Part 1


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AUTHOR: Kid_Zatanna

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: MYSTERY KIMMIE THEATER 3000: Part Two - 'Saving Shego' by Wotan-Anubis

TYPE: No Romance, Kim/Shego, MST3K

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: The Satellite Of KIGO is Nodrog's idea. This one is mine.

Wotananubis has given me permission to MiST his story (YAY!). I had to combine two chapters into one to fit the show's format, but I'll post them by chapter with a host segment.

Enjoy. But no danceing with the ushers, please.

Words: 4876

“Saving Shego” by Wotan-Anubis

High above Earth, a camera focused, revealing a woman with long black hair checking her make-up.

“OK, let me know when you’re ready,” Shego said.

“’Kay, agzin,” Rufus chirped.

“’Agzin’?” Shego repeated, puzzled. “Oh, ‘action’! Dr. Drakken, I don’t know if this will reach you, but I have to take the chance. I’m trapped on the Satellite Of KIGO and now Dr. Director and Dr. Possible are subjecting me to cruel and unusual punishment thinly disguised as ‘rehabilitation’. They send me fan-fic stories, the worst they can find; I have to sit and read them all while they monitor my mind. The worst part is that Kim Possible and the sidekick are with me.” There was a small cough. “Oh and the Mole Rat is here, too.”

“Hi!” Rufus said, leaning into camera range to wave.

“I don’t know how long I can hold out, if you or any of the other villains can find a way up here, I’ll try to disable the satellite’s defenses.”

“Hey Shego, making a movie, huh?” Ron asked as he entered the bridge area. “Rufus, your camera’s not level, lemme fix that. There, all better.”

The camera suddenly fell over, going to static.

“You buffoon,” Shego groaned.

On the bridge of the Satellite Of KIGO, Ron Stoppable was tapping his heels together with his eyes closed.

“There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home,” He opened his eyes to find Kim and Shego staring at him. “Damn. Well, it was worth a try.”

“Yeah, well let’s see what dad has to say,” Kim said, hitting a flashing button.

In the Middleton Space Center, Doctor Possible was on the video-link with the satellite.

“Kimmie, Ron, Shego? Are you there?” Dr. P. called.

“No, we stepped out for burgers and frys,” Shego snarled.

“Shh! Yes dad. Any progress on getting us down?”

“Sorry, Kimmie-cub, we’re still working on that. But don’t worry, the satellite has plenty of food, water and other conveniences. If you get bored, there’s a movie library too.”

“Yeah, me and Rufus looked at that, Doctor P,” Ron said. “’Manos’, The Hands Of Fate, Puma Man, Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, Cave Dwellers, not exactly top of the line viewing.”

“Well, don’t worry about it, we’ll have you down in no time at all!” Dr. P. said cheerfully. “By the way, with all the excitement, I forgot to show you my invention; the Faster-Than-Light Switch!” He waved a hand at a box that had a switch and a light bulb on top. “Have you thought about how many hundredths of a second we spend waiting for a light to turn on and just how many lights we turn on each day? It really adds up! Who can afford to waste that much time? But thanks to the Time Dilation theory that says that when an object travels faster than light it will go back in time, the light will now turn on BEFORE you flip the switch!”

“Wow! That’s brilliant!” Shego exclaimed. “But why would you need to flip the switch, then?”

“Because the light won’t come on if you don’t, of course,” Dr. Possible laughed.

“But you said that it would come on BEFORE you hit the switch,” Shego explained.

“What I want to know is, since the light’s already on, why even bother to turn the switch on?”

“She has a point,” Ron observed.

“Now stop, you two,” Kim said. “I’m sure dad has all that figured out. Go on dad, tell

them about it.”

Dr. Possible looked lost. He reached for the light switch and then pulled his hand back, walking around the invention, scratching his head.

“I think we lost audio.” Ron said.

