Mind, body, and Soul

Chapter 2

Betrayal and Vengence


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25

TITLE: Betrayal and Vengence

AUTHOR: hobnobrev

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any of the “Kim Possible” chars… (more’s the pity, darn it.) And this is a free fanfic. So, don’t go suing my butt Disney! It’s a tribute to some very well written work that has wonderful hidden undertones. Can’t wait to get So the Drama on DVD here… plus the series box set.

SUMMARY: Kim has finally reached that Milestone… turning nineteen. But, with trouble on the horizon, she may have to face some twists in life that will change her way of facing it… forever.

TYPE: Kim/Shego, Slash

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

NOTE: Any horrified comments about a grown man enjoying this stuff will be agreed with, but ignored. Hey, I’m weak.

Words: 11865

Drakken’s Lab.

In the lab of his half-ruined lair, Drakken licked his lips as his eyes followed a tiny chip as he moved it into position on his new evil device. He had to be careful, this chip was the only one he had been able to stuff into the bag before Possible and… that buffoon of hers, whatever his name was, had ruined his fun.

He needed this chip for the protein sequencer to work and so, he delicately nudged it into it’s slot. Sighing, he reached for a solder iron. Just a few quick solders and the chip would be in place. Then he could begin to sequence the DNA for a killer coffee bean.

Going out with Amy had a few advantages, made up for all those self help books I was forced to listen to… Drakken grinned. The few pointers on DNA manipulation she gave me being one of them. Now all I have to do is… What the, where is it?

As his hand pawed at the side of the table, fruitlessly. Drakken stopped ranting and looked around. He sighed in dismay, noticing he had run out of solder, and scowled. Shego should have stocked it up while he used it. Apart from Stealing and defending him from Possible, what other use was she? He glanced around, looking for the familiar green and black of his henchwoman.

“Shego?” Drakken waited for a few seconds and then slid to his feet. “Shego! Where are you?”

The lab remained quiet and Drakken mumbled a few choice swear words under his breath. Bad enough he had to stay here in this wrecked lair while his minions finished installing the concealed doors to the main entrance, hanger and back doors of his new lair. Bad enough the woman he wanted tolerated him, and even beat him up on occasion… Now he found Shego had gone for the night when he actually wanted her.

Muttering, Drakken wandered over to the main controls of his lab computer and hit a few keys. A map of the world appeared with a flash and he typed into the console with concentration.

“Let’s see… transponder is… yes. Okay… decryption codes, tracker on…. Global co-ordinates.” Drakken looked up as a cross hair flashed into life on the screen and he grinned. Pressing a few buttons, he leaned forwards into the monitor.

“Shego! Where are you when I need you?”

With a flicker, the screen switched to the cockpit of Shego’s ‘Shi-Jet’ and the young woman herself, scowling at him. “Where I told you I’d gone! I… went out. Needed air!”

Drakken frowned at the sight of her wet hair and shivering body. “What happened to you? You’re soaking!”

Shego blinked and then snarled. “None of your damn business. Now, what did you want?”

Shrugging, Drakken pulled on his collar and tilted his head. “Do you know where I put the solder recently? I thought it was in the right hand drawer after I finished work on the glutton cannon…”

Shego stared at him, her left eye twitching ever so slightly. Drakken shifted uncomfortably. “Doc… you called me, while I’m flying a very fast and powerful jet… to ask where you put the solder?”

“Well, you aremy assistant! I do pay you, you know!”

“Not enough… not nearly enough.” Shego muttered, making Drakken growl. “Fine… I think it’s in the storage bay. Been so long since we left that lair that I’ve kind of forgotten where every little thing is. Never mind the fact that I’m not a goddamn lackey!” Shego watched as her boss flinched slightly. “Now, Is that all?”

Drakken nodded, writing the location of the solder on a piece of paper. “Yes. But you could come back here.” Drakken looked around and smiled craftily, while Shego groaned. “I need someone to help me solder these chips into place on the you know what…”

Shego glowered at Drakken and shook her head, causing water droplets to splatter the screen’s camera.

“Pass. I’ll steal anything you need and beat up Possible for you, Doc. I’m not, however, coming back to watch you stick your tongue out the side of your mouth for the next three hours, then yell at me when I finish way ahead of you.”

“I’m not a competitive man!” Drakken managed, sputtering. “However, it’s not fair! Using a finger as a soldering iron, I mean really… Is there anything that those hands of yours can’t do?”

Shego smiled slyly. “One thing…” She thought wistfully of running her hand along Kim’s thigh, along and then dipping closer inwards. “I wish I could change that too. Anyway, look, Doc, it took a bit out of me, fighting Possible tonight. I need to go take a shower, get some rest…”

“You, tired from fighting Possible?” Drakken smirked. “Now that’s a new one! You’re normally pumped and ready to hit the Shizz!”

Shego closed her eyes. “Dr D. Slang… so not right coming from you!”

“Oh, come on! I’ve got the hang of it now.”

“If that means murdering it, yeah.” Shego’s face became distracted and Drakken waited as she landed her jet. “I’ll be back tomorrow, Doc. Best I can do… That’s when we’re going to the new lair, right?”

Drakken nodded. “Yes. When we arrive with my new technology, Possible will rue the day she tangled with me!” He ignored the way Shego’s emerald eyes rolled. “And that other one! What’s his name again?”

“Stoppable… the one Monkey Fist is afraid of. God knows why. The one who, during the Beuno Nacho incident, had you cowering in the corner while I fought Possible!”

“Yes, him… and I wasn’t cowering! I was protecting myself from any flaming plasma that came his way.” Drakken coughed. “ Anyway. He will die painfully for wrecking my plans!”

“Right… He’ll pay for doing what he and Possible always do… He’ll pay for an event years ago.” Shego managed, unsuccessfully keeping the sarcasm out of her voice. “For an event, all those years ago, when my hair ended up being fried to a crisp! Do you have anyidea how much it cost me to have it repaired in Switzerland? How much they charged me?”

“That was Possible’s fault!” Drakken whined, knowing where this was heading. “Why aren’t you angry with her?”

“I am!” Shego lied. She’d been horrified, but had to quietly admit she could and should have avoided that kick. “She didkick me into the tower and she’s paying for it slowly. Day by day! But you were the one who refused to pay to have it repaired! My health insurance…”

“Does not cover that!” Drakken finished, sniffing. “We had this argument a long time ago and I told you then, I’m not made of money.”

“Fine!Look Doc, love to chat… but, well… bye!” Shego’s face vanished from the screen and Drakken growled.

“Insufferable woman!”

Annoyed at her, as well as also having to look for something on his own for once, Drakken went back to work. As his blue back slipped round the corner, muttering, a black suited figure dropped from the roof. Silently, it shifted across to the corridor and followed him.

Shego’s Hideout.

The huge empty factory echoed with the click of boots on tiles as Shego walked briskly towards the manager’s office. As far as she knew, the meat factory had been abandoned for years… it sure as hell smelt musty.

But, thanks to her face being plastered everywhere. Andshe thought wryly. Lets be honest, Pale green skin is quite a big give-away… to say nothing of my suit.

The legal route of buying houses, or renting, was out. All that money, sitting in her account… and it was useless to her until she could set up yet another fake personality.

