Type 00: Blood Bullet Faust

Chapter 1


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TITLE: Type 00: Blood Bullet Faust

AUTHOR: milleniumenjimon

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. All other Characters not related to Kim Possible belong to their respective owners and creators. Original and ideas Characters are the intellectual property of their respective authors.

SUMMARY: The eve of the final attack against the oganization Kim and Shego share a small moment of peace.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 1341

“Okay, people disappear from the place with the stuff?” Ron asked while he watched the scenery go by. “Pretty strange.”

Kim was silent, her mind was on this situation too. In the back of her mind it all seemed so familiar to her, but where had this happen before? Was it deja vu or something? Or could she be reading to much into this?

“Kim, earth to KP.” Ron snapped his fingers, Kim stirred a little from her thoughts, “having one of those memorable moments?”

Memorable moments?” Kim raised a brow than shook her head with a small smile, she just got the joke. “No, I was just…”

“Zoning out.”

“I wasn't zoning out,” she waved a hand. “I'm just thinking that's all.”

“Right,” he reached into his pocket to retrieve his Gameboy Advance SP. “I have some thinking to do too,” with that he began to play through Castlevania. Kim rolled her eyes while smiling, staring back out the window she return to her thoughts.


It was night time here, below the city streets were busy while she moved among the shadows high up in the buildings. She loved this part of her job, the excitement, the locations and, above all, the love of the challenge.

Slinking through the darkness, while rolling and darting through the open areas to a small building. Like most building it was vastly decorated with wild, yet beautiful, architecture of angles, gargoyles and various items of art. Of course the roof was flat with a skyline, every building with super secret weapons of mass destruction has a skyline.

It was like an unwritten law or something.

Shego chuckled as she lit up her claws, the glass was so easy to melt away. Once through the opening Shego landed softly upon the hard floor.

“Welcome,” a bright light shone through the darkness. Shego raised her hands in a unsuccessful manner to block out the light, she could tell there was a silhouette of a woman standing in the center of the light. “I must say you are a very worthy foe, but you are not the one I seek.”

“Pardon the informalities, but who in the blue blazes are you?”

The woman chuckled, like this amused her. “Blue blazes, well it's refreshing to find a villain that doesn't curse every two seconds.”

“Yeah, well why be crude when one can be crafty?” Shego said, the light went out. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, the woman was gone but there was something in the air that said other wise. Shego eyed the entire area while she pretended to drop her guard.

The room was vast, empty and silent, not a good combination. Behind several cardboard boxes with massive shadows hide the threat, Shego was pretty much in the open.

An attack came from her left, a sharp knee kick to her ribs than followed up with a arm lock with a shoulder throw to the ground over whelmed Shego. The woman's prowlness and speed was almost inhuman, but that wouldn't stop Shego from fighting.

Managing to leap back to her feet she reared a foot to launch a crescent kick, the villain, who was still a silhouette to Shego, just stood there.

Shego stood there, wide eyed and slack jawed as the villain just took the attack like it was a mere love tap. Just as she was to pull out of the stance the villain's hand, with great speed, grasp her ankle.

“Should I break your leg or maybe I should send you to the ground and stomp on your chest until you're just mush?”

“How about none of the above!” Shego used her free leg to jump and send a straight kick aimed at the woman's sternum only to be blocked and send down to the floor. She hit the solid floor so hard she could feel her teeth rattle.

“Good choice,” the woman said. She lifted a foot to bring down, Shego squirmed a little while glaring daggers at this person. Her foot came down heel first over the area where her heart is, Shego let out a small yelp. “Er? No screams, just a yelp?”

“I'm not letting you get the satisfaction,” Shego strained while curling a little on her side. The villain gave another kick to break Shego's attempt at a defence.

Shego was practically mentally cursing and telling off this monster, but she won't let the sick have the fun of hearing it. The foot raised up into the air, Shego tensed up. She must be ready to defend, or else this will be the last thing she'll see.

The villain's foot came down, Shego launched her flaming claw up to stop it. They would have clashed, if someone hadn't intervene.

Pumpkin, Shego thought as the villain reeled away from a punch to the jaw. Deus ex machina, you came a little late. Finding some strength to move, Shego manage to sit up before a small amount of pain over took her. She fell back to the floor, breathing a little hard but still determine to get out of here.

While Shego considerate on her escape Kim was busy with the villain, Kim could see the details of the mystery woman, a gangster pinstripe suit, white gloves and a kitsune noh kamen (fox noh mask). The woman has red hair from what she can tell, she was also very fast; faster and stronger than Shego in fact.

Avoiding a back hand Kim tried to grab the woman's collar and ram her knee into her stomach but the villain broke the attack than jump into the air, wrapping her legs around Kim's neck the villain preformed a frankinsteiner. Kim was left laying on the floor for a moment, in massive pain.

The woman looked over her shoulder, she saw Shego was missing and Kim Possible's sidekick had entered the room. Behind down so she was face to face with her enemy the villain spoke, “I am someone from your past, child.”

“Who are you?”

The villain laughed as she walked away, she did say one thing before disappearing.


Shego manage to snag a small flat piece of metal on her way out, she need something to bite on while enduring the pain from her broken bones.

How she manage to sneak out of the building without being detected was a mystery, how she manage to even move to do so was a miracle. Yet in the end no matter what she knew that it was a trip to the doctors, a risk being caught and at least a while off her feet.

Whoever you are, Shego thought while sinking away into the darkness. I will make you pay for this.

Ron came onto the scene of Kim struggling to move, he rushed over just as the redhead started to sit up. “Kim!” He called out as he reached her, she looked as if she been through a war and back a few times. “KP, you alright? Nothing's broken, right?”

“Not, that I can tell,” Kim said in a unusual tone. She stood up with the help of her friend. Her face was quite pale and her eyes were wide, as if she had seen a ghost.

“Kim?” Ron snapped his fingers, Rufus crawled out of his pocket and sat on his shoulder helping with the finger snapping. “Yo, KP, you in there.”

It's impossible, it can't be Faust, she's died a long time ago. Kim felt something shoving her a little, she looked over to Ron. Shooting an apologetic look she shivered, “I think maybe we should start heading home now.”

“You okay?”

“I'm fine, just a little stunned.” Kim spoke in a soft tone before leaving. Ron caught up with her but stayed a few paces behind, his friend was acting off and it worried him.

Maybe it's best that I shouldn't bother until she's ready to talk about it, he thought while Rufus slip back into his pocket. I wonder what made her this upset?

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