Second Chances

Chapter 2

Burning Water


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TITLE: Burning Water


DISCLAIMER: Applies to the whole fic, so don’t complain that I don’t repeat it. I just don’t like doing headers every chapter. Kim Possible, and all related characters are property of Disney. Kigo and the premise of belongs to the person who created the idea. I don’t own either one, but I do own the ideas I put into my stories, regardless of how abstract they maybe. Unless they are based off of other people’s ideas, then I’m just being a hack.

Ango Anne/Shego and Anon Anne/Shanon OC who is my idea of what Shego’s mother may have been like are property of me, but feel free to write them if you want. Even if they are creepy ideas.

SUMMARY: Thanks to an accident Shego thinks she's fifteen. Things seem to be taking on a new level of complexity because of it, but is it really the only problem she has?

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: R / DE: 16

Words: 3426

Kim sighed as she stepped off the plane. It was strange to fly commercial, and the seat left her stiff-necked.

She let out a content moan as she stretched. It felt good to have room to walk around again.

“I’m seriously going need to talk to Wade about riding commercial when I get a chance.”

She stopped and groaned as she spotted two men in red jumpsuits holding a cardboard sign that said ‘Posible’.

Stomping up to the she spoke, “Dr. Drakken’s men?”

They nodded.

“Possible has two ‘s’s.” She forced herself not to be annoyed by the confused stares she got. “Look…let’s just get to Drakken’s lair, so I can leave, okay?”

The men nodded and led her out of the airport.

The ride was uneventful, after Kim “convinced” the henchmen that a blindfold was a bad idea.

She found Drakken sleeping in his office, curled up on the desk.

Feeling completely unremorseful Kim shoved him off the desk.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“That,” Kim said with a smirk, “Was for waking me up at three am. Now where’s Shego?”

“Sara…” Drakken offered weakly.


“She says her name is Sara.”

Kim threw her hands in the air, “Fine! Let’s just get this over with so I can go home.”

Drakken nervously led Kim through the halls to a green and black door. It slid open after he punched a set of numbers in on the keypad next to the door.

“I must warn you…She doesn’t know that she’s…well not fifteen, or who she really is…I didn’t want to freak her out….”

Kim snorted, “You mean you didn’t want to get hurt. Alright…I can live with that.”

“So…how’d you clear this with your parents?”

“Easy….I told the truth…I’m having someone over for a few days or so. But enough about my personal life. Where is she?”

Drakken gestured towards a door that was most likely the bedroom, “Feel free to let yourself out. Mike and Jim will drive you back to the airport when you’re ready.”

And with that he was gone.

Kim eyed the room cautiously and noted the pictures of her spread across the walls.

Obsess much? Can’t complain too much…I got three scrap books of pictures now…Guess we both like to make sure we know exactly what we’re up against.

She walked across the carpet to the door that Drakken gestured too, and knocked on it.

No one answered so she pushed it open slowly, and couldn’t help but smirk at sight before her.

Almost like she had been thrown onto the bed lay Shego. Her head hung over one side of the bed and her legs hung off of two other edges of the bed. Her face looked unusually peaceful, which was a change of pace from the snarky smirk that Kim usually saw.

She almost looks innocent. Definitely looks good in a turtle neck…I wonder how long she’s had it?

A soft moan told Kim that it was not the time to analyze Shego’s choice in clothes., or how she looked while asleep. “Sara…? I’m here to pick you up… You know…for a place to stay while you get on your feet or whatever…”

“Oh…minute…” Sara blinked as she tried to get her eyes to focus. “I’m Sara…But you know that I guess…”

“Kim Possible.” Feels weird to introduce myself to someone I know.

Sara rolled off the bed and onto her feet slowly, “Well…I guess we should be goi-” She stopped in mid-sentence as her eyes focused enough to let her see straight. Oh my god…she’s so….whoa….

Kim raised an eyebrow, “You okay Sara? You kind of zoned out on me there.”

Sara shook her head, “Yeah…I’m good. Sorry about that…”

Kim waved about the airport as they stepped out of the airplane, “Welcome to Middleton! And that is the –last- time I fly commercial. Not enough room, not to mention horrible seats.”

Sara nodded and blushed as she realized she was staring at Kim.

Bad Sara! Lesbian tendencies need to stay buried. They only bring problems…

Her thoughts were interrupted as she was pulled to one side.

“Sara…you need to watch where you’re going…you almost walked into that pole!” Kim frowned, the woman she knew as more erratic that the teenager had expected.

Did Shego really change that much from when she was fifteen? And why does she keep staring at me?

Sara’s stomach growled as they walked out of the airport, “Uhh…sorry about that…”

Kim shook her head, “Don’t worry about it…I’m feeling hungry myself. We’ll get something back at my house.”