She supposed she could go back to Drakken and grab one of the few surviving rooms in that rat pile, but the thought was unappealing.

At least here, alone, she could have privacy. Get out of these wet clothes, take a hot shower… maybe a meal and then indulge in her guilty secret before bed. Sighing she slid open the managers door and stepped inside.

The small room had been poorly decorated, even before the factory had closed. Now, thanks to mildew and rainwater, it looked even worse. Peeling paper, a golf club pattern, was present everywhere, and the carpet was a sickly red colour. The furniture was plain and drab, the addition of a mattress in the corner, covered with green sheets, black duvet and a green and black pillow, the only addition.

Shego threw her gloves in the corner of the room and sighed. Home sweet home… and it’s a damn dump.

The sooner Drakken got his new lair up and running, the better. Shego just hoped that this new one was a hollowed out mountain or volcano. Not an ice palace again… she hoped not.

I mean, ice chairs? Ice beds? Bath’s made of ice? With hot water? The man is a total moron when it comes to some things… what am I saying? Everything! Only thing he can get right are those damn inventions to take over the world.

Sighing, she slipped into the creaking leather chair and idly pointed at the candle on the desk. With an explosive bang, a tiny flame ignited and Shego smirked. Ion gas was a cool little side she could do. Makes up for being a freak to everyone I suppose.

Blinking at the thought, she closed her eyes and slid to her feet. She just needed a shower… that was all. A nice hot shower.

Sliding to her feet, Shego kicked her boots into the corner of the room and stretched slowly. Her muscles flexed and she groaned as her spine made a tiny cracking sound. Kim had been rather vigorous that evening…

Felt good though! What am I saying? It’s felt good for years!

Shego walked into the tiny room next to the main office and shut the door. A Small exceutive bathroom had been installed into it and Shego snapped her fingers, causing more candles to explosively ignite. White tile, recently scrubbed clean, gleamed back at her and she sighed at the damage that had caused her manicure.

Wandering over to the sink, Her fingers ran through her hair and she grimaced, glancing down at the bottle on the counter in front of her. The shampoo inside had cost her four hundred dollars. Staring at it, she shook her head. Life had been easier when she stole everything. Now, for some reason… almost as if to prove to herself she could, she’d been buying things from the malls in Middleton.

This is just so damn odd. I mean… buying things? What’s next… not stealing?

Letting out a huff of breath, Shego reached down to the button holding her suit closed and smoothly flicked it open. The tiny zip hidden behind it slid down with a quiet sound and she groaned as she peeled the fabric from her body. The air hit her skin gently and she sighed with pleasure.

Gently, Shego slid the suit gently down the rest of her body, swearing as it stopped at her waist and she had to wiggle her hips to get it moving again, and stepped out of it. Naked except for a pair of small panties, black in colour and her bra a slash of green and black, Shego yawned and idly scratched her stomach.

Inspecting herself in the mirror, she noticed a bruise, deeper green than the rest of her skin, starting to appear and grunted. At least her body was faster at healing itself since the meteorite strike. Well, physical damage anyway. Colds and illness still crippled her… how fair was that?

Stretching her body again, she rolled her head and sighed. Her fingers trailed over the fabric of the suit, noticing the rips and tears in the fabric, and she picked it up.Bloody mud… and a damn rip! Look at it, it’s a mess! Yet another one to take to the wash and try to repair! Thank god Drakken’s got his new lair up. Shego cast a glance around the room with distate. I can finally get some decent rest without having to spend it in a room that stinks of mildew.

Shego let the suit drop back to the floor and slid open the shower cubicle. Her fingers gently peeled off the panties and bra, wincing as she noticed a scratch from Kim’s nails that had gone unnoticed by her until now, and she stepped inside.

Inside, the water dripped from the damaged shower unit. Shego had ripped the piping from the unit and it now stuck through the wall, the hole edged with melted slag. A second hole, palm sized lay next to the pipe, and Shego yawned again as she pushed her left hand through it. Her hand slapped against the huge metal tank that lay on the other side of the wall and she tilted her head with concentration.

The entire tank glowed with green plasma based fire and the water inside began to bubble and steam. Shego pulled her hand back and twisted the valve on the shower. The pressure of the huge tank shot the water through the showerhead vigorously, and Shego groaned with pleasure as it hammered her back muscles.

Oh god… feels good. Shego sighed and let the water flow over her. It had been so cold outside Kimmy’s room. Bet she has one hell of a shower in there… warm bed too. I wonder what she uses for hair care or perfume? Does her room smell of that or…

Blinking, Shego clamped down on that thought. It was happening again, damn it! Every time she relaxed, there she was… Kimmy.

Yes, the red headed cheerleader had got under her skin… just fantastic. Her fucking archenemy, the one woman who hated her with every fibre of her being, was someone she dreamed of having with her in this shower. The heat beating on their skin, the gleam in Kim’s eyes as she…

Shego snarled. Again! It happened again! What is wrong with me?

Dismay on her face, Shego reached for the bottle of shampoo and massaged it slowly into her long dark hair. The froth smelled of cherries and she breathed it in deeply. Need to relax. I can keep a handle on this as long as I keep calm. Keep calm, and destroy the box and diary. Well, maybe just the diary… or just the box. Ah hell.

Who was she kidding? The box and diary would still be there the day after… and the day after that. Why? Because she was weak! Going goddamn soft!

Suddenly angry with herself, Shego gripped a bottle of shower gel from Club Banana and began to scrub her skin roughly.

Kim was an enemy! Her enemy! If she relaxed for a second during their fights, she’d end up in jail… or worse, having to rescue her boss and then listen to his rant of the day.

She knew Kim hated her, had to! Shego was as good as she was at fighting, plotting… She was even better at being bad. How could she stand to have someone as good as she was around? How could Kim not want to kick her ass and throw it in jail? How could Kim not want to hurt her? It wasn’t as if Kim desired her secretly… like… like she did with Kim.

Finishing her shower and rinsing the foam from her hair and skin, Shego stepped out of the cubicle and wrapped herself into a black and green checked bathrobe. She snagged a green towel from the rack against the wall, and wrapped it gently round her hair.

Food… Get some food, and it’ll all focus!

Wandering out of the bathroom, Shego padded across to the tiny fridge that sat in the corner of the office. Next to it lay a microwave and both appliances were plugged into a tiny box that hummed quietly.

At least Drakken has some uses. A fusion generator is a valuable thing when the place you live in has sod all power. Shego mused, opening the fridge and rummaging inside. Let’s see… Burrito’s, taco’s… BN ‘insta-naco’s’? When did I buy a naco? Cheeseburgers… ooh, Chinese noodles!

Shego pulled the chilled package from the fridge and slipped it into the microwave. As the machine began to hum, she looked guilty across to the tiny cupboard in the corner of the room.

Stay calm Sheeg… It’s just an obsession… a tiny harmless one. I’m sure it’ll fade! Until then, as long as you keep fighting Kim, Drakken will never know.

The ping of the microwave made her sigh. Slipping the door open, Shego pulled the steaming carton, fragrant with spices, from the microwave and slid it gently onto the desk. She rummaged inside the fridge again and pulled a bottle of soft drink from it.

Placing that on the desk, Shego closed her eyes for a second, before wandering over to the cupboard and pulling the door open. Inside, lay the small cardboard box she had been thinking about since coming back from Kim’s house. She pulled it gently from its hiding place and carried it over to the desk.

