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TITLE: Incurable

AUTHOR: Alexlayer

DISCLAIMER: Kim Possible belongs to Disney. House MD belongs to David Shore. The story is mine, but the inspiration is thanks to all my companions at KP Slash Haven, and the original idea belongs to Xgamerkf. But this is written just for the sake of art, so please enjoy it.

SUMMARY: Shego never though about the damage her power could do, and when Kim falls victim of it, she’ll need the best doctors to save her princess’ life.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Crossover

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Words: 639

“You don't know what you got… until it's gone”


How? HOW!? This wasn’t suppose to happen, this was… this just couldn’t be true! Right? Right!?

“Princes! Princess!!”

“Get you hands off her!”

Damn the buffoon, always getting in the way but never actually helping, at least from her point of view. She didn’t even drop the girl in her arms, just raised her left arm when the blonde kid was close enough to strike a painful elbow-hit against his groin. He curved himself… and then her fist smashed right against his nose. He fell on his back. That should take care of him.

But… but Kim…

“Princess! C’mon, pumpkin!” She exclaimed, shaking her a bit “You can do better than that, right?”

But how did this happen? Why? Why didn’t she avoid her energy blast?

“Shego! What’s wrong with you!?” Drakken called, much for her frustration.

“SHUT UP!” She replied, strong enough for making him shake in fear.

Then a moan… SHE moaned! Her princess was waking up!


She opened her eyes slowly, barely being able to stare right at the green-skinned thief, but finally managing to do so. Shego smiled, as much as Kim though it must had been an illusion.

“You okay, cupcake?”

She blinked, slowly, and then seemed to be about starting to say something when…

“A-… A-ACK!!”

Her mouth and eyes open widely in what looked like an attempt to scream, and then the real scream came, loud as an explosion. Kim screamed and twisted, placing her hands on her the right side of abdomen, over her ribs, or more exactly, over the burned skin, result of Shego’s powers…


She was in pain, pain that Shego could see reflected in her eyes, pain that she could almost feel as her own. Shego was about to panic… what the hell was going on!? She had struck people with her powers before, not so serious like this, but no one had ever been seen suffering like this. She knew Kim was actually burned, but she also knew she was strong enough to handle it without screaming as she was, screaming as if she were in hell itself.

“KIM! Hold on, please, hold on! You’re gonna be alright!!”

Kim Possible was losing herself…




“Come here and help me! GODDAMMIT!!”

She couldn’t expect him to want to help his arch-enemy, but she could, sure as hell, force him to do it whenever he wanted or not. Desperate times require desperate measures, and he was a doctor, a mad doctor, but a doctor after all. He should be able to do something, and he better could…

“What’s wrong with her!?”

“I-I-I don’t know! I mean, how should I know!? I mean-”

“Well, CHECK HER, NOW!!”

And the screams and convulsions continued. Drakken kneeled beside her and stared with a mix of curiosity and fear. Shego looked around for someone, but there was only the knocked out buffoon and the naked mole rat trying to wake him up. She needed to make a call, but she had no cell phone and-

The Kimmunicator!

Quickly taking it from Kim’s pocket even though of the difficulties, she activated it and so the nerd-boy appeared on the scream.

“What’s up, Ki-?! Shego!?”

“Call an ambulance!”

“The what!?”

“Call for a fucking ambulance! Kim’s hurt! She needs help!”

It didn’t take much time for Wade to notice the screams that could be clearly heard and to identify the voice, and then, for the first time in his life, he was sharing something with none-other than Shego: The fear

“I’m on it!”

“Thanks!” Did he hear that right?

Putting the toy aside, Shego focused once again in Kimmie, looking desperately for a way to help, yet all she could do was to watch her suffer and suffer…

Just WHAT was WRONG!?

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