Bad Sara…no staring at Kim’s cute butt!

“Sara…did you just eep?”

Kim turned and looked back at the flustered woman behind her.

“No…no I didn’t.”

Such a strange woman/girl/ what is Sara exactly? Physically she’s twenty-ish, but she thinks she’s fifteen….Hell…woman sounds better than girl…

Kim wandered around the kitchen trying to find something she could cook safely.

“You want any help?” Sara offered softly.

“If you can cook without burning down the kitchen, yes, please.”

Sara smiled and grabbed an apron, tying it around her waist before pulling her sleeves to her elbows. “How’s spaghetti sound?”

Kim smiled in relief, “Better than the toaster pastries I was looking for. So how do we do this?”

Sara counted off on her fingers, “Well we need spaghetti, sauce, a strainer, a big pot, and a sauce pan.”

Kim looked blankly, “I know where spaghetti and sauce is…but you lost me on the cooking things.”

Sara shook her head, “Alright…I’ll find the pans and a strainer, and you get the spaghetti and sauce.”

Kim nodded and opened up the pantry and began to look for the noodles and sauce in question.

She came back and set them on the counter as Sara finished digging out the strainer, the large pot was already on the stove, water in it and the sauce pan was on the burner next to it.

“Whoa….you work fast.”

Sara smiled, “My mother taught me to be quick in the kitchen. It makes things easier in the long run. So what kind of sauce did you find?”

Kim grabbed the jar and looked at the label, “Garlic and Mushroom. That okay?”

Sara nodded, “Perfect. Now you want to learn how to make spaghetti?”

Kim nodded, “You trust me not to light the water on fire?”

Sara smiled “I’m pretty sure that’s impossible.”

“You’ve never seen me cook.”

Sara was leaning against the counter with tears rolling down her cheeks, holding her sides.

“It’s not that funny…” Kim protested as she checked the noodles.

“You…you set the water on fire…you weren’t kidding….” She collapsed into another laughing fit.

“That was ten minutes ago…besides…I’m doing better now. See? Even the sauce is okay.”

“Uh….Kim…the burner isn’t on for the sauce.”

Kim blushed and turned it onto medium, “There…better?”

Sara nodded as she dried the tears from her eyes, “Just make sure you stir the sauce often or else it’ll burn onto the bottom of the pan.” She set the lid down on pot, setting it at a slant so that a gap existed between the pan and the lid for steam to get out.

Kim nodded, “You did a lot of cooking didn’t you?”

Sara shrugged, “About three times a week. Mom thinks that it is useful that I know to cook so that I can find a good man for myself. She wants me to be a homemaker like her.”

Kim heard the displeasure in the woman’s voice as she poured the spaghetti into the strainer, shaking the noodles free of their extra water, “I take it you don’t like that idea. Can’t blame you…I don’t think I could be a homemaker.”

“It’s not that…I could do it…If it was the right person. I…I just don’t like guys.”

Kim paused her checking of the sauce, “Wait…as in…lesbian don’t like?”

Sara nodded meekly.

Kim let out a sigh of relief, “Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t just jumping to conclusions. That’s cool that you’re honest about it.” I never would have guessed it. Shego liking women? Stranger things have happened I suppose.

Sara blinked as she watched Kim poured the noodles back into the large pot, “You…you’re okay with that?”

Kim nodded, “Why not? It’s the age of sexual exploration after all. It’s getting to the point that almost everyone is at least bisexual or gay instead of straight.”


Kim sipped a little bit of the sauce off of the spoon she was holding. Just a little longer. “I haven’t thought about it really. I suppose I’ll know when I find someone who I like it won’t matter who they are or what gender they are. Though I want to be sure it’s more than a crush before I get too attached or involved.”

Sara nodded, “Makes sense to me.” Dang…That means I got a chance. Wait…what am I thinking? I just met her this morning…and well…she’s cute…smart…and very nice…but…that all puts her out of my league. She sighed and smiled gently as she looked at the food, “You did a good job. Outside of lighting water on fire. Though that’d be a great trick for parties.”

Kim pouted, “It was an accident.”

“So…um…I got a strange question to ask…” Kim played with her noodles as she looked at her plate.

Sara swallowed her mouthful of noodles before answering, “Shoot. Not literally of course.”

Kim smiled weakly, “Wha…What’s it like to be a lesbian?”

Sara was immediately thankful she hadn’t been eating at that exact moment or else she would have choked, “It’s like being anything else I suppose. I just happen to find women attractive.”

“Do you find me attractive?” Kim’s voice was farther away this time, almost hollow.

“Do I what?”

