This fanfic is rated NC-17/18 and is intended for adults only. It may contain sex, violence, and strong language. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if it is illegal in your area, please choose another story.


Lex ‘Spork’ Tenou

TITLE: Consequence

AUTHOR: Lex ‘Spork’ Tenou

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all derivative characters are property of Disney. All original ideas are distributed under the CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. For more information on the Creative Commons License, visit

SUMMARY: Experimentation is a natural part of growing up.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Kim/Ron

RATING: US: NC-17 / DE: only adults (18 or older)

Series: Kim Possible

Authors Note: Written on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship “Explorer of the Seas”, the first of March, 2007. AU, OOC, very roughly based on episodes up through the end of season two, ignoring both movies.

Words: 1222

From the first time they'd played doctor when they were six, it had seemed natural to Kim to explore with Ron. He was her best friend, after all. Someone she could trust implicitly in such things, so the decision wasn't as much a decision as it was a falling into. Through the years, things had progressed passed innocent touches, beyond inept kisses, until they went further. Youthful explorations gave way to adolescent experimentation in a progression so slow, so natural, that Kim just found herself one day, naked, willing, and waiting for Ron to get the damn condom on.

The first time they'd fucked - she couldn't think of another term for the utilitarian animalism that dictated this - they had both been raw and untried.

Most thirteen year olds were.

As with everything else they did, their honest and open communication prevented things from becoming too awk-weird. Any new thing they'd thought of, they tried with one another. Ron had been the one to suggest that he go down on her - that had been a fun day. He had learned very quickly and could happily spend hours sucking her off if she let him.

It had surprised both of them to find that Ron liked spanking. It wasn't like his drooling dick could lie, even as he cried, squirmed and moaned into the soft cushions of the couch. The third time they'd done it, she'd beat on his white butt until her hand was sore and his lily white cheeks flamed with blood and shame.

Then she'd made him sit down so she could suck him off.

Discovering she rather enjoyed oral sex was a bit of a shock for Kim. She didn't much care for Ron's coherent statements when she /did/ suck him, but the feeling of his dick in her mouth made up for his vulgarity somewhat. After the first time, he'd never used the C-word again, though. An uppercut to the balls tended to curb such thoughts as well as any erection for a while.

They'd also tried role playing. Ron made a terrible teacher to Kim's student, but a fantastic speeder to Kim's stern cop. That had been the second time she had tanned his pale butt. Actually…when she had play acted as the student, she had initiated the encounter, too. He'd licked her until her head was about to blow off, but she had told him to do it while he had protested weakly.

Somehow, Kim hadn't been surprised when Ron brought her a present. Adjustable nylon with snapping buckles, the strap on harness was quite a thing of carnal beauty with it's curving latex jutting from between loose straps. It hadn't taken long for her to work out how to pull it on and adjust it to fit right, the length of her dick pointing directly at Ron.

He had barely waited until she had it adjusted before he had leapt for her dick. His smart mouth slurped messily over her, his hands holding it steady as he sloppily laved her with his tongue, barely taking the tip into the warm cavern of his mouth.

Warmth filled her, strange and new, as she looked down at his eager worship of her dick. She laid a hand against his ruffled hair, her fingers curving over the back of his skull, nails digging into his scalp. Breathing steadily, he began to move his mouth over her hardness, until she hit the back of his throat. She expected him to stop.

He didn't.

She leaned heavily against the wall, her lungs aching for more air as she watched him, horny and awestruck. His eyes closed, he pushed himself forward, her dick opening his throat and pushing further into him.  The tight circle of his lips skimmed over the length of her dick until his nose almost bumped her heaving stomach. She could feel the hot wash of his expelled breath skittering along her skin, and she dropped her head back until it thudded heavily against the wall. Staring blankly at the ceiling, she fought to regain her focus, her hands holding him trapped against her. Her head cloudy with dizzying arousal, she returned her gaze to him and dropped her hands to the sides of his head, allowing him to retake some small measure of control. He pulled back only far enough to draw breath, his lashes resting against his smooth cheeks.

Slowly, she pulled from his mouth slightly and then gently reentered him, watching him intently. His cheeks flushed and he began moving against her, his hands grasping at her tensed thighs.

It took barely five minutes before she was fucking his face, desperately seeking something illogical, something unknown. His sucking mouth took everything she offered, accepting her thrusts with ease. She was fucking him, driving into him, forcing him to accept what she pounded into him.

Then her world fractured and reduced to a pinprick as she shot her load into his throat. Spasm after spasm wracked her body as she came, insanely illogical pleasure thundering across her nerves. Eyes closed, she curved over, almost fetal, then snapped back, her head almost slamming into the hard wall. It was too much, too good, it had to come out, she had to-

Her scream was piercing and loud, reverberating through the room as Ron continued working her erection. Even after her mindless pleasure subsided to manageable levels, he continued to caress her hardness, gentle stimulation tweaking over her sensitized nerves and reawakening the twinges of arousal deep within her. Inexplicably, she could feel herself getting hard again, ready to fuck him.

It wasn't until after she'd tossed him over and smoothly slid deep inside him with her condom-covered dick that niggling doubts began to worm into her brain.

He was collapsed on the bed, his shoulders and head pushing into the mattress with each hard thrust she made. She watched the back of his head as she kept a steady rhythm. His eyes were still closed as he snaked his hand beneath to beat himself off.

It had to have been her imagination, she thought, that he had screamed anything when he came a few minutes later. She almost convinced herself that it hadn't sounded like he'd screamed a name.

A name she knew.

It wasn't so much that it was a man that Ron had called for. It was who the man was.

The…betrayal, of sorts, of Ron's revelation had changed their relationship immediately. He had been on the verge of tears as he had confessed to her the secret feelings he'd been hiding, that he'd used her to explore.

He'd used her.

That wasn't why she'd started coming to this club. It had started it, set the ball rolling, but that wasn't why she was buried to the hilt in this willing woman, pressed against the dusky paint of the back room. Dark hair flung from side to side as Kim fucked into her partner savagely, seeking only her own pleasure. She smirked as blunt nails dug viciously into the back of her neck. Whimpers were mumbled into her shoulder and for some reason, that pleased Kim immensely.

“Fuck! Kim!”

Hearing Shego grit out her name through clenched teeth had never sounded so sweet.

Drew could keep Ron.

She had something better.

- end -