
Chapter 11

End of the beginning


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TITLE: End of the beginning

AUTHOR: whitemountain

DISCLAIMER: Kim Possible and canon characters property of Disney. Being used without permission. This story, and additional characters copyright me under the current revision of the Berne Convention. Any use of this work allowed as long as credit is given to the originating author(s) where applicable.

SUMMARY: Kim's missions haven't always ended happy. Kim's been living on borrowed time and her luck ran out a very long time ago.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Romance, Slash

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 4561

Kim sat down, back against the green leather couch and reached for the remote. Turning on the TV, she blindly began flipping channels in a vain effort to amuse herself while Shego recovered enough to come out and let her get dressed.

Shego, for her part, had been trying to stand up and failing miserably. Her legs just wouldn't work right. She slid back into the water for a few minutes to try and get some strength in her knees. She heard Kim surfing the channels and grimaced.

“Don't press the purple button Pumpkin. I don't want to have an atomic death ray delivered to the lair by accident you hear?”

Kim bit her lower lip and giggled.

Shego groaned and levered herself into a standing position. She staggered out to lean against the wall near the bed.

“Okay… I don't want to hear you crying about what I got for you to wear.”

Kim turned off the TV and stood up, holding the towel in place. Shego growled. Kim fluttered her eyelashes at her and began to strut in her direction.

Shego wobbled over to the wall behind the bed and pressed a section of the wall and it opened on a walk in closet of considerable size.

“Okay, you're clothes are over here…” Shego gestured with her hand “… unmentionables are in this bureau… pick something and get dressed. I've got something more you need once you're done.”

Kim opened the bureau's top drawer to find various black, green, and pink panties… she asssumed that the other two drawers were similarly stocked. She turned to the hanging clothes and snorted.

“Uh, Shego? There's only 3 outfits in here and I'm not too thrilled at what I see.”

Shego stopped rummaging around in a box she had taken from under the bed and turned around to the confused girl.

“Buck up Princess… you haven't seen what I'm going to make you wear around the bedroom yet.”

Kim sighed and made the best of things. She was dressed and on her way out in minutes.

Shego had just put the box lid back on when Kim came out of the closet. The color rose in her cheeks as she studied the image Kim was now projecting.

A green tunic/robe adorned with black runic symbols covered her from shoulders to knees, split up the legs on each side to her waist in the Chinese fashion. The top was cut wide and low above her breasts, exposing her neck and part of her shoulders and her midriff was cut out around her navel highlighting the golden dragon. A pair of jet black moccasins completed the ensemble. Kim was blushing furiously as she thought that the black thong she was wearing could be seen plain as day.

Shego stood as if poleaxed… totally transfixed on Kim as she stood outlined by the light coming from the closet ceiling. OH MY GAWD. What the hell was I thinking? I'm never going to be able to keep my hands off if she's going to dress like this.

Kim fished around for the door controls while Shego mentally shook herself and pick up the jewelry she had laid out on the bed.

“Okay. We're going to get you fully outfitted and talk about the rules. Come over here and stand right here… ” Shego pointed at a spot about 2 feet in front of her.

Kim padded over and stood. Shego reached out and placed a heavy golden choker with the same dragon motif around Kim's neck. She reached back for another piece and attached a finely made bracelet (same dragon motif, only smaller) to Kim's left arm. She finished by slipping a matching ankle bracelet onto Kim's right ankle.

As Kim fingered her new adornments, Shego began her lecture.

“Rule 1… When we're in front of other people, especially other villains, talk only when I've asked you a question and you have to call me Mistress. Don't call me Shego unless I tell you ahead of time it's okay. If you don't do what I say, when I say it and be polite about it, there will be punishment.” Kim looked up at her under her eyebrows but said nothing.

“Rule 2… You are to defend yourself from anyone except me. Just don't kill them.”

“Rule 3… You'll spend all of your time here or in the gym unless I say otherwise. If we are going anywhere, you'll walk behind me.”

“Rule 4… No taking off the jewelry. It will set off an alarm and I will know and there will be punishment.”

“Rule 5… we already covered this one. Remember your promise. In return, just so you know, I won't give you to another villain or ask you to do anything too humiliating in public.” Shego stopped and looked at Kim, who merely shrugged.

“Only 5 rules? Nothing I can't handle. When do I start?”

Shego smiled. “Right now.”

Shego opened the door to the hall and showed Kim where the access panel was located.

“This is keyed to open for you now. It will only open for you or me. Come back here if you find yourself in over your head.”

