were so extensive, that hers paled a little in comparison. Many of these people were well known, and Shego was actually intrigued at what was happening.

Then suddenly, a man carrying a briefcase came into the warehouse they were all waiting in, and Shego could tell instantly that this was the guy that had brought everyone here, even though she had never seen him before. “Hello,” he greeted cheerfully. “I asked all of you to come here because I have a job that I need all of your special talents.” He was looking at everyone as he spoke. Everyone individually. “Some of those talents include martial arts, explosives, stealing, and many other various fields. However, each of you are all very proficient in hand-to-hand combat. That is what we’ll need mostly here.” The man opened the briefcase and pulled out several manila envelopes. “In here are the specifics of what we will be doing. You are to familiarize yourselves with the objective. We will need split second timing if we’re to pull this off. Your payment is in your envelope. However, you,” he pointed at Shego, “will not have any in your envelope because it’s going straight to your boss.” Shego then wondered how much of it she’d actually see.

“Who’re you?” one of the men near Shego asked.

“You may refer to me as Mr. White. Each of you will be given a name in your envelope. Mr. Brown, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, and so on. You are to use only these names during the operation. As I said, familiarize yourselves with it so you won’t make any mistakes.”

“What about me?” Shego asked, wondering if she’d be a ‘Mr.’ with her being the only woman in the room.

“You will be Ms. Green.”

Shego finally received her envelope and opened it. As she looked through it, she suddenly had another question. One that no one else seemed to care about. “I see that we’ll have hostages. What will happen to them?”

“That doesn’t concern you. All that you should care about is fulfilling your objective. Leave dealing with the hostages to me.”

Shego would have snapped at him, but she figured that she was pushing her luck already by asking that question. Especially with how he said it. She could tell that this guy didn’t care if anyone got killed. As far as she was concerned, he would have to be planning on killing at least one of the hostages. Because she didn’t see anything that would be beneficial to attack here otherwise. Unless he was planning on kidnapping someone, which didn’t seem likely considering that there wasn’t one of the guests that would make a very good ransom. Maybe Dr. Director, the Secretary of Defense, or the foreign diplomat, but it didn’t seem likely. At least it wasn’t until Friday night. She’d have until then to figure out how she was going to get out of this without endangering her life or Dr. Drakken’s. After all, apparently Dr. Drakken had sent her to this guy. Which meant that if she couldn’t be trusted, then Drakken couldn’t be trusted either, and would likely be eliminated. Something that Shego knew he didn’t deserve.

Shego started reading through the notes and objectives so she’d at least know what was going on. If she could, she would try something. Although, just because she didn’t think that this guy was going for a kidnapping or something, she didn’t rule that out, because after all, what would the point be in hiring help that might turn and demand a share of what he was making? She hoped that that was the case. She wasn’t interested in trying to stop this from happening, but she would like to at least know what would happen to the others. This whole operation was already leaving a bad taste on her mouth. Not something that she cared for. Especially when it came at a time that she was planning on getting out of this type of business.

As she scanned more of the objectives, she realized that she was going to be expected to do a lot. Even though he’d wanted her for her combat capabilities, he seemed to also want her for her technical expertise. Something that Drakken only had her utilize when working with the security of his lairs. Of course, she figured that everyone was going to be doing a lot. Especially with the guests at this charity banquet Dr. Director, top agent of GJ: Will Du, as well as some other highly trained individuals. Shego half wondered if she’d actually be allowed to walk out alive if she didn’t want to do this. The main reason why she was wondering about what would happen to the hostages.

Shego sighed. As long as he wasn’t going to kill any of them, she’d go along with this, even though it would probably put her own plans back a ways, but she was still under contract with Drakken. Some things had to be completed no matter what, and Shego always prided herself on being true to her word. As long as it wasn’t promises that she had made to herself, like never associating with her brothers after she left Team Go. After all, there were a lot of things that happened to force her to work with them again that time. Especially with how something that affects them, will ultimately affect her in the long run.