“Dad, can you hear me?” Kim asked anxiously. “Give us a sign if you can hear us. Oh no, got fan-fic sign!


SHEGO: “Sorry I broke your dad's brain, Kimmie”

KIM: “Don't worry about it, he’ll be OK.”

TITLE: Saving Shego

RON: “Saving Private Shego.”

SHEGO: “It was the longest day.”

AUTHOR: Wotan-Anubis

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these characters, I'm not making a profit.

SUMMARY: Because my attention span is… erratic… I prefer to write short one-shots. However, since my obsession with Kim Possible appears to persist,

KIM: “So this was written by my cousin Joss?”

I think I'll try to write a slightly longer story for once. We'll see how it goes.

PAIRING: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

RON: “What does ‘DE’ mean?”

SHEGO: “Destroyer Escort. (Pause) Maybe this IS ‘Saving Private Shego’.”

The Go Jet soared through the skies of the good old US of A and the person at the controls was seething with rage. She often was, these days. The incredible annoyance every girl feels when her brothers are all a bunch of idiots had been carefully nurtured and had grown up into a great deal of resentment and anger.

KIM: “Come to Smarty-Mart for a great deal on resentment and anger!”

It seemed to her that the bad guys had it right all along. They could do what they liked. They didn't have to follow all the stupid little rules of what

people laughingly referred to as ‘society’. And if they felt like beating the crap out of someone, they beat the crap out of that someone.

SHEGO: “Hey, this Wotan-Anubis guy is all right!”

But no, not Shego. She was a superhero. She was a good girl.

(All three laugh)

It was enough to make Shego scream some days.

“Are we there yet?”

Shego gritted her teeth and stopped herself from yelling ‘no’ at Wego. They didn't really deserve being yelled at. They weren't all that bad. Filled with youthful enthusiasm, maybe, but not nearly as pompous as, for example, Hego.

“Come now kids,” Hego said. “You should know Middleton is still miles away.”

Shego glared sidewides

RON: “Wide sides?”

SHEGO: “Wide load?”

KIM: “White sidewalls?”

at her brother. He hadn't a clue. Never had, never would have. Living his life reading silly little comics and now, suddenly, because he's the oldest and the strongest he's in charge?


KIM: “Shego, language!”

SHEGO: “But I didn’t… oh never mind.”

“We're here,” Shego announced.

“Oh,” said Hego.

“Miles are certainly a lot shorter these days, aren't they?” said Mego.

Shego carefully put the jet down on an empty parking lot near a building that looked like a giant sombrero and opened the doors.

“Come team, there is no time to waste,” Hego said, jumping from his seat. “There is no telling what kind of devestation Aviarius has already wreaked upon this small village.”

KIM: “Hey! Middleton has a population of over thirty thousand people!”

RON: “And one Naked Mole Rat.”

“Not much I'd wager,” said Shego, undoing her seatbelt. “Probably just annoyed a lot of people with that condor of his.”

Hego ignored her. “It will not be long before the white wings of justice have caught up with the black talons of evil. Come now, let us haste.”

“If we have to make haste, why are you still standing there speeching?” Shego snapped.

SHEGO: “When I do snap, Hego will be the first to go!”

Again, Hego pretended not to hear her and dashed from the jet, quickly followed by the twins and Mego. Shego briefly looked up at the ceiling, looking, perhaps, for some divine sign that it was OK for her to kill her brothers for being, well, them.

KIM: (As Shego, saying her prayers) “God bless mommy and daddy and next time; please drop a BIGGER comet on my brothers.”

When no diety or winged messenger showed up, Shego sighed and headed out of the jet to see that the rest of the team hadn't gone very far yet. Hego was rubbing his head and looking rather confused at a red-haired girl who was rubbing her arm. Behind the girl was a short-haired blonde boy with some kind of hairless gopher sitting on his shoulder.

RON: “Naked Mole Rat!”