Sitting in the chair, Shego opened the box of noodles and took a good few mouthfuls, swigging them down with her drink. Only after she had consumed nearly a third of the noodles, did Shego move to the box and gently open it.

Inside the box, she pushed newspaper clippings of Kim and herself fighting. The public fights that people had witnessed often produced some decent shots of them in action along with some excellent hardcopy. Though that bastard who claimed she was 167 pounds would pay one day.

Her fingers brushed across the scrap of white suit that had been left behind by Kim after the Nacho incident. She could feel the slight blood stains on the fabric, even now and felt a slight tug of guilt. Still, it had ended up with her being the damaged party… so that had been a weird kind of Justice.

Her fingers slid across a few pictures that Drakken had taken of Kim while she’d been mind controlled. Shego had been… unhappy she’d missed it for the same reason. The fact that Drakken’s fingers had almost been broken when she’d plucked these out of his pocket spoke volumes about her opinion. The black eyes and two weeks of bed rest had been her way of explaining that to him more… in-depth.

Still, as she stared at them, the way her suit gripped Kim was… impressive. Not a wrinkle, nothing… just smooth fabric as far as her eyes could see. Fabric that followed one hell of a body… clung to the tightest curves she’d ever seen.

It was a shame that Kim’s face was so impassive. For some reason, Shego would have preferred a look of shock, interest… or maybe

Finally, her hands gripped the tiny viewer she had been hunting for and she pulled it out. Sipping her drink, Shego turned it on and the screen lit gently.

The tinny sounds of combat filled the abandoned office as the tiny figures of Kim and Shego fought on the devices small screen. For over a year, Shego had enjoyed watching her and Kim fight. Drakken’s lairs were all fully covered with security, so it had been easy to sneak the disks from the security centre for a master thief.

Shego watched as Kim dodged a roundhouse kick and grimaced as her bum flashed across the screen. God, I can’t believe how fat my ass is. I need to do more Tai chi!

As she watched, Shego did not notice the small grin that appeared on her face. Kim was smooth, and as she watched her dodge another set of attacks, Shego leaned forwards in the chair and gripped the arms. As the screen version of her backflipped a few yards and then pirouetted as Kim jumped her, she laughed.

I remember that… ended up straddling her. God, I was so close to those lips. If I’d wanted, I could have kissed her then. Imagine the look on her face if I had.

The thought made her shift in the chair, her lower body muscles tightening. Imagine what it would be like to kiss her… I bet she tastes sweet!

Unable to help herself, Shego let her fingers wander lower and trace over her abdomen. She gazed at the screen and felt the urge slip into need as the Kim on the screen lay panting on the floor, her screen version on top of her, grinning… Leaning closer, almost kissing her.

Thh… this is wrong… It’s just wrong! I can’t want Kimmy, she’s a goodie two shoes! She’s… she’s… Oh, so damn hot dressed in that tight black top! Shego managed, as pleasure shot through her. She shifted, desperate to find a better position and her right foot slid onto the desk and tensed. Oh god… Kimmy!

She could feel her lips on her skin, the smooth scent of the perfume she had worn that evening. Imaginary fingers trailed over her light green skin and Shego whined as she crested the first wave. I… I… OH!

Shego, her eyes gleaming with passion, groaned and let her lids shut. She could imagine the way Kim’s skin would feel as passion took her. Soft and hot… creamy and lush to the taste if she ran her lips over it.

In her minds eye, Kim slid lower down, and Shego’s breathing became ragged as the young woman sought, smiled and delved into her. As Kim’s image kissed her skin, Shego bit back a scream and the young woman grinned up at her.

Only you, Shego… you and I are the only ones who know what the other need.

If… if only you really felt that way about me… Shego thought, letting out a shuddering gasp. Why do we always have to fight?

Why haven’t you made the first move? Kim whispered, her young face becoming dreamy as she plundered Shego’s body. All those times you had me helpless… tied up and at your whim. Not once have you actually told me or suggested… even been kind. How am I supposed to know?

Shego shuddered, desperate to respond, but she couldn’t.

Until then, all you have is this idea of me… even as you dream of what it would be to have the real version. You dream of us together… Happy, lustful… tender.

Kim’s vision, real or not, was right. How could she tell Kim that she was falling for her, had fallen for her. God knew how.

Until you do though, you have me, Shi. And as I’m yours, I’ll do anything you want… So, tell me how you want it? A circle… spirals? Shego gasped as own fingers slid in a gentle spiral. Or strokes?Her fingers changed position and pulled a whimper from her throat.

Spirals… Kim!

Well, you’re doing all the work. Kim’s laughter sounded in her ear. So, change the way you’re doing it.

Shego could only shudder and writhe as her own fingers probed her, the spiral motion making her body rev with desire and sweat pour down her skin.

In her mind however, it was the young woman’s tongue, pleasing her…The way Kim’s muscles tightening that made Shego shiver. The way, as her passion flared, Kim’s image blew over her soft skin. Finally, the moment when time itself paused and she felt herself lose control.

Oh… Kimmy!

Let go, Shego… Let go for me!

Shego felt the punch of reality hit her, as her body came, violently. The scream ripped itself from her lips as she shivered in the chair. Aftershocks rippled from her abdomen, pulling more whimpers from the young woman. As her eyelids slid open… the emerald glow from her eyes was unfocused, sated… confused.

Kim, oh my… Hell! What have I just done?

As the after shocks gently faded, Shego managed to push a button on the small device and the two fighting images vanished.

After a few minutes of lying in the chair, she slid to her feet, staggering slightly as her body tried to find its centre. Her fingers curled into a fist as she realised what she had done and she banged the desk lightly, angry with herself.

Oh hell… HELL! What am I going to do? Shego thought, worried. What am I going to do?

Groaning, Shego slipped round the desk and staggered across to the mattress on the floor.

Sleep it off. That’s what I need… sleep. Then I can work out what to do. She slid out of the bathrobe, the sweat on her skin chill in the cool air of the empty factory, and slipped between the leaf green sheets. Maybe I’ll just have to do what I’ve been doing for months… fake it.

Exhaustion overtook her, and Shego’s emerald eyes slid shut. She remained unaware as the door to office slid open quietly a few hours later, was unaware as a dark figure slid across to the table and gently removed the diary from its place on the table. She slumbered as it left, shutting the door quietly behind it.

Drakken’s Lab- 7AM the next day.

Holding a cup of coffee, and yawning idly, Drakken stared up with satisfaction at the huge machine in front of him.

Finally, after an entire nights work, the protein re-sequencer was finished! He sipped his coffee and grinned at the thought of hundreds of other people waking up in a few days to do the same thing. They would add the hot water to the granules… and then the fun would begin.

He would end up being the ruler of the world! People would tremble, people would…

“Good morning Drakken San.” A female voice, smooth and melodious, made him jump and turn, coffee splashing on the floor. As she walked towards him, Drakken stared at her.

There, standing in the doorway of his half ruined lab, stood a young woman. Behind her stood some type of Ninja’s… all armed with swords, faces hidden by masks.

Drakken gazed at the woman in front of him. She had dark black hair, bound with a single red ribbon into a long ponytail. Her face was smooth, angular and foxy, with almond eyes of a pale blue. As she walked towards him, gracefully, her motions belying an almost liquid power, his eyes slid to her outfit.