As Shego was busy reading her objectives in this plan, she noticed that this guy really had thought everything out. Especially the fact that Kim would no doubt come in. She smiled a little, but grew a little concerned, when she noted that she was to hold off Kim Possible until the objective was complete. What that meant, Shego didn’t know, but she didn’t like the way it sounded. Nothing that would be made present in the banquet seemed like it would have any value to require something like this. No, it was something more. Shego knew that without having to weigh any other options. This guy was probably hired to kill someone in this guest list, but she couldn’t figure out who. Dr. Director would be a prime target or possibly the foreign diplomat. Shego determined there, that her contract with Drakken was already over. No question about it. She’d just have to pick up her check a little early, and hope that Drakken didn’t push her into telling him why.

Drakken was pleased. Soon he’d be able to use his Annialator on Kim Possible. After Shego was done with that little assignment that he was asked to send her on. He didn’t really care about what the guy was up to, only that he was being paid more than he had thought he could get his hands on at one time. And since Shego had asked for the next Wednesday off, he would use the Annialator on Kim Possible the day before that, which would allow him to take out Kim Possible, especially since he usually had a hard time capturing Kim Possible without Shego’s help. Maybe he could have done it without her, but he’d likely have to have done a lot more himself. And what else was hired help for, except to make him do less work? At least in areas that didn’t require his genius in the first place.

Drakken sighed. Without Shego around, the lair kinda seemed empty. He really missed her smart-mouthed sarcastic attitude that she would always show around him. Somehow it always seemed to brighten his day, while scaring the life out of him. He briefly wondered if she felt for him what he felt for her. After all, why else would she have stayed with him so long? And then her coming up with the flimsy excuse that she was leaving him when her contract was up because of his mother really showed that she was just upset about not being able to really beat Kim Possible.

Drakken decided then and there that after they had taken Kim Possible out of the picture, that he’d ask Shego if she wanted to go on a date. He was sure that she’d be so happy that she’d accept. Besides, she had to have feelings for him, what with the moodulator incident and all. It showed that she really had feelings for him, even if she tried to bury them where even he couldn’t see. Soon, Drakken imagined that he was actually on the date with Shego and they moved to the dance floor.

Drakken’s henchmen watched, doing their best to ignore Drakken dancing by himself. Every so often he seemed to do this, and it just either creeped them out or confirmed that he really was losing his mind. Because towards the end, he’d start conversing with himself and wouldn’t stop until several hours had passed or an alarm went off. If it was from the alarm, then he’d be upset at everyone for some reason. It was why most of his henchmen tried to get guard duty. That would at least keep them away from Drakken’s peculiarities.

Kim was surprised at how quickly the week went. And it was actually quiet concerning her missions. Kim hoped that it wasn’t the calm before the storm, because she wasn’t sure if Monique would be able to handle that much pressure this quickly. If it came to that, hopefully she would, but Kim didn’t want to find out if she didn’t have to.

As it was, school was out now, and Kim didn’t have cheerleading practice. All she had plans to do was hang out at Bueno Nacho with Monique for a little bit before she went off with Felix on their date. Kim wasn’t sure what she was going to do with her time after that. Especially since Ron wasn’t around to see if he was interested in doing anything.

Kim pushed that thought away, not wanting to deal with it until later. When it wasn’t avoidable any more. Not that she didn’t want to decide, she just didn’t want Monique and Felix to think that they needed to include her. That was the one thing that Kim knew that she didn’t want to do. Join them on their date. Not only would she feel like she was intruding, but she’d also feel like a fifth wheel. Not something she wanted to ever feel like if she could avoid it.

Kim didn’t have any problems walking over to Bueno Nacho, even though a part of her hoped for some, because one thing that she had a really big problem with was boredom. If something happened, then it might last through the night, which would allow her to not worry about what she was going to do. As she walked inside, she saw Monique waving her over to the booth that they usually sat in.

“So, what do you have planned for tonight, girl?” Monique asked as soon as Kim sat down.

Kim sighed. “Nothing yet, I thought I’d think of something later,” Kim answered, hoping that Monique wouldn’t offer to have her come along with her and Felix.