“You know, you really should pay more attention where you're going instead of just blindly dashing out of your jet,” said the girl to Hego, endearing herself to Shego forever.


SHEGO: “What?”

“My apologies,” said Hego, “but we're on a most important mission to stop the black wings of crime.”

“I thought you said the wings belonged to justice?” Shego said.

“Just a figure of speech,” said Hego.

“You're crimefighters too?” said the blonde boy.

Shego frowned. ‘Too’?

SHEGO: “TOO: Adverb. As well, also.”

Hego swelled with pride. “We are Team Go,” he announced. “I am the leader Hego, this is my brother Mego, the twins are Wego and my sister over there is Shego. We're superheroes fighting crime wherever we go.”

“Never heard of you,” said the girl.

RON: “Which girl, Kim or Shego?”

“Well, our base of operations is Go City, but we're looking to expand,” said Hego.

“Actually, our archfoe Aviarius has gone off to this place and we just followed him,” said Shego.

The girl frowned. “Weird guy, red hair, bit of a bird fixation?”

“That's him,” said Hego. “I hope you have not run afowl of him.”

SHEGO: (Pulling her hair) “AAAAGGGHHH!”

KIM: “Easy Shego, it’s just a story.”

SHEGO: “Sorry, Team Go flashbacks.”

“I almost caught him,” said the girl. “But someone just had to press a button.”

“But Kim, how was I supposed to know that button activated the escape protocols?” said the boy.

“Ron, you never press the big, red, shiny buttons unless they say ‘Abort’.”

RON: “Yes I do, all the time.”

Shego almost started smiling. There were actually people out there who approached crimefighting roughly the same way she did? How come she never heard of that before?

Hego, who looked mightily puzzled by all of this, tried to steer the conversation back to a place he could handle. “Well, not to worry, little girl, we will deal him.”

“Little girl?” said the one apparently called Kim. “Two of your teammembers are younger than I am.”

“Yes, but we have superpowers!

SHEGO: (As Kim) “But I have a pet nerd!”

Team Go, let's go!” Hego dashed off into the evening, followed by the male members of Team Go. Shego watched them go and smirked.

“So, you're into crime-fighting too are you?” she said.

“That's right,” said Kim. “Why?”

“Did you ever get hit by a meteorite?”

RON: “I got hit by a brick once, does that count?”

“No,” said Kim. “Why do you ask?”

“So you have no superpowers whatsoever?”

“Of course not.”

Shego tilted her head to one side. “Then why fight crime?”

“Well… it beats babysitting,” said Kim. “And anyway, saving the world is pretty satisfying.”

KIM: “And you don’t have to change diapers.”

“It is?”

“Wait, you all have superpowers?” said Ron.

Shego lifted a hand and let it flare with green fire. “You bet.”

“That is so cool.”

KIM: (Mutters) “Not when it hits you in the butt.”

(Shego snickers)

“Nice to be appreciated,” said Shego. “Anyways, we'd better go catch Aviarius right now, right?”

“We?” said Kim.

“Well, I assume you actually know where he is.”

“Wade just tracked down his signal,” said Kim. “But shouldn't you go with the rest of your team?”

“Yeah, you see, they don't know where he is. They just rushed off like they always do.”

“And you still actually beat the bad guys?” said Kim.

“Well, we do have superpowers,” said Shego.

“Typical,” said Kim. “Alright, you can come. But don't get it in my way.”

Shego raised an eyebrow and smiled in a way that wasn't exactly nice. “Whatever you say, Princess.”

(Kim and Shego meow and hiss at each other)

Aviarius sat upon his roost and petted his pet condor. Actually, it wasn't much of a roost. It was really just a decrepit old chair in this decrepit old timeshare evil lair, but he'd be damned if he didn't call it his roost.

“Soon my plans will be complete,” he said partly to his condor, but mostly to himself. “Here, away from Go City, away from Team Go, I could work on the ultimate Anti-Go Weapon. And since this Middleton is so choked with archvillains of all kinds, the police hasn't even noticed me, leaving me to hatch my schemes undisturbed.”