She was clad in a dark red suit, Chinese symbols of a glossy black woven into the cloth. The trousers ended in soft-shoes of a light grey.

As he stared at her, she stared at him. Her pale blue eyes watching him with mild amusement as he spluttered.

“Who the… guards!” Drakken managed, the coffee mug slipping from his hands. “Guards! Shego!”

“Drakken, Doctor Drakken, I apologise.” The woman bowed at him, making the blue scientist blink. “I am known as Kara Fang. I apologise for the intrusion, especially at such an early hour, but I feel we need to talk.”

“Talk?” Drakken managed, backing away. “What is there to talk about? Get out of my lair this instant!”

Kara waved a hand and Drakken swallowed as the Ninja’s slid silently into the lab, blocking all the entrances and exits. “We are not here to hurt you, Drakken San… not if that is why you are concerned. I apologise in advance for the few guards you did have here, but they did not let us pass freely. In the spirit of our visit, however, they are only unconscious, not permanently damaged. ”

Drakken stopped shaking and gazed at the young woman with suspicion. “You’re not here to hurt me? You don’t work for one of the other villains… Dementor… the GJ?”

The woman laughed, almost silkily. “No Drakken San. I do work for a group… yes. Though the reason I have come here is not to attack you. No.”

Drakken tilted his head. “Then what do you want from me?””

“Co-operation, Doctor. The birth of a new power in this country! Imagine it! You, with your amazing abilities with technology! We know all about you Doctor. Your skill is legendary to us. Compared to those less honourable villains we have observed, you are leagues ahead of them in technology. Which is why we need you to join us! Us, with our abilities in….”

Kara paused and Drakken found he was leaning forwards in interest. “You with your abilities in?”

“Stealth, Doctor. The ability for us to steal anything you could possibly desire. Let alone the fact that we have funding beyond your abilities.”

Drakken frowned. “I get by. Creating evil technology for others is quite a fund raising event. As for stealing… I have Shego. So, what else do you have to offer?”

Kara smiled, bowing her head. Not as much as a fool as Shego san comments in her diary after all.

“Doctor, have you ever heard of the Blood Jade?” Kara watched as Drakken’s eyes widened in comprehension. “Ah, I see that you have.”

“Extortion, drug trafficking… all of it unproven though!” Drakken stared at her in horrified admiration. “You’re a myth! The only time I have even heard of you, was at a Villain mixer party… Monkey Fist got a little too drunk and blurted out all the rumours about you!”

“Me?” Kara laughed. “How sweet, Drakken San. I am not the ruler of the Blood Jade. I am but a junior partner in this organisation. But, yes. To every law enforcement agency, we do not exist. We cannot exist. Yet, I stand before you here, now, for a mutual reason. I offer our sources, skills and protection to you Drakken San, in a mutual contract to rule the planet. But to do so, we must perform one task together.”

“And that would be?”

“The… control of the honourable Kim Possible.” Kara frowned. “My Master is concerned that she will eventually stumble onto us soon. Especially as we are expanding into this country as well as others around the world. For such a powerful foe to remain unchecked cannot be allowed. So, we must stop her. But we do not wish her destroyed, she is too valuable.”

“Well, good luck with that. I’m more the ‘super powerful devices that take over the world’ kind of guy.” Drakken snorted. “Every time I fight Possible, even to destroy her, she ends up destroying my lab, wreaking my technology and sending me to jail. So, yes as I said. Good luck with that.”

“Tell me Drakken San. How do you stop Kim Possible from attacking you?” Kara inclined her head. It is time to sow the seeds of discord. “Maybe we can be of assistance to you.”

“I thought you said you’ve been watching me?” Drakken replied, sniffing. To his surprise Kara laughed and nodded.

“Yes, yes we have. I, however, consider it rude to explain why you have failed in almost every attempt. After all, loyalty is a valuable commodity.”

“What?” Drakken shrugged. “Fine. Whenever possible shows up, Shego keeps her busy while I activate the device… But we always seem to lose, personally I think it’s because we never have enough time for the things I create or steal to power up. Possible always gets in the way!”

“Yes…” Kara nodded and pulled out a disk. “It is always painful to discover a traitor… which is why I am loath to show you this. But, as I said, the Blood Jade wishes you and ourselves to become partners. Maybe if I show you why Possible San is always able to win… you will accept our help? Maybe you will help us to achieve our goal of a docile Kim Possible?”

“What are you talking about?” Drakken snapped. “I have five hundred bags of coffee beans back at my main lair to mutate!”

Coffee… beans? Maybe Shego was not joking after all.

“This will be painful to watch, Drakken San. But I believe it will illuminate matters to you. We also, if you desire afterwards, have paper based evidence as to the betrayal.”

Drakken glanced at the disk Kara held out to him and took it, suspicion on his pale blue face. “What is this?”

“A video. The Blood Jade has been keeping a very close eye on you and your employees. We were that intent on assisting you. However, when we discovered this… we felt you must know immediately!” Bite you fool! “Will you do us the honour of watching it? If you refuse our help afterwards, we will… be forced to resolve our need for a partner another way.”

“Aright, alright. Here, come this way. We shall watch this on the main screen.” Drakken glanced at her. “If… if it is of interest to me, I will consider your proposal. Good enough?”

Oh yes, Drakken San, more than enough! Shego, I have been waiting for this for years!

“Yes Doctor. We are, as I say, here to help you, as well as ourselves.”

“Very well. Though if this is a waste of time….”

Kara watched him slip the disk in, blink as the figure on the screen flickered into life, heard the gasp of horror and outrage as the recorded words trickled through the speakers and watched, grinning cruelly, as Drakken collapsed into the chair in mute anger.

Yes, doctor… you will accept our help. With you in our capable hands, Kim Possible will be ours, and I will have my revenge on Shego!

Kim Possible’s House. 9AM.

“Come on Kimmy. Though it’s someone’s birthday, I’m not letting you lie in for the whole morning. Get up!”

Kim yawned and stretched slightly under the covers of her bed. She blinked at the sight of her Pandaroo, still with her after all these years, covered with drool. Grimacing, she flushed and put it gently to one side.

One heck of an odd night, that. Could have sworn someone was watching me.

Yawning again, Kim slid herself out of her sheets and padded across to her bathroom. Slipping inside, she yawned and turned on the water. Hot water hissed into the cubicle and she sighed with want at the sight.

Pulling the cubicle door open, she stepped inside and moaned as the hot water slashed across her bare skin. Oh, that’s right… feels great!

Sighing, Kim pulled the shower gel into the cubicle and lathered herself slowly. It had been a gift from Monique when she had been given the manager’s job at Club Banana. One of the top brands and she inhaled the rich, fruity aroma greedily.

As it assailed her, Kim leaned against the warm tile of the shower cubicle and sighed. I could get used to this. A nice day to look forward to. No action… Wades made this an official ‘Do not disturb Kim Possible’ day on the website. Maybe … if I quit I can have days like this all the time…

That thought lodged in her head, Kim washed the foam from her body and stepped out, grabbing a towel and scrubbing her copper red hair gently. As the towel slid down her body, drying her wet skin, she winced.

Goddamn bruises. Thanks Shego.

