Fallen Angel


Odd Things



TITLE: Odd Things

AUTHOR: Deathstlker713

DISCLAIMER: Kim Possible and all the fun characters thereof are property of Disney. Maximum Ride and all characters/plotlines are the amazing creation of James Patterson. All I own of this is the wacky idea to combine them. I am getting no profit out of this except the fun I glean from writing it.

SUMMARY: When an old enemy shows up with trouble on her heels and an unnerving story to tell, Kim has to deal with the possibility of an evil that she never could have imagined… and not from the villians this time. KP/Max Ride crossover, KiGo.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Authors Note: Okay. I know I said that ‘Back and Forth’ would be my first project I’d put out. But I reached a snag in that, and then inspiration hit (dang inspiration… someone shoot it for me), and I had to write this idea. This is sort of a crossover between KP and James Patterson’s Maximum Ride series, though I will not be using Max and the flock as main characters in this story, if they appear at all. I am using the plot as a springboard, though, so there will be some plotline similarities and I can’t promise there won’t be spoilers for the books - in fact, there almost certainly will be. Also, this fic will have Kigo in it, so if you’re not a fan of that, you have been warned. I hope everyone enjoys this, and I must hint that I LOVE reviews! Thanks!

Words: 579

Life is full of odd things. I’m not really talking the good ‘odd’, the odd where something happens and everyone laughs and thinks ‘What were the chances of that?’ and it makes everything better or at least makes for an amusing story later - though that does happen often enough, I suppose. I’m leaning more towards the bad kind of odd things that leave you standing there shell-shocked thinking ‘What the hell was that?’ You know. Those odd things.

Odd things like random comets from space crashing through the tree-based clubhouse of five close-knit siblings, forever changing their lives and ultimately tearing them apart. Odd things like heroes being blamed for acts of villainy to the point that they finally give up and decide they might as well go out and earn that blame. Odd things like villains becoming targets of people who everyone believes are heroes, only to become victims of villainous acts they themselves would never have imagined.

Odd like genetic experiments. Odd like human-animal hybrids, wolf-men and winged people. Odd like poor, innocent kids being treated like nothing more than animals in cages and their DNA altered and messed with and tested and screwed up until it painfully kills them. Those kind of odd things. The kind of odd things that horrify even the most hardened of villains. The kind of odd things that make the most emotionless of people cry. The kind of odd things that will take someone who always swore to be fearless and send them running for their currently worthless little life.

Those were the sort of odd things I was dealing with. And, let me tell you, I wasn’t too happy with them at the moment. I was dirty, sore, exhausted, and starving. Oh, and cold. Yeah, middle of winter in Colorado, and I was definitely underdressed. Not fun.

At least the one thing I wasn’t was lost. Thank the Powers that Be for this nice innate sense of direction. Rare perk. I knew perfectly well where I was: wandering the streets of good old Middleton, CO, which were apparently deserted at 2 AM. Convenient. But I guess I was still paranoid, because a slight scrabbling sound behind me was all it took to urge me into a sprint that I was a bit shocked I could manage and pretty sure I couldn’t keep up for long. But I only had a block to go.

But I was still panting pathetically by the time I stopped and stood in front of the house I was aiming for. Second thoughts became the bane of my existence at that moment. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I mean, I hadn’t seen the girl in three years. And we weren’t exactly on friendly terms the last time did see each other. Maybe she wouldn’t help me - it wasn’t like she had any reason to. Or, maybe she would - putting herself in danger when she really shouldn’t be because I’d never given her any danged reason to. And this was really not the time to be having such doubts, considering that I was standing on her lawn with nowhere else to go.

An assisted jump landed me rather awkwardly on the roof - I was too tired to care about the gracelessness of the movement - sighing heavily. Yeah. Life is full of odd things. And it had to be a rather odd thing that had Shego knocking helplessly on Kim Possible’s bedroom window.