Drabble Challenge


Lex 'Spork' Tenou

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TITLE: Drabble Challenge

AUTHOR: Lex 'Spork' Tenou

DISCLAIMER: Just a reminder, all of my stories are always published under the CreativeCommons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike license. This means that so long as you credit me and don't make any money offa it, you can appropriate my ideas. Oh, and I'd really appreciate it, if you DO want to appropriate any of these ideas, if you'd license your story in the same way.

SUMMARY: Drabble Challenge. Drabble is a story either 100 words long or a maximum of 500 words.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: To begin - for Mag's pic ‘Lunch‘ for the Kigo100 because it was the first to pop up when I looked at my DA favorites.

Almaseti requested: history

Hmm. Not precisely what I had planned, but functional nonetheless. Sorry for the lateness

Words: 113

It looked like any other encounter, on any other day. Fists and feet flew through the air at heads, at exposed vulnerablities, at percieved vulnerabilities, random attempts to open up the other for an attack.

So much left unsaid, choking in their throats as they fought, their minds occupied not with the stress of physical battle, but memory.

Heated touch slipping over sensitized skin, gentle words bitten back in vain effort to hide the effect of the encounter…this and more seeped through their minds as the blows landed.

The single thought that threaded through their conciousnesses was naught more than a conviction: things were for the better.

They had to be.

- end -

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