Drying her skin less vigorously, Kim wandered back into her room and threw the towel into the corner. She wasn’t usually so messy, but today… today she could cut herself some slack.

Nineteen… finally! Only two more years to go before I can drink. A smile slid across her face. Wonder what mom would think if she knew I was thinking that…

Kim grinned and began to sort though her clothes. Pink… no. How about a nice light blue. Yeah… and jeans I think today. Nineteen and ready to rock!

Grinning at the choice of a light blue T-shirt with silver scrollwork and a pair of dark black jeans, Kim wriggled into the clothes as quickly as she could. As she slid the zip snugly against the band of the jeans and smoothed down the fabric of the T-shirt, she heard her mother’s voice.

“Kim, come on! Birthday girl waffles on the table right now!”

“Oh… so cool!” She whispered, grinning at her mirror image as she smoothed her hair. “Now all I need is Ron, Mon and Wade… and we’ll paint the town red!”

Laughing, Kim opened the door to her room and ran gracefully downstairs. To her surprised delight, Ron had already arrived. A huge present, wrapped in silver sat next to him as he tucked into a huge stack of waffles, dripping with syrup.

“Morning, sleepyhead.” Kim’s mother leaned across and handed Ron a mug of coffee, while her friend grinned and waved a fork. “Waffles, pancakes… cereal?”

“How can you even ask me? Waffles mom, and keep them coming too.” Her mother laughed and turned to the stove. “I worked up quite an appetite last night fighting Drakken… Shego was really on form.”

“Yeah… Drakken too. He seemed pumped.” Ron managed, swallowing his waffle. “Come to think about it, they both seemed pumped. Maybe they missed you.”

Kim rolled her eyes as Ron grinned and shook her head. “Ron, come on! When was the last time you saw Shego pleased to see me? Or Drakken… or any of that mad bunch?”

“Suppose so, but Shego seemed pleased. She was grinning.”

“Yeah maybe she…” Kim broke off as Rufus jumped out of Ron’s pocket and began to drag a waffle across the table. Deftly, Kim snagged it with a fork and grinned at the hairless molerat. “Not so fast, oh hairless bandit. Use a plate!”

“No fair! Waffles!” Rufus complained, squeaking as Kim shook her head and shoved a plate under it. He ran across to the bottles in the middle of the table and gripped one tightly, squeaking with delight. “Syrup… uh huh!”

“Here, eat up.” Kim’s mother gently placed a stack of waffles in front of her daughter and kissed her forehead, smiling. “Happy birthday Kimmy.”

“Yeah!” Ron grinned, patting the huge box next to him. “Happy birthday KP!

Kim flushed and reached for the bowl of strawberries and clotted cream. “Thanks mom, Ron.” She glanced round. “Where’re the tweebs? Come to that, where’s Dad?”

“Your Father had something crop up at work, but he wanted you to know he’s swore to be back in an hour. If he misses it, I have permission to demand he come home and if he doesn’t… he’ll be taking you wherever you want to go tomorrow for your delayed present. Good enough?”

“Yeah… and the tweebs?” Kim asked, spooning the cream onto the waffles. “Please tell me they’re not…”

“I’m afraid they are, Kimmy.” Her mother smiled and sat down with her own coffee, watching with mild amusement as Ron mowed his way through his breakfast. “Something about needing to check on a few things before the big reveal.”

“Oh god…” Kim choked. The fingers that were placing strawberries on her waffles flinched. “Mom… you have to stop them… please.”

Her mother smiled. “It won’t be that bad.”

“You have no idea…” Kim managed, cutting into her waffle and watching as Ron nodded slightly in agreement. “See, even Ron agrees.”

“Ron, you have something to add?” Her mother asked, raising an eyebrow. “Please, do share.”

“Um, nothing Mrs P.” Ron managed, choking and glaring at Kim. Her friend winked cheekily and he sighed. “Nothing at all.”

“Good.” Mrs Possible smiled and leaned forwards to catch his eye. “I need to get ready for the party later. Why don’t you take Kim out somewhere later on… maybe treat her to lunch?”

Ron grinned and winked. “Not a problem Mrs P. Oh, by the way, I wanted to tell you I took care of that little thing you asked me to do. The molerat is en route as we speak”

Kim watched as her mother smiled and she frowned. “Okay, lets knock off the lame spy speak. What are you two talking about?”

“Nothing that you need to worry about, Kimmie.” Mrs Possible winked at Ron. “Nothing at all.”

“Fiiiine… So not the drama!” Kim managed, annoyed. “By the way Ron, is that mine?”

Ron grinned. “Is what yours?” he glanced around and then jumped at the sight of the package next to him. Kim sighed and rolled her eyes, even as her mother grinned and slid to her feet, walking to the sink. “Well, yeah… but you’re not to open it. That’s for the party later. Right now, all I can say is happy birthday KP!”

Kim grinned. “Thanks Ron.” Kim sighed “Nineteen… I have a lot of choices to make.”

“Sure, like which college to go to!” Ron agreed. “Mind you, which ever you choose, we’ll still be close enough to hook up and fight crime, yeah?”

“Um, yeah…” Kim managed, flushing. “Yeah… always.”

“KP, you okay?” Rona asked, frowning.

“I’m fine Ron…” Kim breathed in deeply. Today was her birthday and matters like that giving up being a hero could be dealt with the next day. “Come on, let’s finish breakfast and then you and I can watch some TV. Sound good?”

Ron grinned and Rufus squeaked in delight, whiskers coated in syrup “Yay!”

Laughing, Kim tucked into her waffles once more. “Nothing’s going to spoil today, Ron. Nothing.”

Drakkens Lab: 945AM.

Shego strode into the lair, boots squeaking on the cold flooring as she yawned and stretched.

The appeal of microwaved coffee back at her own hideout had been unappealing. So had breakfast, when she’d realised that she had run out of cereal and the only thing avaliable were what had been in the fridge. Call her crazy, but a microwaved burrito sounded… odd for breakfast.

Coffee, check on Dr D, maybe some breakfast if he’s not in ranting mode. Maybe I can actually get through the day without snarling at him. Hell, if this new lair of his is as cool as he keeps saying, maybe I can be nice later on today… Especially if I have a jacuzzi in my room.

Turning the corner, a smile playing over her dark lips, she frowned at the corridor in front of her. Usually there were four guards at the end of it. There had been last night. Now… now they were missing?

Okay, so the lair had been abandoned and almost all of Drakken’s men were busy with the new lair. But she’d assigned enough of them to have Drakken guarded twenty-four hours a day. Their absence worried her and she increased her pace. Maybe they were in the cafeteria

“Doc?” Shego called. “Doctor D, you there?”

Silence… except for the sound of the air conditioning system as it coughed quietly. Shego frowned and her hands burst into flame. Looking left and right into the half abandoned rooms of the lair, Shego walked quickly forwards, a feeling of unease slipping into her.

Damn it, all I wanted was to come to work, get a cup of coffee and see the new lair. Was that too much to ask? She paused and glanced into the cafeteria. Nobody… dead silence. Huffing, she placed her hands on her hips.

“What the hell is going on?”

Even more unnerved, when nobody answered her, Shego crept forward. The huge doors to the main lab were closed and she frowned. Drakken usually kept them open, god knew why. Shego had often yelled at him about security, about how easy it would be for Possible to break in. Drakken had shrugged.

