Twisted Dreams

Chapter 4

Broken Mirrors


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TITLE: Broken Mirrors


DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: A world where Shego never teamed up with Drakken, or got into the world of evil. This is the result. Insanity warnings.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

NOTE: Forgot to mention for three chapters ;; Standard disclaimer stuff applies to all chapters. All characters are copyrighted to Disney unless I make them up like henchmen, random civilians and junk. Those belong to me. Just because I want to be able to claim –something- in this fan fiction.

And all relations to any fan fiction I write and ideas inside Failte200’s head are purely coincidental, and creepy. XD

Alright, things start to go crazy from here! So let the madness begin!

And FIGHT! dramatic fist pump!

Words: 2615

To say Ron was upset was like calling the Grand Canyon a crack in the ground. He was furious, heartbroken, and generally not feeling very happy or childish as he normally did.

He could hand Kim dating, he had proven that dozens of times before, but to have lose her to some woman that neither of them knew was an insult. It was as if his soul had been torn from his body and crushed in one kiss.

Rufus was lying on the bed as Ron sat at his desk thinking. He would make sure that his feelings where known…and that said feelings were returned. Even if he had to resort to the very thing he had sworn off after the Zorpox incident. He sighed, yes, it was worth breaking his own word, and turning away from his own values. It was worth anything.

He just needed a plan.

Shego wasn’t sure how it happened, but she was sure something was missing when she woke up. Then she realized that her clothes were missing. She pulled the covers tightly around her and looked around.

“You’re a very sound sleeper, you know that?” It was Anne Possible. “I’m pretty sure a bomb could have gone off and you wouldn’t have noticed.” She held up the oversized t-shirt and the pajama bottoms that Shego had fallen asleep in.

“Why’d you take my clothes?” Shego was beyond scared now. The woman obviously had some kind of issue with her, and this was getting ridiculous.

“Easy, figured you wouldn’t take off on me if I had them. And these are Kim’s, not yours.”

Shego blushed, “She’s loaning them to me.”

“I know. Now we’re going to play a little game. I ask a question, you give me an answer, every time you dodge a question, I’m taking a cover. Considering there’s a blanket and a sheet on there, you do the math.”

Shego sighed. She didn’t mind if she had to be naked, but it had to be for a good reason. Just prancing around in the buff was not on her to do list in life. “And what do I get if I cooperate?”

“You get the clothes back.”

“Alright…ask away.”

“Where are you really from?”

“Go City.”

Anne nodded, “Alright, I’ll buy that. What did you do in Go City?”

“I…I…” Shego panicked. It was not a part of her life she had wanted to share with anyone…much less the woman who gave her death glares.

The blanket disappeared. “Strike one.”

“I used to help people, okay?”

The older woman cocked her head a little, “Really now? In a cat suit? Why should I believe you?”

“Think about it…you ever hear of Team Go?”

“Yes, a super hero team in Go City, right?””

“Right. Now think of my name.”

Anne made the connection, it wasn’t that hard once this new information was presented so openly. “But that’s impossible…they said you died.”

“Then I’m a frikkin’ ghost.”

“Alright, prove it. Prove you’re who you say you are.”

Shego hesitated, she didn’t like being manipulated like this.

Anne reached for the sheet.

Shego’s hand went up and it burst into a green flame. “Happy?”

The clothes smacked her in the face.

Anne left the room, staggering at reality’s slap in the face. Shego on the other hand got dressed. She dutifully made the bed, as was the unspoken arrangement that she and Kim had.

Kim…the thought of the red head brought a way of emotions over her. She never expected to feel that way about anyone. Male or female. It just wasn’t a luxury she ever expected to have.

But that one person was all it took. That act of kindness, that act of compassion, the treatment like she was a person, not some kind of freak, was all it took. The feeling of being a person had unlocked a wave of emotions inside of her. She plopped down on the bed. God life was confusing.

Something happened Wade had never expected; his phone rang. It wasn’t that it was an impossibility, it was just really not something that he had ever expected to happen. He picked up the receiver and said in a confused voice, “Hello?”

“Wade…it’s Kim’s mother.”

“Oh…What can I do for you…Dr…Mrs.…?”

“Doctor is fine. I need you to do a little digging for me. A woman that used to be a member of a super hero team called Team Go. Her name is Shego. Find what you can and email it too me, a picture would be helpful too.”