Monique nodded, giving Kim the feeling that she was only half-listening. “So, any hints on who the person you’ve been crushing on since Ron died is?”

Kim was hurt. Did Monique think that Kim started crushing on someone else as soon as Ron was dead? Kim’s mouth tried to operate, but didn’t seem to want to cooperate with Kim. Monique picked up on that and moved a hand out to steady Kim, but resting it on her hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just…”

Kim put up a hand to silence Monique. “It’s okay. I guess I was caught off guard is all.”

“No Kim. It’s not okay. It was very insensitive for me to put it that way. I know you’re not that shallow. You may bounce off the rebound like no other, but you still are a very deep woman.”

Kim was stunned. “Uhhh, was that supposed to be a compliment?” Kim couldn’t be sure. Part of it sounded like a compliment, but if it was, then it was one of those that could be taken either way.

Monique nodded. “Yeah, it was.” Monique paused for a moment before continuing. “I guess I could have put it better, but it still is true. Besides, even if you started crushing on someone a week before Ron died, it wouldn’t have made you any worse of a person. After all, you can’t control your feelings like that. You’re just… well, you.”

Kim smiled, feeling a little shy all of a sudden. She could tell Monique was getting uncomfortable with this, and Kim couldn’t blame her. It was an awkward position to talk yourself out of. “Thanks… I think,” Kim replied and paused for a moment before deciding on something. “I think I’ll go order.”

Monique nodded and Kim got up and walked over to the counter. Mostly so she could get her head cleared. It wasn’t going to help her to estrange Monique like this, especially when Monique thought it was a guy that she was crushing on. Although, Kim wondered if this would be any easier than it is if it really was a guy she was interested in. She seriously doubted that. After all, it isn’t something that’s exactly socially acceptable at this time. Yeah it’s around, but Kim remembers hearing so many things happening to people like that. And Kim was still half-afraid that those kinds of things would happen to her once it becomes known that she’s interested in another girl. Not something that would appeal to anyone. But, Kim knew that there wasn’t any way that she’d let that stop her. After all, Shego also faces the same thing, and even though she doesn’t have much to lose, it could still be scary for her.

Kim smiled to herself as she gave her order. Even though Shego put up a brave front, Kim was sure that there were things that scared Shego. No one is that immune to fear. They might be good at covering it up, but the fact remains that fear is still something that everyone experiences. Kim stopped that thought for a moment, then added to it, considering some of the freaks she’s fought. Even if it’s just a fear of getting caught.

Kim picked up the tray with her order on it when it was ready. Kim had already decided that she’d tell Monique when Kim introduced Shego to her. After all, Monique always was able to tell if she was crushing on someone as well as who it was when Kim was in front of them. However, that didn’t mean that she would take it any easier. All Kim could hope was that their friendship was strong enough and that she was open-minded enough. There really wasn’t anything else that she could do.

As Kim made her way over back to Monique, she noticed that Felix had arrived while she was lost in her thoughts. “Hey, Kim,” he greeted as she sat down.

“Hey,” Kim answered.

“So, Kim, you doing anything tonight?”

Kim shook her head. “I haven’t thought of anything, but I’m sure I’ll be able to come up with something.” Maybe Shego was at her home now.

“I got a new video game, and I was thinking that you might be interested,” Felix offered.

Kim was stunned. What she had been hoping to avoid was happening, but it wasn’t coming from the person she had thought it would. “B- but what about your date?” Kim asked, unsure of how to avoid this or if she could.

“Actually,” Monique answered quickly, “Felix said that there wasn’t any movie that he was interested in seeing, so he thought that I could try to play some of his video games.”

At least it isn’t as bad as it could have been, Kim told herself, still uncomfortable with the whole deal. “I guess.”

“Great! So, what do you say we head over to my place when we’re finished here?”

“Great,” Kim knew she sounded less than enthusiastic, but hoped that neither would notice.

Monique could tell that Kim was uncomfortable going with them, not that she didn’t blame her. After all, it could probably still be considered a date, even though they weren’t going to the movies or something, and Kim probably felt like a fifth wheel or something. Monique knew that she probably would feel the same way. After all, the saying did go: Two’s company, three’s a crowd.