RON: “He sounds pretty ‘disturbed’ to me.”

“So what am I? Chopped liver?”

Aviarius sprang up from his chair and turned around to face the door. “Kim Possible! And that miserable rodent Rufus!” he yelled. “And… and…”

Ron sighed. “Ron Stoppable.”

“Right, you too,” said Aviarius.

KIM: “Maybe you should start wearing a name tag, Ron.”

RON: (Defeated voice) “Yeah, I guess I should.”

“And, of course, me,” said Shego, stepping out of the shadows. Aviarius took a step back. “You! So Team Go is here?”

“Kind of,” said Shego and fired. The blast sailed over Aviarius’ head and left a smoking hole in the far wall.

SHEGO: “The non-smoking section was in the near wall.”

“Wow,” said Ron. “That's… well… awesome.”

“Yes, but just remember, you're not supposed to kill him,” said Kim.

“Sure, sure,” said Shego. “So Aviarius, do you have any traps in this here ‘lair’?”

KIM: “Or in that there lair?”

Aviarius glared at her and was only marginally aware that Kim had started to move.

“Well, my homing hummingbirds aren't installed yet, but…”

“Come on, last time we fought was in a proper lair,” said Kim, forcing Aviarius to take his attention off of Shego for a moment. “I'm willing to bet there's just you and your bird here.”

“I'll have you know I still have some tricks up my sleeve.”

“Sure you do,” said Shego, who was suddenly a lot closer to Aviarius than he was comfortable with. “Maybe you'll tickle us with your feathers.”

“The feather cannon was a great idea!” Aviarius yelled. “And don't you dare come closer!”

RON: “Feather cannon?”

SHEGO: “Believe me, you don't want to know.”

“Or what?” said Kim, who'd advanced even further.

“Or I'll…”


Aviarius looked up and his face was full of naked molerat.

“Now!” Kim yelled.

Struggling to get Rufus off his face, Aviarius didn't see the leg sweep coming that knocked him on the floor, nor could he do anything about the sudden weight on his body, or the hands restraining him. But he could still use his mouth.

“Condor! Attack!”

RON: “Con-dor Maaan!”

“Not gonna happen,” said a voice. “Not unless he wants his wings burned off.”

Rufus leapt off Aviarius’ face, revealing to him that it was Kim who held him and down and that Shego had his bird in an embrace that could almost have been tender if it wasn't for the burning of her hands.

KIM: “Ah, yes, ‘cold hands, warm heart’.”

SHEGO: “Shut up, Princess.”

“And now we'll all sit quietly until the authorities arrive,” said Kim sweetly. “Won't we?”

“My, what an adventure that was,” said Hego.

Shego sat at the controls of the jet and said nothing. She was thinking. And for once, she wasn't thinking about how much she'd like to bash Hego's face in.

RON: “She was too busy thinking about pantsing him.”

“What do you mean, adventure?” said Mego. “You did nothing.”

“That Kim Possible was cool, though,” said Wego.

“Yeah,” Wego agreed. “I mean, she took down Aviarius and she doesn't even have any powers.”

“Well, she couldn't have done it without our sis,” said Hego. “So it was a Go effort all the same.”

Except that Kim probably could have taken down Aviarius without her help, Shego reasoned. Simply because she was everything Team Go and, let's face it, most of the villains they faced wasn't. She was sensible.

SHEGO: (Looks at Ron) “Um, never mind.”

And she saved the world not because It Was The Right Thing To Do or because It Was Her Responsibility. She was just an ordinary teenage ]girl. She didn't have to. And yet she did.

“I think…” Shego said slowly, “someone should watch over her.”

KIM: (Singing) “Some-one to waaatch over me.”

“Of course,” said Hego. “Someone should watch over all innocent citizens. And that is what Team Go does.”