“I’m sorry…that was rude of me…I didn’t think before opening my mouth.”

There was a small awkward silence as Kim shifted in her seat, poking the food in front of her.

“Kim…it’s alright. That’s the first time anyone didn’t regard my sexual orientation with disgust. Curiosity is always better than fear…and I…I’m glad you are curious about things…but I don’t know if I should answer that question.”

“Why…?” Kim looked up from her food, “Are you afraid that I’ll hate you?”

Sara shook her head, “It’s because I’ve known you for less than a day…and I don’t... I don’t know how I feel…okay?”

Kim nodded weakly. “Okay.”

The started eating again in silence.



“Thanks for teaching me how to make spaghetti. That’s the most trust anyone has ever given me in a kitchen.”

Sara smiled, “Best way to learn is trial and error. Besides…when I was learning how to make spaghetti I dropped the pot of hot noodles on my bare foot. Broke two toes.”

“You? I don’t believe someone as graceful as you could be clumsy.”

Sara help up her hands innocently, “It was my awkward years…growth spurts do that to you. I obviously got used to being so tall.”

Kim smiled, “It suits you. Being tall I mean. It makes you look very enchanting.”

Sara smiled, “The green skin makes me look like the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz though.”

Kim shook her head as she sucked in her last noodle through pursed lips, “Not a chance. Remember, good witches are beautiful. Only the wicked ones are ugly. And you are most definitely not ugly.”

“Really now? So…Kim…do you think I’m attractive?”

Kim smirked and got up, “I think you are a beautiful person, green skin and all. But I'm not qualified to answer beyond that.”

Kim washed the dishes and Shego dried, as they cleaned up after their meal. The extra spaghetti and sauce went into separate bowls that got covered and put into the fridge, and they settled down on the couch for television.

As per the unwritten rules of Sunday afternoon television, nothing was on save for sports, and neither one felt like watching professional golf.

“So…what do you want to do?” Kim offered meekly.

“Strip Twister?” Sara offered with a playful grin.

Kim’s face turned a shade of red usually seen in brightly-lit fiery blazes and she looked ready to pass out from shock.

“Easy there…I was kidding…Wow…you’re cute when you blush.”

That made Kim’s blush deepen, “Are you implying I’m not cute normally?”

“No…just saying I like how you look when you blush. It looks extraordinarily cute.”


“Anyways, onto less…awkward conversation…how about a movie….maybe something chick flick-y?’

“You like chick flicks?”

Sara put a finger to her lips, “Don’t tell anyone. They’re a guilty pleasure. Kind of like most women and chocolate.”

Kim smiled, “It’s okay…I know the feeling. Got just the movie too.”

Anne Possible walked in to find her daughter leaning against who she was guessing was a friend…a strangely green friend, and a movie that she recognized as her daughter’s favorite chick flick.

Oh boy…I hope the tissues were completely stock piled…

To her surprise though, not one balled up tissue was anywhere to be found.

Guess we won’t need to restock as much as I thought we would. Smarty Mart is going to be upset that we won’t need our usual monthly order.

She silently snuck off to let the two enjoy their movie. Besides, with the house being only populated by the three of them it meant she could enjoy a relaxing after-work soak in the tub.

Sara smiled as the credits rolled. Kim was right, the movie really was great. She was tempted to get up and start the movie again, but that meant moving a sleeping female. A sleeping female that had her skinny arms wrapped around Sara’s middle.

“Your really lucky you’re so dang cute when you’re asleep.”

“She is…isn’t she?”

Sara nearly jumped at the voice behind her and twisted to see a woman who could easily be Kim’s older sister.

“I’m Kim’s mother, Anne. Sorry to startle you…I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Usually when Kim watches that movie we run out of tissues in the house.”

“I’m Sara…” Sara tried to look casual about the girl gripping her middle.

“ I remember…Kim said she was having a friend stay over for a while. And don’t mind her. She latches onto whatever is close when she’s asleep, and won’t let go until she’s awake.”

“So…I could get up…”

Anne nodded, “And you’d be dragging her as you walked.”

“I think the couch is fine to share then…because I’m not dragging her anywhere.”

Anne nodded in agreement, “So…you cooked dinner? It was great.”

Sara shook her head, “Kim did it…really well after we put fire out.”

Anne tried not to choke, “Fire?”

Sara nodded, “She lit the water for the spaghetti on fire. Despite the fact I’m sure that doing so breaks a few laws of nature, she did it.”

Anne felt relieved, “That’s why she usually doesn’t get to cook. Once she made snowman cookies, and for some reason they went on a rampage in the kitchen. Needless to say cooking has never been her thing. She did really well though from the looks of things.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment because I supervised.”