“Yes Mistress.” Shego turned her head to hide her smile.

“This way, I want to introduce you to someone who I'll be leaving you with sometimes when I run errands for Dr. D.”

Shego strode down the corridor towards the elevators, Kim tagging along a few feet behind her on her right side.

Reaching the elevators, Shego punched the down call. She glanced back at Kim, who was busy studying the tops of her shoes. At the ding, she stepped into the elevator, Kim again one step behind her.

Theo looked up from a file when she heard her door announcer chirp. “Open”

Her eyes widened when Shego came striding into the room, Kim padding slight behind and beside her. She completely missed what Shego said as she too was dumbfounded at the sight Kim made in her new outfit.

“Huh? Shego, you'll have to repeat that again… got distracted by the new scenery.”

Shego hid a smile. Can't wait to see what Kimmie's effect will be on the poor slobs and Drakken.

“Dr. Theodosia Kay… this is Kim Possible. Kim, this is Theo. Introduce yourself.”

Kim looked up at Shego and nodded. “Yes Mistress. Dr. Kay, I am very pleased to meet you.”

Theo smiled and nodded herself. “Very pleased to finally meet the one and only Kim Possible. Shego has told me much about you. I hope that most of it is true.”

Shego noticed the way Theo was almost drooling in Kim's direction and paced forward. She leaned down close to Theo's ear and whispered. “No touchee my Kimmie, got it?” Theo's face fell as she nodded her understanding of Shego's threat.

“I'm going up to see what the big dufus is doing today. Could you take her on the tour, show her where everything is, make the introductions, yadda yadda yadda? See what she doesn't know that she needs to know and get the right hench to teach her will ya?”

Theo nodded again. “Roger boss. What should I do if we're finished before you get back?”

Shego looked up and pondered. “Take her to the gym and then back to my quarters.”

She looked over at Kim and pointed at Theo. “You listen to her and do what she says, got it?”

“Yes Mistress, I understand.”

Shego walked back over to Kim and pulled her into a slow kiss. Kim's eyes closed and her body began to mold itself to Shego's. Shego broke the kiss and whispered “You're doing good so far Pumpkin. Don't disappoint me.”

Shego let go of Kim and left the room. Kim turned back to Theo and raised an eyebrow suggestively.

Theo broke out of her reverie to lean over and activate the Fogger. Turning back around she cleared her throat and looked at Kim appreciatively.

“Kim, you really don't know what you're doing wearing THAT do you?”

Kim waggled her hips a little, eliciting a groan from the Dr., before answering.

“This was the least of all the evils that Shego has picked out for me to wear. All you're doing is looking and drooling. If I'd worn anything else, I'd have to fight my way around here. Snap out of it and tell me when GJ is coming to get me.”

Theo wiped her chin with the back of her hand and looked away from Kim.

“They aren't coming. I'm to monitor you for the duration until you escape or it's obvious that you have been fully turned to a life of villainy. GJ wants to see if you were truly broken and how you manage in an impossible situation like this… ” she trailed off, disturbed by the darkness gathering in Kim's current facial expression “… but I'm going to do what I can without getting on their radar. They should be ashamed with themselves! All the things you've done over the years… ” she trailed off again as Kim waved at her to stop.

“Dr. Kay… I appreciate what you've done and welcome what you want to do, I really do. Let's just play it by ear. Dr. Director's debt is climbing, and I will get her to pay. But not today.” Kim leaned against the wall, bowing her head.

Theo nodded. “First, call me Theo. Second… thanks. Okay then, I take it you have a plan to escape by now? How can I help?”

Head still down, Kim giggled. “Do but can't. I gave Shego my word. Next option?”

Theo shrugged. “Then it's off to what Shego wanted you to do today I guess. First stop is Adam Carter. He cut your hair you know?”

Kim looked confused. “Is that so? Who's idea was it to make me look like an anime character in the first place?”

“Shego's of course.”

“Oh. What am I seeing him about then?”

Theo leaned over and switched off the Fogger. “Simple. He's going to teach you everything he knows on how you're going to be taking care of Shego… from cleaning and cooking to workout routines. He's called three times this morning wondering when he would be able to get out of doing it himself… Shego's not the easiest personality to please you know.” Theo was grinning at the look Kim wore as she finished the explanation.

Kim had her head in her hands and was groaning. “Your funeral. I'm a disaster in the kitchen and doing cleaning and stuff. My mother won't let me within spitting distance of those at home.” She shuddered.