But, it was obvious that Kim needed something to do other than sit around at her house not doing anything again. Even though Monique felt a little bad about having to trick Kim like that, she knew that it was for the best. Especially with how Kim had been trying to act cheerful again. Although it wasn’t because she was depressed over losing Ron, it was obvious that she was still adjusting to not having someone around that she could do things with regularly. Yeah, Kim had Felix and her, but with both of them dating, it wasn’t something that could happen often enough for Kim to snap out of the funk that she had fallen into. And even though she had been popular at school, she didn’t really have that many close friends. With Ron there had been three that Monique knew of, although she was starting to wonder if there was a fourth that she hadn’t even known about. But, Monique was certain that it was the right thing to do to skip her’s and Felix’s weekly date and spend time with Kim so that she might, hopefully, snap out of her current funk.

As they made it to Felix’s house, they were greeted by his mother. “Hi, mom,” Felix said. “We were just going to play some games.”

She looked at Felix searchingly and Monique hoped that she wouldn’t give anything away, because she didn’t want to have Kim know that the original plan HAD been to go on a date. However, she nodded and said, “Okay, I need to head to the lab to take care of some things, so I’ll probably be back late. Have fun.”

“Okay then, who’s up for a three-way battle?” Felix asked.

Kim wasn’t sure how long she played. Even though she was having fun, it just didn’t hold her attention like it did Felix’s and Monique’s. There was just something about these first-person shooter games that Kim found uncomfortable. Even though they were fighting mummies, zombies, or whatever, it still felt like she was shooting at real people. It definitely wasn’t something that she was very comfortable with. However, on the plus side, it was getting late and she was starting to get tired. So, in a little bit, she figured she might be able to head home. And then they’d be able to so what they had planned on doing, or at least what they could do. After all, Kim wasn’t stupid. She could tell that they had only included her because she hadn’t been able to be convincing enough that she was doing fine on her own. So, they came up with a plan to include her, while making it seem like it was something that they had originally planned on.

Besides, Kim knew that Monique had been lying about Felix not being interested in any movies that were showing, since he had told her earlier that week about a movie, that was currently showing, that he wanted to see. But, since she hadn’t been able to find an excuse to duck out of it, she knew that there really wasn’t anything that she’d be able to do about it. At least not without making it more obvious that she really wasn’t doing as well as she had wanted to put off as doing.

As Kim got up to get a drink of water, the Kimmunicator started its usual chime.

Beep beep be beep

Kim picked it up, glad that it was finally making noise as well as an excuse to get away. “What’s the sitch?”

“Kim, we have trouble over at the Tricity Center. A group of people have take everyone at the charity banquet that was being held there tonight, hostage.”

“Okay, Wade. I’m on it.”

“Trouble?” Felix asked.

“Yeah, time to go Monique,” Kim said, already heading towards the door.

“Sorry, Felix,” Kim heard Monique say as she got up.

“No problem. We couldn’t have planned on this happening, right?”

Shego sighed. Right now there wasn’t much to do except wait around for Kimmie to come. Although, this guy seemed to be trying to negotiate with some idiot outside the building, Shego doubted that his demands were what he was really after. Especially since he had only tied up all but one of the Global Justice agents here. For whatever reason, Dr. Director wasn’t tied up. Shego could only imagine that she was one of the targets then. However, she knew she could be wrong. How she HOPED that she was wrong. And she could tell the guy in charge outside was an idiot, because this ‘Mr. White’ seemed to be getting annoyed. And no matter what kind of villain is being dealt with, Shego knew that she wouldn’t try to annoy them any more than possible. Of course, she was usually annoyed, so it didn’t help matters if someone tried to work with her.

However, she heard the faint sounds of a helicopter approaching. And since they all had radios, she wasn’t surprised to hear the sounds coming from the radio she had. Shego then realized something. The guy outside wasn’t just and idiot, he was more of a moron than Drakken. Because, only an amateur wouldn’t put someone up on the roof to keep an eye out for attempts to get on the roof in a situation like this. Then after Shego heard a few gunshots and the sounds of the helicopter fading, Mr. White pulled his cell phone back up and dialed a number.

