Historical Twist

Post Script


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TITLE: Historical Twist

AUTHOR: Kid_Zatanna

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Kim Possible, Shego or any of the other charicters in this fan-fic. This was done ONLY for the amusement of others and NOT for profit.

SUMMARY: Kim Possible tries to clear her ancestress' name, but Shego must stop her!

TYPE: Kim/Shego, No Romance

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Note: I want to write a sequal for this, but there are a couple of things that made me hessitate. First, I want to use “Rappin’ Drakken” and “So The Drama” as a starting point, but don't want to make it a do-over as I did with “Rewriteing History”. So I'll have to alter and add to it to make it flow into what I have planned for later chapters.
Untill I get to it, I'll leave you with this addition. Enjoy it (Or not). The dialog later in the chapter will go back and forth, but it shouldn't be too hard to follow. Think of Ron's monolog in “Emotion Sickness”, it's like that.

Words: 937

BUENO NACHO, Naco Night:

Ron and Rufus were in their useual booth, a naco apiece before them. Oddly, they were not eatting them, but had drawn their legs under themselves and sat with eyes closed.

“Consider the humble naco, Rufus,” Ron was saying. “It is more than just two foods combined, it is a symphony of ingriedients working together in harmony for the good of mankind. Together, they become MORE than the sum of their parts. When duty calls, we must become as the naco!”

With that they snapped up the food and ate as if nothing had happened. Ron looked up to see Kim Possible seated across from him, a taco half-way to her mouth as she stared.

“Something wrong, KP?” He asked, a bit of sauce dripping from his lip.

“I don't… What was that ‘become as the naco’ thing?”

“Hmm?” was the reply as Ron and Rufus cast a look at each other. “Oh, that! It's that Monkey Kung Fu mojo. Monkey Fist's butler told me that Tai Sheng Pekwar is partly a mental thing. Now and then Rufus and I get the urge to meditate. Once when I was talking to Barkin, I suddenly stood on my head in a lotus position, can you believe that?”

“Mm hmm!” Rufus nodded, still eating.

“Hey speaking of, you seem a little distracted lately. What up Kim?”

“Oh, I don't know,” Kim said quietly. “Maybe traveling through time gave me something like jet-lag. I just suddenly start day dreaming…It'll pass.”

Kim didn't want to tell her friend about WHOM she day dreamed. It bothered her, but she didn't want to tell anybody about it untill she sorted things out and figured out WHY Shego came to mind without warning. Kim didn't want to think about her new problem untill a time when it was more convinient, but still it came without warning, shoveing all other thoughts aside untill she acknowleged it. In a way, it was like a bratty child demanding attention. Once noticed, it would return to the back of her mind untill it decided to make another appierance. It was later in the evening when she was makeing a last-minute addition to her homework that Kim decided to give the matter some serious thought.

She never realised that the subject of her thoughts was pondering the same questions…

“OK, so there's this woman see,” Kim began out loud as if talking to someone who was watching her. “And I've been haveing these odd feelings about her.”

“I mean, REAL odd feelings,” Shego said as she paced across her room in the lair. “Feelings like, I don't know…”

“I just can't discribe it! No wait, I do…”

“She's fastinateing, that's what. She's smart, athletic…”

“A skilled fighter, pretty with lovely long hair… wait, that's not what I ment! No, I did. Look, I can admire a beutiful girl if I want, can't I? I mean, come on!”

“It's the Twenty-First Century, for crying out loud! Can't we be open-minded? Shoot, even back in Grandmother's time two women could kiss in public without anyone makeing it into something DIRTY.”

“And it's not like I want to jump into bed with her! It's no big. (Sigh) But then there are those times when her body language is giveing off these wierd signals…”

“The way her eyes light up durring our fights…”

“The way she smiles just before we fight. And that WINK she gave me the last time…”

“OK, Kimmie SMILED at me, but that doesn't mean anything. Sure, I winked at her, but it was just accknowledging her as my equal! It didn't mean anything more than…”

“Those nicknames she calls me. ‘Princess', ‘Kimmie', ‘pumpkin', gee they could almost be PETNAMES.”

“Well what am I supposed to call her? ‘BUBBLE BUTT’? Sure I taunt her, but it wouldn't do to INSULT her.”

“Why doesn't she insult me? She shows more disrespect towards Drakken. Maybe Hego was right, deep down she is good.”

“Hego is not right! I AM EVIL! Does that mean I have to constantly make the world a lousy place? Do I have to keep a crippled puppy around to kick?”

“Shego's evil, but she does have moments of humanity. Like when she went back in time to save me. Or the time in Go City when we fought Aviarius. Or in Las Vegas when we dove into the vent to get the PDVI. Sure, she benefited from each of those cases…”

“So don't think I am getting soft! Is there a rule that says that a villian CAN'T save lives? (Pause) I have to admit, though…”

“When we worked together, it felt pretty good…”

“It almost felt…right. Oh princess, if only you could give up this silly hero business, what a team we would make!”

“Oh shego, if only I had met you while you were with Team Go, what adventures we could have had! Is that why I think of you lately?”

“Because there's the possibility you could be persuaided to come over to MY side? Heh. I've always wanted…”

“An older sister I could look up to and learn from.”

“A younger sister whom I could teach.”


“Kim Possible. You're my opposit.”

“My mirror. We were destined to meet.”

“Fate demanded it, but Fate ordained that we know eternal conflict.”

“Takeing diffrent, but converging paths.”


“I'm being silly,” Kim told herself, slipping between the sheets of her bed.

“This is folly,” Shego muttered as she pulled the pillow tightly to her head. “Pretty dreams…”

“…That will never be. Goodnight Shego, wherever you are.”

“Sleep well, princess. Till next time.”


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