
Lex 'Spork' Tenou

TITLE: Dreamscape

AUTHOR: Lex 'Spork' Tenou

DISCLAIMER: “Kim Possible” and all derivative characters are property of Disney. All original ideas are distributed under the CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. For more information on the Creative Commons License, visit CreativeCommons.org.

SUMMARY: I wonder what you'd say if you knew I dreamed of you last night.

TYPE: Kim/Shego

RATING: US: PG-13 / DE: 12

NOTE: First and last line personal challenge.

Words: 850

I wonder what you'd say if you knew I dreamed of you last night.

Normally my dreams are mundane. Simple rehashing of my day or fantasy brought to life, like the time I dreamed about the talking werewolf who threw a tea party. Sometimes, rarely, my dreams show me things I'd rather not think of when I'm awake. Like the times I'm shot. Or that one I had where I was raped.

I had problems being around him the next day, that's for sure. I'm still not completely comfortable around him, but I can't really explain why to anyone. It would sound crazy.

Like why I can't fight back like normal today.

Last night, there was a party. Half the people there were in suits, and not all of them were men, just as not all of the people in dresses were women. I mingled among them, greeting and chit-chatting like old friends with people I'd never seen before. I knew them there, though. I swear to God. one of them was Mr. Barkin. He had he nicest evening gown on…

I was in a suit.

It didn't seem weird to me, within the dream, to be dressed like that. It fit me pretty well, actually. I think it was tailored.

After I woke up, of course, it was strange. I'd kind of like to see what I'd look like in a suit now, though. Kind of. I'm not about to, but…

I was talking with a girl in a flapper inspired outfit, complete with the huge strand of pearls, when I saw you. You were in the corner, frowning slightly as you listened to a story that a man in a dress was telling you. His gestures were grandly expressive and a time or two, I was quite worried you were going to be smacked in the face.

Your lipstick was a bright, vibrant shade, offsetting your coloring with it's intensity. It matched the deep shade of the dress you wore. I'm not entirely sure about the exact coloring. It's faded from my memory, and I fear the rest of this will soon follow.

Your dress clung to you in all the right places, accentuating the gentle curve of your hips, the dip of your waist, and the swells of your breasts with perfection. I couldn't help but to stare at you, dumbstruck by the Venus that stood before me.

The woman who was speaking to me took affront to my inattentiveness. My stinging cheek attested to that. I couldn't help it…you're so beautiful.

I can't believe I never noticed before last night. Was I blind?

I had to be. You're too arresting for me to ignore. It's letting you wail on me mercilessly. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow…

The curve of your shoulder under your bodysuit takes me back to when I walked up to you in my dream. I spent a good half-hour screwing up my courage, it felt like. Truthfully, as soon as my cheek was assaulted by the woman I ignored because of you, I strode towards you. As I drew up alongside the animated man in blue who was chattering at you, your eyes flicked over to me.

All the smooth lines that I'd mentally prepared fled me. I'm not about to lie. You floor me - floored me.

“That's why the world needs a plasma cannon!” His finger shook in your general direction and you pushed it aside with mocking distaste.

“The world needs a plasma cannon as much as it needs another megalomaniac controlling its resources.” You slipped around him, your fingers curving over my elbow. “Walk with me.” The gentle words were commanding and I nodded, unwilling to trust my voice.

Within a scant few moments, we were out of range of the animated man. “Thank you. I'm never sure how to tell Drew to be quiet without risking a full blown tantrum.”

I chuckled, a nervous flutter setting up permanent residence in my stomach. “Anytime, pretty lady.”

We paused at the edge of the dance area. A few tables had been pushed aside to allow for a small area, barely large enough for three couples, let alone the six or more that crowded it.

I'm notsure what courage I tapped to ask. “Dance with me?”

A hint of a smile teased at her lips. “Of course.”

Long fingered hands slid over my arms and shoulders, curving around the back of my neck in a warm caress. Dumbly, I stared at you for a long moment, your smile inscrutable.

What's the worst that could happen, I thought to myself, as I leaned down and captured your lips. Sweet elixir of happiness is what I drank from your lips, my body suffused with more joy than I've ever known. The warmth of that single kiss lasted long past my abrupt awakening.

Now I stand opposite you, if your customary outfit, glaring at me with baleful eyes, our reality one of aggression and combative competition.

I wonder what you'd say if you knew I dreamed of you last night.

- end -