“Time to get back into your persona. What did Shego tell you to call me?”

“She didn't. Why?” Kim looked a little confused.

Theo grinned again, causing Kim to take a step back. “As much as I want to… why don't we just stick with Doctor?”

Kim sighed and nodded. “Yes Doctor”

“Good. Now follow me.”

Theo led Kim through the hallways and corridors of Drakken's permanent summer lair, pointing out various rooms as interesting and generally giving her the dime tour.

It took two hours.

Kim was pretty sure she had everything down just as they came to a stop in front of the only pink door she'd seen.

Theo knocked. A slim blond man answered the door.

“Adam, this is Kim. Shego brought her home yesterday and she's going to be taking over your workload. Shego asked me to tell you that she needs to be taught everything. Got that?”

Adam Carter nodded, glancing at Kim from the corner of his eyes.

“She won't, um, hurt me, will she?”

Theo shook her head. “Kim, no hurting Adam, you hear?”

Kim nodded. “Yes Doctor.”

“Good, now I have to get back to something. Behave you two.”

Adam shifted nervously from foot to foot as Theo walked out of sight down the corridor. Shego expected him to teach their arch-foe, Kim Possible, how to take care of her? Shuddering at the thoughts running through his head, he motioned to Kim to enter his quarters.

“So tell me Kim, what do you know about cooking?”

Shego stumbled from her saucer, exhausted after her “simple” retrieval of some top secret gadget Drakken wanted. Only took her three days to find her way back out of the facility after some idiot triggered the lockdown as they fled.

So it was a huge shock to turn the corner on her corridor and find no less than six henchman standing guard outside her door.

“Okaaayyy… who's going to volunteer to tell me WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE I START WITH THE HURTING!” she finished in a shout.

All six bolted. She managed to grab one and slam him against the wall. It was Marsten again.

“Five seconds Marsten, or this time it'll take the Doc weeks to put you back together… ” Shego raised her fist, which burst into green flames brightly.

“Drakken's direct orders Shego. No less than six of us watching her at all times until you got back to handle the situation personally. Not after what happened to him after you left.”

Shego's eyes narrowed and she moved her hand closer to Marsten's face.

“Exactly WHAT happened to Kim while I was gone? I'd better not get startled or you'll be missing a face… got it?”

Marsten gulped and began to sweat profusely. He nodded and continued.

“It all began when Adam was teaching her to cook… he took Kim down to one of the unused kitchens in the subbasement. There was an explosion. Kim wasn't hurt, neither was Adam, but the kitchen had completely disappeared. They were into the second kitchen down there when we saw Adam run by the door to the rec room, screaming. We didn't think anything of it… he tends to do that a lot you know… until we started hearing tiny squeaky voices and the sound of marching feet… ” Marsten was heading into high gear. “… it was an army of mutant vegetables marching up from the subbasement armed with forks and other kitchen gear. We tried to hold them off, but they kept making suicide runs screaming “FOR THE CREATOR” and such. We heard Drakken screaming over the intercom and got there just in time to stop the mutant broccoli from trying to carve out his heart with a spatula.”

He paused and looked at Shego, whose fire had gone out. She still held him to the wall though. She nodded for him to continue.

“Later, after we cleaned up, we saw Dr. Kay headed downstairs and we followed her. Adam had apparently grown ears and a tail from what Kim had cooked… then there was the exploding vacuum cleaners, malfunctioning cleaning agents, strange odors. Drakken finally gave the order after the third mutant food army succeeded in breaking skin when they captured him. Since then, six of us follow her to Adam's classes…by the way, he wants hazard pay… to the gym, the Dr., and back to your quarters. I will say she's stopped exploding things and some of her food is as good as Adam's. But you'll have to go calm Drakken down soon. He was mumbling something about “other options” yesterday.”

Marsten closed his eyes and stopped, waiting for the pummeling to begin. When it didn't, he opened his eyes and saw something startling: Shego hunched over against the wall holding her stomach, laughing so hard her eyes were watering… mumbling “mutant food” over and over again. Seeing an opportunity, he fled down the corridor as well.

Shego fought to control herself before palming the lock to her quarters. She managed to stop crying as she walked in.

“P…p… Peaches? Where are you?” Shego didn't see her on the couch or the bed… and the lights were out in the bathroom.

“Mmmpfh” came from the other side of the bed. Shego set down her kit bag and moved to peer over the bed at Kim sitting in the back corner, knees to her chest, wearing an oversized T-shirt obviously borrowed from someone else.

