March Twenty Second

Lex 'Spork' Tenou

TITLE: March Twenty Second

AUTHOR: Lex 'Spork' Tenou

DISCLAIMER: Just a reminder, all of my stories are always published under the CreativeCommons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike license. This means that so long as you credit me and don't make any money offa it, you can appropriate my ideas. Oh, and I'd really appreciate it, if you DO want to appropriate any of these ideas, if you'd license your story in the same way.

SUMMARY: A response to the drabble challenge “today”, given to me by Kuopiofi.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: I started this on March 22nd. For the significance of the date, look at births from the year 1859. If you've read the original works, then the style should be readily apparent.

Words: 654

“What shall we do this afternoon, dear comrade?”

A pale hand emerged from the deep chair near the fireplace, waving negligently at me in the still air.

“Near Prague, there's a cafe, renowned amongst the locals for it's version of the blintz.” Standing, my dear friend the great sleuth Kimberly Possible was revealed to me. As always, I found myself nodding along with her agile mental leaps. “Just around the corner is a remarkable delicatessen known for its coffee. Come, Stoppable. I find myself in the mood for a spot of the exotic.”

I trailed after my old friend, our booted steps echoing in the wooden hallway of the boarding-house. Our dear landlady was used to our erratic hours, the boosts in rent more than adequate reparation for her troubles.

In short order, we found ourselves on our way to Prague. With the marvel of modern travel, we should be there a few hours hence from the time of our departure. Messers West and Gordon were more than pleased to be able to offer their services after Possible and I had assisted them in the Illuminated Cavern Affair. Just the remembrance of those ill-fated events was enough to send a chill through me.

Our disembarkment in Prague was swift, with the extracted assurance of future assistance, should we ever require it. Dressed in our customary masculine garb to facilitate our ease of movement, both socially and physically, we blended into the crowds of this foreign capitol, historic in it's dynamic upheaval. It appeared to be the height of the travel season, as we were not the only who spoke the King's English.

Calm and with a sense of purpose, Possible led me on a leisurely tour of the bustling streets, the stones neath our feet ringing the footsteps of the crowd. I surmised that within an hour, much of this crowd would disappear into the aether.

Turning, she led me directly to one of the distinctly Continental tables that partially filled the sidewalk, widened at this point presumably to allow for foot traffic to proceed unimpeded.

Reclining in one of the wire frame chairs, Possible was not surprised when a server appeared at her elbow, setting a coffee before her. In rapid Czech, she ordered, I assumed, for both of us. Leaning back in my chair, I took the opportunity to look around.

My cursory perusal was brought up short by the sudden appearance of an exceedingly familiar figure.

“Ah, right on time. I trust you had no problems finding us?”

I glanced back and forth between the villain we had fought so hard to circumvent and my trusted companion as they shook hands.

“No, your directions were adequate. I take it Stoppable was not informed as to the nature of this evening jaunt?” The smirk was the same one that had haunted my nightmares the month previous.

“Dammit, Stoppable, will you cease your gawking and formulate sentences?” The amused edge to my old friend's voice returned me to my wits.

“If I may be allowed a postulation…” At Possible's nod I continued. “We are going to discuss the incarceration of Dr. Drakken.” They exchanged amused smiles. I forged ahead. “Brought about, no doubt, by the burgeoning relationship that was begun approximately a fortnight ago.”

Possible's eyebrow quirked upwards, the only outward show of the impression I had just made on the celebrated detective.

“You've been paying attention.”

“After so many years in your esteemed presence, Possible, I've learned that not paying attention is likely to place me in an unenviable position of personal risk. There is only so much blind luck can do for a man, after all.”

The rich laugh was unexpected, drawing my eye to the pale grin that had filled my heart with fear just scant weeks ago. Flush with victory at my correct deduction, I grinned back.

“I knew there was something I liked about you, Stoppable.”

- end -