“You know that was really stupid, sending that helicopter.” He paused for a minute then, “You know what I want. I-“ Shego knew instinctively that the guy said something incredibly stupid at this point. “You don’t think I’m serious? Well then.” He then turned to one of the guests and Shego knew instantly that her fears were being confirmed. In moments the woman that Mr. White had turned to was dead, and was being carried out by some of the other guys that Mr. White had hired. Shego didn’t want to consider them henchmen, since everyone here on the team seemed to be pretty much equals on the playing field. All except this Mr. White. And all he seemed to care about was getting what he wanted.

Shego made her way, casually, over to where Will Du was tied up. She used her plasma powers to burn through part of the ropes that kept his hands tied to the chair. She didn’t burn them through completely, just enough to let Will free his own hands in a few minutes, so it wouldn’t be seen as her helping him. Since, if he did something stupid, Shego wanted to be able to try again. But, he seemed the least likely to charge in with all that’s going on, so Shego knew that he was the best choice under the circumstances.

Mr. White had his cell phone back out and was talking again. “Now, either you can have every one of these hostages like that, or you can start to think about accepting my demands.”

Shego sighed inwardly. This definitely was something that Drakken would hear about. Especially since it was nullifying her contract with him. Although, in all fairness, he probably didn’t know and wouldn’t have known if he had asked, but Shego never considered herself very fair. At least when it came to things like this. After all, how was it being fair to those that were being killed? That woman didn’t come hear knowing that she was taking a chance on her life, but she was still dead. As soon as Kim showed up, Shego knew that she’d be able to make her own move against Mr. White.

Kim wasn’t surprised to see that the entire area was being covered by the media, and police swarming around, either trying to keep the media at bay or taking positions and waiting for orders. Kim didn’t stop at the police line, but just crossed it without a second thought. She could tell that Monique was right behind her and wasn’t likely to fall behind very much. Especially with all that was going on.

Kim reached the front of the building quickly, and looked it over. From what she could see, the best place to enter would be the roof. Only because she couldn’t see if there was anyone hiding five feet inside the building. Even though she was sure it wouldn’t be a problem, she didn’t want to take the risk that would endanger herself as well as everyone inside.

Kim started to walk around to the right of the building, looking for a good place to grapple up to the roof, when the guy who seemed to be in charge came up to her. “Who’re you? You’re not supposed to be here.”

“I’m Kim Possible,” she greeted, trying to be friendly, even though this guy was clearly being a jerk. “I was asked to come and help out.”

“Thanks, but we don’t need your help,” the guy told her. “We have everything under control.” At that sounds of an approaching helicopter came to Kim’s ears. “See, our ticket inside has come.”

Kim watched as the helicopter got closer to the building. When it was directly overhead, Kim heard gunshots ring out and a guy fell out of the helicopter, hanging from a safety line. Kim resisted the urge to say something, because she was more concerned about if the guy was all right, even though she knew that she wouldn’t be able to find out right now. Then the guy’s cell phone rang.

“Hello? Yeah, that helicopter wasn’t my idea. I didn’t authorize it. Someone went over my head to get it.” Kim was certain that whoever was on the other side of that call wasn’t buying it. “Now look, if you tell me what you want I can-“ The guy stopped talking and was apparently listening to what the other guy was saying as Kim wondered if this guy would get any dumber than he already was proving himself to be. “Okay fine, but if you could release some of the hostages and prove to my superiors that you’re serious about negotiating…” this guy trailed off and Kim was filled with dread. At that point a gunshot rang out inside the building. Soon after that, a woman was carried out by guys who, Kim assumed, were in on this. They left her just outside the doors before they went back in. The idiot started blabbing on the phone again after a moment. “Look, I’ll do what I can, but I can’t promise that my superiors will agree.”

He hung up and then turned to a police officer. “I want you to set up as many snipers as you can. Take out anyone that is a threat that they see.”

