Stuck On You

Chapter 1

Not With Her!

Charys of the shadows

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TITLE: Not With Her!

AUTHOR: Charys of the shadows

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own kim possible so don’t sue me Disney!

SUMMARY: When Drakken's crappy aim leaves a certain hero and a certain villianess stuck in a sticky situation how will they stand each other? to become Kigo in later chapters. This story ignores 'So the drama'.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Slash

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

AN: this is going to be a Kigo story but that is a couple of chapters down the line. This chapter is a bit slow but hopefully it will get better in the next chapters. The only way I can get better is if you review! Now on with the story!

Words: 1056

“Bwa hah ha ha hahh! My most brilliant plan ever has come to me” Drakken paused mid rant to glance over at a very pale and slightly green women who was filing her nails behind him, “Shego, are you listening to me?”

Shego looked at him boredom evident in her forest green eyes, “oh you’re talking to me now? Because your mindless rants are boring and I zone out once you say more than one sentence with the word, plan, in it.”

“You know Shego I pay you, it wouldn’t kill you to listen to my plans.” Stated Drakken.

“Er, yes it would Dr. D. your sooo boring, its diabolical scheme this, Death ray that, I mean, Doy! Learn a new rant already!” came Shego’s reply as she continued to file her nails.

“Honestly Shego, I haven’t used a death ray in two months and this time my diabolical scheme will render Kim Possible unable to stop me. Bwa hah ha ha hahh!” Drakken started laughing manically again.


Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable were walking home, well Kim was walking and Ron was riding his moped at a snails pace. “Hey KP, don’t you think it’s weird that Drakken and Shego haven’t done anything lately. Do you think they’ve given up?”

“Ron, don’t jinx it. This has been a mission free week and” Kim was cut off my the beeping to her Kimunicator, “What’s the sitch Wade?”

“Kim, Dr. Drakken has revealed his lair. This is really weird; I think you should check it out. Do you want the location?” came Wades voice from the device.

“Please and thank you Wade. Any chance you can tell us why he just shown us his lair?” asked Kim.

“Nope, sorry” Replied Wade, “You won’t need a ride either, the hide-outs in Middleton in fact it’s just under your feet.”

Kim, Ron and Rufus looked down, “In the sewers?” Kim asked and Wade nodded.

“Eww, that is sick and wrong!” whined Ron

“heh Wrong!” chipped in Rufus.

“Thanks for the info, Wade.” Said Kim and then she pocketed her Kimunicator. “Ron, we’ll meet back here in an hour, be ready for the mission!” and with that Kim started jogging down the road towards her house.


“I’m here KP, wait up!” called Ron as he ran down the street toward the man-hole he had just seen his friend slip in to.

“Here, Here” chattered Rufus from Ron’s shoulder once they reached the man- hole. Kim was already half-way down the ladder and she called back up, “well come on then” as she continued down.

“KP this is so horrible” said Ron as they walked though the sewers towards the small building in front of them.

“Shh, look there’s a door open over there with no guards. I have to say this is ridiculously easy even from Drakkens normal standards.” Said Kim

“umm hmm, Easy!” agreed Rufus.

Kim and Ron walked into a large dark room when suddenly bright lights turned on causing them to blink to get the purple dots out of their vision.

“Hello Princess” Shego purred with a smirk on her face “Ready to play?”

“Ron go and find Drakken and see what he up to” said Kim

“On it KP!” replied Ron already slipping though the next door.

Shego launched herself at Kim hands blazing with green plasma. Kim quickly ducked and rolled under the slashing claws and delivered a roundhouse kick into Shego’s stomach pushing her back Shego immediately advanced again and the two quickly fell into the deadly dance of attacking, dodging and parrying that that have been doing for years.


Dr. Drakken was on a Platform above the two fighting girls, “the buffoon will never find me here and he could never beat me on his own after I stop Kim Possible! I wish Shego would keep her still,” he then saw Shego finally manage to break Kim’s defence and pin her to a wall, “ahh ha here is my chance!” and fired the ray at the two girls just as Kim broke free but then Drakken saw his henchwoman’s right hand still on Kim’s left wrist and he shouted, “Let her go Shego!” Both girls looked up confused but didn’t move when the ray hit them. They fell to the floor unconscious. Drakken looked at them from his perch, “well I’m not staying for when Shego wakes up she kill me!”


Kim stirred to find Ron’s face just inches away from hers, “Don’t move,” He whispered, “you might wake Shego up”

“Why is she still here?” questioned Kim but Ron didn’t answer as Shego was starting to wake up.

Shego suddenly jumped up dragging Kim to her feet, Shego glared, “Get off me.” She growled trying to tug her right arm away from Kim, only to find she was the one gripping the red heads left wrist and she couldn’t let go. Shego’s eyes widened in shock.

“What are you doing?” asked Kim when Shego started waving her right arm back and forth in a vain attempt to unstuck her hand from Kim’s arm consequently making Kim’s arm swing as well.

Shegos eyes then narrowed in anger and she muttered, “This was his plan, oh when I find that little blue man I am going to break every bone in his body.”

“Shego, why are you still holding my arm? let go!” said Kim as she started to try and tug her arm back from Shego’s grip but was not see that Shego wasn’t actually trying to keep hold of her.

“Doy princess! Dr. D’s little ray thingy seems to have stuck us together and you tugging like that is not going to help damn it!” shouted Shego.

“Well what else can I do?” asked Kim her voice rising ever so slightly.

“Get your little nerdlinger to find antidote. Duh!” replyed Shego

‘I can’t believe I’m stuck with her!’ thought both of the girls at the same time.

AN: thanks for reading this far. If you did what to you think? Plz review, like I said earlier it will help me get better if you give me some suggestions! xxxx

Also slameless plug if you like Teen Titans and the BBx Rae pairing check out my other story. Its finished! xxxx

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