“No,” said Shego. “We just operate in Go City. Middleton's only protection is Kim and her sidekick. And she faces more villains than we do.”

“She's a good citizen,” said Hego.

RON: “Citizen Possible.”

KIM: “Rosebud…”

“Listen,” Shego snapped. “She's just a girl fighting crime. She's going to get herself killed. I think I should stay with her.”

Hego looked shocked. “But sis, you can't just leave Team Go.”

SHEGO: “Sure I can!”

“I'm not leaving,” said Shego. “Just… expanding our horizons. Look, we all know you can handle crime in Go City without me, it's not that hard.”

“But we're family,” said Wego.

“So?” said Shego. “Most siblings don't live with each other all their lives, you know. No, I think it's time for me to go.”

“But…” Hego started.

“I'm going to Middleton,” said Shego. “I think that's where I'm supposed to be.”

“So why don't we have superpowers?”

Kim groaned and closed her locker.

“Ron, we weren't hit by a meteorite, remember?”

KIM: “That’s also why we’re still alive.”

“Details, details,” said Ron, trailing along next to Kim. “But wouldn't it be cool if we had them too?”

“Yes, Ron,” Kim sighed. She really didn't mind that Ron was so enthusiastic after meeting Team Go, but that had been a week ago and a girl could only take so many talks about cool superpowers before it really got to her.

“I mean, OK, shrinking may not be the most useful power ever, but think of the possibilities of multiplying! I could go hang out at Bueno Nacho while a copy of me is sleeping through English!”

“Yeah, but which you would be the real you then?” Kim asked.

SHEGO: (Waving her hand) “Oh, I know! I know!”

Ron scratched his chin. “The one who could make even more copies of himself?” he suggested.

“Actually, all of them would be the real them.”

SHEGO: “But, thank you for playing.”

Kim and Ron stopped at the exact same time, and turned around simultaneously.

A girl dressed in green and black clothes that suggested she wasn't interested in conforming to anything, but still wanted to look incredibly stylish while doing so, lounged against the wall.

“Shego?” Kim asked.

“What tipped you off?” said Shego. “The skin?”

“The whole of you, really,” said Kim.

Shego grinned. “Aw, glad to see you haven't forgotten me yet, Princess.”

“It was only a week ago,” said Kim.

“A lot can happen in a week.”

RON: “The universe was built in only six days.”

“So why're you here?” Ron asked. “Did Aviarius escape again?”

“Not that I know of,” said Shego. “Nah, I decided to transfer to Middleton.”

“OK,” said Kim slowly. “Why?”

“Well, there's a lot of crime in Middleton and I am a crime-fighter. I want to help out.”

“Thanks,” said Kim. “But me and Ron can handle it.”

“Kim! She's got superpowers. How can you not want her to help us?”

“Yeah,” Rufus agreed.

“Maybe Kim here is just scared I'll slow her down,” Shego said. “Maybe she thinks I rely too much on my powers and can't really do anything else.”

KIM: “Ooo, low blow.”

“That's not it,” said Kim.

“Then what is it?” said Shego.

Kim looked away from Shego while trying to look as if she wasn't looking away from Shego and certainly wasn't looking for ways to escape.

RON: (As Kim) “Uh, where did they move the bathroom?”

She hadn't really seen Shego all that long, but there was something about that air of laid-back competence that appealed to her. Something about the way she smirked and grinned and looked at the world that was… thrilling. So thrilling, in fact, that Kim had spent her week trying hard not to think about it.


KIM: “What?”

“Tell you what,” said Shego. “Meet me at the gym after school and we'll spar.

If you think you can use me, great. If not, well, we'll see.”

Kim gratefully flung herself onto the rock sticking out of rushing stream.

SHEGO: “There’s a stream in your school?”

“Wait, you go to school here?”

“As of this morning,” said Shego.

“Aren't you a little old for high school?”