“You realize that you’re gambling with the lives of the hostages?” Monique asked.

“Hey, get these two girls out of here!” the idiot called over to one of his apparent subordinates.

“Actually, we were asked to come,” Kim informed the guy.

“Well, I didn’t ask you to come, so you can leave, little missy.”

“Okay, we’ll leave,” Kim growled, not bothering to tell him where she’s leaving to. “Come on, Mon.”

Kim started to move like she was going to leave entirely, but then made her way around to the right of the building as soon as the idiot had turned to face the building again. Even if she hadn’t been called here, there was no way that she was going to put the lives of several people in the hands of an idiot like that. If she did, the hostages would be lucky to be let out alive period.

After they reached the side, where Kim could see that they were out of sight of the idiot in charge, she pulled out her grappling hair dryer gun and aimed it to just below the top of the roof. After all, she knew that there was a lookout, so why alert him any more than she had to. As Kim pushed the button to reel the line in, she noticed Monique following her example.

As Kim reached the top, she noticed that the guard was facing the other way. Not that she was complaining. Then, before Monique was able to get to the top, Kim had made her way over behind the guard and, with a quick blow to the back of his neck, dropped him. After Monique reached the top, she walked over to Kim and asked, “How many times has someone died when you’ve been doing these missions?”

Kim sighed, thinking back to a few minutes ago. That was a sight she never wanted to see, even though she knew that it was likely. “That was the first time for that. I didn’t ever want to see something like that happen.”

“No kidding.”

Kim then quietly made her way over to the door and stopped with her hand on the handle. “Monique, from here we’ll need to be silent. Any noise could give us away.”

“Okay, um, will we split up or stay together?”

Kim thought about this for a moment. “We should split up.” When Monique mumbled something too quiet for Kim to hear, she turned to Monique. “I know you’re still new to this, but I know you’ll do fine.” Then a thought occurred to Kim. “Just try not to get shot. I haven’t dealt with guys carrying guns very often, and neither did Ron.”

Monique nodded, and with that, Kim opened the door and they went inside.

Shego sighed. Will Du had gotten his hands free, but was still in the chair. Which told Shego that she had made a correct choice. However, Mr. White seemed to be getting more and more impatient. Where are you Kim? Shego thought to herself, not wanting to have to see someone else die like that woman did. Whoever was doing the negotiations had better get a clue or get someone to replace him. At least if Kim took any longer.

However, as the regular interval came around for all lookouts to check in, Shego, and Mr. White, noticed four either forgot, or just merely couldn’t. At that point, Mr. White turned to Shego. “She’s probably here. Do your job or you’ll regret it.”

Shego knew what he was implying. The only mistake he was making was that he didn’t realize all that she was capable of. Especially when it came to using her comet-given powers. After all, even though she could shoot plasma and all that, that was just a small fraction of what she could do, not that she’d let someone like this Mr. White know that. “Okay, I’ll go look for her,” Shego said, knowing that it would have been best to actually wait for Kim to come here, but this would at least give Kim some more chances to do what she always did.

As Shego left the room, she noticed that Will had disappeared and hoped that he’d be able to help Kim when she got there. Shego sighed as she started walking through the halls, careful to avoid any open windows or anything, while also considering the least efficient way of finding Kim. After all, what good would it do to show her hand this early? As she made her way towards the stairs on the third floor, she noticed that Kim’s friend was moving through the halls, and since Shego didn’t see Kim, she didn’t bother trying to avoid her.

Unfortunately, Kim’s friend wasn’t so agreeable. Shego ducked when Monique tried to do a jump kick, and continued walking forward. “Hey! I’m not done with you!”

Shego turned around and said, flatly, “If you make much more noise, the others will come to see what’s going on.” She then motioned towards the dinning hall. “Everyone’s in there. There’s two guards and the leader of this whole thing.” Shego then turned away from a stunned Monique and continued walking to where she had been going in the first place. She was sure that Monique was stunned and that she should probably do something about her, but hey, her orders only involved Possible, so she hadn’t yet gone against what she was told to do.