“Wanna tell me about the vegetables?”

Kim tried to shrink further into herself and shook her head. “Nmmpn” was all Shego heard, but she could tell Kim was blushing furiously.

“I'm taking a bath. You can tell me all about it in bed. See you in twenty minutes Princess.”

Twenty minutes later, Shego crawled into bed beside Kim. She kissed her lightly on the lips and sighed.

“Ready to tell me now?” Shego nudged Kim, but she was already asleep. “Tomorrow kitten.”

Shego gathered Kim closer and went right to sleep.

Kim woke up with her head between Shego's breasts and Shego's hands lightly cupping her butt.

Stifling a yawn, she got up and went into the newly installed kitchen/dining room (behind a hidden panel beside the TV… installed at the rather loud insistence of Adam two days ago).

Several minutes later, Shego awoke to the aroma of coffee brewing. Not even fully awake, her nose guided her unerringly to the small dinette where she found an oversized mug of coffee awaiting her.

As she sipped, a plate with a vegetable omelet and another with a huge stack of pancakes was placed in front of her. As she finished her omelet, another was slipped onto her plate. As she finished her pancakes, another stack appeared. When her cup was empty, it was full again when she picked it up.

Her head was finally clear enough to wave off another omelet and sit back with a groan.

“That's enough Pumpkin. Can't eat any more. Carter certainly did good work. Going to have to give him a bonus. You going to eat?” Shego looked over at Kim, standing by the sink in a pink apron (and nothing else) and smiled.

Kim shook her head and finished drying the last pan she had in the sink before answering.

“Ate in between servings. Adam said that would be the only way… ” she turned and saw Shego leering at her “… to get anything to eat.” She blushed.

Shego felt her heart rate go up a notch. Damn. Need to push a few more buttons.

“When you finish up in here, get cleaned up and come find me in the lab. I'll leave something for you to wear on the bed.”

With that, Shego pushed away from the table and left.

Kim rolled her eyes. “I wonder what she's got going on in her head today?” she murmured.

Shego had found Drakken making adjustments to some console in his lab. When she cleared her throat, he nearly impaled himself on the circuit boards.

“Stop that Shego… you have no right to scare me like that after what I had to put up with while you were gone from your new pet.”

Shego frowned. “You mean the vegetables? C'mon Dr. D… it's common knowledge that Kim has… issues… with domestic work. It's one of the reasons why I asked Carter to make her good at it… she's terribly vulnerable to having her nose rubbed in something she never could do on her own.”

“Now now Shego… if you'd just told me first.” He ratcheted something and pulled himself out of the console.

Shego was worried. Drakken was smiling! “What'd you do… ?” she drawled.

“Well, if you must know, I had to get some advice on how to handle your problem since you were gone three days longer than it should've taken you to get the hypercoil I sent you to fetch. The people in the evil pets chatroom were awfully helpful.”

Shego stopped halfway from retrieving the hypercoil from her bag. “Wait. You told OTHER villains where Kim Possible is? ARE YOU NUTS! What if one of them wants to come here to get at her, hmmm? What do you think Dementor would do to the lair?”

Drakken twitched. “Honestly Shego, you don't think I'd actually told any one of her archenemies do you?”


Senor Senior Senior sat alone in a dark room contemplating the object on a lighted dais in front of him.

The body of his son was encased in a light blue fluid, which was barely keeping him alive. His faint life signs beeped loudly from the monitoring equipment… the only sounds other than Senior's harsh breathing.

The BITCH who did this to his son had been… taken care of personally. Or so he had thought until that inane boob Drakken had appeared online asking for help dealing with his second-in-command's new “pet”.

He was appalled that his careful planning had been disrupted by a hireling.

No matter, he thought, I will retrieve her soon and take her back to my other acquaintances. When they are done amusing themselves, I will carve out her living organs to finally resurrect Junior. She will know what it is to suffer as I have.

Many weeks had passed since Kim had stumbled out of hell and into Shego's life. She stood contemplating this as she watched the older woman sleep.

I don't know what to think any more. She's not what I was expecting. She's hard, demanding, and cynical one minute… typical Shego… the next she's understanding, relaxed, and affectionate. She's never treated me less than human, even in public, and she holds almost nothing back from me in private… even when we spar. She's everything I've ever wanted in a good friend. I think I might be falling for her…

Shego chose that moment to roll over and begin casting around with her hands, searching for Kim unconsciously and beginning to stir.