“Any particular reason?”

“Let’s go with personal project, okay?”

“Alright, no problem. I’ll get on it right now.”

“And Wade?”

“Yes Dr. Possible?”

“Please don’t tell Kim, it’s a bit of a surprise…okay?”

“Sure thing.”

“Thanks.” The line went dead with a soft click. Wade leaned back in his chair and tried to think. He had never gotten a phone call before in his life…and to receive one from Kim’s mother was beyond strange. He shook the feeling off; he could worry about his confusion later. After all, digging up information on people was always fun, and he often cracked the Witness Protection Program for kicks. Now he could do something more productive instead. It wasn’t like he had homework to worry about.

Few things actually pissed of Kim. But Bonnie came close to being one of those very things. The girl was rich, stuck-up, and an all round ice queen. Even her friends couldn’t avoid her scorn. The girl was directing her scorn at Kim this time.

“I swear Possible, you do something about your boyfriend. He’s screwed up everything today at practice. And you’re the team captain, which means if he can’t keep up, you need to cut him.”

It was rare to see Kim actually lose her temper. It was rarer still to see her actually lash out at someone. But she did this time.

There was a loud smack as Kim’s palm connected with Bonnie’s cheek. “One, Ron is not my boyfriend. Two, just because he’s having one bad day doesn’t mean I’m cutting him, if that was the case you’d be the very first person I’d cut. And finally just learn to shut the fuck up once in a while. The bitch act impresses no one, in fact it makes people hate you.”

There was a complete void of silence in the gym, as if it was under a vacuum. Bonnie reach up and touched her cheek, as if she wasn’t sure she had been hit. Tears were forming in her eyes, but Kim didn’t see them because she had already walked off.

She was furious. Not just at Bonnie, but at herself for losing control. She should have been able to keep herself under better control. She was cool and calculating, aloof and apathetic when it came to everything.

Or she used to be, before she met Shego. Now emotions where just there. She was alive. She wasn’t dead inside. She wasn’t truly dead inside before she had met Shego, but the woman had opened up a new level of passion, a new level of herself that she hadn’t even known was there. It was exhilarating, it was amazing, it as completely out of control.

She leaned against a row of lockers in the girl’s locker room and sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She wasn’t used to having someone around that pulled her out her shell. Ron had done that at first, but the boy was predictable, even in his klutzy manners he wasn’t surprising in anyway. He was actually fairly boring.

Sure he managed to be cute at times, and had helped, though by accident, to help her beat Drakken, among countless other villains, he really wasn’t that useful. Even Monty Fiske, who had a tendency to pummel Kim in a match really wasn’t that big of a deal over all, though Ron had made fights with the mad man easier, he wasn’t that necessary. The one time he had actually proved truly valuable was when she was under the effects of Drakken’s plan to make her disappear. Other than that he was more like a transport for Rufus than a useful sidekick on a mission.

But she let him come anyways. Boring or not he was her friend, and deserved a chance, or in his case, chances, to try and help anyway. She sighed, and tried to calm her jumbled emotions. Shego had unlocked so much of them when they had first met. Hell the woman had unlocked attraction first and foremost. She had never really had an attraction to most people. The boys she fawned over were mostly a passing moment. Even Josh Mankey, who Kim had virtually obsessed over for a year, lost his appeal after she had a date with him. Sure he was sweet, and a genius with a paintbrush, but he wasn’t really what she had been looking for.

Hell none of the boys she had dated, much to her father’s relief, really did it for her. There was just some kind of spark missing when she kissed them, or a feeling that should have been there when they held hands, but they just didn’t do it for her.

But Shego…Shego was different. Even when she had said Princess as if she was insulting Kim, there was something there. Something that felt like it had been missing her whole life, just clicking into place.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft sobbing in the next row. Kim peeked around the corner and saw Bonnie, sobbing. She wanted to apologize…wanted to do something to take the sting back from her words, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. There just wasn’t something she could say that would make it alright.

She silently slipped up behind the brown haired girl and gave her a hug. It was more apologetic than friendly, or warm, but it still conveyed how she felt better than her words could.

“Kim…you….you’re right…I don’t need to… be a bitch…” She sniffled. “I…just lash out. My family expect me to be perfect without any exception, any excuses…and I can’t…I’m human too…they just don’t understand.”

