As told by Colin: A Kim Possible drabble

Chapter 2

A Markov

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TITLE: As told by Colin: A Kim Possible drabble

AUTHOR: A Markov

DISCLAIMER: Kim Possible characters and locations are the property of Disney. Colin is Property of Warner Brothers.

SUMMARY: Animaniacs! Kim Possible fusion. A series of drabbles depicting events from the KP Television show as seen through the eyes of Colin and his friend Randy Beaman.

TYPE: Undefinable

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

Words: 99

The small boy emerged from the blue house and walked halfway down the path to the street. He pulled a mouse from his pocket and pet it while he spoke.

“Okay… See… One time… Randy Beaman was in Japan…? and there was this guy in a dress…? and he was throwing seeds on the ground and grass was growing all over everything… But that red haired girl put a dandelion on his nose and turned him into a weed.

'Kay, bye.”

The mouse escaped and ran into the bushes. The boy turned and skipped up the stairs into his house.

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