“I’m a people person Shego.”

Now, with them closed, Shego’s worry spiked. The situation worried her… worried her so much she slid along the corridor and silently typed in her password and number sequence.

The huge doors creaked open with a puff of hydraulic steam and she rolled into the room, hands blazing. “Doctor D?”

The room was empty except for the machines that Drakken had been creating when Possible had stormed the place. Almost all of them were only half finished, except for one. The one that Drakken had been excitedly poring over before Shego had left.

Now, as she stood up, glancing around, Shego noticed the completed system and frowned.

So he finished building his protein doo-thingy. So, if that’s the case, where is he. Why isn’t he gloating over it… and whining at me that I never pay attention. Where, is he?

Shego jumped slightly as a door to one side of the main lab hissed open. She turned, rolling and her hands crafted a ball of plasma as she did so. “Freeze!”

The doorway remained open, but nobody stepped through and Shego frowned. That door, if she could remember rightly, led to Drakken’s private office. Maybe he was fine and had sent the guards on to the new lair before she came in. Maybe he was cross with her because she was late. Not that she minded personally. A threat or bribe would calm him down, always did.

Standing, hands snuffing the plasma, Shego strode across to the open door and carefully leaned in. “Doctor D?”

“Come in Shego… we have much to talk about.”

Drakken’s voice was subdued… quiet. Shego frowned and slid into the office. As she walked in, the door hissed shut. She flinched at how closely it had almost caught her hair and she frowned.

“Doc, is this about me going off early? Cause if so, I don’t care… I had things to do and…”

She paused and felt her skin creep as a sound echoed past her.

“Yin and Yang, Kim… Bzzzt… Yin and Yang, Kim.”

Drakken’s office had a huge plasma screen on one side of the wall, next to a huge bay window, and right now it was on. The picture was of her… in the rain… and at Possible’s. She blanched. How had he… who had…

“Dr… Dr. D?

“Yin and Yang Kim.” The screen whispered again. Shego flinched as Drakken, his chair turned away from her, reached out a hand and the screen blurred forwards. “I… I’ve never found anyone like you before. Dying like that would have been stupid. As would dying by my hand.”

Shego stepped back, eyes darting into the corners of the room, but it was empty. She glanced back at the single occupied chair and wondered if Drakken had finally lost it totally. Suddenly, his voice rang out.

“Tell me again how Possible survived at Duotronics. Or how about that disintegration ray… or the mind swap… Or that time we all fell ill and you were the only one who fought her for Ray X.” Drakken’s voice increased in pitch and Shego felt guilt rip into her, shocking her to the core. “I trusted you… I trustedyou with all my plans!”

The chair span and Drakken stared at her, his blue face incandescent, eyes blazing. “I trusted you and there you were, whoring with the damnwoman! My enemy!”

“Doc, it wasn’t like that… I never told her anything!” Shego managed, trying for anger, but finding only a desperate whimper. “It’s my job not to tell her! Besides… I’ve never been like that with her!”

“Then why this?” Drakken asked her, almost pleaded with her. “Why have I had to find this out by myself? Why are you flirtingwith her… how long has this been going on for?”

“Nothing’s been going on!” Shego snapped. “Okay, so I like her… but I…”

Shego broke off as Drakken slid to his feet and stalked towards her. For the first time ever, She backed away, trying to look obedient. “You… betrayed me!”

“No I…”

“Silence!” Drakken hissed his fingers tensing. Even though he knew he would end up a smear on the floor if he tried, Drakken wanted to strike her across the face. Across her lying, two faced cheek. “Why should I believe you?”


“Now that I come to think of it, it all makes so much sense to me. Not one project has come to fruition since you joined me. Not one! The only time I came close to winning,” Drakken held out a finger and thumb. “The only time, it was when you couldn’t work it out! When I used you to make sure she couldn’t. As soon as I let you in on the secret, up pops Possible!”

“I have not betrayed you!” Shego tried. “If I did, why am I always sent to prison too?”

“How come you always break out?” Drakken countered. “Then I pay you to get me out… and the cycle begins again. Is that how it works Shego? Is it?”

Shego took another step back as Drakken walked round the desk. Her hands burst into flame and he stopped. “No… I’m trying to tell you that’s not what happens! Doc, I have never betrayed you… ever! If I had betrayed you, why aren’t you a smear of plasma right now?”

“Ever?” Drakken managed, calming slightly. “What about that?”

Drakken pointed at the screen and Shego blanched. “That was… taken out of context.”

It did not have the desired effect she had hoped for. Her boss snarled. “So, it is a real recording. You did go there!”

“I… I…” Shego glanced around the empty room. “Yes… yes I did. I respect her and…”

“What about this then?” Drakken stormed across to his desk and Shego felt ice trickle into her veins as he picked up her diary. “Is this real?”

“How did you…” Shego began, but Drakken flicked the pages and hissed out the entry.

“ Fourteenth of October. I had the same dream again. Kim was incredible, the way she kissed me as we lay together on the beach. The smell of her hair was intoxicating and I couldn’t help but run my hands through her hair.

“God, why am I still working for Drakken when I could be with her? Maybe I can persuade her someway… after all, I’ve got enough money stored up to quit.”

Shego stared as her boss slammed the book closed. “Real?”

“Yes… but. Look Drakken.” Shego slid along the wall, realising the position she was in. “I… she… nothing’s happened. I’m still your employee. I haven’t told her anything. Anything at all!”

“You lied… you lied to me. I can’t trust you… I shouldn’t have trusted you ever since I met you. You have always been dismissive of my plans… ignoring me. Baiting me!” Drakken turned to her once more and his eyes bored into her. “You…bitch!”

Shego felt her head jerk at the sound of his voice. Even as she tried to sort out the feelings of guilt, anger, fear and apprehension, Drakken walked across to the chair and hit a button. With a snap, the doors on the other side of the room slid open and Shego hissed in horror.

“Kara! Kara Fang… you manipulative bitch! This is your work… isn’t it!”

“Hello Shego.” Kara, calmly walking into the room with her squad of Ninja’s, now enhanced with a group of Drakken’s Sythdrones, smiled at her. “Long time no see.”

Drakken glanced at them. “You were right about her… about everything. She admitted it to my face.”

Shego stared at her boss in horror. “Doctor D… what has she told you?”

“The truth, Shego.” Kara smiled. “I always knew you couldn’t be trusted by any mastermind who employed you. Especially when you cheated me out of the Fox’s tuition.”

“Is this what that’s about?” Shego replied as her hands burst into flame again, making the Ninja’s and drones that had been approaching her back away. “A petty little disagreement between you and me, and you try to steal my employer!”

“Not steal… tell him the truth about you. I just wanted to help him actually win. I want… in simple words, you and Possible to work for me… for us!” Kara grinned cruelly. “Dr Drakken agrees with me. Your talent is far too rare to be disposed of. So, we have another idea for you. The same goes for possible, she is even rarer than you… a true hero with the skills required to match.”

Shego glanced to the right, and a bolt of Plasma slammed into a Synth-drone that had been sneaking up on her from the wall. She smiled at Kara as the young woman broke off and her blue eyes flashed.

“Sorry Kara… You always did go on!”