Kim nodded. She and Bonnie had gained a bond of trust when they had ended up stuck to each other due to a mishap on Drakken’s part. The scientist had screwed up, and Kim had managed to defeat him despite the other woman and her being Siamese Twins. In public they were just as fierce as rivals, but occasionally in those rare moments in private they could be friends again.

“I know Bonnie…but you don’t need to take it out on me…or anyone else…”

“I’m sorry I accused you of dating Ron.”

“I’m sorry I slapped you.”

The silence was comforting, as if their problems where truly over, even though they both knew the peace would fall right back apart as soon as the hug ended.

Kim couldn’t find Ron after school. It was as if after practice he had just disappeared into thin air. She was tempted to call Wade to see if he could find her missing partner, but decided not too, in case Ron just wanted to be alone.

Getting home would be best. Getting home where it was safe, away from the problems of the world for at least a little while.

She set off at a brisk walk, pacing herself to an imaginary rhythm in her mind.

Shego and Anne Possible were sitting at the kitchen table. It was less of a heart to heart, and more of a meeting to discuss terms. At least that was Anne’s view on it. Shego personally only wanted to make a sandwich, but not she was sucked into this conversation. Just another reminder of how life wasn’t fair in the end.

“What do you want with my daughter?” It was blunt and cold.

Shego blushed, “I don’t know what I want…I don’t even know where I stand. She’s making all the moves, shifting all the gears, and in control of this vessel in it’s very course. I’m just a lucky passenger on the ride.”

Anne raised an eyebrow at the answer, “That would have made more sense coming from drug addict. Now seriously, what do you want with my daughter?”

“To be happy…to make her happy…” She swallowed and looked at the table. “But isn’t that what everyone wants to give someone in life? Isn’t that what you wanted to give your husband when you met?”

“My love life isn’t any of your concern. Why Kim, why did you have to sway her?”

“Okay…now you’re losing me. There was no swaying of any kind involved. I was on the brink of starvation when we met, by chance in the park. I passed out thanks to my malnourishment, and she brought me here. Needless to say that sort of kindness is new to me…It was nice…and…well…she suggested I stay the night…things have been progressing on this crazy train since.”

A vein made itself noticed in the older woman’s forehead. “From here on out, you are allowed to stay as long as you need to get back on your feet under one condition, if I even suspect this condition is broken, you’ll wish she left you in that park to starve, got it?”

Shego nodded weakly.

“Good. No hanky-panky, no affection, no flirting, no romance with my daughter at all. You should be happy I’m letting you stay at all. And that’s only because I was able to confirm you really are the real Shego. But I will not tolerate you turning my daughter, got it?”

Shego felt her heart snap, “Yes ma’am.”

“Good, and don’t call me ma’am, I’m not that old.”

Blood was trickling down his arms again. It was time to change the bandages once more. He sighed. Even the pain he had given himself didn't compare to what she had done. No…Nothing did.

Drakken was nothing compared to what he could be. He had tasted his own evil once…back when he was still a goofy little kid. Back before the harlot had interrupted his life. Yes, the harlot would pay too. He was the only one that deserved KP, not some pale green bitch woman who had shown-up out of nowhere.

He sat back in his chair and rubbed his temples. His plan wasn't nearly as majestic, or as fantastic those villains who possessed more money, or had the ability to build fantastic devices, but that's what made it perfect. It meant that it wasn't expected.

Yes…the harlot would pay, and KP would be his. And if not his…then no one else’s.

Author’s Notes: Yes, those of you who got to see the cookie, it was the chapter’s ending. Actually a switch for me to have a chapter ending done prior to the begging. And if anyone wants to know, yes Ron had prior been slicing his arms up. And obviously he’s feeling a bit…crazed after his discovery of Kim loving another woman. Hopefully I got most question out of the way for now, but I’m sure more are going to show up.

And yes, Kim’s mother is really protective about her daughter in this universe. Must be the thought of not getting grandchildren if her daughter is gay or something. I also figured that despite the fact that outwardly Bonnie and Kim are very aggressive, they could have those more friend like moments when they were alone; after all they put up with each other connected to each other’s hips. Something like that changed them, and makes them understand each other better. Thus the sweet moment there. So no hating!

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