Alice Shade

Name: Alice Shade Alice Shade

Stars And Stripes

Rating: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Type: Kim/Shego, Slash

Status: Complete

Words: 2111

A Songfic about Stars And Stripes.


Rating: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Type: Kim/Shego, Slash

Status: Complete

Words: 3444

Shego's taking a little rest after another Drakken's failure.

Old Flames

Rating: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Type: Kim/Shego, Slash

Status: Incomplete

Words: 10836

Kim and Shego meet again after Years.

Jailhouse Shock

Rating: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Type: Kim/Shego, Slash

Status: Complete

Words: 3510

Apparently, even Kim Possible can get in prison... And get something out of it other then tattoo, or horror story.