Kara growled and held a finger in the air. Her Ninja’s spread out, blades being drawn from scabbards as they did so. Shego crouched, ready to spring.

“You will pay for that Shego…” Kara hissed. “You will pay for all the shame I felt when you cheated during our tests. You will pay for having to make me beg and crawl to find work! Now, now that I am a leader in the Blood Jade, you will be my bitch! You will worship my feet and I will make you do my bidding… even the one fucking thing you always claimed you never could bring yourself to do.”

Drakken stood next to her. “Ms Fang was most interested in my mind control chip. Especially about the effect it had on you.” Drakken reached up and placed a hand on his eye in remembrance of the beating he had taken from her. “Did I tell you that when you beat me to a pulp, I swore to have revenge one day? I was that angry with you?”

Shego slid along the wall and the group of Ninja’s and Synth drones followed her. “You took away my freedom Drakken, what did you expect?”

“Your obedience as a sidekick!” Drakken ranted, even as Kara drew a shining bladed star from her belt. “So, after I recovered, I began work secretly on a little project… just for you. I never finished it because things became so busy. But it’s still there… hidden on my computer.”

Shego felt her ice chill. “What does it do?”

Drakken grinned. “I intend to show you. I never did actually use it, because I felt we were a family in a way.” His grin faded. “But that was a lie… you lied to me. You used me, so I intend to show you a very important fact Shego.”

“And that is?” Shego asked, eyes narrowing as a Ninja came into striking range.

“I don’t like being used!” Drakken announced. He pointed at her. “Take her alive… she will suffer for every indecency I’ve had to put up with!”

Drakken’s Synth-Drones nodded and Shego cursed as the Ninja she faced off against inclined his head and a quiet voice slid from the mask. “Mistress Fang? Orders?”

Kara smiled cruelly. “As Drakken San says… alive and in one piece. I too wish to see Project Pareo Servus in action.”

Nodding, the Ninja attacked Shego. The young cat suited woman had enough time to backflip away from his seeking hands and spin in a roundhouse kick that snapped his head round.

The Ninja crumpled, only for a Synth drone to take his place. Shego didn’t hold back and a blazing fist slammed into his side, while a foot lashed out to catch another Ninja in his chest, making his fall back, groaning in pain.

Shego back flipped onto the table, watching another Ninja slip in the wet slime pouring from the hole she had smashed into the Synth-drone. A third Ninja threw a bladed star at her and she ducked, feeling it clip her hair. A single strand fell to the floor and Shego snarled, returning the star with a plasma ball that picked up the Ninja and slammed him flat against the wall on the other side of the room. He crumpled.

“Stop messing around and get her!” Drakken screeched, reaching into his tunic and pulling out a remote control. With a press, huge shutters slammed over the window and Shego growled. “No escape Shego… not today.”

Shego dodged another thrown star and kicked at the head of a Synth Drone as grabbed her leg. “Doc… you really are dumb sometimes.”

Even as the last word left her lips, Shego let out a cry of pain as a third throwing star slashed across her shoulder, cutting it deeply. She snarled, a bolt of plasma shooting towards the area where it had been thrown. To her shock, Kara stepped to one side quickly and let it pass her, drawing another star from her belt.

“What happened to you preferring hand to hand?” Shego managed, feeling her blood trickle down her skin in a slow rivulet. “Get tired of having your ass kicked?”

Kara smiled. “No… not really. But these I kept just for you.”

She held the second star gently and tilted her head. “You know I can hit you with this… don’t you.”

Shego stepped back gently. “Yeah… that’s your power, Kara… But mines still better.”

Drakken glanced at Kara and frowned. “What?”

“She never misses a target, Doctor Blue.” Shego replied, wishing her voice could hold more venom against her former employer. “Almost has a uncanny knack to always hit her target… standing still or running… doing anything to be honest. I told you back then, Kara, that fighting hand to hand was dumb. Glad to see you took my advice. But don’t go up against me sweetie, I’ll burn that star to a speck of molten metal before it reaches me.”

“You think?” Kara smiled and threw the star with a flick of her wrist. It buzzed towards Shego’s stomach and the young woman lashed out with a ball of plasma. It hit the spinning star, and the tiny buzzing piece of bladed metal glowed white-hot as it shot through it.

To Shego’s horror, it did not melt and slashed her stomach with its hot blades, melting the fabric across her stomach and leaving a cauterised would across her stomach muscles. The young woman hissed and backed away.

“Oh dear. Did that come as a shock Shego?” Kara smiled. “I have been planning this for years.”

“Maybe. But, as much as I want to stay and let you perform whatever weird thing Drakken has planned, I’ve got to go. See you later, Kara…bye, blue boy!”

Shego turned to the window and held out her hands. A huge ball of plasma, so large it dripped green flame onto the floor, appeared in her hands and she shot it towards the window.

The blast as it hit the glass and shattered it, only to slam into the metal and begin to melt it, caused the people in the small room to stagger back from the explosive force. Shego and the drone that had been creeping up on her were blown off the desk and onto the floor. Drakken and Kara slammed against the wall on the other side, winded.

Staggering to her feet, Shego ran for the damaged window and leaped through it. She was almost free of the room when a fourth star flashed after her and buried itself into her back. Shego screamed, but managed to drop onto the ledge just under the window and staggered down the wall, leaping and climbing in desperation as she did so.

Kara and Drakken ran to the window and the young woman cursed, while Drakken’s face twisted with a conflicted look. His new partner turned to him and cocked her head. “Well?”

“I can lock her out of the jet… or maybe trigger the self destruct. But she’ll come back.”

“Come back? She knows she can’t win… not with all of us here…” Kara watched as the tiny green and black checked figure landed in the distance and staggered off towards the forest. “I got her with my star as well. She’d have to be mad to attack us.”

“She may not be alone when she comes back…” Drakken murmured, eyes wide. “If what you told me is true, Possible will come with her and try to end this union before it has a chance to get started.”

Kara frowned. Would Possible come anyway? It was highly likely and she happened to agree with Drakken. She wanted Kim possible so badly, but in order to do that, she needed someone specific. That someone was now running as fast as her legs could carry her away from this lair… and she had only a few places to turn to. Kara smiled.

“Drakken San… I need you to help me access the local database that all your friends and enemies in the Villain profession use.”

Drakken looked at her and then shrugged. “Certainly, may I ask why?”

Kara smiled at him. “She has a few places to turn to, other than Possible. We shall deny that to her. The last thing we need is for her to team up with your arch nemesis, Dr Dementor… yes?”

Drakken nodded. “True.” He paused and then sighed, glancing at the still frozen image of Shego’s betrayal. “I still can’t quite believe it… how could I miss it?”

Because, though you are a genius at technology, you are an idiot in every other field?

“It is always hard, Drakken San.” Kara sighed dramatically. “At least, with her under our control, Shego will be of use to us… as will Kim Possible San.”

“I suppose so.” Drakken nodded and then shrugged. “We’d better leave this place. I bet Shego will be back with Possible in a few hours. We’d better clear out to my new lair. Shego doesn’t know where it is yet… I had it built while she was away so that I could surprise her with her new quarters. I spared no expense you know.” He finished bitterly.

“I am sure… but first we must quickly sort out any other way for her to find safety. Come Drakken San, this is a start of a beautiful new business relationship for both of us.”

Shegos’ Shi Jet- one hour later.