Kim slid back into bed beside her and let herself be dragged back into Shego's embrace. As she settled back down again, Kim drifted off in thought… I think I have fallen for her. What is she going to do when I tell her?

A series of explosions rocked the lair as Kim was getting treated for a strained wrist by Theo.

Both she and Shego were at the door in seconds. They heard the pounding of feet go past the infirmary.

“Theo, you better use the safe room back there.” Shego motioned towards the far end of the lab. “Kim, you too.”

Kim was furious. “I will not cower… ” Shego put her hand over Kim's mouth and motioned for her to be silent. Theo had already disappeared. Voices could be heard through the door. Kim nodded.

“GJ” she mouthed? Shego shook her head. She pressed her head to the door and listened.

“Team two reporting. They're not in their quarters. Awaiting further instructions.”

The response was too garbled to hear, but Shego motioned that they were looking for both her and Kim. Kim nodded again and fell back into a fighting stance.

It was just in time as the door whooshed aside to reveal five beefy henchman in black.

Shego and Kim tore into them silently. They never saw them coming.

Kim finished her last opponent with a vicious kick to the balls and a haymaker on his way down. She turned to watch Shego slam her final opponent into the wall by his feet and let him slide bonelessly to the floor.

Shego pointed. “These are some of Hench's best goons. This is going to be a tough one. You up for it Princess?”

Kim nodded. “Let's go.”

The pair crept through the back corridors slowly making their way to the surface and the hangar, where the presumed “invader” would be. Coming up a set of emergency stairs, they stopped briefly for Shego to disengage the alarm function before slipping into the shadows at the back of the immense bay. What they found shocked them.

The unconscious bodies of nearly all the henchman were piled unceremoniously with Drakken's limp form on top. Black clad goons were running back and forth from behind the pile, obviously reporting in and running off with new instructions.

Kim and Shego waited for the tide to lessen before flanking the pile closest to the wall.

Senor Senior Senior heard a scuffle behind him and spoke without turning around.

“Shego and Kim Possible. My my, aren't we enterprising today.”

Shego's hands lit, fire burning so hotly that plasma drops were making small smoking holes in the floor.

“You shouldn't have come, Senior. I thought you knew enough not to piss me off after last time.”

“Feh. I am not interested in you my dear, I have business with the bitch standing behind you. She has much to answer for and I am afraid you have not met my expectations on giving her her just rewards.”

“She's not going anywhere with you old man. Turn around and go home… waitaminute… where's Junior?”

“HOW DARE YOU MENTION HIS NAME! HOW DARE YOU… ” the rest was lost to snarling as Senior began to froth and wave his arms. He stopped suddenly and drew a pistol from his jacket.

“Never mind my dear. It seems that I'll have to resort to unpleasant methods to get what I came for. I will just have to reimburse Drakken for the loss. Such is life.”

Kim had been edging closer and closer to Senior, hoping to take him in a moment of lapse. When he drew the gun, she stopped in shock. Shego hissed once again.

“Stooping to GUNS? You better make sure you get me on the first shot, otherwise you're going to wish you were dead!”

Senior smiled and pulled the trigger.

Time froze for Shego. When she saw him smile, she began turning up her power to help deflect the oncoming bullet. She watched as his finger jerked the trigger. She gasped in horror as a blur of red and grey interposed itself between her and Senior. The next four shots jerked the body in front of her. Time returned to normal as Kim staggered backwards into Shego and fell to the floor.

Senior cackled. “That was good enough. Come my men, time to go.”

Shego watched him leave, cradling Kim in her arms, crying.

Kim opened her eyes and saw Shego crying. She reached up a bloody hand and cupped her cheek.

“Don't… cry… love… you… too… much… to… see… you… die… miss… you… ” she stopped and her eyes rolled up in her head as she passed out.

Shego gently laid Kim on the floor. She removed a small gadget from her pouch and activated it, laying it on Kim's body.

Moving swiftly, she ran after Senior and blew away his waiting hovercraft with an incredible blast from her clenched fist. She screamed in defiance at him.


Senior turned around to look at her, calmly flipping up the top of his cane to reveal a large red button.

“Simple my dear… she had joined my Junior in the death she orchestrated for him. And now, I fear, so must we.” On “we”, he pressed the button.

Senor Senior Senior exploded. Shego was close enough to be lifted into the air and slammed against the partially opened doors of the hangar.

She rolled over and began crawling back towards Kim, who she could faintly make out in the bay, Theo bent over her.

She never made it. She passed out with her hand outstretched. That was how Theo found her hours later.

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