Shego didn’t encounter anyone else, at least anyone conscious, on her way to the roof, and when she got there, she started to head back down. By now, Kim should have taken out the rest of the guys Mr. White had brought as guards, while Mr. White should be now trying to find a way out with the people he originally intended to kill. At least that’s what she assumed was happening. Besides, Will Du would be good enough to at least make a distraction when Kim appeared, which would save her from being shot at the very least. And again, that’s what she hoped was happening.

Kim felt a little sore. Maybe she had been out of this for too long, but it certainly felt good to be doing something like this, even if it was more dangerous than she was used to. And Monique wasn’t faring too badly either. Kim looked around and saw that the guards had been taken down. However, the guy that seemed to be the leader of this group wasn’t here. And she noticed that a couple of the guests had also been removed. Kim walked over to where Will Du was nursing is sore wrists.

“What’re you doing here?” Will asked.

“What? I was asked to come,” Kim replied.

Will shook his head, smirking to himself. “Dr. Director won’t be too happy about that.”

Kim’s eyes narrowed. “Why? Why wasn’t I supposed to come?”

“Because the danger level was too high. Why else do you think that you haven’t been going on missions this dangerous? We filter your website as best we can so you won’t get any missions this dangerous.”

Kim was furious as she grabbed Will’s shirt. “Who said you could do that?”

“We’ve been doing that since you started going around saving people. It’s part of GJ regulation 5886, section 12, paragraph 4, sub paragraph 6.”

Kim sighed. Of course they’d have something like that. Why wouldn’t they? Although, it didn’t make it any easier to stomach. “Anyway, think you can help get the hostages out of here?”

Will nodded. “Sure.”

“Now, did you see where the leader of this went?”

Will shook his head. “Sorry, I didn’t, but the only place in here that I’m aware that he could possibly escape would be that way,” Will answered, pointing towards a door that lead towards the center of the building.


Kim then took off, not caring if Monique was with her or not, although she’d prefer it if she wasn’t. Kim didn’t move very far when she had to duck behind a statue decoration in the hall to avoid a gunshot. “So, I see you’ve taken out everyone I brought with me,” the guy said to her. “But, I’m sorry that you won’t be stopping me.”

“What is your plan?” Kim called out to him.

“You’ll see. And I assure you, it isn’t as pathetic as the plans you’re used to. I couldn’t care who controls the world, so long as I’m able to have enough money.”

“So, you’re doing all this for money?”

“Why not? After all, why would I do anything if I didn’t get paid to do it?”

“Because you’ll be going to jail?” Kim offered.

“Sorry, but no. I won’t be going, and if you want to try, go ahead, but I’d rather not have to kill you right now. Eventually someone might be willing to pay me to do it, but right now no one’s made me an offer.”

“So, is that what you’re going to do with the guests that you’ve taken hostage?”

Kim inched her head around the statue and, not seeing anyone, started to creep around and get closer. “Of course, princess,” a familiar voice said, coming from further down the hallway.

“Ah, good, Ms. Green. I was starting to wonder what held you up.”

Kim froze. Shego was in on this? And since she apparently already knew what was going to happen, did that mean she was okay with what this guy was doing? Kim felt her heart being pulled apart as realization that Shego was a part of this whole mess started to tear at her. “Yeah, but I just have one last thing I need to tell you.” Kim felt her breathing stop as she listened to what Shego was saying intently.

“What is it?”

“I don’t work for killers,” Kim heard Shego say flatly as she apparently launched plasma bolts at the guy. At least that’s what it sounded like to Kim. She was ecstatic. Shego hadn’t approved of it, she was helping her!

Kim got up and ran over to where Shego was, down the hall. Kim saw Dr. Director and the foreign diplomat there, unconscious, and a little further down the hall was the guy Kim assumed had been the leader of the whole thing. He was laying spread eagle in the middle of the hall, not moving. Dr. Director started to wake up at this point. As she sat up, she nearly jumped and attacked Shego when she saw Shego there, but froze when she saw Kim Possible next to her, not even bothered by the fact that Shego was there.

“Okay, what’s going on?” Dr. Director asked.

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