Staggering and whimpering in agony, Shego staggered through the undergrowth towards the place she had put the jet down. Thank god the main hanger had rejected entry earlier this morning… probably due to Drakken secretly shutting her out of the system when he swallowed Kara’s lies.

Shego paused for breath and felt sick. Kara Fang… fuck! How long had it been since she’d literally stepped on her head to jump into villainy? The bitch had always been vindictive, but so had she… Now, now she was in trouble. Without Doctor D on her side she could be in a jam. If Drakken spread the word she couldn’t be trusted, where would she find work?

Worse, if Drakken passed on the word that she was in love with Kim possible, no matter how wrong he was with that one, then she would have the entire Villain community after her. Not just over the betrayal aspect, but also to try and pull any information on Kim’s weaknesses that they would think she had.

The pain in her lower shoulder blade, where the star had lodged, was agony. But she couldn’t reach it with her hands. The thought of rubbing against something to dislodge it also was unattractive… she could do more damage that way. Still, from the feeling of blood spilling down her back, she’d have to do something. Maybe when she got to the jet, she could use the toolkit it had. With a pair of pliers, she could reach it and yank it from her skin.

Groaning, Shego staggered forwards and slapped the control on her belt. With shimmer, the Jet appeared in front of her, and she hit the control panel against the cockpit.

Access denied- self-destruct online. Five minutes.

Shego stared as the message flashed in front of her, followed by a countdown. She couldn’t believe it. Drakken had actually locked her out of her own jet. It was hers!

Snarling, Shego slammed her hand against the panel and yanked at the removal key that sprang out from the flush metal. She pulled at it, watching with satisfaction as the panel sprang from the housing, revealing the manual cockpit switch. Her fingers gripped it, and she tugged.

With a hiss, the cockpit opened up… and she staggered across to the ladder that slid slowly out of the recess it had been housed in. I’ll show you Drakken… this is MY jet!

Inside the cockpit, Shego pulled the mainboard of the computer from it’s underslung housing and licked her lips as she fitted a diagnostic panel ripped from under her seat. She attached it to two chips that jutted from the mainboard and hit a switch.

With a chime, the computer system booted, bypassing the main password system and Shego grinned as the computer diagnostic brought up all the internal options available to her. She punched in a code, taken from Drakken’s own computer, she was a thief after all and it had been fun, and the auto destruct flickered onto the screen. Pursing her lips, Shego hit another few buttons and the auto destruct beeped once and vanished.

With an afterthought, she cross wired a few more chips, and the transponder system flickered and died.

Never mess with my jet… cause I know this baby inside and out!

She sighed and leaned back in the seat, only to curse vehemently as the sharp star dug deeper into her skin and flesh. Whimpering, Shego leaned forwards and runnaged in another storage locker next to her feet. Pulling a pair of pliers from the locker, Shego gripped the star and yanked.

With a spurt of bright red blood, that spattered the rear window, the star slid from her body, making Shego cry out and bite her own lip. “F… fuckkkk!”

Breathing deeply, a sick sensation pulling at her composure, Shego gazed at the computer system in front of her and made a decision to try and find help right away.

With a press of a few buttons, Shego accessed the internet, thanks god her jet had the tech to do so, and tapped in a command sequence. She waited as the system communicated with the computer she was trying to contact and then sighed in relief as two familiar faces slid onto the screen.

“Senor Senior Sr.” Shego managed, trying to remain focused on the screen as it wavered in front of her. “I wonder if I could ask you for a favour.”

The old villain leaned forwards and smiled with delight. “Well, well, Shego. How can I help the woman who taught my son so much about being evil?”

Smiling with relief, Shego licked her lips. “Drakken has arranged a deal with a woman who doesn’t like me very much.”

“Dislikes you?” Senor Senior asked, tilting his head. “In what way?”

“Let’s just say, I stepped over her to get where I am today on the ladder, okay?”

“Ah, the worst kind. We all have such things in our villainous pasts, Shego. So, what can I do for you, my dear?”

“Not too much. I just need a place to stay so I can work some things out, send out a few feelers… maybe get Drakken off my back.”

Senor Senior smiled. “Ah, and my island is the perfect place to do that. Drakken would not dare incur my wrath by attacking you here.” The old man paused and a thoughtful expression crossed his face. “Of course you may stay. But I will need to send an escort for you… Drakken will be tenacious, as will this person you stepped on. If I send an escort, they will be less likely to tangle with you on your way here. Is this agreeable?”

Shego nodded, the pain in her shoulder making the screen wobble. “Yes… fine, whatever! I’m sending you co-ordinates for my location. I’ll wait here until I get another call from you. Okay?”

Senor Senior nodded and winked at her. “Not a problem my dear. I have already despatched four of my best pilots to collect you. Once you are here, maybe you can give my son a refresher course as pay back?”

Shego smiled. “I’d be delighted. Look, I have to go… I… I… bye.” As her trembling fingers slapped the button to cut the connection, Shego fell forwards in her seat. She stared mutely at the floor, until a drip of red from her right finger made her blink and stare muzzily at it.

Bleeding… bad… gotta stem the flow.

Painfully, Shego pulled the tiny medical kit from its storage recess and opened it with her bloody hands. She yanked bandages from the tiny box and dressed her wounds as best she could, rounding it off by shooting herself full of morphine.

Groaning as the world swam back into focus, Shego stared numbly at her suit. Another one ruined…

A sudden chime made her jump, until she realised it was her phone. Tucked in her inside pocket, she had forgotten about it completely. Sighing, she pulled it out and flicked it open, cautiusly. It could be Drakken, trying to track her down.


“Shego, listen to me!”

Shego blinked and then smiled. “Junior? Is that you?”

“Yes… now listen to me!” Juniors voice was urgent and Shego frowned at the worry in it. “My father is not going to help you. Not the way you think.”

Shego stared at the phone in horror and then put it to her ear once more. “What?”

“Have you missed the latest posting on the entire villainy network? You’re front page news, everywhere!”

“I am?” Shego managed, fear making her blood run cold and ice tighten over her heart. “Why?”

“Drakken has posted a hundred million dollar bounty on your head… to be paid upon delivery of you, alive and incapacitated.” Junior hissed urgently. “My father thinks that is very good pay, especially when he could do it by plying you with drugs later on today at our home.”

“Oh god…” Shego managed, trying not to panic. “What am I going to do?”

“I have no idea. The only reason I had to warn you is… well.” Shego listened to him cough and she sighed. “I suppose it’s because I owe you, as a teacher. So, get out of there Shego… find somewhere to hide and trust nobody. Okay?”

“Alright.” Shego agreed her stomach quaking. “Junior? Thanks.”

“I owe you Shego, stay safe!” Junior finished before ending the call.

Shego stared at the phone for a second, before throwing it on the floor and powering up the Shi jet. She had to get away before Senor Senior’s damn men got to her. She had to find somewhere safe… where she could plot her revenge… her escape.

She had to go somewhere where she could trust people… she had to find someone who would help her… no matter how impossible it was… no matterhow imposs-

Shego paused and suddenly a moan of horror slipped form her mouth as her mind latched onto one name that fit all her needs.

Kimmy. I have to go to Kimmy and ask for her help…Shego sighed and felt her head bang against the console of her jet. This day has been a total fucking bitch…

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