Shego grinned. “You'd be surprised. And anyway, all it took was a little bit of shuffling with papers.”

“That's illegal,” said Kim.

“But for a good cause,” said Shego. “So? Gym?”

Kim looked at Shego's face and didn't know what to say. Various conflicting emotions battled for control of her tongue, until rationality rolled its eyes and intervened.

RON: “Ewww, rolling eyeballs!”

“Alright then,” said Kim. “But only because we're probably gonna need all the help we can get.”

“Great,” said Shego. “It's a date.”

“It's not a…”

“See you then, Princess,” said Shego, breezing past her. “Maybe you too Stoppable.”

“Hey, you remembered my name!” said Ron.

“Why shouldn't I?”

“Oh… no reason.”

“I see,” said Shego. “Later, guys.”

Ron waited very carefully until Shego had turned a corner. “Booya! Our very own superhero on the team! This is so awesome.”

“Yeah,” said Kim, chuckling nervously. “Awesome…”

SHEGO: (As Kim) “I’m all giggly because I’m a girl and stuff!”

“Hey girl, did you check the new girl?” Monique sat down next to Kim at one of the cafeteria's tables, the tray in her hands filled with -for lack of a better word- food.

“Who? Shego?” said Kim.

“So you checked her,” said Monique. “What do you think?”

“She's awesome,” said Ron.

“I don't know,” said Monique. “That skin of hers… maybe she got a condition.”

“She got struck by a meteorite once,” said Kim.

SHEGO: “It's a known fact that most skin disorders are caused by collisions with space debris.”

Monique realised that any normal person would think Kim was trying to make some kind of weak joke, but she'd hung around with Team Possible long enough.


“Plus, she can shoot fire from her hands,” said Ron.

“Oh,” said Monique. “She a threat?”

“Hero, actually,” said Kim.

“That's cool,” said Monique. “So are you gonna hand the hero business to her then?”

“I hope not. Mind if I sit down?”

“Shego!” said Ron. “Yeah, please, sit down.”

“Thanks,” said Shego, taking a seat next to Ron and putting her own tray on the table. “You know, I gotta ask, is this stuff actually edible?”

RON: “It’s better than what Kim can do.”

KIM: “Hey, nobody’s actually DIED from my cooking!”

“Well, it won't kill you,” said Monique.

“Good enough,” said Shego.

“Oh, Shego, do the flaming hands thing,” said Ron.

“Not in public, if you don't mind. That kind of thing freaks people out even more than the skin.”

SHEGO: “Yeah, it's not easy being green.”

KIM: “Being the color of so many ordinary things?”

SHEGO: “Yep.”

“Oh,” said Ron, deflated.

“Maybe at practise.”

“Practise?” said Monique.

“Me and Kim are gonna have a little session together after school. Aren't we Princess?” Shego purred.

KIM: “Shego: superhero and closet Cat-Girl.”

Kim stood up abruptly, banging her knee at the edge of the table and not caring or even noticing. “I should be going now. Class, you know.”

Shego watched Kim go, smiling faintly for a while, until that smile suddenly drained from her face.

“Girl, you're bad,” said Monique.

“Sometimes,” said Shego.

SHEGO: (Mae West voice) “When I’m good, I’m good. But when I’m bad, I’m better.”

The joys of cheerleading were that it was fast, physical and exhausting,

RON: “And that it involves girls jumping around in mini-skirts. OW! That hurt, Kim!”

leaving little room for any kind of thoughts. So Kim had thrown herself into practise with the kind of energy and enthusiasm that probably made her look like a perfectionist spaz, but she didn't really mind.

“OK, girls,” Kim said, clapping her hands together. “That was almost right, but…”

“Almost right?” said Bonnie. “We were perfect.”

“But we can always do better,” said Kim. “So that's why I propose…”

SHEGO: “Why Pumpkin, this is so sudden!”

“Hey, it's that new girl,” Tara suddenly pointed out.