“I don’t suppose you could teach her to cook while you’re here then? She’s out of high school and save for when she has to save the world she has a lot of free time on her hands. It’d be good for her to know how.”

“Wait…she saves the world?”

Anne nodded, “She’s good at it too.”

Sara eyed the girl snuggled up to her, “I honestly would have never guessed…I’ll do my best to teach her. After all, no one wants to eat rampaging snowman cookies.”

“Thanks…her friend Ron tried once…but he won’t let her in the kitchen after some kind of incident with spontaneously combusting doughnuts.”

Sara raised an eyebrow, “Somehow I think that was a warning for my safety and a humorous story rolled into the same sentence.”

Anne smirked, “Something like that. I’ll get her blanket and pillows so you can get some sleep. No point in keeping you up all night.”

“Thank you Mrs. Possible.”

“Please…call me Anne.” Anne left the room, feeling a little numb. If it wasn’t for the strange skin color I’d say she looks like an ebony haired version of Shanon. She sighed at the thought of the woman she knew in college, the faded memory bringing both a glow of love, and the sorrow of the pain that came with it.

Kim’s eyes shot open when she realized where she was.

It wasn’t really the location, but rather the position that bothered her. I can’t be snuggling her! Arg! Bad sleeping habits! Bad Kim! Bad! She worked carefully to untangle herself from the woman beneath her.

Crap! Can’t get her arms to…get her to let go! Kim sighed in frustration and settled back down on the woman and looked at her.

She really does look cute when she’s sleeping. Innocent, and very beautiful. She didn’t try to correct herself. It was true, plain and simple.

Even if it meant that she was looking at another woman in a light that was different than how she saw women. Much less her arch rival.

Breathe Kim…you can live with the fact that you’re laying on top of Shego…who happens to think she’s fifteen…and happens to be very attractive.

Kim stopped herself in mid-thought.

Bad Kim! Bad! You can’t be thinking things like that about your enemy. Sure…she’s Sara…a fifteen year old who is nice to you…but once Drakken fixes his screw-up she’ll be Shego again.

Kim sighed with a pout.

Figures…I start realizing my sexuality now. Damn it…this would be easier if was Monique I was crushing on…Not Shego/Sara.

Denial is going to be the best route here. No letting myself crush, no letting it become love. Simple as that.

So why does it sound so hard?

Shego let out a soft moan as she woke up and slowly opened her eyes. Kim was lying on her chest and looking into her eyes.

“Morning you little cuddle buddy.”

Kim blushed, “I am not a cuddle buddy.”

Sara frowned, “Sorry…playful teasing…Met your mom last night. Nice lady. She wants me to teach you to cook too.”

“Wait…my mother wants me to be able to cook?”

Sara smiled gently, “I think it’s because she liked how the spaghetti turned out. So what do you say? Omelets?”

“Sounds like a good idea.”

Neither of them moved though.

“Umm…we can’t make breakfast unless we get up…”

Kim smiled, “I know…”

“And we aren’t getting up.”

The smile was sneakier this time, “I know.”

“So why aren’t we getting up?”

Kim’s smile was almost Cheshire in nature, “Because you’re warm, and once we get up we’ll have to deal with the fact that the rest of the house isn’t.”

Sara nodded, “I see your point…make you a deal…we can cuddle under the covers again so you can be all nice and warm…after breakfast.”

“You pwomise?”

“As long as you don’t keep pouting. I’m enjoying the snuggling myself…I’ve…I’ve never gotten a chance to snuggle up with someone before…and it’s nice.” For once it was Sara’s turn to blush.

Kim grinned, “About time you were the embarrassed one…alright I’ll get up.”

Kim sat up then moved off of the woman that lay beneath her and wandered towards the kitchen.

Dang…she really does have a cute butt. No…no crushing on the girl. It’s obvious she’s about as sexually stable as a drunk man in a canoe. And having a broken heart would suck…and if for some reason she actually finds me attractive…well I can’t live here forever…

“You going to help me make sure I don’t burn the kitchen down Sara?”

“Coming!” Why can’t life be perfectly simple? Then again if she was perfectly available she wouldn’t be so dang attractive I guess…forbidden fruit and all that.

Sara sighed as she got up.

Though I think I could live with her not being forbidden fruit…it’d be nice…She’s already kind and accepting of me…and understanding too.

She stopped for a moment and shook her head, shaking the idea from her mind before going into the kitchen.

A/N: And we end a nice overly long chapter. We introduced Kim’s unstable sexuality, attraction on both sides of the equation, along with self-denial as well.

How long can they do it though? How long can they resist what they feel? Will they break down before Drakken finds a solution to Shego’s identity crisis?

Will I stop asking so many questions at the end of chapters?

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