“Urgh, what is that freak doing here?” Bonnie asked nobody in particular.

Feeling the cold, heavy weight of dread settling in her stomach, Kim turned around. Shego, sitting casually in the bleachers, half raised a hand and waved vaguely.

“She's early,” Kim groaned.

“Early?” said Bonnie. “You're actually meeting her?”

Kim's thoughts suddenly jumped into overdrive and grabbed the first convenient lie it could find. “Well, she's new and I'm kinda showing her around.”

“So now, because of you, we got a freak watching us,” said Bonnie. “Oh, the joy.”

“She's not a freak,” said Kim.

“She's got green skin,” said Bonnie.

“So? Since when is a person defined by the colour of their skin?” said Kim.

RON: “Ooo, Bonnie takes a hit.”

Bonnie's eyes narrowed dangerously. “Whatever. Practise is over, let's go.”

“I'm the captain, Bonnie,” said Kim. “It's not over until I say it's over.”

“Fine,” said Bonnie. “What do you say then?”

Kim went through all the routines in her head and then considered how it would feel to perform any of them in front of Shego.

“OK, practise is over.”

SHEGO: “Wasn't that joke in ‘Gone With The Wind’?”

RON: “Yeah, why?”

SHEGO: (Makes a note on a clipboard) “Counting the girl ‘Tara’ that makes two references to a classic movie. If the author makes more than four references to the same movie, we can sue!”

Bonnie rolled her eyes and left. One by one, the rest of the squad followed.

“So you're a cheerleader too, are you?”

Kim jumped and turned around to see Shego standing next to her.

“Don't do that,” said Kim.

“Sorry,” said Shego. “You wanna take a break first?”


“Well, cheerleading must be a bit exhausting. Maybe you want to take a rest before we start fighting.”

“Nah, I'm good,” Kim lied.

KIM: “Causing the Centurion Project to take over and kill Shego. The End.”

“You sure?”


“If you say so, Princess,” said Shego. “Shall we get started then?”

“Let's do it.”

RON: “NIKE, just do it.”

Fighting, like cheerleading, left little room for thought, provided you were facing a competent foe. And after the first few probing punches, it occured to Kim that Shego really was a competent foe. The girl could punch and kick and dodge and block, leaving little openings and a lot of feints.

“Not bad, Princess,” said Shego. She'd started panting, Kim noticed.

“You're pretty good too,” said Kim. Only now did she realise she was panting too.

“It's been a while since I faced someone this good,” said Shego. “It's kinda exciting.”

Kim launched herself at Shego again before her mind could fully explore all the possible meanings of what Shego had said. It looked as if Shego had expected Kim's reaction since she blocked effortlessly. Kim didn't let up, punching and kicking until, finally, she saw an opening she could take advantage of.

“Damn,” said Shego, landing on her back.

SHEGO: “Wait, what just happened? Did I enter a time warp or something? Kim sees an opening and suddenly I’m on my back?”

KIM: “Let it go, Shego.”

“Looks like I win,” said Kim, putting her hands on her knees.

Shego raised herself slightly on her elbows. “Looks like. So what's the verdict?”

Kim offered Shego a hand. “You're in.”

Shego took it and got back to her feet. “Great,” she said, not letting go of Kim's hand.

Kim blushed slighlty.

RON: “And disappeared.”

“So, uhm, welcome to Team Possible.”

“Thanks,” said Shego. She smiled. “Well, that was intense,” she said, her voice suddenly growing louder and more carefree. She let go of Kim's hand, much to

her immense relief and her unsettling disappointment.

“Pretty much, yeah,” said Kim, giving herself a mental pat on the back for keeping the tremble out of her voice.

Shego suddenly put an arm around Kim's shoulders. “Come on. Let's go hit the showers.”

KIM: “Well, if THEY’RE not sticking around, we don’t have to either. Let’s go.”

(They stand and exit the theater)


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